private async Task<PieBotData> GetOrCreatePiesAsync(IStore blobStore)
            PieBotData pies;
            if (!await blobStore.ExistsAsync(this.GeneralContainer, this.PieBlob).ConfigureAwait(false))
                pies = new PieBotData()
                    KnownPies = new List<Pie>(),
                    CreatedPies = new Dictionary<DateTime, string>(),
                pies = await blobStore.GetAsync<PieBotData>(this.GeneralContainer, this.PieBlob).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return pies;
        private DataUpdateResponse AddPieHistoryAction(PieBotData pies, IEnumerable<string> arguments)
            if (arguments.Count() < 2)
                return new DataUpdateResponse(false, "Did not find enough elements to add historical pie information!");

            string pieName;
            string newPieName = string.Join(" ", arguments.Skip(1));
            DateTime pieCreationTime;
            bool parsedCreationTime = DateTime.TryParse(arguments.First(), out pieCreationTime);
            if (!parsedCreationTime)
                return new DataUpdateResponse(false, "Could not parse when the historical pie was created!");
            else if (pies.CreatedPies.TryGetValue(pieCreationTime, out pieName))
                return new DataUpdateResponse(false, $"The {pieName} pie was create on this date. This conflicts with new pie {newPieName}. Please choose a slightly different time.");

            pies.CreatedPies.Add(pieCreationTime, newPieName);
            return new DataUpdateResponse(true, $"The {newPieName} historical pie was added.");
        public async Task<ActivityResponse> ProcessActivityAsync(IStore blobStore, ActivityRequest request)
            PieBotData pies = await this.GetOrCreatePiesAsync(blobStore).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Preprocess input text
            string[] input = request.SanitizedText.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (input.Length == 0)
                return new ActivityResponse("I could not understand the action to take on the pies.");

            string command = input.First().ToLowerInvariant(); // All the commands are in ASCII, so we can use ToLower instead of ToUpper
            IEnumerable<string> arguments = input.Skip(1);

            // Perform the requested command
            DataUpdateResponse response;
            switch (command)
                case "add":
                    response = AddPieAction(pies.KnownPies, arguments);
                case "vote":
                case "upvote":
                    response = VotePieAction(pies.KnownPies, request.From, "upvote", (pie) => pie.Upvotes, arguments);
                case "dvote":
                case "downvote":
                    response = VotePieAction(pies.KnownPies, request.From, "downvote", (pie) => pie.Downvotes, arguments);
                case "clearvote":
                    response = ClearVoteAction(pies.KnownPies, arguments);
                case "rank":
                    response = new DataUpdateResponse(false, RankAction(pies.KnownPies, input));
                case "list":
                    // List out pies and how many were created.
                    response = new DataUpdateResponse(false, "**Pies**:\n\n" + string.Join("\n\n", pies.KnownPies.OrderBy(pie => pie.Name).Select(pie => $"{pie.Name}: {pies.CreatedPies.Count(item => pie.Name.Equals(item.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))}")));
                case "addhistory":
                    response = AddPieHistoryAction(pies, arguments);
                case "history":
                    response = new DataUpdateResponse(false, "**Created Pies**:\n\n" + string.Join("\n\n", pies.CreatedPies.OrderByDescending(pie => pie.Key).Select(pie => $"{pie.Key.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}: {pie.Value}")));
                case "help":
                    response = new DataUpdateResponse(false, HelpAction());
                    response = new DataUpdateResponse(false, "I did not understand the action you want me to take on pies!");
            // Save if necessary and return
            if (response.UpdateData)
                await blobStore.CreateOrUpdateAsync(this.GeneralContainer, this.PieBlob, pies).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return new ActivityResponse(response.Response);