public void Add(PPacket ppacket) { _totalPacketsCount++; if (ppacket.Tcp == null) { return; } _selectionnedPacketsCount++; //IndexedTcpConnection tcpConnection = new IndexedTcpConnection(ppacket.Packet); TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); int i = _tcpStreamPacketsList.IndexOfKey(tcpConnection); List <PPacket> ppacketList; if (i == -1) { tcpConnection.Index = ++_tcpConnectionIndex; ppacketList = new List <PPacket>(); _tcpStreamPacketsList.Add(tcpConnection, ppacketList); } else { tcpConnection.Index = _tcpStreamPacketsList.Keys[i].Index; ppacketList = _tcpStreamPacketsList.Values[i]; } ppacketList.Add(ppacket); }
private void PrintIpV4(PPacket ppacket) { //EthernetDatagram ethernet = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet; IpV4Datagram ip = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4; //if (ethernet.EtherType != EthernetType.IpV4) // return; _dataLength -= (ushort)ip.HeaderLength; WriteTitle("[ipv4 frame]"); WriteValues(1, "version", ip.Version, "header length", ip.HeaderLength); //WriteValues(0, "internet header length (ihl)", ip.HeaderLength / 4, "data length", _dataLength); WriteValues(0, "internet header length (ihl)", ip.HeaderLength / 4); WriteValues(1, "dscp", "0x" + ip.TypeOfService.zToHex()); WriteValues(0, "ecn"); WriteValues(2, "total length", ip.TotalLength); WriteValues(2, "identification", "0x" + ip.Identification.zToHex()); WriteValues(2, "flags"); WriteValues(0, "fragment offset", "0x" + ip.Fragmentation.Offset.zToHex()); WriteValues(1, "time to live", "0x" + ip.Ttl.zToHex()); WriteValues(1, "protocol", "0x" + ((byte)ip.Protocol).zToHex() + " " + ppacket.IpProtocolCode); WriteValues(2, "header checksum", "0x" + ip.HeaderChecksum.zToHex()); WriteValues(4, "source ip address", ip.Source); WriteValues(4, "destination ip address", ip.Destination); WriteValues(ip.HeaderLength - 20, "options (if ihl > 5)"); WriteTitle("[ipv4 data]"); WritePayloadData(48, ip.Payload.zAsEnumerableWithCounter(_dataEnum.Index)); }
//private int _packetIndex = 1; private void PacketHandle(PPacket ppacket) { //if (ppacket.Packet.Ethernet == null || ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4 == null || ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp == null) if (ppacket.Ipv4 == null || ppacket.Tcp == null) return; //TcpStreamPacket tcpStreamPacket = new TcpStreamPacket(packet); //TcpConnection tcpConnection = tcpStreamPacket.Connection; //TcpConnection tcpConnection = new TcpConnection(ppacket.Packet); TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); if (!_tcpStreamList.ContainsKey(tcpConnection)) { TcpStream tcpStream = new TcpStream(tcpConnection); _tcpStreamList.Add(tcpConnection, tcpStream); //WriteTcpStreamToFile writeTcpStreamToFile = new WriteTcpStreamToFile(tcpStream, _directory); //_tcpStreamToFileList.Add(writeTcpStreamToFile); //new CreatePacketTcpStream(tcpStream).TcpPacketHandle = (direction, tcpPacket) => { w.PrintPacketHandler2(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }; //if (_trace) // new TraceTcpStream(tcpStream); tcpStream.zWriteTcpStreamToFile(_directory); //tcpStream.CreatePacketTcpStream((direction, tcpPacket) => { w.PrintPacketHandler2(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }); tcpStream.zTcpStreamReassembledPacket((direction, tcpPacket) => { PrintPacket.PrintPacket1(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }); if (_trace) tcpStream.zTraceTcpStream(_directory); } //Trace.CurrentTrace.WriteLine("packet no {0} {1}:{2} - {3}:{4}", _packetIndex++, tcpConnection.Source.Address, tcpConnection.Source.Port, tcpConnection.Destination.Address, tcpConnection.Destination.Port); //_tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(tcpStreamPacket); //_tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(tcpConnection, ppacket); _tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(ppacket); }
private void PrintHttp(PPacket ppacket) { HttpDatagram http = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.Http; //ReadOnlyCollection<HttpDatagram> httpCollection = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.HttpCollection; WriteTitle("[http]"); WriteValues(0, "version", http.Version != null ? http.Version.ToString() : "null"); WriteValues(0, "is request", http.IsRequest); WriteValues(0, "is response", http.IsResponse); WriteValues(0, "header", http.Header != null ? http.Header.ToString() : "null"); }
