Exemple #1
        string ReplaceOneMatch(string src, string replacement, List <SearchMatch> matches, int matchIndex)
            if (matches == null || matches.Count == 0)
            SearchMatch match = matches[matchIndex];

            // replace text
            if (isEscaped)
                replacement = Unescape(replacement);
            if (isRegex)
                replacement = ExpandGroups(replacement, match);
            src = src.Substring(0, match.Index) + replacement + src.Substring(match.Index + match.Length);

            // update next matches
            if (matches.Count > matchIndex + 1)
                PadIndexes(matches, matchIndex + 1, match.Value, replacement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the next result based on direction
 /// </summary>
 public void FindNext(Boolean forward, Boolean update, Boolean simple)
     this.currentMatch = null;
     if (update) this.UpdateFindText();
     if (Globals.SciControl == null) return;
     ScintillaControl sci = Globals.SciControl;
     List<SearchMatch> matches = this.GetResults(sci, simple);
     if (matches != null && matches.Count != 0)
         SearchMatch match = FRDialogGenerics.GetNextDocumentMatch(sci, matches, forward, false);
         if (match != null)
             this.currentMatch = match;
             FRDialogGenerics.SelectMatch(sci, match);
             this.lookupIsDirty = false;
         if (this.Visible)
             Int32 index = FRDialogGenerics.GetMatchIndex(match, matches);
             String message = TextHelper.GetString("Info.ShowingResult");
             String formatted = String.Format(message, index, matches.Count);
             this.ShowMessage(formatted, 0);
         if (this.Visible)
             String message = TextHelper.GetString("Info.NoMatchesFound");
             this.ShowMessage(message, 0);
Exemple #3
        /** TODO : needs something like SearchOptions flags to be functional
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Quick search
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
         * /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
         * /// <returns>First result</returns>
         * static public SearchMatch Match(string pattern, string input, SearchOptions options)
         * {
         *  Search search = new Search(pattern);
         *  // eval options
         *  return search.Match(input);
         * }
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Quick search
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
         * /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
         * /// <returns>All results</returns>
         * static public List<SearchMatch> Matches(string pattern, string input, SearchOptions options)
         * {
         *  Search search = new Search(pattern);
         *  // eval options
         *  return search.Matches(input);
         * }
         * /// <summary>
         * /// Quick replace
         * /// </summary>
         * /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
         * /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
         * /// <param name="replacement">Replacement pattern</param>
         * /// <returns></returns>
         * static public string Replace(string pattern, string input, string replacement, SearchOptions options)
         * {
         *  Search search = new Search(pattern);
         *  // eval options
         *  List<SearchMatch> matches = search.Matches(input);
         *  return search.ReplaceAll(input, replacement, matches);
         * }


        #region Public Replace Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Replace one search result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
        /// <param name="replacement">Replacement pattern</param>
        /// <param name="match">Search result to replace</param>
        /// <returns>Updated text</returns>
        public string Replace(string input, string replacement, SearchMatch match)
            List <SearchMatch> matches = new List <SearchMatch>();

            return(ReplaceOneMatch(input, replacement, matches, 0));
 /// <summary>
 /// Selects a search match
 /// </summary>
 public static void SelectMatch(ScintillaControl sci, SearchMatch match)
     Int32 start = sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index); // wchar to byte position
     Int32 end = start + sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value); // wchar to byte text length
     Int32 line = sci.LineFromPosition(start);
     sci.SetSel(start, end);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an index of the search match
 /// </summary>
 public static Int32 GetMatchIndex(SearchMatch match, List<SearchMatch> matches)
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
         if (match == matches[i]) return i + 1;
     return -1;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace regular expressions groups in replacement text
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="escapedText">Text to expand</param>
 /// <param name="match">Search result (for reinjecting groups)</param>
 static public string ExpandGroups(string text, SearchMatch match)
     if (text.IndexOf('$') < 0)
     for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups.Length; i++)
         text = text.Replace("$" + i, match.Groups[i].Value);
Exemple #7
        /** TODO : needs something like SearchOptions flags to be functional
        /// <summary>
        /// Quick search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
        /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
        /// <returns>First result</returns>
        static public SearchMatch Match(string pattern, string input, SearchOptions options)
            Search search = new Search(pattern);
            // eval options
            return search.Match(input);

