DrawImage() public méthode

public DrawImage ( GLBitmap bmp, Drawing srcRect, float x, float y, float w, float h ) : void
bmp GLBitmap
srcRect Drawing
x float
y float
w float
h float
Résultat void
        public override void DrawImage(ActualImage actualImage, params AffinePlan[] affinePlans)
            //create gl bmp
            GLBitmap glBmp = new GLBitmap(actualImage.Width, actualImage.Height, ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage), false);

            _canvas.DrawImage(glBmp, 0, 0);
        public void DrawString(char[] text, double x, double y)
            //draw text
            textPrinter.DrawString(text, 0, 18);

            byte[] buffer = PixelFarm.Agg.ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImage);
            GLBitmap glBmp = new GLBitmap(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, buffer, true);

            bool isYFliped = canvas.FlipY;

            if (isYFliped)
                canvas.DrawImage(glBmp, (float)x, (float)y);
                canvas.FlipY = true;
                canvas.DrawImage(glBmp, (float)x, (float)y);
                canvas.FlipY = false;
        public void DrawString(CanvasGL2d canvas, string text, float x, float y)
            char[] textBuffer = text.ToCharArray();
            Win32.MyWin32.PatBlt(memdc.DC, 0, 0, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, Win32.MyWin32.WHITENESS);
            Win32.NativeTextWin32.TextOut(memdc.DC, 0, 0, textBuffer, textBuffer.Length);
            // Win32.Win32Utils.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, bmpWidth, 50, memHdc, 0, 0, Win32.MyWin32.SRCCOPY);
            int stride = 4 * ((bmpWidth * 32 + 31) / 32);

            //Bitmap newBmp = new Bitmap(bmpWidth, 50, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            //var bmpData = newBmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpWidth, 50), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            byte[] tmp1 = new byte[stride * 50];
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(memdc.PPVBits, tmp1, 0, tmp1.Length);
            int pos = 3;
            for (int r = 0; r < 50; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < stride; ++c)
                    tmp1[pos] = 255;
                    pos += 4;
                    c += 4;

            Win32.NativeTextWin32.WIN32SIZE win32Size;
                fixed (char* bufferHead = &textBuffer[0])
                    Win32.NativeTextWin32.GetTextExtentPoint32Char(memdc.DC, bufferHead, textBuffer.Length, out win32Size);
            bmpWidth = win32Size.Width;
            bmpHeight = win32Size.Height;

            var actualImg = new Agg.ActualImage(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, Agg.PixelFormat.ARGB32);
            //copy bmp from specific bmp area 
            //and convert to GLBmp   
            byte[] buffer = PixelFarm.Agg.ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImg); 
                byte* header = (byte*)memdc.PPVBits;
                fixed (byte* dest0 = &buffer[0])
                    byte* dest = dest0;
                    byte* rowHead = header;
                    int rowLen = bmpWidth * 4;
                    for (int h = 0; h < bmpHeight; ++h)

                        header = rowHead;
                        for (int n = 0; n < rowLen; )
                            //move next
                            *(dest + 0) = *(header + 0);
                            *(dest + 1) = *(header + 1);
                            *(dest + 2) = *(header + 2);
                            //*(dest + 3) = *(header + 3);
                            *(dest + 3) = 255;
                            header += 4;
                            dest += 4;
                            n += 4;
                        //finish one row
                        rowHead += stride;

            GLBitmap glBmp = new GLBitmap(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, buffer, false);
            canvas.DrawImage(glBmp, (float)x, (float)y);

Exemple #4
        public static void Start()
            if (!Glfw.Init())
                Console.WriteLine("can't init glfw");
            //specific OpenGLES ***
            Glfw.WindowHint(WindowHint.GLFW_CLIENT_API, (int)OpenGLAPI.OpenGLESAPI);
            Glfw.WindowHint(WindowHint.GLFW_CONTEXT_CREATION_API, (int)OpenGLContextCreationAPI.GLFW_EGL_CONTEXT_API);
            Glfw.WindowHint(WindowHint.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 2);
            Glfw.WindowHint(WindowHint.GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 0);

            GlFwForm form1 = GlfwApp.CreateGlfwForm(
                "PixelFarm + Skia on GLfw and OpenGLES2");


            int ww_w = 800;
            int ww_h = 600;
            int max  = Math.Max(ww_w, ww_h);

            canvasGL2d = PixelFarm.Drawing.GLES2.GLES2Platform.CreateCanvasGL2d(max, max);

            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
            GL.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
            //setup viewport size
            //set up canvas
            needUpdateContent = true;

            //GL.Viewport(0, 0, 800, 600);
            GL.Viewport(0, 0, max, max);

            FormRenderUpdateEventArgs formRenderUpdateEventArgs = new FormRenderUpdateEventArgs();

            formRenderUpdateEventArgs.form = form1;

            form1.SetDrawFrameDelegate(() =>
                if (needUpdateContent)
                canvasGL2d.DrawImage(glBmp, 0, 600);

            while (!GlfwApp.ShouldClose())
                //render phase and swap
                /* Poll for and process events */

        public void DrawString(char[] textBuffer, double x, double y)
            //TODO: review performan
            Win32.MyWin32.PatBlt(memdc.DC, 0, 0, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, Win32.MyWin32.WHITENESS);
            Win32.NativeTextWin32.TextOut(memdc.DC, 0, 0, textBuffer, textBuffer.Length);
            // Win32.Win32Utils.BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, bmpWidth, 50, memHdc, 0, 0, Win32.MyWin32.SRCCOPY);
            int stride = 4 * ((bmpWidth * 32 + 31) / 32);

            //Bitmap newBmp = new Bitmap(bmpWidth, 50, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            //var bmpData = newBmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpWidth, 50), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            byte[] tmp1 = new byte[stride * 50];
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(memdc.PPVBits, tmp1, 0, tmp1.Length);
            int pos = 3;

            for (int r = 0; r < 50; ++r)
                for (int c = 0; c < stride; ++c)
                    tmp1[pos] = 255;
                    pos      += 4;
                    c        += 4;

            Win32.NativeTextWin32.WIN32SIZE win32Size;
                fixed(char *bufferHead = &textBuffer[0])
                    Win32.NativeTextWin32.GetTextExtentPoint32Char(memdc.DC, bufferHead, textBuffer.Length, out win32Size);
            bmpWidth  = win32Size.Width;
            bmpHeight = win32Size.Height;

            var actualImg = new Agg.ActualImage(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, Agg.PixelFormat.ARGB32);

            //copy bmp from specific bmp area
            //and convert to GLBmp
            byte[] buffer = PixelFarm.Agg.ActualImage.GetBuffer(actualImg);
                byte *header = (byte *)memdc.PPVBits;
                fixed(byte *dest0 = &buffer[0])
                    byte *dest    = dest0;
                    byte *rowHead = header;
                    int   rowLen  = bmpWidth * 4;

                    for (int h = 0; h < bmpHeight; ++h)
                        header = rowHead;
                        for (int n = 0; n < rowLen;)
                            //move next
                            *(dest + 0) = *(header + 0);
                            *(dest + 1) = *(header + 1);
                            *(dest + 2) = *(header + 2);
                            //*(dest + 3) = *(header + 3);
                            *(dest + 3) = 255;
                            header     += 4;
                            dest       += 4;
                            n          += 4;
                        //finish one row
                        rowHead += stride;

            GLBitmap glBmp = new GLBitmap(bmpWidth, bmpHeight, buffer, false);

            canvas.DrawImage(glBmp, (float)x, (float)y);