Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Dump top level of nodes for processing in another application or debugging
        /// NOTE: Since this only dumps the top level, only the first token of each node will be printed
        /// eg function arguments will have text as their function name, but the arguments won't be present in the output
        /// TODO: print all info in output, alternatively dump allLines structure as JSON or something
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lines"></param>
        /// <param name="subroutineDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="savePath"></param>
        static bool DumpTopLevelNodes(string[] lines, SubroutineDatabase subroutineDatabase, string savePath)
            RenpyScriptBuilder scriptBuilder = new RenpyScriptBuilder();

            bool error = ParseSection(lines, subroutineDatabase, isProgramBlock: true, out List <List <Node> > allLines);

            if (lines.Length != allLines.Count())
                throw new Exception("lines weren't decoded correctly");

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(savePath))
                foreach (var line in allLines)
                    foreach (Node n in line)

Exemple #2
        public LexerTest(string line, SubroutineDatabase subroutineDatabase)
            this.line = line;
            this.subroutineDatabase = subroutineDatabase;
            this.lexemes            = new List <Lexeme>();

            //Console.WriteLine($"Full Line [{line}]");
Exemple #3
        static int Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: First argument of program must be the script to be parsed");
                Console.WriteLine("\nI suggest using this script for testing: https://github.com/07th-mod/umineko-question/raw/master/InDevelopment/ManualUpdates/0.utf");
                Console.WriteLine("\nVisual Studio users can follow these instructions to set program arguments: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/298708/debugging-with-command-line-parameters-in-visual-studio");

            // Read input script
            string inputFilePath = args[0];

            Console.WriteLine($"Processing input file [{inputFilePath}]");
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(inputFilePath);

            // First pass of script is to build the function database
            SubroutineDatabase database = UserFunctionScanner.buildInitialUserList(lines, new SubroutineDatabase());

            // Add predefined functions. If a function already exists, it will be added with an '_' prefix
            PredefinedFunctionInfoLoader.load("function_list.txt", database);

            // Add some extra pre-defined functions
            database["langen"]     = new SubroutineInformation(false);
            database["langjp"]     = new SubroutineInformation(false);
            database["showlangen"] = new SubroutineInformation(false);
            database["showlangjp"] = new SubroutineInformation(false);
            database["langall"]    = new SubroutineInformation(false); //TODO: not sure if this is a real function or a typo. Only occurs once in umineko question script.

            database["endroll"]         = new SubroutineInformation(true);
            database["steamsetachieve"] = new SubroutineInformation(true);
            database["getreadlang"]     = new SubroutineInformation(true);
            database["say"]             = new SubroutineInformation(true);
            database["tachistate"]      = new SubroutineInformation(true);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SubroutineInformation> kvp in database.GetRawDict())
                Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key}: {kvp.Value.hasArguments}");

            bool dumpNodes = true;
            bool error     = true;

            if (dumpNodes)
                string savePath = @"ponscripter_script_nodes.txt";
                error = DumpTopLevelNodes(lines, database, savePath);
                error = CompileScript(lines, database);

            return(error ? -2 : 0);
Exemple #4
        static bool ParseSection(string[] lines, SubroutineDatabase subroutineDatabase, bool isProgramBlock, out List <List <Node> > lines_nodes)
            lines_nodes = new List <List <Node> >();
            bool error = false;

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(errorFileSavePath))
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    string line = lines[i];
                        LexerTest test = new LexerTest(line, subroutineDatabase);
                        Parser      p     = new Parser(test.lexemes, subroutineDatabase);
                        List <Node> nodes = p.Parse();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        List <Node> dummyList = new List <Node>();
                        dummyList.Add(new CommentNode(new Lexeme(LexemeType.COMMENT, "<<<<<< PARSING ERROR >>>>>>")));
                        // If lexing or parsing a line fails, record this line as having an error, then move on
                        writer.WriteLine($"Error on line [{i+1}]: {line}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"Details: {e}");

                        error = true;

            // If any errors were found during lexing/parsing, notify the user
            if (error)
                Console.Error.WriteLine($"ERROR: One or more errors were found! See file {errorFileSavePath} for details");

Exemple #5
        public static void load(string filePath, SubroutineDatabase database)
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
            foreach (string line in lines)
                string[] segments     = line.Split(new char[] { '\0' });
                string   functionName = segments[0];

                if (segments.Length > 2)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Function '{functionName}' has more than one set of arguments - will just use first function definition");

                string firstArgsList = segments[1];

                //If the function is already defined by user, assume it has been overwritten, and prefix an underscore
                string databaseKeyName = database.ContainsKey(functionName) ? $"_{functionName}" : functionName;

                database[databaseKeyName] = decodeArgumentsFromList(functionName, firstArgsList);
Exemple #6
        static bool CompileScript(string[] lines, SubroutineDatabase subroutineDatabase)
#if true
            RenpyScriptBuilder scriptBuilder = new RenpyScriptBuilder();
            TreeWalker         walker        = new TreeWalker(scriptBuilder);

