Exemple #1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _CASH = false;
                if (txtCash.Text != "")
                    DataTable dt = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT IFNULL(SUBSTR(MAX(creditNo), 1,6)||SUBSTR('0000'||(SUBSTR(MAX(creditNo), 7, 4)+1), -4, 4), SUBSTR(STRFTIME('%Y%m{0}D'), 3)||'0001') creditNo
                    FROM CreditCustomer
                    WHERE SUBSTR(creditNo, 1, 4) = SUBSTR(STRFTIME('%Y%m'), 3, 4)
                    AND SUBSTR(creditNo, 5, 1) = '{0}'", Param.DevicePrefix));
                    var CreditNo = dt.Rows[0]["creditNo"].ToString();

                    if (txtCash.Text == "0")
                        if (Param.SelectCustomerId == "000000")
                            MessageBox.Show("กรุณาตรวจสอบจำนวนเงินที่รับ\nหรือข้อมูลลูกค้าให้ถูกต้อง", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                            if (MessageBox.Show("ข้อมูลการขายนี้ จะถูกบันทึกลงข้อมูลลูกหนี้", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
                                FmDueDate frm = new FmDueDate();
                                var result = frm.ShowDialog(this);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Param.Due);

                                    Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO CreditCustomer (shop, creditNo, sellNo, dueDate, sync)  SELECT '{2}','{0}', '{1}', '{3}', 1", CreditNo, _SELL_NO, Param.ShopId, dtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));

                                    _CASH = true;

                        _CASH = true;

                    if (_CASH)
                        dt = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT b.Barcode, b.SellNo, b.SellPrice Price FROM Barcode b WHERE b.sellBy = '{0}'", Param.DeviceID));

                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE Barcode
                        SET SellBy = '{0}', SellDate = STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), SellNo = '{1}', Sync = 1, SellPrice = {2}, Customer = '{3}'
                        WHERE Barcode = '{4}'",
                                Param.UserId, _SELL_NO, dt.Rows[i]["Price"].ToString(), Param.SelectCustomerId,
                                dt.Rows[i]["Barcode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["SellNo"].ToString()));

                            //Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellDetail (SellNo, Product, Barcode, SellPrice, Cost, Sync)
                            //SELECT '{0}', Product, Barcode, SellPrice, Cost, 1 FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}' AND Barcode = '{1}'", _SELL_NO, dt.Rows[i]["Barcode"].ToString()));

                        DataTable dtF = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT SUM(SellPrice) SellPrice, SUM(Cost) Cost, SUM(OperationCost) OP, (SUM(SellPrice) - SUM(Cost) ) Profit FROM (
                            SELECT IFNULL(SUM(SellPrice),0) SellPrice, IFNULL(SUM(Cost),0) Cost, IFNULL(SUM(OperationCost),0) OperationCost FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}') aa", _SELL_NO));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellHeader (SellNo, Profit, TotalPrice, Customer, CustomerSex, CustomerAge, SellDate, SellBy)
                            SELECT '{0}', '{6}','{5}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), '{4}'",
                                _SELL_NO, Param.SelectCustomerId, Param.SelectCustomerSex, Param.SelectCustomerAge, Param.UserId, _TOTAL, dtF.Rows[0]["Profit"].ToString()));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellDetail (SellNo, Product, SellPrice, Cost, Quantity, Sync)
                            SELECT  '{0}' sellNo, Product, SUM(SellPrice) TotalPrice, SUM(Cost) PriceCost, COUNT(*) Amount, 1 FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}' GROUP BY Product,   Product", _SELL_NO));

                        //DataTable dtS = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM SellTemp"));
                        //for (int i = 0; i < dtS.Rows.Count; i++)
                        //    DataTable dtP = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE product = '{0}'", dtS.Rows[i]["Product"].ToString()));
                        //    int Amount = Convert.ToInt32(dtP.Rows[0]["quantity"].ToString()) - Convert.ToInt32(dtS.Rows[i]["Amount"].ToString());

                        //    Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE Product SET Quantity = '{0}', Sync = 1 WHERE Product = '{1}' AND shop = '{2}'", Amount.ToString(), dtS.Rows[i]["Product"].ToString(), Param.ShopId));

