Exemple #1
        static MyColor GetApproximateColor_Bicubic(BufferReader4 reader, double cx, double cy)
            //TODO: review here,
            //passing pointer to array or use stackalloc
            byte[] rBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] gBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] aBuffer = new byte[16];
            //nearest neighbor
            if (reader.CurrentX > 2 && reader.CurrentY > 2 &&
                reader.CurrentX < reader.Width - 2 &&
                reader.CurrentY < reader.Height - 2)
                //read 4 point sample
                MyColor[] colors = new MyColor[16];
                reader.SetStartPixel((int)cx, (int)cy);
                double x0    = (int)cx;
                double x1    = (int)(cx + 1);
                double xdiff = cx - x0;
                double y0    = (int)cy;
                double y1    = (int)(cy + 1);
                double ydiff = cy - y0;
                SeparateByChannel(colors, rBuffer, gBuffer, bBuffer, aBuffer);
                double result_B = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(bBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_G = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(gBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_R = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(rBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_A = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(aBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                if (result_B > 255)
                    result_B = 255;
                else if (result_B < 0)
                    result_B = 0;

                if (result_G > 255)
                    result_G = 255;
                else if (result_G < 0)
                    result_G = 0;

                if (result_R > 255)
                    result_R = 255;
                else if (result_R < 0)
                    result_R = 0;

                if (result_A > 255)
                    result_A = 255;
                else if (result_A < 0)
                    result_A = 0;

                return(new MyColor((byte)result_R, (byte)result_G, (byte)result_B, (byte)result_A));
        static MyColor GetApproximateColor_Bicubic(BufferReader4 reader, double cx, double cy)
            byte[] rBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] gBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[16];
            byte[] aBuffer = new byte[16];
            //nearest neighbor
            if (reader.CurrentX > 2 && reader.CurrentY > 2 &&
                reader.CurrentX < reader.Width - 2 &&
                reader.CurrentY < reader.Height - 2)
                //read 4 point sample
                MyColor[] colors = new MyColor[16];
                reader.SetStartPixel((int)cx, (int)cy);
                double x0 = (int)cx;
                double x1 = (int)(cx + 1);
                double xdiff = cx - x0;
                double y0 = (int)cy;
                double y1 = (int)(cy + 1);
                double ydiff = cy - y0;
                SeparateByChannel(colors, rBuffer, gBuffer, bBuffer, aBuffer);
                double result_B = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(bBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_G = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(gBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_R = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(rBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                double result_A = myInterpolator.getValueBytes(aBuffer, xdiff, ydiff);
                if (result_B > 255)
                    result_B = 255;
                else if (result_B < 0)
                    result_B = 0;

                if (result_G > 255)
                    result_G = 255;
                else if (result_G < 0)
                    result_G = 0;

                if (result_R > 255)
                    result_R = 255;
                else if (result_R < 0)
                    result_R = 0;

                if (result_A > 255)
                    result_A = 255;
                else if (result_A < 0)
                    result_A = 0;

                return new MyColor((byte)result_R, (byte)result_G, (byte)result_B, (byte)result_A);
                return reader.ReadOnePixel();
Exemple #3
        unsafe ActualImage GetTransformedBicubicInterpolation()
            //4 points sampling
            //weight between four point

            PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();
            int    x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double dab, dbc, dcd, dda;
            float  dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dx1y1, dx1y2, dx2y1, dx2y2;
            int    rectWidth  = rect.Width;
            int    rectHeight = rect.Height;
            var    ab_vec     = this.AB;
            var    bc_vec     = this.BC;
            var    cd_vec     = this.CD;
            var    da_vec     = this.DA;

            TempMemPtr    bufferPtr = srcCB.GetBufferPtr();
            byte *        buffer    = (byte *)bufferPtr.Ptr;
            int           stride    = srcCB.Stride;
            int           bmpWidth  = srcCB.Width;
            int           bmpHeight = srcCB.Height;
            BufferReader4 reader    = new BufferReader4(buffer, stride, bmpWidth, bmpHeight);

            MyColor[] pixelBuffer = new MyColor[16];
            byte[]    sqPixs      = new byte[16];
            //Bitmap outputbmp = new Bitmap(rectWidth, rectHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            //var bmpdata2 = outputbmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, rectWidth, rectHeight),
            //    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, outputbmp.PixelFormat);

            ActualImage         destCB     = new ActualImage(rect.Width, rect.Height, PixelFormat.ARGB32);
            MyImageReaderWriter destWriter = new MyImageReaderWriter();

            //PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();

            //int stride2 = bmpdata2.Stride;
            //byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[stride2 * outputbmp.Height];

