Exemple #1
        public void Continue()
            string trainerPokemons = @"C:\Users\Erdem\source\repos\Pokemon\Pokemon\playerPokemonsSave.csv";
            string wildPokemons    = @"C:\Users\Erdem\source\repos\Pokemon\Pokemon\wildPokemonsSave.csv";
            string storedPokemons  = @"C:\Users\Erdem\source\repos\Pokemon\Pokemon\storedPokemonsSave.csv";

            x.RetrievePokemons(trainerPokemons, Game.trainer.Bag.Pokemons);
            x.RetrievePokemons(wildPokemons, Program.pokemons);
            x.RetrievePokemons(storedPokemons, PokeCenter.StoredPokemons);

            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Erdem\source\repos\Pokemon\Pokemon\inventory.txt");
            Game.trainer.Gold = int.Parse(lines[0]);

            Console.WriteLine("Please, enter your trainer's name: ");
            trainer.Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Potion   potion   = new Potion();
            Pokeball pokeball = new Pokeball();

            for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(lines[1]); i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(lines[2]); i++)

        private void buttonBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool newItem = true;
            int j = 0;

            if (lastListBox == listBoxPokeballs)
                Pokeball aux = new Pokeball(lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1);

                if (FormGame.player.money >= aux.price)
                    FormGame.player.money -= aux.price;
                else return;

                List<Pokeball> tmp = FormGame.player.pokeballs;
                for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Count; ++i)
                    if (tmp[i].type == lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1)
                        j = i;
                        newItem = false;

                if (newItem)
                    tmp.Add(new Pokeball(lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1));
                    tmp[tmp.Count - 1].number = 1;
                else tmp[j].number += 1;
            if(lastListBox == listBoxPotions)
                Potion aux = new Potion(lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1);

                if (FormGame.player.money >= aux.price)
                    FormGame.player.money -= aux.price;
                else return;

                List<Potion> tmp = FormGame.player.potions;
                for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Count; ++i)
                    if (tmp[i].type == lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1)
                        j = i;
                        newItem = false;

                if (newItem)
                    tmp.Add(new Potion(lastListBox.SelectedIndex + 1));
                    tmp[tmp.Count - 1].number = 1;
                else tmp[j].number += 1;

Exemple #3
 public void addPokeball(Pokeball pokeball)
     if (pokeballs.Count < 6)
         Console.WriteLine("Your bag is full!");
Exemple #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Pokemon pikachu  = new Pokemon("Pikachu", "Electric", 35, 10, 55, 40, 90, 190);
            Pokemon magikarp = new Pokemon("Magikarp", "Water", 100, 10, 10, 55, 80, 255);

            while (true)
                Pokeball pokeball = new Pokeball();

                GUI gui = new GUI();
                gui.PokemonAreana(pikachu, magikarp);

Exemple #5
        public void NewGame()
            string path = @"C:\Users\Erdem\source\repos\Pokemon\Pokemon\pokemonDB.csv";

            x.RetrievePokemons(path, Program.pokemons);
            Console.WriteLine("Please, enter your trainer's name: ");
            trainer.Name = Console.ReadLine();

            Potion   potion   = new Potion();
            Pokeball pokeball = new Pokeball();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("Please, choose a Pokemon (1 - Bulbasaur, 2 - Charmander, 3 - Squirtle): ");
            int index = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;

            trainer.Bag.addPokemon(Program.pokemons[index], index);
            Console.WriteLine("You've caught a " + trainer.Bag.Pokemons[0].Name + "!");
Exemple #6
        public static void Shop()
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine($"\nYou've got {Game.trainer.Gold}G!");
                Console.WriteLine("\nWhat do you wanna buy?");
                Console.WriteLine("1 - Potions");
                Console.WriteLine("2 - Pokeballs");
                Console.WriteLine("3 - PC");
                Console.WriteLine("4 - Go back to the PokeCenter");

                string choice = Console.ReadLine();
                if (choice.Equals("1"))
                    Console.WriteLine("\nBuy 1 Potion for 25G? (1 - Yes, 2 - Cancel)");
                    if (Console.ReadLine().Equals("1"))
                        if (Game.trainer.Gold >= 25)
                            Game.trainer.Gold -= 25;
                            Potion potion = new Potion();
                            Console.WriteLine("You don't have enough gold!");
                else if (choice.Equals("2"))
                    Console.WriteLine("\nBuy 1 Pokeball for 25G? (1 - Yes, 2 - Cancel)");
                    if (Console.ReadLine().Equals("1"))
                        if (Game.trainer.Gold >= 25)
                            Game.trainer.Gold -= 25;
                            Pokeball pokeball = new Pokeball();
                            Console.WriteLine("You don't have enough gold!");
                else if (choice.Equals("3"))
                    Console.WriteLine("\nChoose the pokemon that you would like to get: ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < StoredPokemons.Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} - {StoredPokemons[i].Name}");
                    int change1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nChoose the Pokemon that you would like to change: ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < Game.trainer.Bag.Pokemons.Count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} - {Game.trainer.Bag.Pokemons[i].Name}");
                    int change2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;
        private void buttonStartGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (selectedNr < 0)
                labelError.Text = "Select a starter pokemon";