//public void Add(TcpStreamPacket tcpStreamPacket) //public void Add(TcpConnection tcpConnection, PPacket ppacket) public void Add(PPacket ppacket) { TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); if (tcpConnection.Source == _tcpConnection.Source && tcpConnection.Destination == _tcpConnection.Destination) { _streamSourceToDestination.Add(ppacket); } else { _streamDestinationToSource.Add(ppacket); } }
private void PrintEthernet(PPacket ppacket) { EthernetDatagram ethernet = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet; if (ethernet == null) return; _dataLength -= 14; WriteTitle("[ethernet frame]"); WriteValues(6, "destination MAC address", ethernet.Destination, "header length", 14); //WriteValues(6, "source MAC address", ethernet.Source, "data length", _dataLength); WriteValues(6, "source MAC address", ethernet.Source); WriteValues(2, "ether type", "0x" + ((ushort)ethernet.EtherType).zToHex() + " " + ppacket.EthernetTypeCode); WriteTitle("[ethernet data]"); WritePayloadData(48, ethernet.Payload.zAsEnumerableWithCounter(_dataEnum.Index)); }
public static void PrintPacket1(PPacket ppacket, bool detail = false, ITrace trace = null) { if (trace == null) { trace = Trace.CurrentTrace; } //************* 0 3 0.465083 52581 443 TCP ACK 0x0001 0x4B2091F9 0x4B2091FA 0x4695DD86 0x401A . //_tr.WriteLine("group no time source port destination port protocal flags length sequence next seq ack number window urgent"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //_tr.Write("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); sb.AppendFormat("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-15} {1,5} {2,-15} {3,5} {4,-10}", ppacket.Source, ppacket.SourcePort, ppacket.Destination, ppacket.DestinationPort, ppacket.IpProtocolCode); if (detail) { TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Tcp; if (tcp != null && ppacket.Ipv4.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-20}", ppacket.GetTcpFlagsString()); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6}", tcp.PayloadLength > 0 ? "0x" + ((short)tcp.PayloadLength).zToHex() : null); sb.AppendFormat(" 0x{0} {1,10} {2,10} {3,6} {4,6}", ppacket.Tcp.SequenceNumber.zToHex(), tcp.NextSequenceNumber != tcp.SequenceNumber ? "0x" + tcp.NextSequenceNumber.zToHex() : null, tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.zToHex() : null, "0x" + tcp.Window.zToHex(), tcp.UrgentPointer != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.UrgentPointer.zToHex() : null); int i = 0; int maxDataChar = 50; foreach (byte b in tcp.Payload) { if (++i > maxDataChar) { break; } if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) { sb.Append(((char)b).ToString()); } else { sb.Append("."); } } } else if (ppacket.Packet.Ethernet == null) { sb.Append(" not ethernet"); } } trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
private void writeData(byte[] data, PPacket ppacket, string message) { // ignore empty packets if (data.Length == 0) { return; } if (WriteData != null) { WriteData(data, new TcpStreamWriteDataInfo() { PPacket = ppacket, Message = message, NextSequenceNumber = _sequenceNumber }); } _bytesWritten += (uint)data.Length; _emptyTcpStream = false; }
public static void PrintPacket1(PPacket ppacket, bool detail = false, ITrace trace = null) { if (trace == null) trace = Trace.CurrentTrace; //************* 0 3 0.465083 52581 443 TCP ACK 0x0001 0x4B2091F9 0x4B2091FA 0x4695DD86 0x401A . //_tr.WriteLine("group no time source port destination port protocal flags length sequence next seq ack number window urgent"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //_tr.Write("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); sb.AppendFormat("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-15} {1,5} {2,-15} {3,5} {4,-10}", ppacket.Source, ppacket.SourcePort, ppacket.Destination, ppacket.DestinationPort, ppacket.IpProtocolCode); if (detail) { TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Tcp; if (tcp != null && ppacket.Ipv4.