//public void Dispose() //{ //} public MouseController(PointingDeviceCollection pd, Dock d, ScrollBar sB, SystemState st, PhotoDisplay photoDisplay, StrokeBoxCollection s, KeyboardDevice key) { dock = d; sBar = sB; //pdCollection = pdc; strokeGroup = s; systemState = st; photoDisplayManager = photoDisplay; //rawInputForm_ = new RawInputForm(); pdCollection = pd; keyboard = key; }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { float MinPhotoSize = Browser.MinPhotoScale(Browser.Instance.ClientWidth, Browser.Instance.ClientHeight, Browser.MAXX, Browser.MAXY, photos.Count); //MinPhotoSize = 0f;// ムービー用 float MaxPhotoSize = Browser.MaxPhotoScale(Browser.Instance.ClientWidth, Browser.Instance.ClientHeight, Browser.MAXX, Browser.MAXY, photos.Count); weight_ = weight.ScaleWeight; // アトラクター選択 foreach (Photo a in photos) { // スケール速度 float ds = 0; // added by Gengdai realMinScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MinPhotoSize * Browser.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MinPhotoSize * Browser.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; realMaxScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MaxPhotoSize * Browser.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MaxPhotoSize * Browser.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; followMinScale = realMinScale * 10f; if (followMinScale > realMaxScale) followMinScale = realMaxScale; // 重ならないように制約 if (a.Adjacency.Count == 0) { // 周りに画像がなければMaxPhotoSizeまで拡大させる ds += (realMaxScale - a.Scale) * 0.01f * weight_; } // サイズがMinPhotoSize以下もしくはMaxPhotoSize以上になるのを防ぐ制約 if (a.IsFollowing && a.Scale < followMinScale) { ds += (followMinScale - a.Scale) * 0.02f * weight_; } else if (!a.IsFollowing && a.Scale < realMinScale) { ds += (realMinScale - a.Scale) * 0.02f * weight_; } else if (a.Scale > realMaxScale) { ds -= (a.Scale - realMaxScale) * 0.02f * weight_; } //ノイズを付加する if (false) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.2f; float noise = (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance); ds += noise; } a.AddScale(ds); } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.NonOverlapWeight; // 最も古い写真と新しい写真の撮影日時を取得 DateTime mindt = DateTime.MaxValue; DateTime maxdt = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (Photo a in photos) { if (mindt > a.ptag.CapturedDate) { mindt = a.ptag.CapturedDate; } if (maxdt < a.ptag.CapturedDate) { maxdt = a.ptag.CapturedDate; } } sBar.Oldest = mindt; sBar.Newest = maxdt; // ウインドウ表示範囲内で最も古い写真と新しい写真の撮影日時を指定 double max = maxdt.Subtract(mindt).TotalSeconds; double minw = max * (double)sBar.Min / (double)sBar.Width; double maxw = max * (double)sBar.Max / (double)sBar.Width; foreach (Photo a in photos) { Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; double x = a.ptag.CapturedDate.Subtract(mindt).TotalSeconds; x -= minw; x *= (double)sBar.Width / Math.Max((maxw - minw), 1d); v = Vector2.UnitX * (float)(x - a.Position.X) * 0.02f * weight_; // ノイズで方向を変化させる if (v != Vector2.Zero && false) { float noise = (float)((1 - Math.Exp(-rand.NextDouble())) * Math.PI); noise *= (float)Math.Log(a.Adjacency.Count + 1); if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.5) { noise *= -1; } float cnoise = (float)Math.Cos(noise); float snoise = (float)Math.Sin(noise); Vector2 noisyv = new Vector2(v.X * cnoise - v.Y * snoise, v.X * snoise + v.Y * cnoise); v = noisyv; } a.AddPosition(v); } }
public PhotoDisplay(SystemState st, Dock d, ScrollBar s, StrokeBoxCollection str) { systemState = st; dock = d; sBar = s; strokes = str; //photos = p; weight = new AttractorWeight( NonOverlapWeight, ScaleWeight, AttractToMouseWeight, ScaleUpMouseWeight, TagWeight, NoiseWeight); }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { float MinPhotoSize = SystemParameter.MinPhotoScale(SystemParameter.ClientWidth, SystemParameter.ClientHeight, ResourceManager.MAXX, ResourceManager.MAXY, photos.Count) * 5; float MaxPhotoSize = SystemParameter.MaxPhotoScale(SystemParameter.ClientWidth, SystemParameter.ClientHeight, ResourceManager.MAXX, ResourceManager.MAXY, photos.Count) * 2; weight_ = weight.ScaleUpMouseWeight; // アトラクター選択 foreach (Photo a in