public static void Main() { PhoneBook phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); string filePath = "../../TextFiles/phones.txt"; using (StreamReader fileReader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { string line; while ((line = fileReader.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] personElements = line.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string personName = personElements[0].Trim(); string personTown = personElements[1].Trim(); string personPhone = personElements[2].Trim(); Person currentPerson = new Person(personName, personTown, personPhone); phoneBook.Add(currentPerson); } } Console.WriteLine("---------- Test Find(string name) ----------"); phoneBook.Find("Mimi Shmatkata"); Console.WriteLine("\n---------- Test Find(string name, string town) ----------"); phoneBook.Find("Mimi Shmatkata", "Sofia"); }
private static void ReadPhoneEntries( string path, PhoneBook phoneBook) { string line; using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path)) { while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { PhoneBookEntry newEntry; var phoneEntry = line.Split('|'); var name = phoneEntry[0].Trim().Split(' '); var town = phoneEntry[1].Trim(); var phone = phoneEntry[2].Trim(); if (name.Length < 3) { newEntry = new PhoneBookEntry(town, phone, phoneEntry[0].Trim()); } else { newEntry = new PhoneBookEntry(name[0], name[1], name[2], town, phone); } phoneBook.Add(newEntry); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) return; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName, Encoding.GetEncoding("euc-kr")); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PhoneBook)); pb = (PhoneBook)xs.Deserialize(sr); textBox1.Text = pb.GetAllData(); }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); phoneBook = new PhoneBook.PhoneBook(name); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name); Continue(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PhoneBook p1 = new PhoneBook(); p1.AddContacts("Roy", "053-721-6094"); p1.AddContacts("Guy", "696-696-6969"); p1.AddContacts("Koma", "420-420-4200"); Console.WriteLine(p1); p1.AddContacts("AdirKoma", "123-456-7888"); Console.WriteLine(p1); p1.DelContact("Guy"); Console.WriteLine(p1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PhoneBook phonebook = new PhoneBook(); Console.WriteLine("ADD CONTACT -------------- Press 1"); Console.WriteLine("REMOVE CONTACT ----------- Press 2"); Console.WriteLine("FIND CONTACT ------------- Press 3"); Console.WriteLine("PRINT ALL CONTACTS ------- Press 4"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT --------------------- Press 5"); do { string keyWord = Console.ReadLine(); switch (keyWord) { case "1": Console.Write("Name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Phone Number: "); string phoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); phonebook.Add(new Record(name, phoneNumber)); Console.Write($"Contact \"{name}\" is added"); break; case "2": Console.Write("NAME: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); phonebook.Remove(phonebook[name]); Console.Write($"Contact \"{name}\" removed"); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine("NAME: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(phonebook[name]); break; case "4": phonebook.Display(); break; case "5": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.Write("Enter valid number "); break; } } while (true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { FileReader reader = new FileReader("../../../phones.txt"); IPhoneBookParser phoneBookParser = new PhoneBookParser(); PhoneBook phoneBook = phoneBookParser.ParseData(reader); FileReader commandsReader = new FileReader("../../../commands.txt"); CommandParser <PhoneBook> commandsParser = new CommandParser <PhoneBook>(); IEnumerable <Command <PhoneBook> > commandList = commandsParser.ParseCommands(commandsReader); foreach (var c in commandList) { c.PrintCommandResult(phoneBook); } }
public PhoneBook ParseData(IReader reader) { PhoneBook newPhoneBook = new PhoneBook(); List <string> data = reader.ReadToEnd(); ISplitter splitter = new Splitter(); foreach (var item in data) { string[] splittedData = splitter.SplitText(item, new char[] { '|' }); newPhoneBook.AddPerson(new Person(splittedData[0].Trim(), splittedData[1].Trim(), splittedData[2].Trim())); } return(newPhoneBook); }
public void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PhoneBook phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(phoneBook.sqlconnectionstring); try { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("AuthorizedLogin", sqlConnection); dataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Login", LoginTextBox.Text); dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", PasswordtextBox.Text); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); if (dataTable.Rows.Count != 0) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Truncate table PhoneBook", sqlConnection); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Entire PhoneBook was deleted successfully.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK); this.Close(); phoneBook.Clear(); phoneBook.CurrentGridView(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You inserted wrong Login or Password.", "Wrong.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (SqlException) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry,an error occured, while attempting to connect with DataBase.", "Contact IT", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); } finally { if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { sqlConnection.Close(); } } }
public object this[string name] { get { if (name.Length > 2) { return(FindPhone(name)); } throw new ArgumentException("Name is too short(It must be more than 2 characters)"); } set { phones[PhoneIndex++] = new PhoneBook { Name = name, PhoneNumber = (string)value }; } }