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-20}", ppacket.GetTcpFlagsString()); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6}", tcp.PayloadLength > 0 ? "0x" + ((short)tcp.PayloadLength).zToHex() : null); sb.AppendFormat(" 0x{0} {1,10} {2,10} {3,6} {4,6}", ppacket.Tcp.SequenceNumber.zToHex(), tcp.NextSequenceNumber != tcp.SequenceNumber ? "0x" + tcp.NextSequenceNumber.zToHex() : null, tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.zToHex() : null, "0x" + tcp.Window.zToHex(), tcp.UrgentPointer != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.UrgentPointer.zToHex() : null); int i = 0; int maxDataChar = 50; foreach (byte b in tcp.Payload) { if (++i > maxDataChar) break; if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) sb.Append(((char)b).ToString()); else sb.Append("."); } } else if (ppacket.Packet.Ethernet == null) sb.Append(" not ethernet"); } trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
private void PrintTcp(PPacket ppacket) { //IpV4Datagram ip = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4; TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp; //if (ip.Protocol != IpV4Protocol.Tcp) // return; _dataLength -= (ushort)tcp.RealHeaderLength; WriteTitle("[tcp frame]"); WriteValues(2, "source port", tcp.SourcePort, "header length", tcp.RealHeaderLength); //WriteValues(2, "destination port", tcp.DestinationPort, "data length", _dataLength); WriteValues(2, "destination port", tcp.DestinationPort); WriteValues(4, "sequence number", "0x" + tcp.SequenceNumber.zToHex()); WriteValues(4, "acknowledgment number", "0x" + tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.zToHex()); WriteValues(2, "data offset", "0x" + ((byte)tcp.HeaderLength).zToHex()); WriteValues(0, "ecn", tcp.IsExplicitCongestionNotificationEcho); WriteValues(0, "cwr", tcp.IsCongestionWindowReduced); WriteValues(0, "ece", tcp.IsExplicitCongestionNotificationEcho); WriteValues(0, "urg", tcp.IsUrgent); WriteValues(0, "ack", tcp.IsAcknowledgment); WriteValues(0, "psh", tcp.IsPush); WriteValues(0, "rst", tcp.IsReset); WriteValues(0, "syn", tcp.IsSynchronize); WriteValues(0, "fin", tcp.IsFin); WriteValues(2, "window size", "0x" + tcp.Window.zToHex()); WriteValues(2, "checksum", "0x" + tcp.Checksum.zToHex()); WriteValues(2, "urgent pointer", "0x" + tcp.UrgentPointer.zToHex()); int optionLength = tcp.RealHeaderLength - 20; int n = Math.Min(8, optionLength); WriteValues(n, "options", null, "options length", optionLength); optionLength -= n; while (optionLength > 0) { n = Math.Min(8, optionLength); WriteValues(n); optionLength -= n; } WriteTitle("[tcp data]"); WritePayloadData(48, tcp.Payload.zAsEnumerableWithCounter(_dataEnum.Index)); }
//private static void PrintSortedTcpStreamPacket(IndexedTcpConnection tcpConnection, PPacket ppacket) private static void PrintSortedTcpStreamPacket(PPacket ppacket) { TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); if (_currentTcpConnection == null || tcpConnection.Index != _currentTcpConnection.Index) { Trace.WriteLine(); Trace.WriteLine("group packet time source dir destination protocol flags data seq next seq ack window urg data"); //_LastStreamNumber = tcpConnection.Index; _currentTcpConnection = tcpConnection; } //TcpDirection direction = TcpDirection.SourceToDestination; //string s = GetTcpStreamPacketString1(tcpConnection, ppacket, _currentTcpConnection.GetTcpDirection(tcpConnection), true); string s = GetTcpStreamPacketString1(ppacket, _currentTcpConnection.GetTcpDirection(tcpConnection), true); //string s2 = null; //foreach (Pib.Pcap.Test.TcpPacketError error in streamPacket.Errors) // s2 = s2.zAddValue(streamPacket.GetErrorMessage(error)); //if (s2 != null) // s2 = " " + s2; //Trace.WriteLine("{0,-162}{1}{2}", s, ppacket.GetTcpDescription(), s2); Trace.WriteLine(s); }
public void Add(PPacket ppacket) { _totalPacketsCount++; if (ppacket.Tcp == null) return; _selectionnedPacketsCount++; //IndexedTcpConnection tcpConnection = new IndexedTcpConnection(ppacket.Packet); TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); int i = _tcpStreamPacketsList.IndexOfKey(tcpConnection); List<PPacket> ppacketList; if (i == -1) { tcpConnection.Index = ++_tcpConnectionIndex; ppacketList = new List<PPacket>(); _tcpStreamPacketsList.Add(tcpConnection, ppacketList); } else { tcpConnection.Index = _tcpStreamPacketsList.Keys[i].Index; ppacketList = _tcpStreamPacketsList.Values[i]; } ppacketList.Add(ppacket); }