activePhotos) { float ds = 0; // スケール // added by Gengdai realMinScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MinPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MinPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; realMaxScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MaxPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MaxPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; // マウスに重なっているほど大きくしたい //if (a.IsGazeds) { ds += (realMaxScale - a.Scale) * weight_ * 0.05f; // サイズが最小値以下もしくは最大値以上になるのを防ぐ制約 if (a.Scale < realMinScale) { ds += (realMinScale - a.Scale) * weight_ * 0.01f; } else if (a.Scale > realMaxScale) { ds -= (a.Scale - realMaxScale) * weight_ * 0.01f; } // ノイズを付加する if (false) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.2f; float noise = (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance); ds += noise; } } a.AddScale(ds); } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { //Photo clickedPhoto = null; // 找到被点击的图片 foreach (Photo a in activePhotos) { if (a.IsClicked == false) { continue; } //if one picture is clickes List<PeopleTag> currentTagList = a.PTags.pTags; string selectedPeopleName = null; // 如果被选中的图片没有人物标签则返回,不予处理 if (currentTagList == null) continue; foreach (PeopleTag p in currentTagList) { Rectangle box = p.Box; Rectangle newbox = new Rectangle((int)((float)box.X * a.ScaleDisplay), (int)((float)box.Y * a.ScaleDisplay) , (int)((float)box.Width * a.ScaleDisplay), (int)((float)box.Height * a.ScaleDisplay)); if (newbox.Contains((int)a.ClickedPoint.X, (int)a.ClickedPoint.Y)) { selectedPeopleName = p.People; break; } } // 如果选中了某人 if (selectedPeopleName != null) { foreach (Photo p in photos) { Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; if (p.ptag.allTags.Contains(selectedPeopleName)) // 对于那些被吸引的图像 { v = a.Position - p.Position; // 吸引 v *= weight_1 / 2f;// 10f; } else // 为被吸引的图像 { v = p.Position - a.Position; // 排斥 v *= weight_2 / 3.0f;// 10f; } // 改变噪声方向 if (v != Vector2.Zero && false) { float noise = (float)((1 - Math.Exp(-rand.NextDouble())) * Math.PI); noise *= (float)Math.Log(p.Adjacency.Count + 1); if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.5) { noise *= -1; } float cnoise = (float)Math.Cos(noise) / 3f; float snoise = (float)Math.Sin(noise) / 3f; Vector2 noisyv = new Vector2(v.X * cnoise - v.Y * snoise, v.X * snoise + v.Y * cnoise); v = noisyv; } // 将改变的向量v作用于图像 p.AddPosition(v); } } } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { float MinPhotoSize = SystemParameter.MinPhotoScale(SystemParameter.ClientWidth, SystemParameter.ClientHeight, ResourceManager.MAXX, ResourceManager.MAXY, photos.Count); //MinPhotoSize = 0f;// movie用 float MaxPhotoSize = SystemParameter.MaxPhotoScale(SystemParameter.ClientWidth, SystemParameter.ClientHeight, ResourceManager.MAXX, ResourceManager.MAXY, photos.Count); weight_ = weight.ScaleWeight; // 吸引子选择 foreach (Photo a in photos) { // 大规模速度 float ds = 0; // added by Gengdai realMinScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MinPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MinPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; realMaxScale = a.GetTexture().Width > a.GetTexture().Height ? MaxPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXX / a.GetTexture().Width : MaxPhotoSize * ResourceManager.MAXY / a.GetTexture().Height; aPhotoArea = a.Scale * a.GetTexture().Width * a.Scale * a.GetTexture().Height; // 避免重叠的约束 if (a.Adjacency.Count > 0) { foreach (AdjacentPhoto b in a) { bPhotoArea = b.Photo.Scale * b.Photo.GetTexture().Width * b.Photo.Scale * b.Photo.GetTexture().Height; // 如果对方小 // 为防止重叠,MinPhotoSize会缩小 if (bPhotoArea < aPhotoArea) { if (a.IsGazeds && b.Photo.IsGazeds) { ds -= (a.Scale - realMinScale) * 0.1f * weight_; } else { ds -= (a.Scale - realMinScale) * 0.02f * weight_; } } } } // 防止MinPhotoSize大于MaxPhotoSize if (a.Scale < realMinScale) { ds += (realMinScale - a.Scale) * 0.02f * weight_; } else if (a.Scale > realMaxScale) { ds -= (a.Scale - realMaxScale) * 0.02f * weight_; } // 噪声添加 if (false) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.2f; float noise = (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance); ds += noise; } a.AddScale(ds); } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.TagWeight; // ���ڂ���Ă���摜��temActivePhoto�Ƃ��� foreach (Photo a in activePhotos) { if (a.activeTag.Count == 0 || (a.activeTag.Count == 1 && a.activeTag.Contains("Color"))) continue; // �e�摜�̈ړ� foreach (Photo photo in photos) { if (photo.ID == a.ID) continue; bool matched = false; foreach (String tag in a.activeTag) { if (tag.Equals("Color")) continue; if (photo.containTag(tag)) { matched = true; break; } } Vector2 v = a.Position - photo.Position; if (matched) { photo.IsFollowing = true; Vector2 tempdir = Vector2.Zero; float tempdira = 0f; if (a.boundingBox_.Overrap(photo.boundingBox_, ref tempdir, ref tempdira)) { v *= -1f; } v *= (float)3f; } else { v *= -1f; } v *= weight_ / 128f; // noise if (v != Vector2.Zero && false) // noise enabled { float noise = (float)((1 - Math.Exp(-rand.NextDouble())) * Math.PI); noise *= (float)Math.Log(photo.Adjacency.Count + 1); if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.5) { noise *= -1; } float cnoise = (float)Math.Cos(noise); float snoise = (float)Math.Sin(noise); Vector2 noisyv = new Vector2(v.X * cnoise - v.Y * snoise, v.X * snoise + v.Y * cnoise); v = noisyv; } photo.AddPosition(v); } } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here base.Initialize(); dock_ = new Dock(ResourceManager.iconNumber_); //pdCollection.initialize(); photoDisplay = new PhotoDisplay(systemState, dock_, timeStateManager.sBar, strokeGroup); inputController = new MouseController(pdCollection, dock_, timeStateManager.sBar, systemState, photoDisplay, strokeGroup, keyboard); inputController.InitialOpen(profilePath); }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.NonOverlapWeight; baseX = SystemParameter.ClientWidth; baseY = SystemParameter.ClientHeight; // 从ini文件获取geotag信息 if (geotagList_.Count < 1) { string home = "C:\\PhotoViewer"; string iniName = "geotagList_tohoku.ini"; if (File.Exists(home + "\\" + iniName)) { string gtl = File.ReadAllText(home + "\\" + iniName); string[] sep = new string[1]; sep[0] = "\r\n"; string[] gts = gtl.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0, ilen = gts.Length; i < ilen; ++i) { sep[0] = ":"; string[] gt = gts[i].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); sep[0] = ","; string[] xy = gt[1].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); #if JAPANESE_MAP int x = int.Parse(xy[0]); #else //int x = ((int)(float.Parse(xy[0]) + mapDef * bx / mapX)) % ((int)bx); int x = int.Parse(xy[0]); #endif int y = int.Parse(xy[1]); geotagList_.Add(new SStringIntInt(gt[0], x, y)); // 地名,xy坐标 } } } foreach (Photo a in photos) { Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; foreach (SStringIntInt gt in geotagList_) { if (a.containTag(gt.Name)) { Vector2 target = new Vector2((float)gt.X * baseX / bx, (float)gt.Y * baseY / by); v += target - a.Position; break; } } // 改变噪声方向 if (v != Vector2.Zero && false) { float noise = (float)((1 - Math.Exp(-rand.NextDouble())) * Math.PI); noise *= (float)Math.Log(a.Adjacency.Count + 1); if (rand.NextDouble() < 0.5) { noise *= -1; } float cnoise = (float)Math.Cos(noise); float snoise = (float)Math.Sin(noise); Vector2 noisyv = new Vector2(v.X * cnoise - v.Y * snoise, v.X * snoise + v.Y * cnoise); v = noisyv; } a.AddPosition(v); } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.NonOverlapWeight * (Browser.MAXX + Browser.MAXY); // 吸引子选择 foreach (Photo a in photos) { // 速度 Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; // 避免相邻图像重叠的移动方向 foreach (AdjacentPhoto b in a) { if (a.IsGazeds && b.Photo.IsGazeds) { v += b.Direction * 0.2f * weight_ / 150f; if (a.touchCount != 0 && b.Photo.touchCount != 0) { if (a.touchCount <= b.Photo.touchCount && a.LayerDepth >= b.Photo.LayerDepth) { b.Photo.LayerDepth = a.LayerDepth + 0.001f; if (b.Photo.LayerDepth > 1f) b.Photo.LayerDepth = 1f; } else if (b.Photo.touchCount < a.touchCount && b.Photo.LayerDepth >= a.LayerDepth) { a.LayerDepth = b.Photo.LayerDepth + 0.001f; if (a.LayerDepth > 1f) a.LayerDepth = 1f; } } } else { v += b.Direction * 0.02f * weight_/ 150f; } } // 添加噪声 if (false) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.5f; Vector2 noise = new Vector2((float)randbm.NextDouble(variance), (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance)); v += noise; } a.AddPosition(v); #if NO_ROTATION #else // 回転角 float va = 0f; foreach (AdjacentPhoto b in a) { va += b.AngleDirection; } // // float at = 0f; //// 1点を中心に回転させる //Vector2 spinCenter = new Vector2(input.WindowWidth / 2f, input.WindowHeight / 2f); ////spinCenter.Y = input.WindowHeight; //at = (float)(-Math.Atan2((double)(a.Position.X - (double)spinCenter.X), (double)(a.Position.Y - (double)spinCenter.Y))); //if (at > 0) //{ // at -= (float)Math.PI; //} //else //{ // at += (float)Math.PI; //} // できるだけ下を向かせる at = 0f; va += (at - a.Angle); // // // ノイズを付加する if (input.EnabledNoise) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.1f; float noise = (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance); va += noise; } a.AddAngle(va); #endif } }
public void Initialize(string path) { dock_ = new Dock(ResourceManager.iconNumber_); //pdCollection.initialize(); photoDisplay = new PhotoDisplay(systemState, dock_, timeStateManager.sBar, strokeGroup); inputController = new MouseController(pdCollection, dock_, timeStateManager.sBar, systemState, photoDisplay, strokeGroup, keyboard); inputController.InitialOpen(path); }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.NonOverlapWeight; // 吸引子选择 foreach (Photo a in photos) { // 速度 Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; // 防止图像超出窗口范围 (强制约束) #if NO_ROTATION if (systemState.curState != SystemState.ATTRACTOR_TIME) { if (a.BoundingBox.Min.X < dock.DockBoundX) { v.X -= (a.BoundingBox.Min.X - dock.DockBoundX); } if (a.BoundingBox.Max.X > SystemParameter.ClientWidth) { v.X -= (a.BoundingBox.Max.X - SystemParameter.ClientWidth); } } if (a.BoundingBox.Min.Y < 0) { v.Y -= (a.BoundingBox.Min.Y); } if (a.BoundingBox.Max.Y > SystemParameter.ClientHeight) { v.Y -= (a.BoundingBox.Max.Y - SystemParameter.ClientHeight); } v *= 0.02f * INTO_DISPLAY * weight_; #else float va = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Vector2 v1 = a.Position - a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i]; v1.Normalize(); Vector2 v2 = Vector2.Zero; float dist = 0f; if (a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].X < input.DockBound) { v2 = Vector2.UnitX; dist = input.DockBound - a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].X ; } if (a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].X > input.WindowWidth) { v2 = -Vector2.UnitX; dist = a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].X - input.WindowWidth; } if (a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].Y < 0) { v2 = Vector2.UnitY; dist = -a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].Y; } if (a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].Y > input.WindowHeight) { v2 = -Vector2.UnitY; dist = a.BoudingBox.Vertex[i].Y - input.WindowHeight; } //v += v1 * (float)(dist * Math.Abs(v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y)); v += dist * v2; va += -(v1.X * v2.Y - v1.Y * v2.X) * INTO_DISPLAY; } v *= 0.02f * INTO_DISPLAY * weight_; #endif // 噪声添加 if (true) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.5f; Vector2 noise = new Vector2((float)randbm.NextDouble(variance), (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance)); v += noise; } a.AddPosition(v); #if NO_ROTATION #else if (input.EnabledNoise) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.1f; float noise = (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance); va += noise; } a.AddAngle(va); #endif } }