private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); con.Open(); string name = NameTextBox.Text.ToString(); string surname = SurnameTextBox.Text.ToString(); string phoneNumber = PhoneNumberTextBox.Text.ToString(); string birth = BirthTextBox.Text.ToString(); PhoneBook phoneBookObject = new PhoneBook(); if (name != "" || surname != "" || phoneNumber != "") { if (birth == "") { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("AddPhoneNumberWithOutDate", con); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = + 1; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = name; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = surname; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PhoneNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = phoneNumber; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("AddPhoneNumber", con); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = + 1; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = name; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = surname; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PhoneNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = phoneNumber; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BornDate", SqlDbType.Date).Value = DateTime.Parse(birth); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Cant create empty contact", "Cant create empty contact"); } con.Close(); this.Hide(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str; if (!(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)) { return; } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName, Encoding.GetEncoding("euc-kr")); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PhoneBook));//PhoneBook을 시리얼라이즈 할거야. //XmlReader rd = XmlReader.Create(sr); pb = (PhoneBook)xs.Deserialize(sr); sr.Close(); textBox1.Text = pb.getAllData(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PhoneBook phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); // for testing purposes only phoneBook.Add("John Doe", "114 Market St", "St Louis", "MO", "63403", "6366435698"); phoneBook.Add("John E Doe", "324 Main St", "St Charles", "MO", "63303", "8475390126"); phoneBook.Add("John Michael West Doe", "574 Pole ave", "St Peters", "MO", "63333", "5628592375"); new Player().Play(phoneBook); List <Person> people = new List <Person>(); Helper.Filter(people, (p) => = "Bob"); foreach (Person p in people) { Console.WriteLine(; } Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main() { try { var phonesPath = @"..\..\phones.txt"; var commandsPath = @"..\..\commands.txt"; var pattern = @"(?<=\().+?(?=\))"; Dictionary<string, List<PhoneBookEntry>> result = new Dictionary<string, List<PhoneBookEntry>>(); PhoneBook phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); ReadPhoneEntries(phonesPath, phoneBook); ReadCommands(commandsPath, pattern, phoneBook, result); PrintResult(result); } catch (ArgumentException aex) { Console.WriteLine(aex.Message); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { bool running = true; var phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); while (running) { Console.WriteLine("What Do you want?"); var readLine = Console.ReadLine(); var comands = readLine.Split(' '); switch (comands[0]) { case "Location": Console.WriteLine(value: phoneBook.EmployesFromLocation(comands[1])); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } }
private static void ReadCommands( string path, string pattern, PhoneBook phoneBook, Dictionary<string, List<PhoneBookEntry>> collection) { string line; using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path)) { while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { var match = Regex.Match(line, pattern).ToString().Split(','); string name = match[0]; if (match.Length > 1) { string town = match[1].Trim(); collection.Add(name, phoneBook.Find(name, town)); } else { collection.Add(name, phoneBook.Find(name)); } } } }
public User(string username, string password) { this.Username = username; this.Password = password; this.PhoneBook = new PhoneBook(username); }
public SearchTelephone(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) : base(phoneBook, target) { }
private static void Test1() { var book = new PhoneBook(); book.Add("Ivan", "1", "2"); book.Add("Ivan Vankata", "3", "4"); Console.WriteLine(book.Find("Ivan")); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(book.Find("Ivan", "3")); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); book = new PhoneBook(); source = new BindingSource(); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); pb = new PhoneBook(); saveFileDialog1.Filter = "저장파일|*.xml|전부|*.*"; }
public abstract List <Person> Search(PhoneBook phoneBook);
public ASearch(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) { this.phoneBook = phoneBook; = target; results = new List <Person>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PhoneBook ourPhoneBook = new PhoneBook(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome!"); Console.WriteLine("This app is an interactive phone book."); Console.WriteLine("For list of available commands type 'help'"); while (true) { string commandInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (commandInput == "exit") { Console.WriteLine("Bye-bye!"); break; } else if (commandInput == "add") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Adding new record"); Console.WriteLine("*****************"); Console.WriteLine("Surname, Name, Phone and Country are mandatory. Other can be left empty."); Console.WriteLine("Write each field on a new line in requested order."); Console.WriteLine("Surname:"); string surname; while (true) { surname = Console.ReadLine(); if (surname == "") { Console.WriteLine("You can't leave Surname empty. Try again."); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Name:"); string name; while (true) { name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name == "") { Console.WriteLine("You can't leave Name empty. Try again."); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Lastname:"); string lastname = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Phone:"); string phoneStr; long phone; while (true) { phoneStr = Console.ReadLine(); if (!Int64.TryParse(phoneStr, out phone)) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand such phone number. Try again."); } else { if (phone <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand such phone number. Try again."); } else { break; } } } Console.WriteLine("Country:"); string country; while (true) { country = Console.ReadLine(); if (country == "") { Console.WriteLine("You can't leave Country empty. Try again."); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Birthday:"); string birthday = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Organization:"); string organization = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Position:"); string position = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Note:"); string note = Console.ReadLine(); PhoneBookRecord newRecord = new PhoneBookRecord(surname, name, lastname, phone, country, birthday, organization, position, note); ourPhoneBook.AddNewRecord(newRecord); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Record was saved"); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); } else if (commandInput == "delete") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Delete record"); Console.WriteLine("*************"); Console.WriteLine("Type order number of record you want to delete. Type 'exit' if you want to go back."); string input; int num; while (true) { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "exit") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } if (!(Int32.TryParse(input, out num))) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand number you wrote. Try again"); } else { if (ourPhoneBook.CheckIndex(num)) { ourPhoneBook.DeleteRecord(num); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Record was succesfully removed"); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no such index. Try again."); } } } } else if (commandInput == "edit") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Editinig record"); Console.WriteLine("***************"); Console.WriteLine("First you need to choose record to edit."); Console.WriteLine("Type order number of record you want to edit. Type 'exit' if you want to go back"); string input; int num = -1; while (true) { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "exit") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } else { if (!(Int32.TryParse(input, out num))) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand number you wrote. Try again"); } else { if (ourPhoneBook.CheckIndex(num)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Editing record {0}", num); Console.WriteLine("******************"); Console.WriteLine("Second you need to edit fields of this record."); Console.WriteLine("You will see what was record and then would be able to type a new information"); Console.WriteLine("Leave string empty if you don't want to change current field"); PhoneBookRecord currentRecord = ourPhoneBook.ExtractPhoneBookRecord(num); // asd Console.WriteLine("Surname:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Surname); string surname = Console.ReadLine(); if (surname != "") { currentRecord.Surname = surname; } Console.WriteLine("Name:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Name); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name != "") { currentRecord.Name = name; } Console.WriteLine("Lastname:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Lastname); string lastname = Console.ReadLine(); if (lastname != "") { currentRecord.Lastname = lastname; } Console.WriteLine("Phone:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Phone); string phoneStr; long phone; while (true) { phoneStr = Console.ReadLine(); if (phoneStr == "") { break; } if (!Int64.TryParse(phoneStr, out phone)) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand such phone number. Try again."); } else { if (phone <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand such phone number. Try again."); } else { currentRecord.Phone = phone; break; } } } Console.WriteLine("Country:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Country); string country = Console.ReadLine(); if (country != "") { currentRecord.Country = country; } Console.WriteLine("Birthday:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Birthday); string birthday = Console.ReadLine(); if (birthday != "") { currentRecord.Birthday = birthday; } Console.WriteLine("Organization:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Organization); string organization = Console.ReadLine(); if (organization != "") { currentRecord.Organization = organization; } Console.WriteLine("Position:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Position); string position = Console.ReadLine(); if (position != "") { currentRecord.Position = position; } Console.WriteLine("Note:"); Console.WriteLine("\"{0}\"", currentRecord.Note); string note = Console.ReadLine(); if (note != "") { currentRecord.Note = note; } ourPhoneBook.EditRecord(num, currentRecord); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Record number {0} was edited", num); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no such index. Try again."); } } } } } else if (commandInput == "print") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Printing record info"); Console.WriteLine("********************"); Console.WriteLine("Type order number of record you want to print. Type 'exit' if you want to go back."); string input; int num; while (true) { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "exit") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } if (!(Int32.TryParse(input, out num))) { Console.WriteLine("Can't understand number you wrote. Try again"); } else { if (ourPhoneBook.CheckIndex(num)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Printing information about record number {0}", num); PhoneBookRecord currentRecord = ourPhoneBook.ExtractPhoneBookRecord(num); Console.WriteLine("Surname - {0}", currentRecord.Surname); Console.WriteLine("Name - {0}", currentRecord.Name); Console.WriteLine("Lastname - {0}", currentRecord.Lastname); Console.WriteLine("Phone - {0}", currentRecord.Phone); Console.WriteLine("Birthday - {0}", currentRecord.Birthday); Console.WriteLine("Contry - {0}", currentRecord.Country); Console.WriteLine("Organization - {0}", currentRecord.Organization); Console.WriteLine("Position - {0}", currentRecord.Position); Console.WriteLine("Note - {0}", currentRecord.Note); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no such index. Try again."); } } } } else if (commandInput == "print all") { Console.Clear(); ourPhoneBook.PrintAllRecords(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); } else if (commandInput == "help") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Available comands:"); Console.WriteLine("add - add new record to phone book"); Console.WriteLine("edit - edit existing record in phone book"); Console.WriteLine("delete - delete existing record in phone book"); Console.WriteLine("print - print full information about one record"); Console.WriteLine("print all - print short information about all records"); Console.WriteLine("exit - quit program"); Console.WriteLine("*****************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for command"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I don't know such command"); } } }
