Exemple #1
        // before we embed we need to check if we have any old shape on the slide. If
        // we have, we need to delete it AFTER the new shape is inserted to preserve
        // the original timeline.
        public void EmbedOnSlide(PowerPointSlide slide, int clickNumber)
            var isOnClick = clickNumber > 0;
            var shapeName = Name;

            if (slide != null)
                // embed new shape using two-turn method. In the first turn, embed the shape, name it to
                // something special to distinguish from the old shape; in the second turn, delete the
                // old shape using timeline invariant deletion, and rename the new shape to the correct
                // name.
                    var audioShape = AudioHelper.InsertAudioFileOnSlide(slide, SaveName);
                    audioShape.Name = "#";

                    if (isOnClick)
                        slide.SetShapeAsClickTriggered(audioShape, clickNumber, MsoAnimEffect.msoAnimEffectMediaPlay);

                    // delete old shape

                    audioShape.Name = shapeName;
                catch (COMException)
                    // Adding the file failed for one reason or another - probably cancelled by the user.
                MessageBox.Show("Slide selection error");
 private static void RemoveCaptionsFromSlide(PowerPointSlide slide)
     if (slide != null)
         slide.DeleteShapesWithPrefixTimelineInvariant("PowerPointLabs Caption ");