internal ScanlineSubPixelRasterizer()
     _currentLcdLut = s_g4_1_2LcdLut;
        void BlendScanline(byte[] destImgBuffer, int destStride, int y, int srcW, int srcStride, byte[] grayScaleLineBuffer)
            LcdDistributionLut lcdLut = _currentLcdLut;

            int srcIndex = 0;
            //start pixel
            int destImgIndex = 0;
            int destX        = 0;
            byte color_alpha = _color.alpha;
            byte color_c0    =;
            byte color_c1    =;
            byte color_c2    =;

            //single line
            srcIndex     = 0;
            destImgIndex = (destStride * y) + (destX * 4); //4 color component

            int nwidth = srcW;

            while (nwidth > 3)
                //TODO: add release mode code (optimized version)
                //1. convert from original grayscale value from lineBuff to lcd level
                //from single grey scale value,
                //it is expanded*** into 5 color-components

                byte e_0, e_1, e_2; //energy 0,1,2
                    byte write0 = lcdLut.Convert255ToLevel(grayScaleLineBuffer[srcIndex]);
                    byte write1 = lcdLut.Convert255ToLevel(grayScaleLineBuffer[srcIndex + 1]);
                    byte write2 = lcdLut.Convert255ToLevel(grayScaleLineBuffer[srcIndex + 2]);

                        out e_0);
                        out e_1);
                        out e_2);

                //4. blend 3 pixels
                byte exc0 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex];     //existing color
                byte exc1 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1]; //existing color
                byte exc2 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2]; //existing color

                //note: that we swap e_2 and e_0 on the fly***
                destImgBuffer[destImgIndex]     = (byte)((((color_c0 - exc0) * (e_2 * color_alpha)) + (exc0 << 16)) >> 16); //swap on the fly
                destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1] = (byte)((((color_c1 - exc1) * (e_1 * color_alpha)) + (exc1 << 16)) >> 16);
                destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2] = (byte)((((color_c2 - exc2) * (e_0 * color_alpha)) + (exc2 << 16)) >> 16); //swap on the fly
                destImgIndex += 4;

                srcIndex += 3;
                nwidth   -= 3;
            //when finish each line
            //we must draw extened 4 pixels
                //get remaining energy from _forward buffer
                byte ec_r1, ec_r2, ec_r3, ec_r4;
                _forwardBuffer.ReadRemaining4(out ec_r1, out ec_r2, out ec_r3, out ec_r4);

                //we need 2 pixels,
                int remaining_dest = Math.Min((srcStride - (destImgIndex + 4)), 5);
                if (remaining_dest < 1)

                switch (remaining_dest)
                default: throw new NotSupportedException();

                case 5:
                    //1st round
                    byte exc0 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex];        //existing color
                    byte exc1 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1];    //existing color
                    byte exc2 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2];    //existing color

                    //note: that we swap ec_r3 and ec_r1 on the fly***

                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex]     = (byte)((((color_c0 - exc0) * (ec_r3 * color_alpha)) + (exc0 << 16)) >> 16);     //swap on the fly
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1] = (byte)((((color_c1 - exc1) * (ec_r2 * color_alpha)) + (exc1 << 16)) >> 16);
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2] = (byte)((((color_c2 - exc2) * (ec_r1 * color_alpha)) + (exc2 << 16)) >> 16);     //swap on the fly
                    destImgIndex += 4;

                    srcIndex += 3;
                    //2nd round
                    exc0 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex];        //existing color
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex] = (byte)((((color_c0 - exc0) * (ec_r4 * color_alpha)) + (exc0 << 16)) >> 16);

                case 4:
                    //1st round
                    byte ec0 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex];        //existing color
                    byte ec1 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1];    //existing color
                    byte ec2 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2];    //existing color

                    //note: that we swap e_2 and e_0 on the fly

                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex]     = (byte)((((color_c0 - ec0) * (ec_r3 * color_alpha)) + (ec0 << 16)) >> 16);     //swap on the fly
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1] = (byte)((((color_c1 - ec1) * (ec_r2 * color_alpha)) + (ec1 << 16)) >> 16);
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2] = (byte)((((color_c2 - ec2) * (ec_r1 * color_alpha)) + (ec2 << 16)) >> 16);     //swap on the fly

                    destImgIndex += 4;
                    srcIndex     += 3;

                case 3:
                case 2:
                case 1:
                case 0:
                    //just return