public Vector2D Normalized()
     Vector2D result = new Vector2D(0, 0);
     if (Length() != 0)
         result.X = X / Length();
         result.Y = Y / Length();
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Angle in degrees between two directions. The angle is positive if the direction passed as second parameter points at the left of the first one
 /// (considering the first one as a vector pointing forward). The angle is negative otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dir1"></param>
 /// <param name="dir2"></param>
 /// <returns> Returns an angles between two directions.  </returns>
 static public double AngleBetweenDirections(Vector2D dir1, Vector2D dir2)
     Vector2D dir1norm = dir1.Normalized();
     Vector2D dir2norm = dir2.Normalized();
     double dot = dir1norm.Dot(dir2norm);
     double angle = Math.Acos(dot) * 180 / Math.PI;
     // If the coss product vector points down, than dir2 poitn to the left relatively to dir1
     if (dir1.Cross(dir2) >  0) 
         angle *= -1;
     return angle;
 internal void GlanceToAngle(Vector2D angleCoordinates)
     backFromGlance = true;
     GenerateGaze(GazeTarget.Angle, angleCoordinates, DefaultGazeSpeed / 2);
        private Vector2D AnglesToPoint(double x, double y, Vector3D origin)
            Vector2D angles = new Vector2D(0, 0);
            Vector3D screenPointPhysicalCoords = ScreenToPhysicalCoords(new Vector2D(x, y));

            Vector2D directionToPointHorizzontal = Vector2D.Direction(new Vector2D(origin.X, origin.Y), new Vector2D(screenPointPhysicalCoords.X, screenPointPhysicalCoords.Y));
            Vector2D directionToPointVertical = Vector2D.Direction(new Vector2D(origin.Z, origin.Y), new Vector2D(screenPointPhysicalCoords.Z, screenPointPhysicalCoords.Y));

            angles.X = Vector2D.AngleBetweenDirections(_forward, directionToPointHorizzontal);
            angles.Y = Vector2D.AngleBetweenDirections(_forward, directionToPointVertical);

            // HACK to avoid the robot looking upward when he's located on the upper side of the screen
            if (angles.Y > 0) angles.Y *= -1;

            return angles;
 private double GetAngleOfLineBetweenTwoPoints(Vector2D p1, Vector2D p2)
     double xDiff = p2.X - p1.X;
     double yDiff = p2.Y - p1.Y;
     return Math.Atan2(xDiff, yDiff) * 180 / Math.PI;
 public ScreenSetup(Vector3D bottomLeftCorner, Vector2D size, Vector2D resolution)
     _bottomLeftCorner = bottomLeftCorner;
     _size = size;
     _resolution = resolution;
 public PhysicalSpace(ScreenSetup screenSetup, Vector3D headPosition, Vector3D rightShoulderPosition, Vector3D leftShoulderPosition, Vector2D forward, string name = "")
     _name = name;
     _screenSetup = screenSetup;
     _headPosition = headPosition;
     _forward = forward;
     _leftShoulderPosition = leftShoulderPosition;
     _rightShoulderPosition = rightShoulderPosition;
 internal void Glance(TargetInfo target)
     if (!started || ((GazeState == GazeTarget.Person || GazeState == GazeTarget.Person2) && target.GazeTarget != GazeTarget.Person && target.GazeTarget != GazeTarget.Person2)) return;
     currentGazeInterval = GlanceInterval;
     currentRandomAmplitude = GlanceRandomAmplitude;
     if (target.GazeTarget == GazeTarget.ScreenPoint) GlanceToScreen(target.Coordinates);
     else if (target.GazeTarget == GazeTarget.Angle) GlanceToAngle(target.Coordinates);
     else Glance(target.GazeTarget);
 private void Glance(GazeTarget gazeTarget)
     if (!started || !((GazeState == GazeTarget.Person || GazeState == GazeTarget.Person2) && gazeTarget != GazeTarget.Person && gazeTarget != GazeTarget.Person2)) return;
     currentGazeInterval = GlanceInterval;
     currentRandomAmplitude = GlanceRandomAmplitude;
     if (gazeTarget == GazeTarget.ThroughMap) glanceThroughMapToDo = GlanceThroughMapCount - 1;
     if (gazeTarget == GazeTarget.AcrossRoom)
         currentRandomAmplitude = GazeRandomAmplitude;
         glanceAcrossRoomToDo = GlanceAcrossRoomCount - 1;
 internal void Gaze(GazeTarget GazeTarget, bool dontPerform = false)
     if (!started) return;
     ignoreClick = true;
     currentGazeInterval = GazeInterval;
     currentRandomAmplitude = GazeRandomAmplitude;
     SwitchGazeTarget(GazeTarget, dontPerform);
 internal void Gaze(TargetInfo target, bool dontPerform = false)
     if (!started) return;
     currentGazeInterval = GazeInterval;
     currentRandomAmplitude = GazeRandomAmplitude;
     if (target.GazeTarget == GazeTarget.ScreenPoint) GazeToScreen(target.Coordinates, dontPerform);
     else if (target.GazeTarget == GazeTarget.Angle) GazeToAngle(target.Coordinates, dontPerform);
     else Gaze(target.GazeTarget, dontPerform);
 internal void HeadTracking(int userId, Vector2D PersonLocation)
     if (((userId == 0 && GazeState == GazeTarget.Person) || (userId == 1 && GazeState == GazeTarget.Person2)) /*&& gazeId == ""*/)
         Console.WriteLine("headtracking info: " + userId + ", " + PersonLocation.X);
         currentGazeInterval = GazeInterval;
         currentRandomAmplitude = GazeRandomAmplitude;
         GenerateGaze(GazeState, PersonLocation, DefaultGazeSpeed / 2);
     else Console.WriteLine("headtracking ignored: " + gazeId);
 public void GazeToAngle(Vector2D p, bool dontPerform = false)
     currentGazeAnglePoint = p;
     SwitchGazeTarget(GazeTarget.Angle, dontPerform);
 public void GazeToScreen(Vector2D p, bool dontPerform = false)
     currentScreenPoint = p;
     SwitchGazeTarget(GazeTarget.ScreenPoint, dontPerform);
 private void NotifyPointAngleChanged(Vector2D point)
     if (ScreenPointChanged != null) ScreenPointChanged(point);
Exemple #16
 public TargetInfo(Vector2D coordinates, string targetName = "", GazeTarget targetType = EmoteCommonMessages.GazeTarget.ScreenPoint)
     this.GazeTarget = targetType;
     this.Coordinates = coordinates;
     this.TargetName = targetName;
     Linked = false;
 public ScreenSetup(Vector2D size, Vector2D resolution) : this(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), size, resolution) { }
 internal void SetAngleTarget(string targetName, Vector2D coordinates)
     lock (Targets)
         Targets[targetName.ToLower()] = new TargetInfo(coordinates, targetName, GazeTarget.Angle);
 public PhysicalSpace(ScreenSetup screenSetup, Vector3D headPosition, Vector2D forward, string name="") : this(screenSetup, headPosition, new Vector3D(0,0,0), new Vector3D(0,0,0), forward, name) {}
 void IMapEvents.Click(double x, double y)
     LastTouchOnScreenCoords = new Vector2D(x, y);
        public Vector2D PointToScreenPoint(double x, double y)
            Vector2D angles = new Vector2D(0, 0);