            if (tbName.Text == "")
                labelError.Text = "Select a name for your trainer";

            string[] words = tbName.Text.Split();
            if(words[0] != tbName.Text)
                labelError.Text = "Your name can not contain spaces";

            applicationIsRunning = true;

            Character player = new Character(tbName.Text);

            int pokeNr;

            switch (selectedNr)
                case 0: pokeNr = 1; break;
                case 1: pokeNr = 4; break;
                case 2: pokeNr = 7; break;
                case 3: pokeNr = 152; break;
                case 4: pokeNr = 155; break;
                case 5: pokeNr = 158; break;
                case 6: pokeNr = 252; break;
                case 7: pokeNr = 255; break;
                case 8: pokeNr = 258; break;
                case 9: pokeNr = 387; break;
                case 10: pokeNr = 390; break;
                default: pokeNr = 393; break;

            Pokemons pokemon = new Pokemons(pokeNr, 5);


            // starting pokemon
            pokemon.lovebase = 50;
            pokemon.EarnLove(100, 20, 30);

            // starting items
            Pokeball pball = new Pokeball(1);
            pball.number = 5;

            // starting money
            player.money = 1000;

            // starting food
            player.food = 10;

            new FormGame(player).Show();

        public void StopActionFromTrainer(Character trainer)
            if (trainer.index == 117)
                FormGame.map = new Map(mapNumber, FormGame.OX - 7, FormGame.OY - 6);

            trainerDefeated[trainer.index] = true;

            if(trainer.index >= 118 && trainer.index <= 120)
                LoadTournament(trainer.index - 116);

            if(trainer.index == 121)
                new FormEndGame(1).Show();

            if (trainer.index == 9) // first gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("John the Lumberjack: Aaaaah, not again! I'm surprised. Congratulations! Here, take this badge, you deserve it! Oh, and take this, too. It is a HM: Cut. You can teach your pokemons this move how many times you want. Check your bag.");
                player.TMs.Add(new Attack(15)); // give Cut
                player.badges = 1;

            if (trainer.index == 19) // second gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Desmond: Excellent skills! Here is your badge and a pleasant surprise - TM: Calm Mind. But be careful! You can teach your pokemons a HM how many times you want, but after you teach one a TM, you will lose the TM forever. The Calm Mind should help you approach the Haunted House without fear.");
                player.TMs.Add(new Attack(347)); // give Calm Mind
                player.badges = 2;

            if (trainer.index == 25) // third gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Magic Stan: I guess you can't be a great magician in a small village like this. But you have talent. Here, take HM: Surf. With it you can surf on water and go towards new horizons!");
                player.TMs.Add(new Attack(57)); // give Surf
                player.badges = 3;

            if (trainer.index == 64) // fourth gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Aviana: Oh my God! I was so blinded by power that i didn't notice how polluted our waters were. I should be taking care of these problems right away!");
                player.badges = 4;

            if (trainer.index == 79) // fifth gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Farmer: YOOHOO! What a battle! Take a pair of goggles to go in the desert. Oh, and you should take this TM: Dig. Dig in the desert to find hidden secrets.");
                player.TMs.Add(new Attack(91)); // give Dig
                player.badges = 5;

            if (trainer.index == 93) // sixth gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Isolde: I feel something strange coming from the north.");
                player.badges = 6;

            if (trainer.index == 99) // seventh gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Charles&Clotilde Dubois: Mon dieu! We did not expect that! C'est dommage, you win...");
                player.badges = 7;

            if (trainer.index == 116) // eighth gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Edmund the Wise: Oh, you are gifted. I guess this is your last badge. Take it and become the tournament champion!");
                player.badges = 8;

            if (trainer.index == 103) // fake gym
                mainForm.ShowMessage(player.name + ": Oh, you are the leader of Team Rocket!\nGiovanni: How could a prick interfere with my plans?\n\nYou recovered a Master Ball from Team Rocket!");
                Pokeball pball = new Pokeball(4);
                pball.number = 1;