        /// <summary>
        /// Quick search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
        /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
        /// <returns>All results</returns>
        static public List<SearchMatch> Matches(string pattern, string input, SearchOptions options)
            Search search = new Search(pattern);
            // eval options
            return search.Matches(input);

        /// <summary>
        /// Quick replace
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pattern">Search pattern</param>
        /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
        /// <param name="replacement">Replacement pattern</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public string Replace(string pattern, string input, string replacement, SearchOptions options)
            Search search = new Search(pattern);
            // eval options
            List<SearchMatch> matches = search.Matches(input);
            return search.ReplaceAll(input, replacement, matches);


        #region Public Replace Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Replace one search result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Source text</param>
        /// <param name="replacement">Replacement pattern</param>
        /// <param name="match">Search result to replace</param>
        /// <returns>Updated text</returns>
        public string Replace(string input, string replacement, SearchMatch match)
            List<SearchMatch> matches = new List<SearchMatch>();
            return ReplaceOneMatch(input, replacement, matches, 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks the lookup as dirty
 /// </summary>
 private void LookupChanged(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (this.Visible)
         this.lookupIsDirty = true;
         this.currentMatch = null;
     if (sender == this.matchCaseCheckBox && !Globals.Settings.DisableFindOptionSync)
         Globals.MainForm.SetMatchCase(this, this.matchCaseCheckBox.Checked);
     if (sender == this.wholeWordCheckBox && !Globals.Settings.DisableFindOptionSync)
         Globals.MainForm.SetWholeWord(this, this.wholeWordCheckBox.Checked);
 public static bool IsInsideCommentOrString(SearchMatch match, ScintillaControl sci, bool includeComments, bool includeStrings)
     int style = sci.BaseStyleAt(match.Index);
     return includeComments && IsCommentStyle(style) || includeStrings && IsStringStyle(style);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
        /// </summary
        /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
        public static bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
            if (Sci == null || target == null) return false;
            FileModel targetInFile = null;

            if (target.InFile != null)
                targetInFile = target.InFile;
            else if (target.Member != null && target.InClass == null)
                targetInFile = target.Member.InFile;

            Boolean matchMember = targetInFile != null && target.Member != null;
            Boolean matchType = target.Member == null && target.IsStatic && target.Type != null;
            if (!matchMember && !matchType) return false;

            ASResult result = null;
            // get type at match position
            if (match.Index < Sci.Text.Length) // TODO: find out rare cases of incorrect index reported
                result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
                if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
                    // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
            // check if the result matches the target
            if (result == null || (result.InFile == null && result.Type == null)) return false;
            if (matchMember)
                if (result.Member == null) return false;

                var resultInFile = result.InClass != null ? result.InFile : result.Member.InFile;

                return resultInFile.BasePath == targetInFile.BasePath
                    && resultInFile.FileName == targetInFile.FileName
                    && result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom
                    && result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name;
            else // type
                if (result.Type == null) return false;
                if (result.Type.QualifiedName == target.Type.QualifiedName) return true;
                return false;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the match into the treelistview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        private void TestRegExpMatch_DisplayResults(Match match, Int32 index)
            MyNode item;
            MyNode node;
            Group group;
            SearchMatch s_match;

            if (match.Success)
                item = new MyNode("Group " + index + " Group(0)", match.Index + "-" + (match.Index + match.Length), match.Value);
                item.Spans = new int[] { match.Index, match.Length };

                if (match.Groups.Count > 1)
                    for (int k = 1; k < match.Groups.Count; k++)
                        group = match.Groups[k];
                        node = new MyNode("Group " + index + " Group(" + k + ")", group.Index + "-" + (group.Index + group.Length), group.Value);
                        node.Spans = new int[] { group.Index, group.Length };

                    s_match = new SearchMatch();
                    s_match.Index = match.Index;
                    s_match.Length = match.Length;
                    s_match.Value = match.Value;