//private int _packetIndex = 1; private void PacketHandle(PPacket ppacket) { //if (ppacket.Packet.Ethernet == null || ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4 == null || ppacket.Packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp == null) if (ppacket.Ipv4 == null || ppacket.Tcp == null) { return; } //TcpStreamPacket tcpStreamPacket = new TcpStreamPacket(packet); //TcpConnection tcpConnection = tcpStreamPacket.Connection; //TcpConnection tcpConnection = new TcpConnection(ppacket.Packet); TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); if (!_tcpStreamList.ContainsKey(tcpConnection)) { TcpStream tcpStream = new TcpStream(tcpConnection); _tcpStreamList.Add(tcpConnection, tcpStream); //WriteTcpStreamToFile writeTcpStreamToFile = new WriteTcpStreamToFile(tcpStream, _directory); //_tcpStreamToFileList.Add(writeTcpStreamToFile); //new CreatePacketTcpStream(tcpStream).TcpPacketHandle = (direction, tcpPacket) => { w.PrintPacketHandler2(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }; //if (_trace) // new TraceTcpStream(tcpStream); tcpStream.zWriteTcpStreamToFile(_directory); //tcpStream.CreatePacketTcpStream((direction, tcpPacket) => { w.PrintPacketHandler2(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }); tcpStream.zTcpStreamReassembledPacket((direction, tcpPacket) => { PrintPacket.PrintPacket1(_ppacketManager.CreatePPacket(tcpPacket), true); }); if (_trace) { tcpStream.zTraceTcpStream(_directory); } } //Trace.CurrentTrace.WriteLine("packet no {0} {1}:{2} - {3}:{4}", _packetIndex++, tcpConnection.Source.Address, tcpConnection.Source.Port, tcpConnection.Destination.Address, tcpConnection.Destination.Port); //_tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(tcpStreamPacket); //_tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(tcpConnection, ppacket); _tcpStreamList[tcpConnection].Add(ppacket); }
private static void PrintPacketDetailHandlerOld(PPacket ppacket) { EthernetDatagram ethernet = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet; if (ethernet == null) { _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------[not ethernet packet]---------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine(); return; } _tr.WriteLine("----------------------------------[ethernet type II frame (64 to 1518 bytes)]----------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine("| dest MAC address src MAC address ether type data (46-1500 bytes) length CRC checksum total length |"); _tr.WriteLine("| XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ... XX XX XX XX |"); _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("|"); byte[] buffer = ppacket.Packet.Buffer; int i = 0; foreach (byte b in buffer) { if (i == 6 || i == 12) sb.Append(" "); else if (i == 14) sb.Append(" "); else if (i == 20) { sb.Append(" ... "); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6} ", ethernet.PayloadLength); break; } sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(b.zToHex()); i++; } //for (i = buffer.Length - 4; i < buffer.Length; i++) //{ // byte b = buffer[i]; // sb.Append(" "); // sb.Append(b.zToHex()); //} sb.Append(" "); // total length sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6} |", ppacket.Packet.Count); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); sb.Clear(); sb.AppendFormat("| {0} {1} {2} ", ethernet.Destination, ethernet.Source, ((ushort)ethernet.EtherType).zToHex()); i = 0; foreach (byte b in ethernet.Payload) { if (i++ == 6) break; sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(b.zToHex()); } sb.Append(" ... "); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6} ", ethernet.PayloadLength); if (ethernet.FrameCheckSequence != null) { foreach (byte b in ethernet.FrameCheckSequence) { sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(b.zToHex()); } } else sb.Append(" "); sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6} |", ppacket.Packet.Count); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); _tr.WriteLine("| {0,-25} |", ppacket.EthernetTypeCode); _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); IpV4Datagram ip = ethernet.IpV4; if (ip == null) { _tr.