public static bool ListTimeSlots(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "list") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "timeslots") { return(false); } TimeSlotFile cf = Schedule.timeslots; if (com.Length >= 3 && com[2] == "archive") { cf = Schedule.timeslotsArchive; } Conzole.PrintLine("Found " + cf.Size() + " timeslots.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); for (int i = 0; i < cf.Size(); i++) { TimeSlot ts = cf.Get(i); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadBefore(ts.startSec + ":" + ts.startMin + ":" + ts.startHou + " >> ", 12), ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadBefore(ts.endSec + ":" + ts.endMin + ":" + ts.endHou, 8), ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print(" - " + Conzole.PadAfter(, 50)); Conzole.Print("\n"); } return(true); }
public static bool AddDeadline(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 6) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "add") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "deadline") { return(false); } DateTime dt; bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(com[2] + "-" + com[3], out dt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Deadline dl = new Deadline(); dl.deadline = dt; dl.title = com[4]; dl.category = com[5]; Schedule.deadlines.Add(dl); Schedule.deadlines.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
private void PrintCommand(string[] command) { for (int i = 0; i < command.Length; i++) { Conzole.Print("\"" + command[i] + "\" "); } Conzole.PrintLine(""); }
//add card startTime startDate endTime endDate title category public static bool AddCard(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 8) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "add") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "card") { return(false); } DateTime startDt, endDt; string firstPart; if (com[2] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[2]; } bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[3], out startDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (com[4] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[4]; } ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[5], out endDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Card card = new Card(); card.start = startDt; card.end = endDt; card.title = com[6]; card.content = ""; card.category = com[7];;; Conzole.PrintLine("Succes", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
public static bool Time(string[] com) { if (com[0] != "time") { return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine(Schedule.StrTime(DateTime.Now)); return(true); }
public static bool DeleteCard(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 4) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "delete") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "card") { return(false); } DateTime origDt; Card card; int deadlineIndex; bool found = false; string firstPart; if (com[2] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[2]; } bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[3], out origDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } found =, com[2] == "null", out card, out deadlineIndex); if (!found) { Conzole.PrintLine("Could not find card!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Deleting card " + card.title + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta); bool sure = Conzole.AreYouSure(); if (!sure) { Conzole.PrintLine("Did not delete anything.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(false); } Schedule.cardsArchive.Add(card); Schedule.cardsArchive.Write();;; Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
public static bool Now(string[] com) { if (com[0] != "now") { return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine(Schedule.StrDateTime(DateTime.Now)); Schedule.deadlines.Write(); return(true); }
public static bool HelpMe(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 1) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "help") { return(false); } if (com.Length == 1) { Conzole.PrintLine("Help: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("Type in \"help [command]\" to find help about a command."); Conzole.PrintLine("Type in \"help syntax\" to find help about the syntax in help."); Conzole.PrintLine("Commands: "); Conzole.Enlist(commands); return(true); } if (com[1] == "syntax") { Conzole.PrintLine("Syntax help: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(syntaxmsg); return(true); } int index = 0; bool found = false; string command = com[1]; if (command.Length >= 3) { for (int i = 2; i < com.Length; i++) { command += " " + com[i]; } } for (int i = 0; i < commands.Length; i++) { if (commands[i] == command) { index = i; found = true; break; } } if (found && index < syntax.Length) { Conzole.PrintLine("Syntax: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(syntax[index]); } return(true); }
public static bool CleanCards(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "clean") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "cards") { return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Deleting all cards that are past."); bool ok = Conzole.AreYouSure(); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Did not delete anything.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); } DateTime limit = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); CardFile cf =; List <Card> dls = new List <Card>(); for (int i = 0; i < cf.Size(); i++) { Card c = cf.Get(i); if (c.end <= limit) { dls.Add(c); } } for (int i = 0; i < dls.Count; i++) { Schedule.cardsArchive.Add(dls[i]); cf.Delete(dls[i]); } Schedule.cardsArchive.Write(); cf.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(false); }