// "File"��J������ /*private void openFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { } // "File"��ۑ����铮�� private void saveFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { } // "File" �� "Open" ���� private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileOpenDialog(); }*/ /*public void AddFilesFromFlickr(string tag, FlickrForm flickrForm, int addNumber) { List<string> urls = flickrForm.SearchPhotoByTag(tag); for (int i = 0; i < addNumber; i++) { int addIndex = rand_.Next(urls.Count); Image image = (Image.FromStream(flickrForm.FlickrProperty.DownloadPicture(urls[addIndex]))); image.Save(addIndex.ToString() + "," + tag + ",.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); filenames_.Add(Application.StartupPath + addIndex.ToString() + "," + tag + ",.jpg"); } }*/ /*private void changeDirectoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeDirectory(); }*/ /*public void ChangeDirectory() { if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { lock (monitor_) { homeDirectory_ = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; } } }*/ /*public void AddPBForm() { int count = 1; if (pbForm_.isBegin) { pbForm_.Add(count); } else { pbForm_.Begin(count); } pbForm_.ProgressName(); }*/ /*private void ControlPanel_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } else { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; } } private void ControlPanel_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (Directory.Exists(homeDirectory_)) { if (!Directory.Exists(homeDirectory_ + "\\Content\\DD")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(homeDirectory_ + "\\Content\\DD"); } string[] filePath = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop, false); int len = filePath.Length; if (pbForm_.isBegin) { pbForm_.Add(len); } else { pbForm_.Begin(len); } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { string[] ss = filePath[i].Split('\\'); string fileName = ss[ss.Length - 1]; if (fileName != "") { string copyTo = homeDirectory_ + "\\Content\\DD\\" + fileName; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(copyTo)) { System.IO.File.Copy(filePath[i], copyTo); } filenames_.Add(copyTo); pbForm_.ProgressName(); } } } } private static bool dummy() { return false; }*/ // "File" �˵��� "Save" �Ӳ˵� /*private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:\\PhotoViewer\\fps���茋��\\�����"; saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel File|*.xls|Text File|*.txt"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { lock (monitor_) { System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName, true, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS")); streamWriter.Write("1A\t" + "1B\n" + "2A\t" + "2B\t" + "2C\n"); streamWriter.Close(); } } }*/ // ������־(profile.ini) //public void SavePhotoLogs(List<PhotoLog> pl) //{ // if (filenames_.Count == 0) // { // string profilePath = homeDirectory_; // if (System.IO.File.Exists(profilePath + "\\profile.ini")) // { // System.IO.File.Delete(profilePath + "\\profile.ini"); // } // System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(profilePath + "\\profile.ini", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS")); // sw.Write(homeDirectory_ + "\r\n"); // foreach (PhotoLog p in pl) // { // sw.Write(p.FilePath + "|"); // sw.Write(p.FileName + "|"); // for (int i = 0, len = p.CapturedTimeStamp.Length; i < len; ++i) // { // sw.Write(p.CapturedTimeStamp[i] + ":"); // } // sw.Write("|"); // for (int i = 0, len = p.CreateTimeStamp.Length; i < len; ++i) // { // sw.Write(p.CreateTimeStamp[i] + ":"); // } // sw.Write("|"); // if (p.Tags != null) // { // for (int i = 0, len = p.Tags.Length; i < len; ++i) // { // sw.Write(p.Tags[i] + ":"); // } // } // else // { // sw.Write("null:"); // } // sw.Write("|"); // if (p.Feature != null) // { // for (int i = 0, len = p.Feature.Length; i < len; ++i) // { // sw.Write(p.Feature[i] + ":"); // } // } // sw.Write("|" + p.Variance.ToString()); // sw.Write("\r\n"); // } // sw.Close(); // } //} //// added by Gengdai //public void ReadPeopleLogs(List<PeopleTags> ptags) //{ // string tagFileName = "\\people.cfg"; // string fullFileName = homeDirectory_ + tagFileName; // if (File.Exists(fullFileName)) // { // ptags.Clear(); // string photoname; // string people; // Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle box; // StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fullFileName, Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS")); // string[] sep = new string[1]; // sep[0] = "\r\n"; // string[] tags = (sr.ReadToEnd()).Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // for (int i = 0, len = tags.Length; i < len; i++) // { // List<PeopleTag> list = new List<PeopleTag>(); // //list.Clear(); // sep[0] = "|"; // string[] tag = tags[i].