public Canvas drawKey() { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); TextBlock upDownMovement = new TextBlock(); upDownMovement.FontSize = 20; upDownMovement.Foreground = Brushes.WhiteSmoke; upDownMovement.Text = "Move up or down"; TextBlock sideToSideMovement = new TextBlock(); sideToSideMovement.FontSize = 20; sideToSideMovement.Foreground = Brushes.WhiteSmoke; sideToSideMovement.Text = "Move left or right"; TextBlock forwardBackwardMovement = new TextBlock(); forwardBackwardMovement.FontSize = 20; forwardBackwardMovement.Foreground = Brushes.WhiteSmoke; forwardBackwardMovement.Text = "Move front or back"; Point p1 = new Point(windowWidth - 250, 10); Point p2 = new Point(windowWidth - 250, 30); ArrowLine downArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p2.X, Y2 = p2.Y, Stroke = upDownColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; ArrowLine upArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p2.X + 20, Y1 = p2.Y, X2 = p1.X + 20, Y2 = p1.Y, Stroke = upDownColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; Point p3 = new Point(windowWidth - 250, 50); Point p4 = new Point(windowWidth - 230, 50); ArrowLine rightArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p3.X, Y1 = p3.Y, X2 = p4.X, Y2 = p4.Y, Stroke = sideSideColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; ArrowLine leftArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p4.X + 30, Y1 = p4.Y, X2 = p3.X + 30, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = sideSideColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; Point p5 = new Point(windowWidth - 250, 80); Point p6 = new Point(windowWidth - 230, 100); ArrowLine frontArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p5.X, Y1 = p5.Y, X2 = p6.X, Y2 = p6.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; ArrowLine backArrow = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p6.X + 30, Y1 = p6.Y, X2 = p5.X + 30, Y2 = p5.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(upDownMovement); canvas.Children.Add(sideToSideMovement); canvas.Children.Add(forwardBackwardMovement); canvas.Children.Add(downArrow); canvas.Children.Add(upArrow); canvas.Children.Add(rightArrow); canvas.Children.Add(leftArrow); canvas.Children.Add(frontArrow); canvas.Children.Add(backArrow); Canvas.SetTop(upDownMovement, 10); Canvas.SetLeft(upDownMovement, windowWidth - 190); Canvas.SetTop(sideToSideMovement, 40); Canvas.SetLeft(sideToSideMovement, windowWidth - 190); Canvas.SetTop(forwardBackwardMovement, 80); Canvas.SetLeft(forwardBackwardMovement, windowWidth - 190); return canvas; }
void initLine(Color c) { line = new ArrowLine(); line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(c); line.ArrowEnds = ArrowEnds.Start; line.ArrowLength = 30; line.ArrowAngle = 40; line.StrokeThickness = ShapeUtils.LINE_WIDTH; line.Effect = ShapeUtils.ShadowProvider(); line.Tag = this; selMarker1 = ShapeUtils.MakeMarker(); selMarker1.Tag = this; selMarker2 = ShapeUtils.MakeMarker(); selMarker2.Tag = this; }
void initLine(Color c) { line = new ArrowLine(); line.ArrowAngle = 40; line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(c); line.StrokeThickness = ShapeUtils.LINE_WIDTH; line.Effect = ShapeUtils.ShadowProvider(); line.Tag = this; selMarker1 = ShapeUtils.MakeLinkEnd(); selMarker1.Tag = this; selMarker2 = ShapeUtils.MakeLinkEnd(); selMarker2.Tag = this; line.MouseWheel += MouseWheel; }
/// <summary> /// The arrow demo is uses an adaption of Chales Petzold's WPF arrow class /// to be used as custom MapSape /// </summary> /// <param name="layer"></param> public void AddArrows(ShapeLayer layer) { // ArrowLine with animated arrow properties. ArrowLine aline1 = new ArrowLine(); aline1.Stroke = Brushes.Red; aline1.MapStrokeThickness = 30; // the adaptive stroke thickness aline1.ScaleFactor = .25; // the scale factor [0..1]. 0: Don't scale (thickness = pixels); 1: scale linear (thickness = mercator units) aline1.ArrowLength = 3; // the arrow length is relative to the arrow stroke thickness aline1.X1 = 8.100; aline1.Y1 = 49.400; aline1.X2 = 8.400; aline1.Y2 = 49.100; layer.Shapes.Add(aline1); DoubleAnimation animaDouble1 = new DoubleAnimation(10, 50, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))); animaDouble1.AutoReverse = true; animaDouble1.