            if (trainer.index >= 39 && trainer.index <= 43 && trainerDefeated[39] && trainerDefeated[40]
                && trainerDefeated[41] && trainerDefeated[42] && trainerDefeated[43]) // open gates for Lucas the Fighter
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Lucas the Fighter: Hmm, I know you. You beat my older brother, John the Lumberjack. But can you handle my superior strength?");

            if (trainer.index == 38) // Lucas the Fighter
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Lucas the Fighter: What the hell... whatever, you deserve the prize. I will teach your pokemon the best fighting move: Focus Punch. But be careful at its downsides.");
                actionAfterDialog = 3;

            if (trainer.index >= 45 && trainer.index <= 49 && trainerDefeated[45] && trainerDefeated[46]
                && trainerDefeated[47] && trainerDefeated[48] && trainerDefeated[49]) // open gates for Dino Senior
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Dino Senior: Haha, you're a shifty one!");

            if (trainer.index == 44) // Dino Senior
                mainForm.ShowMessage("Dino Senior: Bravos! Take this TM: Draco Meteor. It is a very strong move, but not so many pokemons can learn it.");
                player.TMs.Add(new Attack(434)); // give Draco Meteor

            if (trainer.index >= 54 && trainer.index <= 62) // Get evolution stones from Team Rocket
                EvolutionItem evolitem = new EvolutionItem(trainer.index - 53);
                mainForm.ShowMessage("You recovered " + evolitem.name + " from Team Rocket!");

            if (trainer.index >= 54 && trainer.index <= 62 && trainerDefeated[54] && trainerDefeated[55]
                && trainerDefeated[56] && trainerDefeated[57] && trainerDefeated[58] && trainerDefeated[59]
                && trainerDefeated[60] && trainerDefeated[61] && trainerDefeated[62]) // Team Rocket Squad 1 defeated
                FormGame.map = new Map(mapNumber, FormGame.OX - 7, FormGame.OY - 6);

            if (trainer.index >= 88 && trainer.index <= 92) // Get other evolution items from Team Rocket
                int aux = (trainer.index - 88) * 3;
                EvolutionItem evolitem1 = new EvolutionItem(aux + 10);
                EvolutionItem evolitem2 = new EvolutionItem(aux + 11);
                EvolutionItem evolitem3 = new EvolutionItem(aux + 12);
                mainForm.ShowMessage("You recovered " + evolitem1.name + ", " + evolitem2.name + " and " + evolitem3.name + " from Team Rocket!");

            if (trainer.index >= 88 && trainer.index <= 92 && trainerDefeated[88] && trainerDefeated[89]
               && trainerDefeated[90] && trainerDefeated[91] && trainerDefeated[92]) // Team Rocket Squad 2 defeated
                FormGame.map = new Map(mapNumber, FormGame.OX - 7, FormGame.OY - 6);
        private void timerLoading_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            points = (points + 1) % 4;
            labelLoading.Text = "Loading";
            for (int i = 1; i <= points; ++i) labelLoading.Text += ".";

            if (Resources.resourcesDone)

                applicationIsRunning = true;

                if(newGame) new FormCharacterCreation().Show();
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\game.sav");

                    string line;
                    string[] words;

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();

                    Character player = new Character(words[0]);
                    player.money = Convert.ToInt32(words[1]);
                    player.badges = Convert.ToInt32(words[2]);
                    player.healingcenter = Convert.ToInt32(words[3]);
                    player.food = Convert.ToInt32(words[4]);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int pokeCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for(int i=0;i<pokeCount;++i)
                        line = sr.ReadLine();
                        words = line.Split();
                        Pokemons pokemon = new Pokemons(Convert.ToInt32(words[0]), 1);
                        pokemon.level = Convert.ToInt32(words[1]);

                        pokemon.gender = Convert.ToInt32(words[2]);
                        pokemon.name = words[3] + "";
                        pokemon.lovebase = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[4]);
                        pokemon.EarnLove((float)Convert.ToDouble(words[5]), (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[6]), (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[7]));

                        pokemon.hp = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[8]);
                        pokemon.hpmax = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[9]);
                        pokemon.atk = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[10]);
                        pokemon.def = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[11]);
                        pokemon.spatk = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[12]);
                        pokemon.spdef = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[13]);
                        pokemon.speed = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[14]);

                        pokemon.xp = Convert.ToInt32(words[15]);