public static bool CleanDeadlines(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "clean") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "deadlines") { return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Deleting all deadlines that are past."); bool ok = Conzole.AreYouSure(); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Did not delete anything.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); } DateTime limit = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); DeadlineFile df = Schedule.deadlines; List <Deadline> dls = new List <Deadline>(); for (int i = 0; i < df.Size(); i++) { Deadline d = df.Get(i); if (d.deadline <= limit) { dls.Add(d); } } for (int i = 0; i < dls.Count; i++) { Schedule.deadlinesArchive.Add(dls[i]); df.Delete(dls[i]); } Schedule.deadlinesArchive.Write(); df.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(false); }
public static bool AddTimeSlot(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 5) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "add") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "timeslot") { return(false); } DateTime startDt, endDt; bool ok = Schedule.TimeFromString(com[2], out startDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } ok = Schedule.TimeFromString(com[3], out endDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } TimeSlot slot = new TimeSlot(); slot.startSec = startDt.Second; slot.startMin = startDt.Minute; slot.startHou = startDt.Hour; slot.endSec = endDt.Second; slot.endMin = endDt.Minute; slot.endHou = endDt.Hour; = com[4]; Schedule.timeslots.Add(slot); Schedule.timeslots.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
public static bool ShowDay(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "show") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "day") { return(false); } int w = 120, h = 50; char[,] view = new char[w, h]; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { view[i, 0] = '#'; } for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { view[i, h - 1] = '#'; } for (int i = 1; i < h; i++) { view[0, i] = '#'; } for (int i = 1; i < h; i++) { view[w - 1, i] = '#'; } Conzole.PrintGrid(view); return(true); }
public static bool DeleteTimeSlot(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 3) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "delete") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "timeslot") { return(false); } TimeSlot slot; bool found = Schedule.timeslots.Get(com[2], out slot); if (!found) { Conzole.PrintLine("Could not find timeslot!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Deleting timeslot " + + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta); bool sure = Conzole.AreYouSure(); if (!sure) { Conzole.PrintLine("Did not delete anything.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(false); } Schedule.timeslotsArchive.Add(slot); Schedule.timeslotsArchive.Write(); Schedule.timeslots.Delete(slot); Schedule.timeslots.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
private void AskCommand() { Conzole.Print("[CONSOLE]:: ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[2048]; Stream inputStream = Console.OpenStandardInput(inputBuffer.Length); Console.SetIn(new StreamReader(inputStream, Console.InputEncoding, false, inputBuffer.Length)); string raw = Console.ReadLine(); raw = raw.ToLower(); if (raw == "exit") { return; } if (raw == "clear") { Console.Clear(); Introduce(); AskCommand(); return; } if (raw == "") { AskCommand(); return; } string[] command = ExtractCommand(raw); for (int i = 0; i < executes.Count; i++) { if (executes[i](command)) { break; } } AskCommand(); }
public Interperter() { executes = new List <Func <string[], bool> >(); executes.Add(Help.HelpMe); executes.Add(Executes.Now); executes.Add(Executes.Date); executes.Add(Executes.Time); executes.Add(Executes.ShowDay); executes.Add(Executes.ListDeadlines); executes.Add(Executes.AddDeadline); executes.Add(Executes.DeleteDeadline); executes.Add(Executes.EditDeadline); executes.Add(Executes.CleanDeadlines); executes.Add(Executes.ListCards); executes.Add(Executes.AddCard); executes.Add(Executes.DeleteCard); executes.Add(Executes.EditCard); executes.Add(Executes.InspectCard); executes.Add(Executes.CleanCards); executes.Add(Executes.AddDeadCard); executes.Add(Executes.DeleteDeadCard); executes.Add(Executes.ListTimeSlots); executes.Add(Executes.AddTimeSlot); executes.Add(Executes.DeleteTimeSlot); executes.Add(SequentialPlannerWizard.Run); //run the app Conzole.SetDimensions(120, 2000); Conzole.SetColour(ConsoleColor.Green); Introduce(); AskCommand(); }
