public void Delete(Pkw pkw) { Pkw tmp = ersterPkw; Pkw previousEntry = null; bool deleted = false; while (tmp != null) { if ( pkw.GetFarbe() == tmp.GetFarbe() && pkw.GetKmStand() == tmp.GetKmStand() && pkw.GetMarke() == tmp.GetMarke() && pkw.GetModell() == tmp.GetModell() && pkw.GetType() == tmp.GetType() ) { deleted = true; if (tmp == ersterPkw) { ersterPkw = tmp.GetNext(); tmp = null; anzahlPkws--; } else if (tmp == letzterPkw && previousEntry == null) { tmp = null; letzterPkw = ersterPkw = null; anzahlPkws = 0; } else { previousEntry.SetNext(tmp.GetNext()); tmp = null; anzahlPkws--; } Console.WriteLine("Deletion Success"); Console.Write("\n"); } else { previousEntry = tmp; tmp = tmp.GetNext(); } } if (deleted == false) { Console.Write("List doesn't contain the Object you wish to Delete \n"); } Console.Write(Select()); }
public string Select() { Pkw tmp = ersterPkw; string selectString = ""; while (tmp != null) { selectString += tmp.GetMarke() + " " + tmp.GetModell() + " " + tmp.GetFarbe() + "\n"; tmp = tmp.GetNext(); } return(selectString); }