Exemple #1
        void setDataFormat(PixeLINK.PixelFormat dataFormat, HistElt[] m_elts)
            bool m_bSimpleMode = true;

            if (dataFormat == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Yuv422)
                // In YUV format, we do not allow the user to select different plot lines
                // to display, because that would involve lots of format converstions.
                if (m_bSimpleMode)
                    // Show RGB
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
                        m_elts[i].bShow = (i >= (int)formats.RGB_FIRST_CHANNEL && i <= (int)formats.RGB_LAST_CHANNEL);
                    // Show YUV
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
                        m_elts[i].bShow = (i >= (int)formats.YUV_Y && i <= (int)formats.YUV_V);

            //if (!m_bAutoFormatMode)
            //    return;

            if (dataFormat == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Mono8 ||
                dataFormat == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Mono16 ||
                dataFormat == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Mono12Packed ||
                dataFormat == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Mono12PackedMsfirst)
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
                    m_elts[i].bShow = (i == (int)formats.ALL_PIXELS);
            else if (IsBayerFormat(dataFormat)) // Bayer format
                if (m_bSimpleMode)
                    // Show RGB
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
                        m_elts[i].bShow = (i >= (int)formats.RGB_FIRST_CHANNEL && i <= (int)formats.RGB_LAST_CHANNEL);
                    // Show 4 bayer channels
                    for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
                        m_elts[i].bShow = (i >= (int)formats.BAYER_FIRST_CHANNEL && i <= (int)formats.BAYER_LAST_CHANNEL);
Exemple #2
 // Create another array of four double-pointers that point to the 4 bayer
 // data blocks, but this time put them in the order GRBG.
 void CreateGRBGarray(PixeLINK.PixelFormat dataFormat, List <countHolder> counts, List <countHolder> countsGRBG)
     for (int i = (int)BayerChannel.GREEN1; i <= (int)BayerChannel.GREEN2; i++)
         //            std::pair<int, int> offsetYX = GetChannelOffset(i, uDataFormat);
         Tuple <int, int> offsetYX = GetChannelOffset(i, dataFormat);
         countsGRBG[i] = counts[2 * offsetYX.Item1 + offsetYX.Item2];
Exemple #3
        Tuple <int, int> GetChannelOffset(int /*BayerChannel*/ channel, PixeLINK.PixelFormat dataFormat)
            //// Return the row# and col# of the given channel, when the data is in the
            //// given format.
            //       std::pair<int, int> channelCoords(channel / 2, channel % 2);
            Tuple <int, int> channelCoords = new Tuple <int, int>(channel / 2, channel % 2);
            //std::pair<int, int> offset = Green1Index(dataFormat);
            Tuple <int, int> offset = Green1Index(dataFormat);

            //return std::make_pair((channelCoords.first + offset.first) % 2, (channelCoords.second + offset.second) % 2);
            return(new Tuple <int, int>((channelCoords.Item1 + offset.Item1) % 2, (channelCoords.Item2 + offset.Item2) % 2));
Exemple #4
        Tuple <int, int> Green1Index(PixeLINK.PixelFormat dataFormat)
            // Return (row#, col#) of Green1 (that's the green on the red row, and the blue column)
            switch (dataFormat)
            //             case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER8_GRBG:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8GRBG:
            //               case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER16_GRBG:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer16GRBG:
                //              case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_GRBG_PACKED:
                //             case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_GRBG_PACKED_MSFIRST:
                //                return std::make_pair(0, 0);
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0));

            //              case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER8_RGGB:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8RGGB:
            //             case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER16_RGGB:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer16RGGB:
            //             case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_RGGB_PACKED:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12RGGBPacked:
            //             case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_RGGB_PACKED_MSFIRST:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12RGGBPackedMsfirst:
                //                 return std::make_pair(0, 1);
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(0, 1));

            //            case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER8_BGGR:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8BGGR:
            //              case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_BGGR_PACKED:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12BGGRPacked:
            //            case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_BGGR_PACKED_MSFIRST:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12BGGRPackedMsfirst:
                //                  return std::make_pair(1, 0);
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(1, 0));

            //               case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER8_GBRG:
            case PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8GBRG:
                //            case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER16_GBRG:
                //           case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_GBRG_PACKED:
                //          case PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER12_GBRG_PACKED_MSFIRST:
                //                return std::make_pair(1, 1);
                return(new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1));
            return(new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0)); // Treat MONO as GRBG (the default for the PL-A682).
Exemple #5
 bool IsBayerFormat(PixeLINK.PixelFormat fmt)
     return(fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8BGGR ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer16GBRG ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer16GRBG ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer16RGGB ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8BGGR ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8GBRG ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8GRBG ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer8RGGB ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12RGGBPacked ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12GBRGPacked ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12GRBGPacked ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12RGGBPacked ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12BGGRPackedMsfirst ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12GBRGPackedMsfirst ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12GRBGPackedMsfirst ||
            fmt == PixeLINK.PixelFormat.Bayer12RGGBPackedMsfirst
Exemple #6
        public int MyCallbackFunction(int hCamera, System.IntPtr pBuf, PixeLINK.PixelFormat dataFormat, ref FrameDescriptor frameDesc, int userData)
            lock (thisLock)
                if (Application.Current == null)
                ((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("MyCallbackFunction ", string.Format("camera {0} threadid {1} ", hCamera, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));
                // Calculate actual framerate.
                long curtime     = (long)(frameDesc.FrameTime * 1000);
                long elapsedtime = curtime - m_startframetime;

                int elapsedframes = frameDesc.FrameNumber - m_startframe;
                Console.WriteLine("calc frame rate {0}  {1}", elapsedtime, elapsedframes);
                if (elapsedtime >= 50 && elapsedframes >= 5)
                    // enough time and enough frames have elapsed to calculate a reasonably
                    // accurate frame rate.
                    m_rate           = (double)(1000 * elapsedframes / elapsedtime);
                    m_startframetime = curtime;
                    m_startframe     = frameDesc.FrameNumber;
                else if (elapsedframes < 0 || elapsedtime < 0)
                    // Stream has been restarted. Reset our start values.
                    m_startframetime = curtime;
                    m_startframe     = frameDesc.FrameNumber;

                if ((elapsedtime < 50) || (elapsedframes < 0))
                    // The rest of this function calculates the histogram data, and then
                    // sends a message to update the GUI. Do not do this more than 20 times
                    // per second - that would be a waste of processor power, since users
                    // can't tell the difference between a GUI that is updating 20 times
                    // per second and one that is updating 1000 times per second.
                    // The frame should also be ignored if the frame is older than
                    // the most recent frame we've seen. (i.e. elapsedframes < 0)

                    Console.WriteLine("skip frame");
                long numPixels = frameDesc.NumberOfPixels();
                if (rawbits == null)
                    rawbits = new byte[numPixels];
                TransferBits transfer = new TransferBits();

                transfer.bits = rawbits;
                //            byte[] bits = new byte[40];

                //copy the image bits from API to managed buffer
                    System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pBuf, transfer.bits, 0, (int)numPixels);
                    ((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("MyCallbackFunction ", "Exception in Marshal.Copy ");
                //Buffer.BlockCopy(transfer.bits, 0, bits, 0, 40);
                //((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("pBuf ", string.Format(" thread {0} Bytes  {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, ByteArrayToString(bits)));
                transfer.dataFormat = dataFormat;
                transfer.frameDesc  = frameDesc;
                transfer.hCamera    = hCamera;

                //really should not need the worker thread but put this in to keep the camera red lite off
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Work1, transfer);