            // int targetPixelIndex = 0;
            // int startLine = 0;

            int rectLeft = this.rect.Left;
            int rectTop  = this.rect.Top;

            for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < rectWidth; ++x)
                    PointF srcPt = new PointF(x, y);
                    srcPt.Offset(rectLeft, rectTop);
                    if (!IsOnPlaneABCD(srcPt))
                    dab         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(vertex[0], srcPt).CrossProduct(ab_vec));
                    dbc         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(vertex[1], srcPt).CrossProduct(bc_vec));
                    dcd         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(vertex[2], srcPt).CrossProduct(cd_vec));
                    dda         = Math.Abs(MyVectorHelper.NewFromTwoPoints(vertex[3], srcPt).CrossProduct(da_vec));
                    ptInPlane.X = (float)(srcW * (dda / (dda + dbc)));
                    ptInPlane.Y = (float)(srcH * (dab / (dab + dcd)));
                    x1          = (int)ptInPlane.X;
                    y1          = (int)ptInPlane.Y;
                    if (x1 >= 2 && x1 < srcW - 2 && y1 >= 2 && y1 < srcH - 2)
                        reader.SetStartPixel(x1, y1);
                        //do interpolate

                        //find src pixel and approximate
                        MyColor color = GetApproximateColor_Bicubic(reader,
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex] = (byte)color.b;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 1] = (byte)color.g;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 2] = (byte)color.r;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 3] = (byte)color.a;
                        //targetPixelIndex += 4;

                        destWriter.SetPixel(x, y, new Drawing.Color(color.a, color.b, color.g, color.r)); //TODO:review here blue switch to red channel
                // startLine += stride2;
                //targetPixelIndex = startLine;

            //outputBuffer, 0,
            //bmpdata2.Scan0, outputBuffer.Length);
            //return outputbmp;
        ActualImage GetTransformedBicubicInterpolation()
            //4 points sampling
            //weight between four point

            PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();
            int x1, x2, y1, y2;
            double dab, dbc, dcd, dda;
            float dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, dx1y1, dx1y2, dx2y1, dx2y2;
            int rectWidth = rect.Width;
            int rectHeight = rect.Height;
            var ab_vec = this.AB;
            var bc_vec = this.BC;
            var cd_vec = this.CD;
            var da_vec = this.DA;
            byte[] buffer = srcCB.GetBuffer();
            int stride = srcCB.Stride;
            int bmpWidth = srcCB.Width;
            int bmpHeight = srcCB.Height;
            BufferReader4 reader = new BufferReader4(buffer, stride, bmpWidth, bmpHeight);
            MyColor[] pixelBuffer = new MyColor[16];
            byte[] sqPixs = new byte[16];
            //Bitmap outputbmp = new Bitmap(rectWidth, rectHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            //var bmpdata2 = outputbmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, rectWidth, rectHeight),
            //    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, outputbmp.PixelFormat);

            ActualImage destCB = new ActualImage(rect.Width, rect.Height, PixelFormat.ARGB32);
            MyImageReaderWriter destWriter = new MyImageReaderWriter();
            //PointF ptInPlane = new PointF();

            //int stride2 = bmpdata2.Stride;
            //byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[stride2 * outputbmp.Height];

            // int targetPixelIndex = 0;
            // int startLine = 0;

            int rectLeft = this.rect.Left;
            int rectTop = this.rect.Top;
            for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < rectWidth; ++x)
                    PointF srcPt = new PointF(x, y);
                    srcPt.Offset(rectLeft, rectTop);
                    if (!IsOnPlaneABCD(srcPt))
                    dab = Math.Abs(new Vector(vertex[0], srcPt).CrossProduct(ab_vec));
                    dbc = Math.Abs(new Vector(vertex[1], srcPt).CrossProduct(bc_vec));
                    dcd = Math.Abs(new Vector(vertex[2], srcPt).CrossProduct(cd_vec));
                    dda = Math.Abs(new Vector(vertex[3], srcPt).CrossProduct(da_vec));
                    ptInPlane.X = (float)(srcW * (dda / (dda + dbc)));
                    ptInPlane.Y = (float)(srcH * (dab / (dab + dcd)));
                    x1 = (int)ptInPlane.X;
                    y1 = (int)ptInPlane.Y;
                    if (x1 >= 2 && x1 < srcW - 2 && y1 >= 2 && y1 < srcH - 2)
                        reader.SetStartPixel(x1, y1);
                        //do interpolate

                        //find src pixel and approximate  
                        MyColor color = GetApproximateColor_Bicubic(reader,
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex] = (byte)color.b;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 1] = (byte)color.g;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 2] = (byte)color.r;
                        //outputBuffer[targetPixelIndex + 3] = (byte)color.a;
                        //targetPixelIndex += 4;

                        destWriter.SetPixel(x, y, new Drawing.Color(color.a, color.b, color.g, color.r)); //TODO:review here blue switch to red channel
                // startLine += stride2;
                //targetPixelIndex = startLine;
            //outputBuffer, 0,
            //bmpdata2.Scan0, outputBuffer.Length);
            //return outputbmp;
            return destCB;