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------[not ipv4 packet]-----------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine(); return; } buffer = ip.ToArray(); _tr.WriteLine("------------------------------------------[ipv4 header]-------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine("| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |"); _tr.WriteLine("| version | ihl | dscp | ecn | total length |"); _tr.WriteLine("| identification | flags | fragment offset |"); _tr.WriteLine("| time to live | protocol | header checksum |"); _tr.WriteLine("| source ip address |"); _tr.WriteLine("| destination ip address |"); _tr.WriteLine("| options (if ihl > 5) |"); _tr.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); sb.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) sb.AppendFormat("| {0} ", buffer[i].zToHex()); sb.Append(" |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) sb.AppendFormat("| {0} ", buffer[i].zToHex()); sb.Append(" |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); for (i = 8; i < 12; i++) sb.AppendFormat("| {0} ", buffer[i].zToHex()); sb.Append(" |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); for (i = 12; i < 16; i++) sb.AppendFormat("| {0} ", buffer[i].zToHex()); sb.Append(" |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); sb.Clear(); for (i = 16; i < 20; i++) sb.AppendFormat("| {0} ", buffer[i].zToHex()); sb.Append(" |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); _tr.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //_tr.WriteLine("| version | ihl | dscp | ecn | total length |"); //_tr.WriteLine("| 4 | 15 | dscp | ecn | 12345 |"); _tr.WriteLine("| {0} | {1,2} | 0x{2} | | {3,5} |", ip.Version, ip.HeaderLength / 4, ip.TypeOfService.zToHex(), ip.TotalLength); //_tr.WriteLine("| identification | flags | fragment offset |"); //_tr.WriteLine("| 0x0000 | flags | 0x0000 |"); _tr.WriteLine("| 0x{0} | | 0x{1} |", ip.Identification.zToHex(), ip.Fragmentation.Offset.zToHex()); //_tr.WriteLine("| time to live | protocol | header checksum |"); //_tr.WriteLine("| 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x0000 |"); _tr.WriteLine("| 0x{0} | 0x{1} | 0x{2} |", ip.Ttl.zToHex(), ((byte)ip.Protocol).zToHex(), ip.HeaderChecksum.zToHex()); //_tr.WriteLine("| source ip address |"); //_tr.WriteLine("| |"); _tr.WriteLine("| {0,-15} |", ip.Source); _tr.WriteLine("| {0,-15} |", ip.Destination); _tr.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------[ipv4 data]--------------------------------------------"); // | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... | sb.Clear(); sb.Append("|"); i = 0; foreach (byte b in ip.Payload) { if (++i == 31) break; sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(b.zToHex()); } if (i != 31) { for (; i < 30; i++) sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(" |"); } else sb.Append(" ... |"); _tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); _tr.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); _tr.WriteLine(); ////************* 0 3 0.465083 52581 443 TCP ACK 0x0001 0x4B2091F9 0x4B2091FA 0x4695DD86 0x401A . ////_tr.WriteLine("group no time source port destination port protocal flags length sequence next seq ack number window urgent"); //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ////_tr.Write("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); //sb.AppendFormat("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000}", ppacket.GroupNumber, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds); //sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-15} {1,5} {2,-15} {3,5} {4,-10}", ppacket.Source, ppacket.SourcePort, ppacket.Destination, ppacket.DestinationPort, ppacket.ProtocolCode); //if (detail) //{ // TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Tcp; // if (tcp != null && ppacket.Ipv4.