                    AddHighlight(this.matchTextSci, s_match);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Selection changed into the treelistview
 /// then hilight the selection into the scintilla control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void matchResultTree_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     MyNode node;
     if (this.matchResultTree.SelectedNode != null)
         if (this.matchResultTree.SelectedNode.Tag != null)
             node = (MyNode)this.matchResultTree.SelectedNode.Tag;
             SearchMatch match = new SearchMatch();
             match.Index = node.Spans[0];
             match.Length = node.Spans[1];
             match.Value = node.Text;
             SelectMatch(this.matchTextSci, match);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Highlight a regexp match group
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sci"></param>
 /// <param name="matches"></param>
 private void AddHighlight(ScintillaControl sci, SearchMatch match)
     Int32 start = sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index); // wchar to byte position
     Int32 end = start + sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value); // wchar to byte text length
     Int32 line = sci.LineFromPosition(start);
     Int32 position = start;
     Int32 es = sci.EndStyled;
     Int32 mask = 1 << sci.StyleBits;
     sci.SetIndicStyle(0, (Int32)ScintillaNet.Enums.IndicatorStyle.Max);
     sci.SetIndicFore(0, 0xff0000);
     sci.StartStyling(position, mask);
     sci.SetStyling(end - start, mask);
     sci.StartStyling(es, mask - 1);
Exemple #14
        private List <SearchMatch> SearchSource(string src, int startIndex, int startLine)
            List <SearchMatch> results = new List <SearchMatch>();

            // raw search results
            if (needParsePattern)
            if (operation == null)
            MatchCollection matches = operation.Matches(src, startIndex);

            if (matches.Count == 0)

            // index sources
            int        len       = src.Length;
            int        pos       = startIndex - 1;
            int        line      = startLine;
            List <int> lineStart = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < startLine; i++)
            char c     = ' ';
            bool hadNL = false;

            int   matchIndex = 0;
            int   matchCount = matches.Count;
            Match match      = matches[0];
            int   nextPos    = match.Index;

            // filters
            bool inComments     = (filter & SearchFilter.InCodeComments) > 0;
            bool outComments    = (filter & SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments) > 0;
            bool filterComments = inComments || outComments;
            int  commentMatch   = 0;
            bool inLiterals     = (filter & SearchFilter.InStringLiterals) > 0;
            bool outLiterals    = (filter & SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals) > 0;
            bool filterLiterals = inLiterals || outLiterals;
            int  literalMatch   = 0;

            while (pos < len - 1)
                c = src[++pos];

                // counting lines
                hadNL = false;
                if (c == '\n')
                    hadNL = true;
                else if (c == '\r')
                    if (pos < len - 1 && src[pos + 1] != '\n')
                        hadNL = true;
                if (hadNL)
                    lineStart.Add(pos + 1);

                // filters
                if (filterComments || filterLiterals)
                    if (literalMatch == 0) // discover comments if not in a literal
                        if (commentMatch == 0)
                            if (c == '/' && pos < len - 1)
                                if (src[pos + 1] == '*')
                                    commentMatch = 1;
                                else if (src[pos + 1] == '/')
                                    commentMatch = 2;
                                    LookupRegex(src, ref pos);
                        else if (commentMatch == 1)
                            if (c == '*' && pos < len - 1 && src[pos + 1] == '/')
                                commentMatch = 0;
                        else if (commentMatch == 2)
                            if (hadNL)
                                commentMatch = 0;
                        if ((inComments && commentMatch == 0) || (outComments && commentMatch > 0))

                    if (commentMatch == 0) // discover literals if not in a comment
                        if (literalMatch == 0)
                            if (c == '"')
                                literalMatch = 1;
                            else if (c == '\'')
                                literalMatch = 2;
                        else if (pos > 1)
                            if (literalMatch == 1)
                                if (src[pos - 1] != '\\' && c == '"')
                                    literalMatch = 0;
                            else if (literalMatch == 2)
                                if (src[pos - 1] != '\\' && c == '\'')
                                    literalMatch = 0;
                        if ((inLiterals && literalMatch == 0) || (outLiterals && literalMatch > 0))

