/// <summary>Gets the selected input by the given name attribute.
        /// E.g. there may be more than one input element (such as with radios); this is the active one.</summary>
        public Element this[string name] {
                List <Element> allWithName = Element.getElementsByAttribute("name", name);
                if (allWithName.Count == 0)

                if (allWithName.Count == 1)

                // We have more than one. If it's a radio, return the one which is selected.
                // Otherwise, return the last one.

                InputTag tag = ((InputTag)(allWithName[0].Handler));
                if (tag.Type == InputType.Radio)
                    // Which is selected?
                    foreach (Element radio in allWithName)
                        if (((InputTag)(radio.Handler)).Checked)
                return(allWithName[allWithName.Count - 1]);
 /// <summary>Gets all elements with the given attribute. May include this element or any of it's kids.</summary>
 /// <param name="property">The name of the attribute to find. E.g. "id".</param>
 /// <param name="value">Optional. The value that the attribute should be; null for any value.</param>
 /// <returns>A list of all matches.</returns>
 public List <Element> getElementsByAttribute(string property, string value)
     return(html.getElementsByAttribute(property, value));