Exemple #1
        public ArrayList AddGroup(
            string strGroup,
            int iCount,
            bool fRepeat,
            string strSort,
            bool fDesc,
            bool fRecurse,
            string strRoot,
            string strPre,
            string strPost,
            int iDepth,
            int iCurrentDepth
            ArrayList objDavData;

            // Read the group information
            objDavData = DavUtil.DAVGetData(m_objWebUtil, strGroup);

            int fileCount      = 0;
            int directoryCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < objDavData.Count; i++)
                DavItem objDavItem = (DavItem)objDavData[i];

                if (objDavItem.fIsCollection)

                if (objDavItem.strContentType == "image/jpeg")

            // Get a working list for the result
            ArrayList objWorkingList = new ArrayList();

            // Process the files in this directory if there are no subdirectorys, or
            // the root files are request
            if (fileCount > 0 && (strRoot == "heavy" || strRoot == "even" || directoryCount == 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < objDavData.Count; i++)
                    DavItem objDavItem = (DavItem)objDavData[i];
                    if (objDavItem.strContentType == "image/jpeg")
                        ImageFile objImageFile = new ImageFile();
                        objImageFile.strName    = objDavItem.strName;
                        objImageFile.strPre     = strPre;
                        objImageFile.strPost    = strPost;
                        objImageFile.lSize      = objDavItem.iContentLength;
                        objImageFile.dtCreated  = objDavItem.dtCreated;
                        objImageFile.dtModified = objDavItem.dtModified;


                // Evenly weighted files in a directory are filtered down to the same level
                // as those in subdirectories before being included
                if (strRoot == "even")
                    SortImageList(objWorkingList, strSort);

                    objWorkingList = SelectFromList(objWorkingList, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc);

            // Get all the subdirectories that match the mask
            if (fRecurse && directoryCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < objDavData.Count; i++)
                    DavItem objDavItem = (DavItem)objDavData[i];
                    if (objDavItem.fIsCollection)
                        ArrayList objGroupFiles = AddGroup(objDavItem.strName, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc, fRecurse, strRoot, strPre, strPost, iDepth, iCurrentDepth + 1);

                        for (int j = 0; j < objGroupFiles.Count; j++)

            // Normalize and sort only those that are deeper than the requested depth
            if (iCurrentDepth >= iDepth)
                SortImageList(objWorkingList, strSort);

                return(SelectFromList(objWorkingList, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc));
Exemple #2
        private ArrayList ProcessNodes(
            XmlTextReader xml,
            int iCount,
            bool fRepeat,
            string strSort,
            bool fDesc,
            string strPre,
            string strPost)
            ArrayList objWorkingList = new ArrayList();

            while (xml.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                if (xml.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                    throw new Exception("Malformed photolist");

                if (xml.Name == "imagefile")
                    ImageFile objImageFile;
                    string    strName;
                    //Datetime dtModified;
                    //Datetime dtCreated;

                    // Read in any pre or post transition attribute
                    string strImageFilePre  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPre);
                    string strImageFilePost = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("post"), strPost);

                    // Advance the parser to read the name
                    strName = xml.Value;

                    // Read in some file information

                    // Create the object for the image file
                    objImageFile         = new ImageFile();
                    objImageFile.strName = strName;
                    //objImageFile.dtCreated = File.GetCreationTime(strName);
                    //objImageFile.dtModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(strName);
                    //objImageFile.lSize = (new FileInfo(strName)).Length;

                    objImageFile.strPre  = strImageFilePre;
                    objImageFile.strPost = strImageFilePost;

                    // Add to the list

                    // Advance the parser to read the end element
                else if (xml.Name == "photolist" || xml.Name == "photolistfile")
                    // Get the count, sorting attributes
                    string strPLPre  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPre);
                    string strPLPost = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("post"), strPost);
                    int    iPLCount  = GetCount(xml.GetAttribute("count"));
                    string strPLSort = xml.GetAttribute("sort");
                    bool   fPLDesc   = (xml.GetAttribute("desc") == "1");
                    bool   fPLRepeat = (xml.GetAttribute("repeat") == "1");

                    // Get the xml for the embedded data
                    XmlTextReader objXmlEmbedded;
                    if (xml.Name == "photolist")
                        objXmlEmbedded = xml;
                        // Advance to the file name

                        // Read in the items
                        objXmlEmbedded = new XmlTextReader(xml.Value);
                        objXmlEmbedded.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;

                        // Read the first node and verify that it is a photolist
                        if (!(objXmlEmbedded.Read() && objXmlEmbedded.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && objXmlEmbedded.Name == "photolist"))
                            throw new Exception("Invalid photolist");

                        // Advance the parser to point at the end element

                    // Read to the first element in the list

                    // Get the items in the embedded photo list
                    ArrayList objPhotoListItems = ProcessNodes(objXmlEmbedded, iPLCount, fPLRepeat, strPLSort, fPLDesc, strPLPre, strPLPost);