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // photoname = tag[0]; // for (int j = 1; j < tag.Length; j++) // { // sep[0] = ":"; // string[] subtag = tag[j].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // people = subtag[0]; // box = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(int.Parse(subtag[1]), int.Parse(subtag[2]), int.Parse(subtag[3]), int.Parse(subtag[4])); // list.Add(new PeopleTag(people, box)); // } // ptags.Add(new PeopleTags(photoname, list)); // } // } //} //public void ReadPhotoLogs(List<PhotoLog> pl) //{ // string exePath = homeDirectory_; // if (System.IO.File.Exists(exePath + "\\profile.ini")) // { // pl.Clear(); // System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(exePath + "\\profile.ini", System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift_JIS")); // string[] sep = new string[1]; // sep[0] = "\r\n"; // string[] logs = (sr.ReadToEnd()).Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // if(logs.Length > 0) // homeDirectory_ = logs[0]; // for (int i = 1, len = logs.Length; i < len; ++i) // { // sep[0] = "|"; // PhotoLog p = new PhotoLog(); // string[] log = logs[i].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // p.FilePath = log[0]; // p.FileName = log[1]; // sep[0] = ":"; // p.CapturedTimeStamp = log[2].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // p.CreateTimeStamp = log[3].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // p.Tags = log[4].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // if (log.Length > 5) // { // p.Feature = log[5].Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // } // else // { // p.Feature = null; // } // if (log.Length > 6) // { // p.Variance = log[6]; // } // else // { // p.Variance = "0.0"; // } // pl.Add(p); // } // sr.Close(); // pl.Sort(); // } //} // �A�v���P�[�V�����̏I�� //private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // Application.Exit(); //} //private void ControlPanel_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) //{ // this.Hide(); // isShown_ = false; // e.Cancel = true; //} public void invokeAttractorSelection(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { for (int i = 0, size = Attractors.Length; i < size; ++i) { if ((attractor_ & (1 << i)) != 0) { Attractors[i].select(dock, sBar, weight, photos, activePhotos, strokes, systemState); } } }
public void select(Dock dock, ScrollBar sBar, AttractorWeight weight, List<Photo> photos, List<Photo> activePhotos, List<Stroke> strokes, SystemState systemState) { weight_ = weight.NonOverlapWeight; //List<Stroke> strokes = strokeCol.strokeList; foreach (var stroke in strokes) { if (!stroke.IsClosed) continue; foreach (Photo a in photos) { bool inner = stroke.IsInternal(a.Position); Vector2 v = Vector2.Zero; // 到最近锚点的矢量 Vector2 v2n = Vector2.One * float.MaxValue; if (stroke.relatedPhotos.Contains(a)) a.IsFollowing = true; if (stroke.relatedPhotos.Contains(a) && !inner) { foreach (Vector2 s in stroke.Strokes) { Vector2 dist = s - a.Position; if (dist.LengthSquared() < v2n.LengthSquared()) { v2n = dist; } } v += v2n; //v += (stroke.Center - a.Position); v *= 0.02f * INTO_DISPLAY * weight_; } #if STRICT bool inner1 = strokes[i][j].IsInternal(a.BoudingBox.Min); bool inner2 = strokes[i][j].IsInternal(new Vector2(a.BoudingBox.Min.X, a.BoudingBox.Max.Y)); bool inner3 = strokes[i][j].IsInternal(a.boudingBox_.Max); bool inner4 = strokes[i][j].IsInternal(new Vector2(a.BoudingBox.Max.X, a.BoudingBox.Min.Y)); if(inner || inner1 || inner2 || inner3 || inner4) { #else else if (!stroke.relatedPhotos.Contains(a) && inner) { #endif foreach (Vector2 s in stroke.Strokes) { Vector2 dist = s - a.Position; if (dist.LengthSquared() < v2n.LengthSquared()) { v2n = dist; } } //v -= v2n; v += (a.Position - stroke.Center); v *= 0.02f * INTO_DISPLAY * weight_; } // 添加噪音 if (false) { if (v != Vector2.Zero) { float variance = weight.NoiseWeight * 0.5f; Vector2 noise = new Vector2((float)randbm.NextDouble(variance), (float)randbm.NextDouble(variance)); v += noise; } } a.AddPosition(v); } } }