/// <summary>
        /// Extract the actual counts from the XML.
        /// Set the response _countItemsData object.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessCounts(XElement listXml)
            if (listXml == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("listXml");

            _countItemsData = new CountItemsData
                Folders                = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 2),
                Components             = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 16),
                Schemas                = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 8),
                ComponentTemplates     = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 32),
                PageTemplates          = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 128),
                TemplateBuildingBlocks = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 2048),
                StructureGroups        = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 4),
                Pages      = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 64),
                Categories = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 512),
                Keywords   = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 1024)
		/// <summary>
		/// Extract the actual counts from the XML.
		/// Set the response _countItemsData object.
		/// </summary>
		private void ProcessCounts(XElement listXml)
			if (listXml == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("listXml");

			_countItemsData = new CountItemsData
				Folders = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 2),
				Components = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 16),
				Schemas = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 8),
				ComponentTemplates = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 32),
				PageTemplates = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 128),
				TemplateBuildingBlocks = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 2048),
				StructureGroups = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 4),
				Pages = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 64),
				Categories = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 512),
				Keywords = CountItemsOfType(listXml, 1024)