/// <summary>
        ///  set a boolean value, in a language.
        ///  exp: true -> "true"  in english or "true -> "vrai"  in french.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boolValue"></param>
        /// <param name="constStringValue"></param>
        public void SetBoolConstValue(bool boolValue, string constStringValue)
            BoolConst boolConst = new BoolConst();

            boolConst.BoolValue       = boolValue;
            boolConst.BoolStringValue = constStringValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Build the final operand: not a separator.
        /// can be a number (positive or negative), an object name (var, fct,...) or a string.
        /// The string can be well-formed or bad-formed: the end tag is missing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ExprFinalOperand BuildOperand(ExprToken token, ParseResult result)
            ExprFinalOperand exprFinalOperand = new ExprFinalOperand();

            exprFinalOperand.Operand = token.Value;
            exprFinalOperand.Token   = token;

            //----is the value a string? starts with a string tag (quote or double-quote)
            if (_exprEvalConfig.StringTagValue == token.Value[0].ToString())
                // is the last char a string tag?
                //if (_exprEvalConfig.ListStringTag.Contains(token.Value[token.Value.Length-1]) && token.Value.Length>1)
                if (_exprEvalConfig.StringTagValue == token.Value[token.Value.Length - 1].ToString() && token.Value.Length > 1)
                    exprFinalOperand.ContentType = OperandType.ValueString;
                exprFinalOperand.ContentType = OperandType.ValueStringBadFormed;
                ExprError error = new ExprError();
                error.Token = token;
                error.Code  = ErrorCode.ValueStringBadFormed;


            //----is the value an integer?
            int numberInt;

            if (int.TryParse(token.Value, out numberInt))
                exprFinalOperand.ContentType = OperandType.ValueInt;
                exprFinalOperand.ValueInt    = numberInt;

            //----is the value a double?
            if (IsOperandDouble(token, result, exprFinalOperand))

            // is it a bad-formed number? (seems to be number: start with minus or a digit)
            if (token.Value[0] == '-' || char.IsDigit(token.Value[0]))
                exprFinalOperand.ContentType = OperandType.ValueNumberBadFormed;
                ExprError error = new ExprError();
                error.Token = token;
                error.Code  = ErrorCode.ValueNumberBadFormed;

            //-----is it a bool value?
            // todo: get values from the configurator: true/false, vrai/faux
            BoolConst boolConst = _exprEvalConfig.ListBoolConst.Find(bc => bc.BoolStringValue.Equals(token.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (boolConst != null)
                exprFinalOperand.ContentType = OperandType.ValueBool;
                exprFinalOperand.ValueBool   = boolConst.BoolValue;

            // it's an object name, (sure?) check the syntax
            CheckObjectNameSyntax(token, result, exprFinalOperand);
