/// <summary>
        /// 取得幹部資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StudentIDList"></param>
        /// <param name="StudentInfoList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <StudentInfo> FillCad(List <string> StudentIDList, List <StudentInfo> StudentInfoList)
                // 取得中低收入資料
                QueryHelper qh = new QueryHelper();

                Dictionary <string, List <CadreInfo> > studCadDict = new Dictionary <string, List <CadreInfo> >();
                string    qry = @"
        student.id AS student_id
        ,schoolyear AS school_year
    student INNER JOIN $behavior.thecadre
         ON student.id = CAST($behavior.thecadre.studentid AS INTEGER) 
  WHERE student.status=1 AND student.id IN(" + string.Join(",", StudentIDList.ToArray()) + @") 
     ORDER BY student.id,$behavior.thecadre.schoolyear,semester
                DataTable dt  = qh.Select(qry);
                if (dt != null)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        string sid = dr["student_id"].ToString();
                        if (!studCadDict.ContainsKey(sid))
                            studCadDict.Add(sid, new List <CadreInfo>());

                        CadreInfo ci = new CadreInfo();
                        ci.SchoolYear    = dr["school_year"].ToString();
                        ci.Semester      = dr["semester"].ToString();
                        ci.StudentID     = dr["student_id"].ToString();
                        ci.CadreName     = dr["cadrename"].ToString();
                        ci.ReferenceType = dr["referencetype"].ToString();

                // 填入資料
                foreach (StudentInfo si in StudentInfoList)
                    if (studCadDict.ContainsKey(si.StudentID))
                        si.CadreInfoList = studCadDict[si.StudentID];
            catch (Exception ex)
                // throw ex;

        /// <summary>
        /// 透過班級編號 取得 班級學生一般狀態
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ClassIDList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, List <StudentInfo> > GetClassStudentDict(List <string> ClassIDList)
            Dictionary <string, List <StudentInfo> > value = new Dictionary <string, List <StudentInfo> >();

                string classIDs = string.Join(",", ClassIDList.ToArray());

                string qryStud = @"
SELECT student.ref_class_id AS class_id
,student.id AS student_id
,seat_no,student.name AS student_name
FROM student 
student.status=1 AND 
student.ref_class_id IN(" + classIDs + @") 
ORDER BY student.ref_class_id,seat_no";

                QueryHelper qh     = new QueryHelper();
                DataTable   dtStud = qh.Select(qryStud);

                // 取得班級異動資料
                string qryUpdateRec = @"
SELECT student.id AS student_id
        WHEN update_code = '2' THEN '畢業' 
        WHEN update_code = '3' THEN '轉入' 
        WHEN update_code = '4' THEN '轉出' 
        WHEN update_code = '5' THEN '休學' 
        WHEN update_code = '6' THEN '復學' 
        WHEN update_code = '7' THEN '中輟' 
        WHEN update_code = '8' THEN '續讀' 
        WHEN update_code = '9' THEN '更正學籍' 
        WHEN update_code = '10' THEN '延長修業年限' 
        WHEN update_code = '11' THEN '死亡' 
        ELSE ''
 AS update_desc 
FROM update_record 
INNER JOIN student
ON update_record.ref_student_id = student.id 
WHERE update_code<>'1' AND student.status=1 AND student.ref_class_id IN(" + classIDs + @") ORDER BY student.id,update_date DESC

                DataTable dtUpdRec = qh.Select(qryUpdateRec);
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > studUpdaeRecDict = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

                if (dtUpdRec != null)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtUpdRec.Rows)
                        string sid = dr["student_id"].ToString();
                        if (!studUpdaeRecDict.ContainsKey(sid))
                            studUpdaeRecDict.Add(sid, new List <string>());

                        string msg = dr["school_year"].ToString() + " " + dr["semester"].ToString() + " " + dr["update_desc"].ToString();


                // 取得幹部資料
                Dictionary <string, List <CadreInfo> > studCadDict = new Dictionary <string, List <CadreInfo> >();
                string qryCadre = @"
        student.id AS student_id
        ,schoolyear AS school_year
    student INNER JOIN $behavior.thecadre
         ON student.id = CAST($behavior.thecadre.studentid AS INTEGER) 
  WHERE student.status=1 AND student.ref_class_id IN(" + classIDs + @") 
     ORDER BY student.id,$behavior.thecadre.schoolyear,semester

                DataTable dtCadre = qh.Select(qryCadre);
                if (dtCadre != null)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtCadre.Rows)
                        string sid = dr["student_id"].ToString();

                        if (!studCadDict.ContainsKey(sid))
                            studCadDict.Add(sid, new List <CadreInfo>());

                        CadreInfo ci = new CadreInfo();
                        ci.StudentID     = sid;
                        ci.SchoolYear    = dr["school_year"].ToString();
                        ci.Semester      = dr["semester"].ToString();
                        ci.ReferenceType = dr["referencetype"].ToString();
                        ci.CadreName     = dr["cadrename"].ToString();
                        ci.Text          = dr["text"].ToString();

                Configure        _Configure    = null;
                AccessHelper     _accessHelper = new AccessHelper();
                List <Configure> confList      = _accessHelper.Select <Configure>();
                if (confList != null && confList.Count > 0)
                    _Configure = confList[0];
                    _Configure      = new Configure();
                    _Configure.Name = "屏東免試入學-班級服務表現";

                // 班級幹部限制
                List <string> CadreName1 = _Configure.LoadCareNames();

                // 學生資料取得與整理需要相關資料
                if (dtStud != null)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtStud.Rows)
                        StudentInfo si = new StudentInfo();
                        if (dr["seat_no"] != null)
                            si.SeatNo = dr["seat_no"].ToString();
                            si.SeatNo = "";
                        si.StudentID   = dr["student_id"].ToString();
                        si.ClassID     = dr["class_id"].ToString();
                        si.StudentName = dr["student_name"].ToString();

                        // 處理學期歷程
                        if (dr["sems_history"] != null)
                                XElement elms = XElement.Parse("<root>" + dr["sems_history"].ToString() + "</root>");
                                foreach (XElement elm in elms.Elements("History"))
                                    SemsHistoryInfo shi = new SemsHistoryInfo();
                                    if (elm.Attribute("SchoolYear") != null)
                                        shi.SchoolYear = elm.Attribute("SchoolYear").Value;

                                    if (elm.Attribute("Semester") != null)
                                        shi.Semester = elm.Attribute("Semester").Value;

                                    if (elm.Attribute("GradeYear") != null)
                                        shi.GradeYear = elm.Attribute("GradeYear").Value;

                            catch (Exception ex) { }

                        // 放入異動資料
                        if (studUpdaeRecDict.ContainsKey(si.StudentID))
                            si.ServiceMemo = studUpdaeRecDict[si.StudentID];

                        // 放入幹部資料
                        if (studCadDict.ContainsKey(si.StudentID))
                            si.CadreInfoList = studCadDict[si.StudentID];

                        // 計算幹部積分

                        if (!value.ContainsKey(si.ClassID))
                            value.Add(si.ClassID, new List <StudentInfo>());

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
