public static bool GenerateLUAFile(bool reloadUI = true) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(AddonPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(AddonPath); } Log.Write($"Creating Addon from SpellBook, AddonName will be [{AddonName}]..."); Log.Write($"Creating file: [{AddonName}.toc]", Color.Gray); using (var sr = new StreamWriter($"{AddonPath}\\{AddonName}.toc")) { // ## Author: WiNiFiX // ## Interface: 60200 // ## Title: DoIt // ## Version: 1.0.0 // ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: DoItOptions // DoItBase.lua sr.WriteLine($"## Author: {AddonAuthor.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "")}"); if (InterfaceVersion.Contains("-")) { sr.WriteLine($"## Interface: {InterfaceVersion.Split('-')[1].Trim()}"); } else { sr.WriteLine($"## Interface: {InterfaceVersion}"); } sr.WriteLine($"## Title: {AddonName.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "")}"); sr.WriteLine($"## Version: {Application.ProductVersion}"); sr.WriteLine($"## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: {AddonName.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "")}_settings"); sr.WriteLine($"{AddonName.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "")}.lua"); sr.Close(); } Log.Write($"Creating file: [{AddonName}.lua]", Color.Gray); using (var sr = new StreamWriter($"{AddonPath}\\{AddonName}.lua")) { //local cooldowns = { --These should be spellIDs for the spell you want to track for cooldowns // 56641, -- Steadyshot // 3044, -- Arcane Shot // 34026 -- Kill Command //} var cooldowns = "local cooldowns = { --These should be spellIDs for the spell you want to track for cooldowns" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var spell in Spells) { if (spell.InternalSpellNo == Spells.Count) // We are adding the last spell, dont include the comma { cooldowns += $" {spell.SpellId} \t -- {spell.SpellName}" + Environment.NewLine; } else { cooldowns += $" {spell.SpellId},\t -- {spell.SpellName}" + Environment.NewLine; } } cooldowns += "}" + Environment.NewLine; sr.Write(cooldowns); var auras = "local buffs = { --These should be auraIDs for the spell you want to track " + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var aura in Auras) { if (aura.InternalAuraNo == Auras.Count) // We are adding the last aura, dont include the comma { auras += $" {aura.AuraId} \t -- {aura.AuraName}" + Environment.NewLine; } else { auras += $" {aura.AuraId},\t -- {aura.AuraName}" + Environment.NewLine; } } auras += "}" + Environment.NewLine; sr.Write(auras); var debuffs = "local debuffs = { --These should be auraIDs for the spell you want to track " + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var aura in Auras) { if (aura.InternalAuraNo == Auras.Count) // We are adding the last aura, dont include the comma { debuffs += $" {aura.AuraId} \t -- {aura.AuraName}" + Environment.NewLine; } else { debuffs += $" {aura.AuraId},\t -- {aura.AuraName}" + Environment.NewLine; } } debuffs += "}" + Environment.NewLine; sr.Write(debuffs); var luaContents = Addon.LuaContents; luaContents = luaContents.Replace("DoIt", AddonName); string AddonInterfaceVersion = InterfaceVersion; if (InterfaceVersion.Contains("-")) { AddonInterfaceVersion = InterfaceVersion.Split('-')[1].Trim(); } if (AddonInterfaceVersion == "70000") // Legion changes as per { luaContents = luaContents.Replace("SetTexture", "SetColorTexture"); // For now the below are disabled till further testing is done // luaContents = luaContents.Replace(@"UnitPower(""player"");", @"UnitPower(""player"", UnitPowerType(""player""))"); // luaContents = luaContents.Replace(@"UnitPowerMax(""player"");", @"UnitPowerMax(""player"", UnitPowerType(""player""))"); } sr.WriteLine(luaContents); sr.Close(); } Log.Write("Addon file generated.", Color.Green); Log.Write($"Make sure that the addon: [{AddonName}] is enabled in your list of WoW Addons or the rotation bot will fail to work", Color.Black); if (reloadUI) { WoW.SendMacro("/console scriptErrors 1"); // Show wow Lua errors WoW.SendMacro("/reload"); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("Failed to generate addon file:", Color.Red); Log.Write(ex.Message, Color.Red); return(false); } }