            //CodeBlocks cbs = ReadSegments(lines);

            StringBuilder    simpleWriter   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder    debugBuilder   = new StringBuilder();
            HashSet <string> modified_lines = new HashSet <string>();

            bool error = ParseSection(lines, subroutineDatabase, isProgramBlock: true, out List <List <Node> > allLines);
            if (error)

            if (lines.Length != allLines.Count())
                throw new Exception("lines weren't decoded correctly");

            string debugPath = @"C:\drojf\large_projects\ponscripter_parser\renpy\ponscripty\game\debug.txt";
            string savePath  = @"C:\drojf\large_projects\ponscripter_parser\renpy\ponscripty\game\script.rpy";
            scriptBuilder.SaveFile("prelude.rpy", savePath);

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(savePath))

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(debugPath))
                writer.WriteLine("Unique Modified Lines:");
                foreach (string s in modified_lines)

                writer.WriteLine("Possibly Missed lines:");
            RenpyScriptBuilder scriptBuilder = new RenpyScriptBuilder();
            TreeWalker         walker        = new TreeWalker(scriptBuilder);

            CodeBlocks cbs = ReadSegments(lines);

            StringBuilder    simpleWriter   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder    debugBuilder   = new StringBuilder();
            HashSet <string> modified_lines = new HashSet <string>();

            // Write to Init Region
            foreach (string line in cbs.header)
                AppendSLToForwardSlashAndBlankLine(line, subroutineDatabase, scriptBuilder, walker, simpleWriter, debugBuilder, modified_lines, isProgramBlock: true);

            foreach (string line in cbs.definition)
                AppendSLToForwardSlashAndBlankLine(line, subroutineDatabase, scriptBuilder, walker, simpleWriter, debugBuilder, modified_lines, isProgramBlock: true);

            // Write to Body Region
            foreach (string line in cbs.program)
                AppendSLToForwardSlashAndBlankLine(line, subroutineDatabase, scriptBuilder, walker, simpleWriter, debugBuilder, modified_lines, isProgramBlock: true);

            string debugPath = @"C:\drojf\large_projects\ponscripter_parser\renpy\ponscripty\game\debug.txt";
            string savePath  = @"C:\drojf\large_projects\ponscripter_parser\renpy\ponscripty\game\script.rpy";
            scriptBuilder.SaveFile("prelude.rpy", savePath);

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(savePath))

            using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(debugPath))
                writer.WriteLine("Unique Modified Lines:");
                foreach (string s in modified_lines)

                writer.WriteLine("Possibly Missed lines:");
Exemple #7
 public Parser(List <Lexeme> lexemes, SubroutineDatabase subroutineDatabase)
     this.lexemes            = lexemes;
     this.subroutineDatabase = subroutineDatabase;
        /// <summary>
        /// Scan the entire script for subroutine declarations and definitions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allLines"></param>
        public static SubroutineDatabase buildInitialUserList(string[] allLines, SubroutineDatabase database)
            List <LabelInfo> labels = new List <LabelInfo>();

            //scan for subroutines definitions and labels
            for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++)
                string s = allLines[i];

                Match defsubMatch = defsubRegex.Match(s);
                Match labelMatch  = labelRegex.Match(s);

                if (defsubMatch.Success)
                    //search the script for "defsub ut_mld2" type calls. store each in a hashmap
                    string subName = defsubMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Got sub definition {subName}");

                    if (!database.TryAdd(subName, null))
                        Console.WriteLine($"WARNING: duplicate defsub found for {subName}");
                else if (labelMatch.Success)
                    string labelName = labelMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Got label definition {labelName}");
                    labels.Add(new LabelInfo(labelName, i));

            //iterate starting at the label definition until (worst case) the end of file
            //when a getparam or return is found, the number of parameters is recorded
            SubroutineInformation GetSubroutineInformation(string[] linesToSearch, LabelInfo label)
                for (int i = label.labelLineIndex; i < linesToSearch.Length; i++)
                    string s = linesToSearch[i];

                    Match getParamMatch = getParamRegex.Match(s);
                    Match returnMatch   = returnRegex.Match(s);

                    if (getParamMatch.Success)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{label.labelName} arguments are {getParamMatch.Groups[0].Value} [{s}]");
                        return(new SubroutineInformation(getParamMatch.Groups[0].Value));
                    else if (returnMatch.Success)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{label.labelName} takes no arguments");
                        return(new SubroutineInformation(hasArguments: false));

                //somehow reached end of the document

            //For reach subroutine, determine what arguments (if any) it uses
            //May not work for all cases, but usually getparam is the first call
            //after the label def so use this method for now.
            foreach (LabelInfo label in labels)
                //Only process subroutine definitions, not ordinary labels
                if (!database.InnerTryGetValue(label.labelName, out _))

                Console.WriteLine($"{label.labelName} is a subroutine");

                SubroutineInformation subInfo = GetSubroutineInformation(allLines, label);

                if (subInfo == null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: no return or getparam for subroutine {label.labelName}");
                    database[label.labelName] = subInfo;