public static bool Run(string[] com) { if (com[0] != "run") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "sequentialplanner") { return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Welcome to the Sequential Planner Wizard.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("Type \"exit\" to quit this wizard.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); string s; DateTime dt; bool ok = false; while (true) { Conzole.PrintLine("Enter the first day: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.Print("[SequentialPlanner]:: ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s == "exit") { return(true); } ok = Schedule.DateFromString(s, out dt); if (ok) { break; } Conzole.PrintLine("Could not convert to correct datetime!", ConsoleColor.Red); } Conzole.PrintLine("You can use the commands: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("exit // exit this wizard.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("add <s:timeslotname> <s:name> <s:category> // add a event on current day at timeslot.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("next // increment day.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("skip <n:x> // increment x days.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine("save // save the planned events and exit."); while (true) { Conzole.PrintLine("Current date: " + Schedule.StrDateTime(dt), ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print("[SequentialPlanner]:: ", ConsoleColor.Cyan); s = Console.ReadLine(); if (s == "exit") { return(true); } if (s == "save") { break; } if (s == "next") { dt = dt.AddDays(1); } else { string[] lcoms = Interperter.ExtractCommand(s); if (lcoms.Length == 0) { continue; } if (lcoms[0] == "skip" && lcoms.Length == 2) { int i = 0; int.TryParse(lcoms[1], out i); if (i <= 1) { continue; } dt = dt.AddDays(i); } else if (lcoms[0] == "add" && lcoms.Length == 4) { TimeSlot ts; ok = Schedule.timeslots.Get(lcoms[1], out ts); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Could not find timeslot: " + lcoms[1], ConsoleColor.Red); continue; } DateTime start = ts.StartToDateTime(dt); DateTime end = ts.EndToDateTime(dt); Card card = new Card(); card.start = start; card.end = end; card.title = lcoms[2]; card.category = lcoms[3]; card.content = "";; Conzole.PrintLine("Card added.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); } } }; Conzole.PrintLine("All cards saved!", ConsoleColor.Yellow); return(true); }
private void Introduce() { Conzole.PrintLine("Personal Planner.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Conzole.PrintLine("Made by Cody Bloemhard.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); Conzole.PrintLine("type \"help\" and press enter for help.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); }
//edit deadline oTime oDate atribute nVal/nTime (nDate) public static bool EditDeadline(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 6) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "edit") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "deadline") { return(false); } DateTime origDt; Deadline deadline; int deadlineIndex; bool found = false; string firstPart; if (com[2] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[2]; } bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[3], out origDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } found = Schedule.deadlines.Get(origDt, com[2] == "null", out deadline, out deadlineIndex); if (!found) { Conzole.PrintLine("Deadline not found!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (!(com[4] == "deadline" || com[4] == "title" || com[4] == "category")) { Conzole.PrintLine("Atribute not found!", ConsoleColor.Red); Conzole.PrintLine("Atributes: deadline, title, category.", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (com[4] == "deadline") { if (com.Length < 7) { Conzole.PrintLine("Not enough arguments! Give a new time and date!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } DateTime dt; ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(com[5] + "-" + com[6], out dt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } deadline.deadline = dt; } else if (com[4] == "title") { deadline.title = com[5]; } else if (com[4] == "category") { deadline.category = com[5]; } Schedule.deadlines.Edit(deadlineIndex, deadline); Schedule.deadlines.Write(); Conzole.PrintLine("Succes!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
public static bool ListCards(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "list") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "cards") { return(false); } CardFile cf =; DateTime limit = DateTime.MaxValue; int argIndex = 2; if (com.Length >= 3) { if (com[2] == "archive") { cf = Schedule.cardsArchive; argIndex = 3; } else if (com[2] == "past") { limit = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); argIndex = 3; } else { limit = Logic.Limit(com[2]); } } uint count; if (com.Length == argIndex + 1 && limit == DateTime.MaxValue) { bool ok = uint.TryParse(com[argIndex], out count); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Could not convert \"" + com[argIndex] + "\" to a uint.", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } } else { count = 0; } List <Card> cards = new List <Card>(); for (int i = 0; i < cf.Size(); i++) { Card c = cf.Get(i); if (c.start <= limit) { cards.Add(c); } } cards.Sort((p, q) => p.start.CompareTo(q.end)); int max = cards.Count; if (count == 0) { count = (uint)max; } if (count > max) { count = (uint)max; } Conzole.PrintLine("Found " + count + " cards.", ConsoleColor.Magenta); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Card c = cards[i]; Conzole.Print(Schedule.StrDateTime(c.start) + " >> ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print(Schedule.StrDateTime(c.end) + " - ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); string msg; bool notPast = Logic.GetDayMessage(c.start, out msg); ConsoleColor col = notPast ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.Red; Conzole.Print(msg + " - ", col); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadAfter(c.title, 30) + " - "); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadAfter(c.category, 20)); Conzole.Print("\n"); } return(true); }