            if (IsAtRobotRight(x,y))
                angles = AnglesToPoint(x, y, _rightShoulderPosition);
                angles = AnglesToPoint(x, y, _leftShoulderPosition);

            return angles;
 void IMapEvents.Pan(double x, double y, double prevX, double prevY)
     LastTouchOnScreenCoords = new Vector2D((x + prevX) / 2, (y + prevY) / 2);
        private Vector3D ScreenToPhysicalCoords(Vector2D screenCoords)
            Vector3D screenPointPhysicalCoords = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            screenPointPhysicalCoords.X = screenCoords.X * _screenSetup._size.X / _screenSetup._resolution.X;
            screenPointPhysicalCoords.Y = screenCoords.Y * _screenSetup._size.Y / _screenSetup._resolution.Y;

            screenPointPhysicalCoords.X += _screenSetup._bottomLeftCorner.X;
            screenPointPhysicalCoords.Y += _screenSetup._bottomLeftCorner.Y;
            screenPointPhysicalCoords.Z += _screenSetup._bottomLeftCorner.Z;

            return screenPointPhysicalCoords;
 void EmoteCommonMessages.IPerceptionEvents.HeadTracking(int userID, double X, double Y, double Z, bool DetectedSkeleton)
     userID -= 1;
     if (DetectedSkeleton)
         Z += ZTrackingCompensation / 100;
         Y += YTrackingCompensation / 100;
         PersonLocation[userID] = new Vector2D(-Math.Atan2(X, Z) * (180 / Math.PI), Math.Atan2(Y, Z) * (180 / Math.PI));
         if (userID == 0)
             SetAngleTarget("env", PersonLocation[userID]);
             SetAngleTarget("environmentalist", PersonLocation[userID]);
         else if (userID == 1)
             SetAngleTarget("eco", PersonLocation[userID]);
             SetAngleTarget("economist", PersonLocation[userID]);
     if ((IsPersonVisible && !DetectedSkeleton) || (!IsPersonVisible && DetectedSkeleton)) NotifyPersonVisibleChanged(userID, DetectedSkeleton);
     IsPersonVisible = DetectedSkeleton;
     if (IsPersonVisible) NotifyPersonAngleChanged(userID, PersonLocation[userID]);
 static public Vector2D Direction(Vector2D fromPoint, Vector2D toPoint) {
     Vector2D result = new Vector2D(0, 0);
     result.X = toPoint.X - fromPoint.X;
     result.Y = toPoint.Y - fromPoint.Y;
     return result.Normalized();
 private void NotifyPersonAngleChanged(int userId, Vector2D angle)
     if (PersonAngleChanged != null) PersonAngleChanged(userId, angle);
 public double Dot(Vector2D secondVector)
     return X * secondVector.X + Y * secondVector.Y;
 private void NotifyClickPointChanged(Vector2D point)
     if (ClickPointChanged != null) ClickPointChanged(point);
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the cross product of two vectors
 /// if you don't remember --->
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v2"></param>
 /// <returns> since the vectors are bidimensional, it returns only the third coordinate of the resulting tridimensional cross vector  </returns>
 public double Cross(Vector2D v2)
     return X * v2.Y - Y * v2.X; ;
 internal void GlanceToScreen(Vector2D ScreenPoint)
     backFromGlance = true;
     GenerateGaze(GazeTarget.ScreenPoint, ScreenPoint, DefaultGazeSpeed / 2);