                    // Add them (in order) to the working list
                    for (int i = 0; i < objPhotoListItems.Count; i++)
                else if (xml.Name == "directory")
                    string strDirPre      = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPre);
                    string strDirPost     = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPost);
                    string strDirDirMask  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("dirmask"), "*");
                    string strDirFileMask = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("filemask"), "*.jpg");
                    bool   fDirRecurse    = (xml.GetAttribute("recurse") == "1");
                    int    iDirCount      = GetCount(xml.GetAttribute("count"));
                    bool   fDirRepeat     = (xml.GetAttribute("repeat") == "1");
                    string strDirSort     = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("sort"), "listed");
                    bool   fDirDesc       = (xml.GetAttribute("desc") == "1");
                    string strDirRoot     = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("root"), "even");
                    int    iDirDepth      = GetDepth(xml.GetAttribute("depth"));

                    // Read to the directory name
                    string strDirectory = xml.Value;

                    // Create a list for the items
                    ArrayList objDirImageList = AddDirectory(strDirectory, iDirCount, fDirRepeat, strDirSort, fDirDesc, fDirRecurse, strDirRoot, strDirPre, strDirPost, strDirDirMask, strDirFileMask, iDirDepth, 0);

                    // Add them (in order) to the working list
                    for (int i = 0; i < objDirImageList.Count; i++)

                    // Advance to the close tag
                else if (xml.Name == "group")
                    string strGroupPre   = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPre);
                    string strGroupPost  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("pre"), strPost);
                    bool   fGroupRecurse = (xml.GetAttribute("recurse") == "1");
                    int    iGroupCount   = GetCount(xml.GetAttribute("count"));
                    bool   fGroupRepeat  = (xml.GetAttribute("repeat") == "1");
                    string strGroupSort  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("sort"), "listed");
                    bool   fGroupDesc    = (xml.GetAttribute("desc") == "1");
                    string strGroupRoot  = GetDefaultAttribute(xml.GetAttribute("root"), "even");
                    int    iGroupDepth   = GetDepth(xml.GetAttribute("depth"));

                    // Read to the group name
                    string strGroup = xml.Value;

                    // Create a list for the items
                    ArrayList objDirImageList = AddGroup(strGroup, iGroupCount, fGroupRepeat, strGroupSort, fGroupDesc, fGroupRecurse, strGroupRoot, strGroupPre, strGroupPost, iGroupDepth, 0);

                    // Add them (in order) to the working list
                    for (int i = 0; i < objDirImageList.Count; i++)

                    // Advance to the close tag
                    throw new Exception("Unknown command: " + xml.Name);

                // Advance the parser to the next element

            // Sort the list
            SortImageList(objWorkingList, strSort);

            // Select from the list
            return(SelectFromList(objWorkingList, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc));
Exemple #3
        public ArrayList AddDirectory(
            string strDirectory,
            int iCount,
            bool fRepeat,
            string strSort,
            bool fDesc,
            bool fRecurse,
            string strRoot,
            string strPre,
            string strPost,
            string strDirMask,
            string strFileMask,
            int iDepth,
            int iCurrentDepth
            // Get the directory information
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(strDirectory);

            // Read all the directories that match the mask
            DirectoryInfo[] dis = di.GetDirectories(strDirMask);

            // Get a working list for the result
            ArrayList objWorkingList = new ArrayList();

            // Process the files in this directory if there are no subdirectorys, or
            // the root files are request
            // Get the image files in the root (this directory) that match the mask
            if (strRoot == "heavy" || strRoot == "even" || dis.Length == 0)
                // Get all the files
                FileInfo[] fis = di.GetFiles(strFileMask);

                for (int i = 0; i < fis.Length; i++)
                    ImageFile objImageFile = new ImageFile();
                    objImageFile.strName = strDirectory + fis[i].Name;
                    objImageFile.strPre  = strPre;
                    objImageFile.strPost = strPost;
                    objImageFile.lSize   = fis[i].Length;


                // Evenly weighted files in a directory are filtered down to the same level
                // as those in subdirectories before being included
                if (strRoot == "even")
                    SortImageList(objWorkingList, strSort);

                    objWorkingList = SelectFromList(objWorkingList, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc);

            // Get all the subdirectories that match the mask
            if (fRecurse)
                for (int i = 0; i < dis.Length; i++)
                    ArrayList objDirectoryFiles = AddDirectory(strDirectory + dis[i].Name + "\\", iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc, fRecurse, strRoot, strPre, strPost, strDirMask, strFileMask, iDepth, iCurrentDepth + 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < objDirectoryFiles.Count; j++)

            // Normalize and sort only those that are deeper than the requested depth
            if (iCurrentDepth >= iDepth)
                SortImageList(objWorkingList, strSort);

                return(SelectFromList(objWorkingList, iCount, fRepeat, strSort, fDesc));