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; aline1.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.ArrowAngleProperty, animaDouble1); DoubleAnimation animaDouble2 = new DoubleAnimation(1, 20, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))); animaDouble2.AutoReverse = true; animaDouble2.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; aline1.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.ArrowLengthProperty, animaDouble2); // ArrowLine with animated point properties. ArrowLine aline2 = new ArrowLine(); aline2.ArrowEnds = ArrowEnds.Both; aline2.Stroke = Brushes.Blue; aline2.MapStrokeThickness = 30; aline2.ScaleFactor = .25; aline1.ArrowLength = 3; aline2.X1 = 8.100; aline2.Y1 = 49.100; aline2.X2 = 8.200; aline2.Y2 = 49.400; layer.Shapes.Add(aline2); AnimationTimeline animaDouble3 = new DoubleAnimation(8.100, 8.400, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))); animaDouble3.AutoReverse = true; animaDouble3.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; aline2.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.X1Property, animaDouble3); AnimationTimeline animaDouble4 = new DoubleAnimation(49.400, 49.100, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))); animaDouble4.AutoReverse = true; animaDouble4.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; aline2.BeginAnimation(ArrowLine.Y2Property, animaDouble4); // ArrowPolyline rotated. ArrowPolyline apoly = new ArrowPolyline(); apoly.ArrowEnds = ArrowEnds.Both; apoly.Stroke = Brushes.Green; apoly.MapStrokeThickness = 30; apoly.ScaleFactor = .25; aline1.ArrowLength = 3; apoly.Points.Add(new Point(8.25, 49.25)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(8.125, 49.25)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(8.125, 49.125)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(8.25, 49.125)); layer.Shapes.Add(apoly); // the rotation center of the canvas needs to be calculated for a rotate transform // only works after the shape has been added to the canvas. var rotateCenter = apoly.GeoTransform(new Point(8, 49)); RotateTransform xform = new RotateTransform(0, rotateCenter.X, rotateCenter.Y); apoly.RenderTransform = xform; AnimationTimeline animaDouble5 = new DoubleAnimation(0, 360, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10))); animaDouble5.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; xform.BeginAnimation(RotateTransform.AngleProperty, animaDouble5); }
private void DrawLinks() { // remove all links drawnLinks.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= graphCanvas.Children.Count - 1; i++) { var child = graphCanvas.Children[i]; if (child is ArrowLineBase) { graphCanvas.Children.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } // draw links foreach (var node in drawnNodes.Keys) { Point startPosition = drawnNodes[node].Point; foreach (var link in node.Links) { if (drawnLinks.ContainsKey(link)) { continue; } if (link.IsLoop) { ArrowPolyline apoly = new ArrowPolyline() { Stroke = this.linkColor, StrokeThickness = 0.5, ArrowAngle = 25, ArrowLength = 6 }; apoly.ArrowEnds = graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected ? ArrowEnds.None : ArrowEnds.End; Point nodePosition = drawnNodes[link.Node1].Point; apoly.Points.Add(nodePosition); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X, nodePosition.Y + nodeRadius * 2)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius * 2, nodePosition.Y + nodeRadius * 2)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius * 2, nodePosition.Y)); apoly.Points.Add(new Point(nodePosition.X + nodeRadius, nodePosition.Y)); graphCanvas.Children.Add(apoly); drawnLinks.Add(link, apoly); Label lbl = new Label() { Content = link.Weight.ToString(), Foreground = nodeNameColor, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; Canvas.SetLeft(lbl, apoly.Points.Last().X + nodeRadius); Canvas.SetTop(lbl, apoly.Points.Last().Y + nodeRadius); Canvas.SetZIndex(lbl, 101); graphCanvas.Children.Add(lbl); } else { Point endPosition = drawnNodes[link.Node2].Point; if (graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected) { if (node == link.Node2) { endPosition = drawnNodes[link.Node1].Point; } } Petzold.Media2D.ArrowLine line = new Petzold.Media2D.ArrowLine() { Stroke = this.linkColor, StrokeThickness = 1, ArrowAngle = 25, ArrowLength = 6 }; line.ArrowEnds = graph.GraphType == GraphType.Undirected ? ArrowEnds.None : ArrowEnds.End; line.X1 = startPosition.X; line.Y1 = startPosition.Y; Point endPoint = new Point(); if (endPosition.X - startPosition.X == 0 || endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y == 0) { endPoint.X = endPosition.X; endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y; } else { double alpha = Math.Atan(Math.Abs((endPosition.Y - startPosition.Y) / (endPosition.X - startPosition.X))); double sinAlpha = Math.Abs(Math.Sin(alpha)); double cosAlpha = Math.Abs(Math.Cos(alpha)); if (endPosition.X > startPosition.X && endPosition.Y < startPosition.Y) //first quarter { endPoint.X = endPosition.X - ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha; endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y + ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha; } else if (endPosition.X > startPosition.X && endPosition.Y > startPosition.Y) //second quarter { endPoint.X = endPosition.X - ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha; endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y - ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha; } else if (endPosition.X < startPosition.X && endPosition.Y > startPosition.Y) //third quarter { endPoint.X = endPosition.X + ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha; endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y - ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha; } else if (endPosition.X < startPosition.X && endPosition.Y < startPosition.Y) //fourth quarter { endPoint.X = endPosition.X + ((double)nodeRadius) * cosAlpha; endPoint.Y = endPosition.Y + ((double)nodeRadius) * sinAlpha; } } line.X2 = endPoint.X; line.Y2 = endPoint.Y; graphCanvas.Children.Add(line); line.MouseDown += Line_MouseDown; line.Tag = link; drawnLinks.Add(link, line); Canvas.SetZIndex(line, 99); // add link weight to canvas var p = new Point((line.X1 + line.X2) / 2, (line.Y1 + line.Y2) / 2); Label lbl = new Label() { Content = link.Weight.ToString(), Foreground = nodeNameColor, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; Canvas.SetLeft(lbl, p.X - nodeRadius); Canvas.SetTop(lbl, p.Y - nodeRadius); Canvas.SetZIndex(lbl, 101); graphCanvas.Children.Add(lbl); } } } }
private void Text(ArrowLine ln, double x, double y, string text, Color color) { TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); textBlock.Text = text; textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(color); Canvas.SetLeft(textBlock, x); Canvas.SetTop(textBlock, y); gg.textes.Add(ln, textBlock); canva.Children.Add(textBlock); }
// Открыть граф из файла private void button7_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { foreach (Ellipse el in gg.getelipse.Values) { canva.Children.Remove(el); } foreach (TextBlock tx in gg.textes.Values) { canva.Children.Remove(tx); } foreach (ArrowLine ln in gg.ArrowLines.Keys) { canva.Children.Remove(ln); } gg.direction.Clear(); gg = new Graph(); string Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName); string[] integersString = Content.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int[] integers = new int[integersString.Length]; int current = 0; foreach(string s in integersString){ integers[current++] = int.Parse(s); } //System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); current = 0; number = integers[current++]; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { Ellipse el = new Ellipse(); int index = integers[current++]; int x = integers[current++]; int y = integers[current++]; gg.nodes.Add(el, index); gg.getelipse.Add(index, el); el.