public void Update_EmptyDb_UpsertsDocument() { var document = new { Name = "Daniel" }; using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Update(document, document); } var numOfStoredDocuments = TestHelper.GetDocumentCount(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual(1, numOfStoredDocuments); }
public void Insert_TypedDocumentWithAutoAssignedId_IsStored() { var document = new PersonWithAutoId { Name = "Daniel" }; using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Insert(document); } var numOfDocs = TestHelper.GetDocumentCount(new { document._id }, Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual(1, numOfDocs); }
public void Insert_Example() { //The hierarchy in MongoDB is: //- Db // - Collection // - Document //By using EntityStore this is somewhat abstracted away. //You do need a connection to create a session //The creating of Connections and Session is something you most likely //will put in a IoC-container or factory or something. var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); //If you are dealing with typed documents (e.g. Person) //you can use the generic API. //Then the name of the collection is the name of the //type, but pluralized. //If you don't want pluralization, call //session.SimoPluralizer.Disable(), or //replace the implementation of the //SimoIoC.Instance.PluralizerResolver var person = new Person { Name = "Daniel", Age = 29 }; entityStore.Insert(person); //If you are using non-typed documents you have to pass //the entityname string to the method you are using. var anonymousPerson = new { Name = "Daniel" }; entityStore.Insert("Person", anonymousPerson); //So the EntityStore only allows for an abstraction //over the Db, Collection and Document hierarchy //and you can of course access these to. var db = session[DbName]; var persons = db["Person"]; persons.Insert(anonymousPerson); //The EntityStore also holds the Database that it wraps. //Of course you can obtain a collection using generics against the //database. var persons2 = entityStore.Database.GetCollection<Person>(); persons2.Insert(person); var numOfStoredDocuments = entityStore.Count<Person>(); Assert.AreEqual(4, numOfStoredDocuments); } }
public void Insert_ManyDocuments_AllAreStored() { using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}}, new Person {Name = "Lazy John", Age = 55, WorkDays = new[] {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}} }; session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Insert(documents); } var numOfStoredDocuments = TestHelper.GetDocumentCount(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual(2, numOfStoredDocuments); }
public void FindOne_ChildHasNullReferenceToParent_ReturnsChildWithNullReferenceParent() { var child = new Child { Name = "Isabell" }; TestHelper.InsertDocument(Constants.Collections.ChildsCollectionName, child); var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); var refetchedChild = entityStore.FindOne<Child>(new { _id = child._id }); Assert.IsNotNull(refetchedChild, "Couldn't refetch child."); Assert.IsNull(refetchedChild.FatherReference, "Fatherreference should be null."); } }
public void Insert_SingleDocument_IsStored() { using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var document = new { Name = "Daniel", BirthDay = new DateTime(1980, 05, 03), WorkDays = new[] { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 } }; session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Insert(document); } var numOfStoredDocuments = TestHelper.GetDocumentCount(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual(1, numOfStoredDocuments); }
public void Find_UsingDocumentSelector_SingleItemReturned() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}}, new Person {Name = "Lazy John", Age = 55, WorkDays = new[] {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}}, new Person {Name = "Nobel Adam", Age = 65, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 20, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}} }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var persons = session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Find<Person>(new { WorkDays = new[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } }); Assert.AreEqual("Nobel Adam", persons[0].Name); } }
public void Find_UsingAllOperator_ReturnsTwoMatchingPosts() { var collectionName = "BlogEntries"; var documents = new[] { new { Title = "MongoDb other", Tags = new[] { "MongoDb", "Misc" } }, new { Title = "MongoDb and testing tutorial", Tags = new[] { "MongoDb", "Testing", "Tutorial" } }, new { Title = "MongoDb tutorial", Tags = new[] { "MongoDb", "Tutorial" } } }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(collectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var tutorials = session[DbName][collectionName].FindInfered(new { Title = "" }, @"{Tags : {$all :['Tutorial']}}"); Assert.AreEqual(2, tutorials.Count); } }
public void Find_UsingJsonInOperator_TwoOfThreeItemsReturned() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29}, new Person {Name = "Adam", Age = 55}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 55}, }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var persons = session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Find<Person>(@"{Name : { $in : [""Daniel"", ""Sue""] } }"); var danielAndSueFound = persons.Where(p => new[] { "Daniel", "Sue" }.Contains(p.Name)).Count() == 2; Assert.AreEqual(2, persons.Count); Assert.IsTrue(danielAndSueFound); } }
public void Find_UsingRegex() { var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); entityStore.Insert(new Person { Name = "Daniel", Age = 29 }); entityStore.Insert(new Person { Name = "Daniel1", Age = 45 }); entityStore.Insert(new Person { Name = "Daniel1", Age = 55 }); entityStore.Insert(new Person { Name = "Daniel2", Age = 65 }); entityStore.Insert(new Person { Name = "Sue", Age = 20 }); var refetched = entityStore.FindOne<Person>(new { Age = 45, Name = new SimoRegex("^Dan.*1") }); Assert.AreEqual(45, refetched.Age); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel1", refetched.Name); } }
