public int StateMapping(Battle b)
            //For our state, we consider:
            //      The agent's health quartile
            //      The enemy's health quartile
            //      The enemy's first type
            //      The enemy's second type (note: if enemy has no second type,
            //      The type of move 1
            //      The type of move 2
            //      The type of move 3
            //      The type of move 4
            //With 15 different possibilities for each of these types, our state space's size is:
            //      15^8        = 2 562 890 625        ~= 10^9
            //However, our sample battle will be much simpler
            //      there are only 4 unique enemies (4 possible enemy type combinations)
            //      moves are set in stone, so there is only 1 possible type for each move
            //      thus, our practical state space is much lower than 15^8

            //We will use this information to construct a number that represents the state
            int stateNum  = 0;
            int digitMult = 7;    //15;     //should keep this the same

            //Get the opponent's types
            int agentHealthQuartile              = b.GetAgentHealthQuadrant();
            int opponentHealthQuartile           = b.GetDefenderHealthQuadrant();
            List <PokémonAPI.Type> opponentTypes = b.GetDefenderTypes();
            int opponentTypeIndex1 = (int)opponentTypes[0];
            int opponentTypeIndex2 = opponentTypeIndex1;

            if (opponentTypes.Count > 1)
                opponentTypeIndex2 = (int)opponentTypes[1];
            int move1TypeIndex = (int)b.GetAgentMoves()[0].AttackType;
            int move2TypeIndex = (int)b.GetAgentMoves()[1].AttackType;
            int move3TypeIndex = (int)b.GetAgentMoves()[2].AttackType;
            int move4TypeIndex = (int)b.GetAgentMoves()[3].AttackType;

            //this structure will help us build the number
            int currentNum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                switch (i)
                case (0):
                    currentNum = 0;    //opponentHealthQuartile;

                case (1):
                    currentNum = 0;    //agentHealthQuartile;

                case (2):
                    currentNum = opponentTypeIndex1;

                case (3):
                    currentNum = opponentTypeIndex2;

                case (4):
                    currentNum = move1TypeIndex;

                case (5):
                    currentNum = move2TypeIndex;

                case (6):
                    currentNum = move3TypeIndex;

                case (7):
                    currentNum = move4TypeIndex;

                default: break;

                //Add to the stateNum, multiplied by a certain order of magnitude
                //Console.Write("state aspect " + i + ": " + currentNum + "; ");
                stateNum += (int)(currentNum * Math.Pow(digitMult, (double)i));
 public List <Move> ViableMoves(Battle b)