public Konsoul(Phont font, KonsoulSettings settings) { if (font == null) { font = PhantomAssets.Courier20Bold; } this.Visible = false; this.font = font; this.Settings = settings; this.batch = new SpriteBatch(PhantomGame.Game.GraphicsDevice); this.effect = new BasicEffect(PhantomGame.Game.GraphicsDevice); this.input = ""; this.cursor = 0; this.lines = new List <string>(); this.promptWidth = this.font.MeasureString(this.Settings.Prompt).X; this.wrapBuffer = new List <string>(); this.nolineBuffer = ""; this.scrollOffset = 0; this.history = new List <string>(); this.historyIndex = 0; this.controlDelay = -1; this.keyMap = new KeyMap(); this.previousKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); this.commands = new Dictionary <string, ConsoleCommand>(); this.documentation = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.echoQueue = new Queue <EchoLine>(this.Settings.EchoLines); #if PLATFORM_WINDOWS || PLATFORM_LINUX || PLATFORM_MACOS try { this.history = new List <string>(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("konsoul.dat")); if (this.history.Count > 0) { int.TryParse(this.history[0], out this.Settings.LineCount); this.history.RemoveAt(0); } } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { this.AddLines("failed to load history: " + e.Message); } #endif // PLATFORM_WINDOWS || PLATFORM_LINUX || PLATFORM_MACOS #if PLATFORM_WINDOWS || PLATFORM_LINUX || PLATFORM_MACOS Trace.Listeners.Add(this.listener = new KonsoulTraceListener(this)); #endif // !PLATFORM_XBOX this.SetupVertices(); this.SetupDefaultCommands(); this.lines.Add("] Konsoul Initialized"); }
public Konsoul(KonsoulSettings settings) : this(null, settings) { }
public Konsoul(SpriteFont font, KonsoulSettings settings) { this.Visible = false; this.font = font; this.settings = settings; this.batch = new SpriteBatch(PhantomGame.Game.GraphicsDevice); this.effect = new BasicEffect(PhantomGame.Game.GraphicsDevice); this.input = ""; this.cursor = 0; this.lines = new List<string>(); this.promptWidth = this.font.MeasureString(this.settings.Prompt).X; this.wrapBuffer = new List<string>(); this.nolineBuffer = ""; this.scrollOffset = 0; this.history = new List<string>(); this.historyIndex = 0; this.controlDelay = -1; this.keyMap = new KeyMap(); this.previousKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); this.commands = new Dictionary<string, ConsoleCommand>(); this.documentation = new Dictionary<string, string>(); this.echoQueue = new Queue<EchoLine>(this.settings.EchoLines); #if WINDOWS || LINUX || MONOMAC try { this.history = new List<string>(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("konsoul.dat")); if (this.history.Count > 0) { int.TryParse(this.history[0], out this.settings.LineCount); this.history.RemoveAt(0); } } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { this.AddLines("failed to load history: " + e.Message); } #endif // WINDOWS || LINUX || MONOMAC #if !XBOX Trace.Listeners.Add(this.listener = new KonsoulTraceListener(this)); #endif // !XBOX this.SetupVertices(); this.SetupDefaultCommands(); this.lines.Add("] Konsoul Initialized"); }