Exemple #1
        [Command("wallet")] // Get by mention
        public async Task WalletAsync(SocketUser User, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Try to grab address from the database
            string Address = "";

            if (PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(User.Id))
                Address = PlenteumBot.GetAddress(User.Id);

            // Check if result is empty
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("{0} hasn't registered a wallet!", User.Username));

            // Check if user is requesting their own wallet
            else if (User == null || Context.Message.Author.Id == User.Id)
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("**Your wallet:**```{0}```", Address));

            // User is requesting someone else's wallet
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("**{0}'s wallet:**```{1}```", User.Username, Address));
Exemple #2
        [Command("wallet")] // Get own wallet
        public async Task WalletAsync([Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Try to grab address from the database
            string Address = "";

            if (PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                Address = PlenteumBot.GetAddress(Context.Message.Author.Id);

            // Check if result is empty
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You haven't registered a wallet! Use {0}help if you need any help.",

            // Check if user is requesting their own wallet
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("**Your wallet:**```{0}```", Address));
Exemple #3
        public async Task RedirectTipsAsync(bool Redirect, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check that user has registered an address
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You must register a wallet before you can recieve tips! Use {0}help if you need any help.", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));

            // User is registered
                // Set redirect preference
                PlenteumBot.SetRedirect(Context.Message.Author.Id, Redirect);

                // Send reply
                if (Redirect)
                    await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("**Tip redirect preference changed**\nTips you receive will now go to your tip jar");
                    await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("**Tip redirect preference changed**\nTips you receive will now go to your registered wallet");
Exemple #4
        public async Task DepositAsync([Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check if user exists in user table
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You must register a wallet before you can deposit! Use {0}help if you need any help.",

            // Send reply
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("**Deposit {0} to start tipping!**```Address:\n{1}\n\nPayment ID:\n{2}```",
                                                                            PlenteumBot.coinSymbol, PlenteumBot.tipDefaultAddress, PlenteumBot.GetPaymentId(Context.Message.Author.Id)));
Exemple #5
        public async Task RegisterWalletAsync(string Address, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check that user hasn't already registered an address
            if (PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You have already registered an address, use {0}updatewallet if you'd like to update it", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));

            // Check address validity
            else if (!PlenteumBot.VerifyAddress(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Address is not a valid {0} address!", PlenteumBot.coinName));

            // Check that address isn't in use by another user
            else if (PlenteumBot.CheckAddressExists(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("Address is in use by another user");

            // Passed checks
                // Register wallet into database
                string PaymentId = PlenteumBot.RegisterWallet(Context.Message.Author.Id, Address);

                // Begin building a response
                var Response = new EmbedBuilder();
                Response.WithTitle("Successfully registered your wallet!");
                Response.Description = string.Format("Deposit {0} to start tipping!\n\n" +
                                                     "Address:\n**{1}**\n\nPayment ID:\n**{2}**", PlenteumBot.coinSymbol, PlenteumBot.tipDefaultAddress, PaymentId);

                // Send reply
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("", false, Response.Build());
Exemple #6
        public async Task WithdrawAsync(string Amount, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check if user exists in user table
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You must register a wallet before you can withdraw! Use {0}help if you need any help.", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));


            // Check that amount is over the minimum fee
            else if (Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) < PlenteumBot.Minimum)//PlenteumBot.Fee)
                await ReplyAsync(string.Format("Amount must be at least {0:N} {1}", PlenteumBot.Minimum /*Fee*/, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));


            // Check if user has enough balance
            else if (PlenteumBot.GetBalance(Context.Message.Author.Id) < Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) + PlenteumBot.tipFee)
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Your balance is too low! Amount + Fee = **{0:N}** {1}",
                                                                            Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) + PlenteumBot.tipFee, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));

                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipLowBalanceReact));

            // Send withdrawal
            else if (PlenteumBot.Tip(Context.Message.Author.Id, PlenteumBot.GetAddress(Context.Message.Author.Id), Convert.ToDecimal(Amount)))
                // Send success react
                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipSuccessReact));
Exemple #7
        public async Task BalanceAsync([Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check if user exists in user table
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You must register a wallet before you can check your tip jar balance! Use {0}help if you need any help.",