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ellipse_MouseDown); el.Width = 30; el.Height = 30; el.StrokeThickness = 1; el.Stroke = Brushes.Black; el.Fill = Brushes.Blue; canva.Children.Add(el); Canvas.SetLeft(el, x); Canvas.SetTop(el, y); } for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { gg.graph.Add(new List<int>()); for (int j = 0; j < number; j++) { int w = integers[current++]; gg.graph[i].Add(w); if (w != 0) { ArrowLine ln = new ArrowLine(); ln.StrokeThickness = 2; ln.Stroke = Brushes.Black; ln.Fill = Brushes.Blue; ln.X1 = Canvas.GetLeft(gg.getelipse[i]) + 15; ln.Y1 = Canvas.GetTop(gg.getelipse[i]) + 15; ln.X2 = Canvas.GetLeft(gg.getelipse[j]) + 15; ln.Y2 = Canvas.GetTop(gg.getelipse[j]) + 15; canva.Children.Add(ln); gg.ArrowLines.Add(ln, Tuple.Create(i, j)); gg.edges.Add(Tuple.Create(i, j), ln); gg.direction.Add(Tuple.Create(ln, gg.getelipse[i]), 1); gg.direction.Add(Tuple.Create(ln, gg.getelipse[j]), 2); Text(ln, (ln.X1 + ln.X2) / 2, (ln.Y1 + ln.Y2) / 2, w.ToString(), Colors.Black); } } } } }
// Клик мыши по елипсу public void ellipse_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (currentAction == Action.addEdge) { if (minpath != null && minpath.Count > 0) { uncolorPath(minpath); minpath.Clear(); } if (diam != null && diam.Count > 0) { uncolorPath(diam); diam.Clear(); } if (wedge < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Введите корректный вес ребра", "Сообщение", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { if (active == null) { active = (Ellipse)sender; active.Fill = Brushes.Red; ActiveNum.Content = gg.nodes[active].ToString(); } else { if ((Ellipse)sender != active) { active2 = (Ellipse)sender; active2.Fill = Brushes.Red; ActiveNum.Content += " / " + gg.nodes[active2].ToString(); int w = wedge; if (gg.graph[gg.nodes[active]][gg.nodes[active2]] > 0) { gg.graph[gg.nodes[active]][gg.nodes[active2]] = w; gg.textes[gg.edges[Tuple.Create(gg.nodes[active], gg.nodes[active2])]].Text = w.ToString(); } else { gg.graph[gg.nodes[active]][gg.nodes[active2]] = w; ArrowLine ln = new ArrowLine(); ln.StrokeThickness = 2; ln.Stroke = Brushes.Black; ln.Fill = Brushes.Blue; ln.X1 = Canvas.GetLeft(active) + 15; ln.Y1 = Canvas.GetTop(active) + 15; ln.X2 = Canvas.GetLeft(active2) + 15; ln.Y2 = Canvas.GetTop(active2) + 15; canva.Children.Add(ln); gg.ArrowLines.Add(ln, Tuple.Create(gg.nodes[active], gg.nodes[active2])); gg.edges.Add(Tuple.Create(gg.nodes[active], gg.nodes[active2]), ln); gg.direction.Add(Tuple.Create(ln, active), 1); gg.direction.Add(Tuple.Create(ln, active2), 2); Text(ln, (ln.X1 + ln.X2) / 2, (ln.Y1 + ln.Y2) / 2, w.ToString(), Colors.Black); } active2.Fill = Brushes.Blue; active.Fill = Brushes.Blue; active = null; active2 = null; currentAction = Action.Moving; Operation.Content = "Перемещение"; ActiveNum.Content = "-"; } } } } else if(currentAction == Action.Moving) { active = (Ellipse)sender; ActiveNum.Content = gg.nodes[active].ToString(); active.Fill = Brushes.Red; dragging = true; oldMouse = e.GetPosition(canva); } else if (currentAction == Action.DeleteVertex) { if (minpath != null && minpath.Count > 0) { uncolorPath(minpath); minpath.Clear(); } if (diam != null && diam.Count > 0) { uncolorPath(diam); diam.Clear(); } int v = gg.nodes[(Ellipse)sender]; for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { if (gg.graph[v][i] != 0) { ArrowLine ln = gg.edges[Tuple.Create(v, i)]; List<Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse>> keys_dr = new List<Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse>>(gg.direction.Keys); for (int p = 0; p < keys_dr.Count; p++) { Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse> key = keys_dr[p]; if (key.Item1 == ln) gg.direction.Remove(key); } canva.Children.Remove(gg.textes[ln]); gg.textes.Remove(ln); gg.ArrowLines.Remove(ln); canva.Children.Remove(ln); gg.edges.Remove(Tuple.Create(v, i)); } if (gg.graph[i][v] != 0) { ArrowLine ln = gg.edges[Tuple.Create(i, v)]; List<Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse>> keys_dr = new List<Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse>>(gg.direction.Keys); for (int p = 0; p < keys_dr.Count; p++) { Tuple<ArrowLine, Ellipse> key = keys_dr[p]; if (key.Item1 == ln) gg.direction.Remove(key); } canva.Children.Remove(gg.textes[ln]); gg.textes.Remove(ln); gg.ArrowLines.Remove(ln); canva.Children.Remove(ln); gg.edges.Remove(Tuple.Create(i, v)); } } gg.graph.RemoveAt(v); foreach (List<int> l in gg.graph) { l.RemoveAt(v); } List<Ellipse> keys_el = new List<Ellipse>(gg.nodes.