public SearchState(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) : base(phoneBook, target) { }
static void Main(string[] args) { PhoneBook phoneBook = new PhoneBook(); PromptUser(); void Menu() { Console.WriteLine("TYPE:"); Console.WriteLine("'Add' to add a contact: "); Console.WriteLine("'View' to view the list of contacts: "); Console.WriteLine("'Remove' to select and remove a contact: "); Console.WriteLine("'Update' to select and update a contact: "); Console.WriteLine("'Quit' at anytime to exit: "); } void AddPhonesBook(string userInput) { string name = ""; string family = ""; string phone = ""; switch (userInput.ToLower()) { case "add": Console.Write("Enter a name: "); name = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); switch (name) { case "quit": break; default: Console.Write("Enter a family: "); family = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); //phone = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); switch (family) { case "quit": break; default: Console.Write("Enter a phone: "); phone = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); switch (phone) { case "quit": break; default: phoneBook.AddEntry(name, family, phone); break; } break; } break; } break; case "remove": Console.Write("Enter a name to remove: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); switch (name) { case "quit": break; default: phoneBook.RemoveEntry(name); break; } break; case "view": Console.WriteLine(phoneBook.ViewContactsList()); break; case "update": Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the Contact you like to update"); name = Console.ReadLine(); phoneBook.UpdateContact(name); break; } } void PromptUser() { Menu(); string userInput = ""; while (userInput != "quit") { Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); userInput = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); AddPhonesBook(userInput); } } }
public SearchLast(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) : base(phoneBook, target) { }
public SearchCity(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) : base(phoneBook, target) { }
public void Play(PhoneBook phoneBook) { Console.WriteLine("Phone Book"); Boolean run = true; while (run) { Console.WriteLine("1. Add " + "\n2. Search " + "\n3. Update " + "\n4. Delete " + "\n5. Display all contacts" + "\n6. Exit\n"); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": //Add Console.WriteLine("Add..."); Console.WriteLine("Enter full name: "); String name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter street address (ex. 123 Fake St.): "); String streetAddress = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter city: "); String city = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter state abbreviation (ex. IL): "); String state = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter zipcode: "); String zipcode = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone (1234567890): "); String telephone = Console.ReadLine(); phoneBook.Add(name, streetAddress, city, state, zipcode, telephone); break; case "2": //Search Boolean stayHere = true; while (stayHere) { Console.WriteLine("Search..."); Console.WriteLine("1. Search by first name " + "\n2. Search by last name " + "\n3. Search by full name (first last)" + "\n4. Search by telephone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)" + "\n5. Search by city" + "\n6. Search by state" + "\n7. go back"); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": phoneBook.Search(new SearchFirst(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("first name"))); break; case "2": phoneBook.Search(new SearchLast(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("last name"))); break; case "3": phoneBook.Search(new SearchFullName(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("full name"))); break; case "4": phoneBook.Search(new SearchTelephone(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("telephone number(xxx - xxx - xxxx"))); break; case "5": phoneBook.Search(new SearchCity(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("city"))); break; case "6": phoneBook.Search(new SearchState(phoneBook, Helper.Prompt("state"))); break; case "7": stayHere = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection..."); continue; } } break; case "3": //Update Console.WriteLine("Update..."); Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone of contact to update"); String number = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter new name for contact"); String newName = Console.ReadLine(); Person toUpdate = phoneBook.Update(number, newName); if (toUpdate != null) { Console.WriteLine("Changed contact with phone number {0}'s name to {1}...", number,; } else { Console.WriteLine("number not found..."); } break; case "4": //Delete Console.WriteLine("Delete..."); Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone number of contact to delete"); number = Console.ReadLine(); Person toDelete = phoneBook.Delete(number); if (toDelete != null) { Console.WriteLine("Deleted contact {0} with phone number {1}...",, number); } else { Console.WriteLine("number not found..."); } break; case "5": //Display all Console.WriteLine(phoneBook.DisplayAll()); break; case "6": //Exit Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); run = false; break; default: //Invalid entry Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice. Please make another selection..."); break; } } }
public SearchFullName(PhoneBook phoneBook, String target) : base(phoneBook, target) { }