            // Send reply with balance
                // Get balance
                decimal Balance = PlenteumBot.GetBalance(Context.Message.Author.Id);

                // Send reply
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You have **{0:N}** {1} in your tip jar", Balance, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));
Exemple #8
        public async Task UpdateWalletAsync(string Address, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Delete original message
            try { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); }
            catch { }

            // Check that user has registered an address, register it if not.
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await RegisterWalletAsync(Address, Remainder);


            // Check address validity
            else if (!PlenteumBot.VerifyAddress(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Address is not a valid {0} address!", PlenteumBot.coinName));

            // Check that address isn't in use by another user
            else if (PlenteumBot.CheckAddressExists(Address))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("Address is in use by another user");

            // Passed checks
                // Update address in database
                PlenteumBot.UpdateWallet(Context.Message.Author.Id, Address);

                // Reply with success
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync("Successfully updated your wallet");
Exemple #9
        public async Task TipAsync(string Amount, [Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Check if user exists in user table
            if (!PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Context.Message.Author.Id))
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("You must register a wallet before you can tip! Use {0}help if you need any help.", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));


            // Check that amount is over the minimum fee
            if (Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) < PlenteumBot.Minimum)
                await ReplyAsync(string.Format("Amount must be at least {0:N} {1}", PlenteumBot.Minimum /*Fee*/, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));


            // Check if an address is specified instead of mentioned users
            string Address = "";

            if (Remainder.StartsWith(PlenteumBot.coinAddressPrefix) && Remainder.Length == PlenteumBot.coinAddressLength)
                Address = Remainder.Substring(0, 99);

            List <ulong> Users = new List <ulong>();

            decimal tipAmount = 0;
            //check if "here" or "everyone" is mentioned
            bool multiUser   = false;
            bool hasEveryone = false;
            bool hasHere     = false;

            bool hasRoleMentions = false;

            if (Context.Message.MentionedRoles.Count > 0)
                hasRoleMentions = true;
                if (Context.Message.Tags.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var tag in Context.Message.Tags)
                        if (tag.Type == TagType.RoleMention || tag.Type == TagType.HereMention || tag.Type == TagType.EveryoneMention)
                            hasRoleMentions = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Address) && hasRoleMentions)
                //first ensure we have all members downloaded
                if (!Context.Guild.HasAllMembers)
                    await Context.Guild.DownloadUsersAsync();

                foreach (var tag in Context.Message.Tags)
                    if (tag.Type == TagType.EveryoneMention)
                        //add each member to the tip
                        foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                            if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && !user.IsBot && !user.IsWebhook) //only add if they not already in the list of users
                        hasEveryone = true;
                    else if (tag.Type == TagType.HereMention)
                        foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                            //only add if they not already in the list of users & are Online or Idle or AFK
                            if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && !user.IsBot && !user.IsWebhook && (user.Status == UserStatus.Online || user.Status == UserStatus.Idle || user.Status == UserStatus.AFK))
                        hasHere = true;
                    else if (tag.Type == TagType.RoleMention)
                        foreach (var role in Context.Message.MentionedRoles)
                            foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                                //only add if they not already in the list of users & are in one of the mentioned roles
                                if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && user.Roles.Contains(role) && !user.IsBot && !user.IsWebhook)

                //get users in Mentioned Roles if there is no "RoleMention" tag and the Users List is empty
                if (Context.Message.MentionedRoles.Count > 0 && Users.Count == 0)
                    foreach (var role in Context.Message.MentionedRoles)
                        foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                            //only add if they not already in the list of users & are in one of the mentioned roles
                            if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && user.Roles.Contains(role))

                //check if everyone or here is mentioned by a tipper who is not allowed to mention @everyone or @here
                //first ensure we have all members downloaded
                if (Users.Count <= 0)
                    if (!Context.Guild.HasAllMembers)
                        await Context.Guild.DownloadUsersAsync();

                    if (Remainder.ToLower().IndexOf("@everyone") > -1 && !hasEveryone)
                        //everyone was mentioned by a tipper who does not have permission to mention everyone
                        //so, discord will prevent notifying everyone, but the tip should still be sent
                        foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                            if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && !user.IsBot && !user.IsWebhook) //only add if they not already in the list of users

                    if (Remainder.ToLower().IndexOf("@here") > -1 && !hasHere)
                        //everyone was mentioned by a tipper who does not have permission to mention @here
                        //so, discord will prevent notifying @here, but the tip should still be sent
                        foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users)
                            //only add if they not already in the list of users & are Online or Idle or AFK
                            if (!Users.Contains(user.Id) && !user.IsBot && !user.IsWebhook && (user.Status == UserStatus.Online || user.Status == UserStatus.Idle || user.Status == UserStatus.AFK))