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp) // { // sb.AppendFormat(" {0,-20}", ppacket.GetTcpFlagsString()); // sb.AppendFormat(" {0,6}", tcp.PayloadLength > 0 ? "0x" + ((short)tcp.PayloadLength).zToHex() : null); // sb.AppendFormat(" 0x{0} {1,10} {2,10} {3,6} {4,6}", ppacket.Tcp.SequenceNumber.zToHex(), tcp.NextSequenceNumber != tcp.SequenceNumber ? "0x" + tcp.NextSequenceNumber.zToHex() : null, // tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.zToHex() : null, "0x" + tcp.Window.zToHex(), // tcp.UrgentPointer != 0 ? "0x" + tcp.UrgentPointer.zToHex() : null); // int i = 0; // int maxDataChar = 50; // foreach (byte b in tcp.Payload) // { // if (++i > maxDataChar) // break; // if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) // sb.Append(((char)b).ToString()); // else // sb.Append("."); // } // } // else if (ppacket.Packet.Ethernet == null) // sb.Append(" not ethernet"); //} //_tr.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); }
//public static string GetTcpStreamPacketString1(IndexedTcpConnection tcpConnection, PPacket ppacket, TcpDirection direction, bool printData) public static string GetTcpStreamPacketString1(PPacket ppacket, TcpDirection direction, bool printData) { IpV4Datagram ip = ppacket.Ipv4; TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Tcp; string saddr = null; string daddr = null; string mf = null; string offset = null; string id = null; if (ip != null) { saddr = ip.Source.ToString(); daddr = ip.Destination.ToString(); if (tcp != null) { saddr += ":" + tcp.SourcePort.ToString(); daddr += ":" + tcp.DestinationPort.ToString(); } //mf = ip.MoreFragment.ToString(); mf = (ip.Fragmentation.Options == IpV4FragmentationOptions.MoreFragments).ToString(); offset = ip.Fragmentation.Offset.zToHex(); id = ip.Identification.zToHex(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //direction string dir = null; //if (direction != null) //{ if (direction == TcpDirection.SourceToDestination) dir = "--> "; else { dir = "<-- "; string addr = saddr; saddr = daddr; daddr = addr; } //} //sb.Append(string.Format("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000} {3,-21} {4}{5,-21} {6,-7}", packet.gGroupNumber, packet.PacketNumber, packet.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds, saddr, dir, daddr, packet.ProtocolCode)); sb.Append(string.Format("{0,5} {1,5} {2,10:0.000000} {3,-21} {4}{5,-21} {6,-7}", ppacket.GetTcpConnection().Index, ppacket.PacketNumber, ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds, saddr, dir, daddr, ppacket.IpProtocolCode)); string align = ""; if (tcp != null) { string next_seq; if (tcp.PayloadLength > 0) next_seq = "0x" + (tcp.SequenceNumber + (uint)tcp.PayloadLength).zToHex(); else if (tcp.IsSynchronize) next_seq = "0x" + (tcp.SequenceNumber + 1).zToHex(); else next_seq = " "; string dataLength; if (tcp.PayloadLength > 0) dataLength = "0x" + ((ushort)tcp.PayloadLength).zToHex(); else dataLength = " "; string ack_seq; if (tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber != 0) ack_seq = "0x" + tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.zToHex(); else ack_seq = " "; string urg_ptr = null; if (tcp.UrgentPointer != 0) urg_ptr = " 0x" + tcp.UrgentPointer.zToHex(); else align += " "; //TCPFlags(tcp) //tcp.GetFlagsString() sb.Append(string.Format(" {0,-20} {1} 0x{2} {3} {4} 0x{5}{6}", ppacket.GetTcpFlagsString(), dataLength, tcp.SequenceNumber.zToHex(), next_seq, ack_seq, tcp.Window.zToHex(), urg_ptr)); } else align += " "; sb.Append(align + " "); HttpDatagram http = tcp.Http; if (http != null) { sb.Append("http "); if (http.IsRequest) sb.Append("request"); else if (http.IsResponse) sb.Append("reply "); else sb.Append("???? "); //sb.Append(http.Version.ToString()); } else sb.Append(" "); if (printData && tcp != null && tcp.PayloadLength > 0) { //sb.Append(align + " "); //byte[] data = tcp.Payload; int i = 0; //int maxDataChar = 100; int maxDataChar = 50; foreach (byte b in tcp.Payload) { if (++i > maxDataChar) break; sb.Append(" "); sb.Append(b.zToHex()); } sb.Append(" "); i = 0; foreach (byte b in tcp.Payload) { if (++i > maxDataChar) break; if (b >= 32 && b <= 126) sb.Append((char)b); else sb.Append('.'); } } return sb.ToString(); }