public void DisablePluralizer_Example() { var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { //Just call Disable on the Pluralizer //When you want to enable it again, call //Enable(). var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); entityStore.Session.Pluralizer.Disable(); var person = new Person { Name = "Daniel" }; entityStore.Insert(person); var refetched = entityStore.Database["Person"].FindOne<Person>(new { person.Name }); Assert.IsNotNull(refetched); } }
public void Delete_UsingJsonSelector_TwoOfFourDocumentsAreDeleted() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0}}, new Person {Name = "Lazy John", Age = 55, WorkDays = new[] {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}}, new Person {Name = "Nobel Adam", Age = 65, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 20, WorkDays = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0}} }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Delete(@"{$where : ""this.Name == 'Sue' || this.WorkDays[0] == 0""}"); } var storedDocuments = TestHelper.GetDocuments<Person>(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel", storedDocuments[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("Nobel Adam", storedDocuments[1].Name); }
public void Find_UsingJsonWhereOperator_ReturnsTwoOfThree() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29}, new Person {Name = "Adam", Age = 55}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 55}, }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); var persons = entityStore.Find<Person>(@"{$where : ""this.Name == 'Daniel' || this.Name == 'Sue'""}"); var danielAndSueFound = persons.Where(p => new[] { "Daniel", "Sue" }.Contains(p.Name)).Count() == 2; Assert.AreEqual(2, persons.Count); Assert.IsTrue(danielAndSueFound); } }
public void Update_UsingAnonymousDocument_TwoOfFourItemsUpdated() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel1", Age = 29}, new Person {Name = "Daniel2", Age = 30}, new Person {Name = "Daniel3", Age = 31}, new Person {Name = "Daniel4", Age = 32} }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].UpdateMany(@"{$where : ""this.Age < 31""}", @"{$inc : {Age : 1}}"); } var refetched = TestHelper.GetDocuments<Person>(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName); Assert.AreEqual(30, refetched[0].Age); Assert.AreEqual(31, refetched[1].Age); Assert.AreEqual(31, refetched[2].Age); Assert.AreEqual(32, refetched[3].Age); }
public void Find_UsingWhereOperator_SingleItemReturned() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29}, new Person {Name = "Lazy John", Age = 55}, new Person {Name = "Nobel Adam", Age = 65}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 20} }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var persons = session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Find<Person>(Query.New(q => q.Where("this.Age > 20 && this.Age < 65"))); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel", persons[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("Lazy John", persons[1].Name); } }
public void Find_UsingRegExOperator_ThreeItemsReturned() { var documents = new[] { new Person {Name = "Daniel", Age = 29}, new Person {Name = "Daniel1", Age = 55}, new Person {Name = "Daniel2", Age = 65}, new Person {Name = "Sue", Age = 20} }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(Constants.Collections.PersonsCollectionName, documents); using (var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var persons = session[DbName][PersonsCollectionName].Find<Person>(new { Name = new SimoRegex("^Dan.*") }); Assert.AreEqual(3, persons.Count, "Wrong number of persons returned."); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel", persons[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel1", persons[1].Name); Assert.AreEqual("Daniel2", persons[2].Name); } }
public void Find_UsingMatchingValueInArray_ReturnsMatchingPost() { var collectionName = "BlogEntries"; var documents = new[] { new { Title = "MongoDb and testing", Tags = new[] { "MongoDb", "Testing" } }, new { Title = "MongoDb tutorial", Tags = new[] { "MongoDb", "Tutorial" } } }; TestHelper.InsertDocuments(collectionName, documents); using(var session = new SimoSession(TestHelper.CreateConnection())) { var tutorial = session[DbName][collectionName].FindOneInfered(new {Title = ""}, @"{Tags : 'Tutorial'}"); Assert.AreEqual("MongoDb tutorial", tutorial.Title); } }
public void ParentChildReference_CustomId_Example() { var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); //This time we use anonymous type and custom Id's (Guids). var parent = new { _id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Daniel" }; var fatherReference = entityStore.Reference("Parent", parent._id); var child = new { _id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Isabell", FatherReference = fatherReference }; //You could of course have created the reference manually, but then you loose the //use of the pluralizer, and have to role-this on your own. //new SimoReference<Guid> { CollectionName = "Parents", Id = parent._id }; entityStore.Insert("Parent", parent); entityStore.Insert("Child", child); var refetchedChild = entityStore.FindOneInfered(child, entityName: "Child", selector: new { child._id }); Assert.AreEqual(fatherReference.Id, refetchedChild.FatherReference.Id); Assert.AreEqual(fatherReference.CollectionName, refetchedChild.FatherReference.CollectionName); } }
public void ParentChildReference_Example() { var cn = TestHelper.CreateConnection(); using (var session = new SimoSession(cn)) { var entityStore = new SimoEntityStore(session, DbName); //The parent generates a new _id when created. //That _id is then used in the reference which is attached to the child. //After that, you just store the items. var parent = new Parent { Name = "Daniel" }; var fatherReference = entityStore.Reference<Parent>(parent._id); var child = new Child { Name = "Isabell", FatherReference = fatherReference }; //You could of course have created the reference manually, but then you loose the //use of the pluralizer, and have to role-this on your own. //new SimoReference { CollectionName = "Parents", Id = parent._id }; entityStore.Insert(parent); entityStore.Insert(child); var refetchedChild = entityStore.FindOne<Child>(new { child._id }); Assert.AreEqual(fatherReference.Id, refetchedChild.FatherReference.Id); Assert.AreEqual(fatherReference.CollectionName, refetchedChild.FatherReference.CollectionName); } }