                //check there are now users to tip
                if (Users.Count <= 0)
                    await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("There were no users found with the mentioned role!", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));

                    await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipFailedReact));

                    //we're tipping users that do or don't have a wallet
                    multiUser = true;
                //divide the tip Amount by the number of users
                tipAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) / Users.Count;

                //ensure round down and limit to two decimal places...
                tipAmount = Math.Floor(tipAmount * 100) / 100;
                //check that the splitAmount is LESS than or equal to the specified amount..
                if (tipAmount * Users.Count > Convert.ToDecimal(Amount))
                    await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Something went wrong! The total tip amount is greater than the specified tip amount", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));

                    await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipFailedReact));


                if (tipAmount < PlenteumBot.Minimum)
                    await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("The amount you've specified would result in the individual tip amounts being less than the minimum tip amount!", PlenteumBot.botPrefix));

                    await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipFailedReact));

            // Check that there is at least one mentioned user
            if (Address == "" && Context.Message.MentionedUsers.Count < 1 && !multiUser)

            // Remove duplicate mentions
            foreach (SocketUser MentionedUser in Context.Message.MentionedUsers)

            Users = Users.Distinct().ToList();

            // Create a list of users that have wallets - tippableUsers
            List <ulong> TippableUsers = new List <ulong>();

            foreach (ulong Id in Users)
                if (PlenteumBot.CheckUserExists(Id) && Id != Context.Message.Author.Id)

            // Check that user has enough balance for the tip
            if (Address == "" && PlenteumBot.GetBalance(Context.Message.Author.Id) < Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) * TippableUsers.Count + PlenteumBot.tipFee)
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Your balance is too low! Amount + Fee = **{0:N}** {1}",
                                                                            Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) * TippableUsers.Count + PlenteumBot.tipFee, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));

                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipLowBalanceReact));
            else if (PlenteumBot.GetBalance(Context.Message.Author.Id) < Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) + PlenteumBot.tipFee)
                await Context.Message.Author.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("Your balance is too low! Amount + Fee = **{0:N}** {1}",
                                                                            Convert.ToDecimal(Amount) + PlenteumBot.tipFee, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol));

                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipLowBalanceReact));

            // Tip has required arguments
                if (Address == "")
                    //if the splitAmount is > 0, tp that amount instead of the specified amount
                    if (tipAmount == 0)
                        tipAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Amount);

                    // Send a failed react if a user isn't found
                    bool FailReactAdded = false;
                    foreach (ulong User in Users)
                        if (User != Context.Message.Author.Id && !TippableUsers.Contains(User))
                            if (!FailReactAdded)
                                await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipFailedReact));

                                FailReactAdded = true;

                            try {
                                // Begin building a response
                                var Response = new EmbedBuilder();
                                Response.WithTitle(string.Format("{0} wants to tip you!", Context.Message.Author.Username));
                                Response.Description = string.Format("Register your wallet with with `{0}registerwallet <your {1} address>` " +
                                                                     "to get started!\nTo create a wallet head to https://wallet.plenteum.com/",
                                                                     PlenteumBot.botPrefix, PlenteumBot.coinSymbol);

                                // Send reply
                                await Context.Client.GetUser(User).SendMessageAsync("", false, Response.Build());
                            catch { }

                    // Check that there is at least one user with a registered wallet
                    if (TippableUsers.Count > 0 && PlenteumBot.Tip(Context.Message.Author.Id, TippableUsers, tipAmount, Context.Message))
                        // Send success react
                        await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipSuccessReact));
                else if (PlenteumBot.Tip(Context.Message.Author.Id, Address, Convert.ToDecimal(Amount)))
                    // Send success react
                    await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(PlenteumBot.tipSuccessReact));