                        line = sr.ReadLine();
                        words = line.Split();
                        pokemon.moves = new List<Attack>();
                        int moveCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < moveCount; ++j)
                            Attack move = new Attack(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + j * 2]));
                            move.PP = Convert.ToInt32(words[2 + j * 2]);


                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int pokeLabCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pokeLabCount; ++i)
                        line = sr.ReadLine();
                        words = line.Split();
                        Pokemons pokemon = new Pokemons(Convert.ToInt32(words[0]), 1);
                        pokemon.level = Convert.ToInt32(words[1]);

                        pokemon.gender = Convert.ToInt32(words[2]);
                        pokemon.name = words[3] + "";
                        pokemon.lovebase = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[4]);
                        pokemon.EarnLove((float)Convert.ToDouble(words[5]), (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[6]), (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[7]));

                        pokemon.hp = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[8]);
                        pokemon.hpmax = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[9]);
                        pokemon.atk = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[10]);
                        pokemon.def = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[11]);
                        pokemon.spatk = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[12]);
                        pokemon.spdef = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[13]);
                        pokemon.speed = (float)Convert.ToDouble(words[14]);

                        pokemon.xp = Convert.ToInt32(words[15]);

                        line = sr.ReadLine();
                        words = line.Split();
                        pokemon.moves = new List<Attack>();
                        int moveCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < moveCount; ++j)
                            Attack move = new Attack(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + j * 2]));
                            move.PP = Convert.ToInt32(words[2 + j * 2]);


                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int pokeballCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pokeballCount;++i )
                        Pokeball ball = new Pokeball(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + i * 2]));
                        ball.number = Convert.ToInt32(words[2 + i * 2]);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int potionCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < potionCount; ++i)
                        Potion pot = new Potion(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + i * 2]));
                        pot.number = Convert.ToInt32(words[2 + i * 2]);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int TMCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < TMCount; ++i)
                        player.TMs.Add(new Attack(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + i])));

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    int EvolutionItemsCount = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < EvolutionItemsCount; ++i)
                        player.evolutionItems.Add(new EvolutionItem(Convert.ToInt32(words[1 + i])));

                    FormGame formGame = new FormGame(player);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    FormGame.map = new Map(Convert.ToInt32(words[0]), Convert.ToInt32(words[1]), Convert.ToInt32(words[2]));
                    FormGame.gameTime = Convert.ToInt32(words[3]);
                    Map.lastTimeGym = Convert.ToInt32(words[4]);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 200;++i )
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(words[i]) == 1) Map.trainerDefeated[i] = true;

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    for (int i = 1; i < 494; ++i)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(words[i - 1]) == 1) Map.pokemonDefeated[i] = true;

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    FormPokedex.seen = Convert.ToInt32(words[0]);
                    FormPokedex.owned = Convert.ToInt32(words[1]);

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    for (int i = 1; i < 494; ++i)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(words[i - 1]) == 1)
                            FormPokedex.inPokedex[i] = true;

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    for (int i = 1; i < 494; ++i)
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(words[i - 1]) == 1)
                            FormPokedex.ownedPokemon[i] = true;

                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    words = line.Split();
                    for (int i = 1; i < 494; ++i)
                        string nameString = words[i - 1] + "";
                        if (nameString != "-")
                            FormPokedex.names[i] = nameString;



        private void listBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListBox lb = (ListBox)sender;
            if (lb.SelectedIndex > lb.Items.Count || lb.SelectedIndex < 0) return;

            if (lb == listBoxPokeballs)

                Pokeball tmp = new Pokeball(lb.SelectedIndex + 1);
                tbDescription.Text = tmp.description;
            if (lb == listBoxPotions)

                Potion tmp = new Potion(lb.SelectedIndex + 1);
                tbDescription.Text = tmp.description;

            lastListBox = lb;
        public void ThrowBall(Pokeball ball)
            if (enemyTrainer != null)
                tbHistory.Text = "You can not use a pokeball in a battle with a trainer!\n" + tbHistory.Text;

            pokeball = ball;

            // Master Ball was used
            if (pokeball.type == 4)
                player.usedMasterBall = true;

            // update the numbers of pokeballs
            ball.number -= 1;
            if (ball.number == 0)

            // catch chance formula
            float catchChance = (enemyPokemon.catchrate / 255f)
                * (enemyPokemon.hpmax / enemyPokemon.hp) * 4.5f * ball.chance;

            // pause game
            waitTime = true;

            drawBall = true;
            pokeballPoint = new PointF(430, 70);
            pokeballTimerCount = 0;

            if (rand.Next() % 100 + 1 < catchChance) pokemonWasCaught = true;
            else pokemonWasCaught = false;