                // wait for next match
                while (pos > nextPos)
                    if (++matchIndex == matchCount)
                        match = null;
                    match   = matches[matchIndex];
                    nextPos = match.Index;
                if (match == null)
                if (pos < nextPos)

                // store match data
                SearchMatch sm = new SearchMatch();
                sm.Index     = match.Index;
                sm.Value     = match.Value;
                sm.Length    = match.Length;
                sm.Line      = line;
                sm.LineStart = sm.LineEnd = lineStart[line - 1];
                sm.Column    = match.Index - sm.LineStart;

                int gcount = match.Groups.Count;
                sm.Groups = new SearchGroup[gcount];
                for (int i = 0; i < gcount; i++)
                    Group group = match.Groups[i];
                    sm.Groups[i] = new SearchGroup(group.Index, group.Length, group.Value);
                if (!returnAllMatches)
            // last line end
            while (pos < len && c != '\r' && c != '\n')
                c = src[pos++];
            if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')

            // extract line texts
            int maxLine = lineStart.Count;

            foreach (SearchMatch sm in results)
                int endIndex = sm.Index + sm.Length;
                int endLine  = sm.Line + 1;
                while (endLine < maxLine && lineStart[endLine - 1] < endIndex)
                sm.LineEnd = lineStart[endLine - 1];
Exemple #15
        private List<SearchMatch> SearchSource(string src, int startIndex, int startLine)
            List<SearchMatch> results = new List<SearchMatch>();

            // raw search results
            if (needParsePattern) BuildRegex(pattern);
            if (operation == null)
                return results;
            MatchCollection matches = operation.Matches(src, startIndex);
            if (matches.Count == 0) 
                return results;

            // index sources
            int len = src.Length;
            int pos = startIndex - 1;
            int line = startLine;
            List<int> lineStart = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < startLine; i++) lineStart.Add(startIndex);
            char c = ' ';
            bool hadNL = false;

            int matchIndex = 0;
            int matchCount = matches.Count;
            Match match = matches[0];
            int nextPos = match.Index;

            // filters
            bool inComments = (filter & SearchFilter.InCodeComments) > 0;
            bool outComments = (filter & SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments) > 0;
            bool filterComments = inComments || outComments;
            int commentMatch = 0;
            bool inLiterals = (filter & SearchFilter.InStringLiterals) > 0;
            bool outLiterals = (filter & SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals) > 0;
            bool filterLiterals = inLiterals || outLiterals;
            int literalMatch = 0;

            while (pos < len - 1)
                c = src[++pos];

                // counting lines
                hadNL = false;
                if (c == '\n')
                    hadNL = true;
                else if (c == '\r')
                    if (pos < len - 1 && src[pos + 1] != '\n')
                        hadNL = true;
                if (hadNL)
                    lineStart.Add(pos + 1);

                // filters
                if (filterComments || filterLiterals)
                    if (literalMatch == 0) // discover comments if not in a literal
                        if (commentMatch == 0)
                            if (c == '/' && pos < len - 1)
                                if (src[pos + 1] == '*') commentMatch = 1;
                                else if (src[pos + 1] == '/') commentMatch = 2;
                                else LookupRegex(src, ref pos);
                        else if (commentMatch == 1)
                            if (c == '*' && pos < len - 1 && src[pos + 1] == '/') commentMatch = 0;
                        else if (commentMatch == 2)
                            if (hadNL) commentMatch = 0;
                        if ((inComments && commentMatch == 0) || (outComments && commentMatch > 0))

                    if (commentMatch == 0) // discover literals if not in a comment
                        if (literalMatch == 0)
                            if (c == '"') literalMatch = 1;
                            else if (c == '\'') literalMatch = 2;
                        else if (pos > 1)
                            if (literalMatch == 1)
                                if (src[pos - 1] != '\\' && c == '"') literalMatch = 0;
                            else if (literalMatch == 2)
                                if (src[pos - 1] != '\\' && c == '\'') literalMatch = 0;
                        if ((inLiterals && literalMatch == 0) || (outLiterals && literalMatch > 0))