public static bool ListDeadlines(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 2) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "list") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "deadlines") { return(false); } DeadlineFile df = Schedule.deadlines; DateTime limit = DateTime.MaxValue; if (com.Length >= 3 && com[2] == "archive") { df = Schedule.deadlinesArchive; } else if (com.Length >= 3 && com[2] == "past") { limit = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1); } else if (com.Length >= 3) { limit = Logic.Limit(com[2]); } if (df.Size() == 0) { Conzole.PrintLine("No deadlines to show!", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(false); } Conzole.PrintLine("Deadlines: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); List <Deadline> dls = new List <Deadline>(); for (int i = 0; i < df.Size(); i++) { Deadline d = df.Get(i); if (d.deadline <= limit) { dls.Add(d); } } dls.Sort((p, q) => p.SecondsLeft().CompareTo(q.SecondsLeft())); for (int i = 0; i < dls.Count; i++) { Deadline l = dls[i]; Conzole.Print(Schedule.StrDateTime(l.deadline) + " - ", ConsoleColor.Yellow); string msg = ""; int left = l.SecondsLeft(); int abs = Math.Abs(left); int min = 60; int hour = min * 60; int day = hour * 24; if (abs < min * 5) { msg = Conzole.PadBefore(abs + "", 4) + " seconds - "; } else if (abs < hour) { msg = Conzole.PadBefore("" + (abs / min), 4) + " minutes - "; } else if (abs < day * 2) { msg = Conzole.PadBefore("" + (abs / hour), 4) + " hours - "; } else { msg = Conzole.PadBefore("" + (abs / day), 4) + " days - "; } if (left > 0) { msg = "Left: " + msg; } else { msg = "Past: " + msg; } ConsoleColor colour; if (left > 0) { colour = ConsoleColor.White; } else { colour = ConsoleColor.Red; } Conzole.Print(msg, colour); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadAfter(l.title, 50) + " - ", ConsoleColor.Green); Conzole.Print(Conzole.PadAfter(l.category, 20) + "\n", ConsoleColor.Green); } return(true); }
public static bool EditCard(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 6) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "edit") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "card") { return(false); } DateTime origDt; Card card; int deadlineIndex; bool found = false; string firstPart; if (com[2] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[2]; } bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[3], out origDt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } found =, com[2] == "null", out card, out deadlineIndex); if (!found) { Conzole.PrintLine("Card not found!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (!(com[4] == "start" || com[4] == "end" || com[4] == "title" || com[4] == "category" || com[4] == "content")) { Conzole.PrintLine("Atribute not found!", ConsoleColor.Red); Conzole.PrintLine("Atributes: start, end, title, category, content.", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (com[4] == "start" || com[4] == "end") { if (com.Length < 7) { Conzole.PrintLine("Not enough arguments! Give a new time and date!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } DateTime dt; ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(com[5] + "-" + com[6], out dt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } if (com[4] == "start") { card.start = dt; } else { card.end = dt; } } else if (com[4] == "title") { card.title = com[5]; } else if (com[4] == "category") { card.category = com[5]; } else if (com[4] == "content") { card.content = ""; card.content += com[5]; if (com.Length >= 7) { for (int i = 6; i < com.Length; i++) { card.content += " " + com[i]; } } }, card);; Conzole.PrintLine("Succes", ConsoleColor.Magenta); return(true); }
public static bool InspectCard(string[] com) { if (com.Length < 3) { return(false); } if (com[0] != "inspect") { return(false); } if (com[1] != "card") { return(false); } DateTime dt; string firstPart; if (com[2] == "null") { firstPart = "0:0:0"; } else { firstPart = com[2]; } bool ok = Schedule.DateTimeFromString(firstPart + "-" + com[3], out dt); if (!ok) { Conzole.PrintLine("Your date/time is incorrect!", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Card card; int index = 0; bool found =, com[2] == "null", out card, out index); if (!found) { Conzole.PrintLine("Card not found", ConsoleColor.Red); return(false); } Conzole.Print("Title: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(Conzole.PadAfter(card.title, 100)); Conzole.Print("Category: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(Conzole.PadAfter(card.category, 97)); Conzole.Print("Start: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(Schedule.StrDateTime(card.start), ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print("End: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(Schedule.StrDateTime(card.end), ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.Print("Day: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(card.start.DayOfWeek.ToString()); Conzole.Print("Relativeness: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); string msg; bool notPast = Logic.GetDayMessage(card.start, out msg); ConsoleColor col = notPast ? ConsoleColor.White : ConsoleColor.Red; Conzole.PrintLine(msg, col); TimeSpan res = card.end - card.start; Conzole.Print("Duration: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(res.Hours + " hours, " + res.Minutes + " minutes and " + res.Seconds + " seconds.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); Conzole.PrintLine("Content: ", ConsoleColor.Magenta); Conzole.PrintLine(card.content); return(true); }