                        //Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellHeader (SellNo, Profit, TotalPrice, Customer, CustomerSex, CustomerAge, SellDate, SellBy)
                        //    SELECT '{0}', (SELECT SUM(SellPrice-Cost-OperationCost) FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}'),
                        //    (SELECT SUM(SellPrice) FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}'), '{1}', '{2}', {3}, STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), '{4}'",
                        //        _SELL_NO, Param.SelectCustomerId, Param.SelectCustomerSex, Param.SelectCustomerAge, Param.UserId));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE ChangePrice SET SellNo = '{0}', Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{1}'", _SELL_NO, Param.DeviceID));

                        var cash = int.Parse(txtCash.Text);
                        //var Discount = int.Parse(txtCash.Text);
                        if (((cash + int.Parse(txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text)) >= double.Parse(lblPrice.Text)) || cash == 0)
                            if (cash != 0)
                                Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE SellHeader SET Cash = {0}, PayType = 1, Paid = 1, discountCash = '{2}',  Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{1}'", cash, _SELL_NO, txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text));
                                Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE SellHeader SET Cash = 0, PayType = 0, Paid = 0, discountCash = '{1}', Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{0}'", _SELL_NO, txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text));

                            //Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"DELETE FROM SellTemp"));

                            Param.SelectCustomerId = "000000";
                            Param.SelectCustomerName = "ลูกค้าทั่วไป";
                            Param.SelectCustomerSex = "";
                            Param.SelectCustomerAge = 0;
                            Param.SelectCustomerSellPrice = 0;

                            this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;

                            if (Param.PrintType == "Y")
                                var cnt = int.Parse(Param.PrintCount.ToString());
                                for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
                            else if (Param.PrintType == "A")
                                if (MessageBox.Show("คุณต้องการพิมพ์ใบเสร็จรับเงินหรือไม่ ?", "การพิมพ์", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            MessageBox.Show("กรุณาตรวจสอบจำนวนเงินที่รับมาอีกครั้ง", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    MessageBox.Show("กรุณาตรวจสอบจำนวนเงินที่รับมาอีกครั้ง", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                _CASH = false;

                if (txtCash.Text != "")
                    DataTable dt       = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT IFNULL(SUBSTR(MAX(creditNo), 1,6)||SUBSTR('0000'||(SUBSTR(MAX(creditNo), 7, 4)+1), -4, 4), SUBSTR(STRFTIME('%Y%m{0}D'), 3)||'0001') creditNo
                    FROM CreditCustomer
                    WHERE SUBSTR(creditNo, 1, 4) = SUBSTR(STRFTIME('%Y%m'), 3, 4)
                    AND SUBSTR(creditNo, 5, 1) = '{0}'", Param.DevicePrefix));
                    var       CreditNo = dt.Rows[0]["creditNo"].ToString();

                    if (Param.SelectCustomerId == "000000")
                        if (txtCash.Text == "0")
                            MessageBox.Show("กรุณาตรวจสอบจำนวนเงินที่รับ\nหรือข้อมูลลูกค้าให้ถูกต้อง", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                            _CASH = true;
                        if (txtCash.Text == "0")
                            if (MessageBox.Show("ข้อมูลการขายนี้ จะถูกบันทึกลงข้อมูลลูกหนี้", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.OK)
                                FmDueDate frm    = new FmDueDate();
                                var       result = frm.ShowDialog(this);
                                if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                                    DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Param.Due);

                                    Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO CreditCustomer (shop, creditNo, sellNo, dueDate, sync)  SELECT '{2}','{0}', '{1}', '{3}', 1", CreditNo, _SELL_NO, Param.ShopId, dtime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));

                                    _CASH = true;
                            _CASH = true;

                    if (_CASH)
                        dt = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT b.Barcode, b.SellNo, b.SellPrice Price FROM Barcode b WHERE b.sellBy = '{0}'", Param.DeviceID));

                        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                            Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE Barcode
                        SET SellBy = '{0}', SellDate = STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), SellNo = '{1}', Sync = 1, SellPrice = {2}, Customer = '{3}'
                        WHERE Barcode = '{4}'",
                                                         Param.UserId, _SELL_NO, dt.Rows[i]["Price"].ToString(), Param.SelectCustomerId,
                                                         dt.Rows[i]["Barcode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["SellNo"].ToString()));

                            //Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellDetail (SellNo, Product, Barcode, SellPrice, Cost, Sync)
                            //SELECT '{0}', Product, Barcode, SellPrice, Cost, 1 FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}' AND Barcode = '{1}'", _SELL_NO, dt.Rows[i]["Barcode"].ToString()));