                // wait for next match
                while (pos > nextPos)
                    if (++matchIndex == matchCount)
                        match = null;
                    match = matches[matchIndex];
                    nextPos = match.Index;
                if (match == null) 
                if (pos < nextPos) 

                // store match data
                SearchMatch sm = new SearchMatch();
                sm.Index = match.Index;
                sm.Value = match.Value;
                sm.Length = match.Length;
                sm.Line = line;
                sm.LineStart = sm.LineEnd = lineStart[line - 1];
                sm.Column = match.Index - sm.LineStart;

                int gcount = match.Groups.Count;
                sm.Groups = new SearchGroup[gcount];
                for (int i = 0; i < gcount; i++)
                    Group group = match.Groups[i];
                    sm.Groups[i] = new SearchGroup(group.Index, group.Length, group.Value);
                if (!returnAllMatches)
            // last line end
            while (pos < len && c != '\r' && c != '\n') 
                c = src[pos++];
            if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') pos--;

            // extract line texts
            int maxLine = lineStart.Count;
            foreach(SearchMatch sm in results)
                int endIndex = sm.Index + sm.Length;
                int endLine = sm.Line + 1;
                while (endLine < maxLine && lineStart[endLine - 1] < endIndex)
                sm.LineEnd = lineStart[endLine - 1];
            return results;
Exemple #16
        private void TestRegExpSearch_DisplayResults(Match match)
            MyNode item;
            SearchMatch s_match;

            if (match.Success)

                item = new MyNode("Result (" + match.Index + ")", match.Index + "-" + (match.Index + match.Length), match.Value);
                item.Spans = new int[] { match.Index, match.Length };
                s_match = new SearchMatch();
                s_match.Index = match.Index;
                s_match.Length = match.Length;
                s_match.Value = match.Value;
                AddHighlight(this.matchTextSci, s_match);
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Replace regular expressions groups in replacement text
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="escapedText">Text to expand</param>
 /// <param name="match">Search result (for reinjecting groups)</param>
 static public string ExpandGroups(string text, SearchMatch match)
     if (text.IndexOf('$') < 0) return text;
     for (int i = 0; i < match.Groups.Length; i++)
         text = text.Replace("$" + i, match.Groups[i].Value);
     return text;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the replacement text and escapes it if needed
 /// </summary>
 private String GetReplaceText(SearchMatch match)
     String replace = this.replaceComboBox.Text;
     if (this.escapedCheckBox.Checked) replace = FRSearch.Unescape(replace);
     if (this.useRegexCheckBox.Checked) replace = FRSearch.ExpandGroups(replace, match);
     return replace;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the given match actually is the declaration.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool IsMatchTheTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target)
     if (Sci == null || target == null || target.InFile == null || target.Member == null)
         return false;
     String originalFile = Sci.FileName;
     // get type at match position
     ASResult declaration = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
     return (declaration.InFile != null && originalFile == declaration.InFile.FileName) && (Sci.CurrentPos == (Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a given search match actually points to the given target source
 /// </summary
 /// <returns>True if the SearchMatch does point to the target source.</returns>
 static public bool DoesMatchPointToTarget(ScintillaNet.ScintillaControl Sci, SearchMatch match, ASResult target, DocumentHelper associatedDocumentHelper)
     if (Sci == null || target == null || target.inFile == null || target.Member == null)
         return false;
     // get type at match position
     ASResult result = DeclarationLookupResult(Sci, Sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + Sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value));
     if (associatedDocumentHelper != null)
         // because the declaration lookup opens a document, we should register it with the document helper to be closed later
     // check if the result matches the target
     // TODO: this method of checking their equality seems pretty crude -- is there a better way?
     if (result == null || result.inFile == null || result.Member == null)
         return false;
     Boolean doesMatch = result.inFile.BasePath == target.inFile.BasePath && result.inFile.FileName == target.inFile.FileName && result.Member.LineFrom == target.Member.LineFrom && result.Member.Name == target.Member.Name;
     return (doesMatch);