//private static void PrintIpAdressList(Packet packet) private static void PrintIpAdressList(PPacket ppacket) { Packet packet = ppacket.Packet; //if (packet.Ethernet == null) // return; //IpV4Datagram ip = packet.Ethernet.IpV4; IpV4Datagram ip = ppacket.Ipv4; if (ip == null) return; uint ipAdress = ip.Source.ToValue(); if (!_ipAdressList.ContainsKey(ipAdress)) { _ipAdressList.Add(ipAdress, null); Trace.WriteLine("new ip adress {0}", ip.Source.ToString()); } ipAdress = ip.Destination.ToValue(); if (!_ipAdressList.ContainsKey(ipAdress)) { _ipAdressList.Add(ipAdress, null); Trace.WriteLine("new ip adress {0}", ip.Destination.ToString()); } //TcpDatagram tcp = ip.Tcp; TcpDatagram tcp = ppacket.Tcp; if (tcp == null) return; TcpConnection tcpConnection = new TcpConnection(packet); if (!_tcpStreamList.ContainsKey(tcpConnection)) { _tcpStreamList.Add(tcpConnection, null); //_tr.WriteLine("new tcp stream {0}:{1} {2}:{3}", tcpConnection.Source.IpAddress, tcpConnection.Source.Port, // tcpConnection.Destination.IpAddress, tcpConnection.Destination.Port); Trace.WriteLine("new tcp stream {0}", tcpConnection.GetConnectionName()); } }
private void PrintPacketInfos(PPacket ppacket) { WriteSeparation(); WriteHeaderValues("packet no " + ppacket.PacketNumber.ToString(), string.Format("relative time {0:0.000000}", ppacket.RelativeTime.TotalSeconds), "packet length", ppacket.Packet.Count); }
private void writeData(byte[] data, PPacket ppacket, string message) { // ignore empty packets if (data.Length == 0) return; if (WriteData != null) WriteData(data, new TcpStreamWriteDataInfo() { PPacket = ppacket, Message = message, NextSequenceNumber = _sequenceNumber }); _bytesWritten += (uint)data.Length; _emptyTcpStream = false; }
public void Add(PPacket ppacket) { _ppacket = ppacket; Add(ppacket.Packet); }
//public void Add(TcpStreamPacket tcpStreamPacket) //public void Add(TcpConnection tcpConnection, PPacket ppacket) public void Add(PPacket ppacket) { TcpConnection tcpConnection = ppacket.GetTcpConnection(); if (tcpConnection.Source == _tcpConnection.Source && tcpConnection.Destination == _tcpConnection.Destination) _streamSourceToDestination.Add(ppacket); else _streamDestinationToSource.Add(ppacket); }
public static void PrintPacketDetailHandler(PPacket ppacket) { new PrintPacketDetail()._PrintPacketDetailHandler(ppacket); }
public void _PrintPacketDetailHandler(PPacket ppacket) { //try //{ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //| packet no 5 | relative time 0.745022 | packet length 55 | //-------------------------------------------------------[ethernet frame]------------------------------------------------------- //| 0x0000 | 00 07 CB C1 35 5D | destination MAC address 00:07:CB:C1:35:5D | header length 14 | //| 0x0006 | 48 5B 39 C0 45 48 | source MAC address 48:5B:39:C0:45:48 | data length 41 | //| 0x000C | 08 00 | ether type 0x0800 IPv4 | | //---------------------------------------------------------[ipv4 frame]--------------------------------------------------------- //| 0x000E | 45 | version 4 | header length 20 | //| | | internet header length (ihl) 5 | data length 21 | //| 0x000F | 00 | dscp 0x00 | | //| | | ecn | | //| 0x0010 | 00 29 | total length 41 | | //| 0x0012 | 4F F9 | identification 0x4FF9 | | //| 0x0014 | 40 00 | flags | | //| | | fragment offset 0x0000 | | //| 0x0016 | 80 | time to live 0x80 | | //| 0x0017 | 06 | protocol 0x06 TCP | | //| 0x0018 | 1A 47 | header checksum 0x1A47 | | //| 0x001A | C0 A8 00 01 | source ip address | | //| 0x001E | AD C2 22 23 | destination ip address | | //| | | options (if ihl > 5) | | //| 0x0022 | CD 67 01 BB E9 DF 53 5D | data | | //| 0x002A | 91 1F 42 06 50 10 40 3D | | | //| 0x0032 | FF 81 00 00 00 | | | //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //if (ip.Tcp != null && ip.Tcp.Http.Version == null) // return; PrintPacketInfos(ppacket); _dataLength = (ushort)ppacket.Packet.Count; _dataEnum = ppacket.Packet.zAsEnumerableWithCounter(); PrintEthernet(ppacket); EthernetDatagram ethernet = ppacket.Packet.Ethernet; if (ethernet.EtherType == EthernetType.IpV4) { PrintIpV4(ppacket); IpV4Datagram ip = ethernet.IpV4; if (ip.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp) { PrintTcp(ppacket); if (ip.Tcp.Http.Version != null) PrintHttp(ppacket); } } WriteSeparation(); Trace.WriteLine(); //} //finally //{ // WriteSeparation(); // Trace.WriteLine(); //} }