                        DataTable dtF = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT SUM(SellPrice) SellPrice, SUM(Cost) Cost, SUM(OperationCost) OP, (SUM(SellPrice) - SUM(Cost) ) Profit FROM (
                            SELECT IFNULL(SUM(SellPrice),0) SellPrice, IFNULL(SUM(Cost),0) Cost, IFNULL(SUM(OperationCost),0) OperationCost FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}') aa", _SELL_NO));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellHeader (SellNo, Profit, TotalPrice, Customer, CustomerSex, CustomerAge, SellDate, SellBy)
                            SELECT '{0}', '{6}','{5}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), '{4}'",
                                                     _SELL_NO, Param.SelectCustomerId, Param.SelectCustomerSex, Param.SelectCustomerAge, Param.UserId, _TOTAL, dtF.Rows[0]["Profit"].ToString()));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellDetail (SellNo, Product, SellPrice, Cost, Quantity, Sync)
                            SELECT  '{0}' sellNo, Product, SUM(SellPrice) TotalPrice, SUM(Cost) PriceCost, COUNT(*) Amount, 1 FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}' GROUP BY Product,   Product", _SELL_NO));

                        //DataTable dtS = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM SellTemp"));
                        //for (int i = 0; i < dtS.Rows.Count; i++)
                        //    DataTable dtP = Util.DBQuery(string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE product = '{0}'", dtS.Rows[i]["Product"].ToString()));
                        //    int Amount = Convert.ToInt32(dtP.Rows[0]["quantity"].ToString()) - Convert.ToInt32(dtS.Rows[i]["Amount"].ToString());

                        //    Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE Product SET Quantity = '{0}', Sync = 1 WHERE Product = '{1}' AND shop = '{2}'", Amount.ToString(), dtS.Rows[i]["Product"].ToString(), Param.ShopId));

                        //Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"INSERT INTO SellHeader (SellNo, Profit, TotalPrice, Customer, CustomerSex, CustomerAge, SellDate, SellBy)
                        //    SELECT '{0}', (SELECT SUM(SellPrice-Cost-OperationCost) FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}'),
                        //    (SELECT SUM(SellPrice) FROM Barcode WHERE SellNo = '{0}'), '{1}', '{2}', {3}, STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'NOW'), '{4}'",
                        //        _SELL_NO, Param.SelectCustomerId, Param.SelectCustomerSex, Param.SelectCustomerAge, Param.UserId));

                        Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE ChangePrice SET SellNo = '{0}', Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{1}'", _SELL_NO, Param.DeviceID));

                        var cash = int.Parse(txtCash.Text);
                        //var Discount = int.Parse(txtCash.Text);
                        //if (((cash + int.Parse(txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text)) >= double.Parse(lblPrice.Text)) || cash == 0)
                        if (cash != 0)
                            Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE SellHeader SET Cash = {0}, PayType = 1, Paid = 1, discountCash = '{2}', discountPercent = '{3}',  Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{1}'", cash, _SELL_NO, txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text, txtDiscountPer.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountPer.Text));
                            Util.DBExecute(string.Format(@"UPDATE SellHeader SET Cash = 0, PayType = 0, Paid = 0, discountCash = '{1}', discountPercent = '{2}', Sync = 1 WHERE SellNo = '{0}'", _SELL_NO, txtDiscountBath.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountBath.Text, txtDiscountPer.Text == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountPer.Text));

                        Param.SelectCustomerId        = "000000";
                        Param.SelectCustomerName      = "ลูกค้าทั่วไป";
                        Param.SelectCustomerSex       = "";
                        Param.SelectCustomerAge       = 0;
                        Param.SelectCustomerSellPrice = 0;

                        this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;

                        if (Param.PrintType == "Y")
                            var cnt = int.Parse(Param.PrintCount.ToString());
                            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
                        else if (Param.PrintType == "A")
                            if (MessageBox.Show("คุณต้องการพิมพ์ใบเสร็จรับเงินหรือไม่ ?", "การพิมพ์", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    //    MessageBox.Show("กรุณาตรวจสอบจำนวนเงินที่รับมาอีกครั้ง", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    MessageBox.Show("กรุณากรอกจำนวนเงิน", "แจ้งเตือน", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception ex)