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys_el.Count; i++) { Ellipse key = keys_el[i]; if (gg.nodes[key] > v) gg.nodes[key]--; } gg.getelipse.Remove(v); gg.nodes.Remove((Ellipse)sender); List<int> keys_ge = new List<int>(gg.getelipse.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys_ge.Count; i++) { int key = keys_ge[i]; if (key > v) { Ellipse temp = gg.getelipse[key]; gg.getelipse.Remove(key); gg.getelipse.Add(key - 1, temp); } } List<ArrowLine> keys_ln = new List<ArrowLine>(gg.ArrowLines.Keys); for (int j = 0; j < keys_ln.Count; j++) { ArrowLine key_ln = keys_ln[j]; if (gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item1 > v) { gg.ArrowLines[key_ln] = Tuple.Create(gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item1 - 1, gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item2); } if (gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item2 > v) { gg.ArrowLines[key_ln] = Tuple.Create(gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item1, gg.ArrowLines[key_ln].Item2 - 1); } } List<Tuple<int, int>> keys_ed = new List<Tuple<int, int>>(gg.edges.Keys); for (int k = 0; k < keys_ed.Count; k++) { Tuple<int, int> key_ed = keys_ed[k]; if (key_ed.Item1 > v && key_ed.Item2 > v) { Tuple<int, int> temp = Tuple.Create(key_ed.Item1 - 1, key_ed.Item2 - 1); ArrowLine ln = gg.edges[key_ed]; gg.edges.Remove(key_ed); gg.edges.Add(temp, ln); } else { if (key_ed.Item1 > v) { Tuple<int, int> temp = Tuple.Create(key_ed.Item1 - 1, key_ed.Item2); ArrowLine ln = gg.edges[key_ed]; gg.edges.Remove(key_ed); gg.edges.Add(temp, ln); } if (key_ed.Item2 > v) { Tuple<int, int> temp = Tuple.Create(key_ed.Item1, key_ed.Item2 - 1); ArrowLine ln = gg.edges[key_ed]; gg.edges.Remove(key_ed); gg.edges.Add(temp, ln); } } } canva.Children.Remove((Ellipse)sender); number--; currentAction = Action.Moving; Operation.Content = "Перемещение"; ActiveNum.Content = "-"; } }
public void hipAlignmentYAxis() { Joint leftHip = (skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipLeft]); Joint rightHip = (skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipRight]); Range range = new Range(leftHip.Position.Y, Range.hipIntermediateRange); Point p1 = new Point(rightHip.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), rightHip.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Point p2 = new Point(leftHip.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), leftHip.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Line line = new Line() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p2.X, Y2 = p2.Y, Stroke = correctionLineColor, StrokeThickness = correctionLineThickness }; Point p3; ArrowLine directionLine = new ArrowLine(); if (rightHip.Position.Y < range.minimum) { p3 = new Point(leftHip.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), leftHip.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio + correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p2.X, Y1 = p2.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = upDownColor, StrokeThickness = correctionLineThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } else if (rightHip.Position.Y > range.maximum) { p3 = new Point(rightHip.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), rightHip.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio + correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = upDownColor, StrokeThickness = correctionLineThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } }
public void spineAlignmentYAxis() { Joint centerHip = skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter]; Joint centerShoulder = skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter]; Range hipsRange = new Range(centerShoulder.Position.Z, Range.hipsToShouldersIntermediateRange); Point p1 = new Point(centerHip.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), centerHip.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Point p2 = new Point(centerShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), centerShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Line line = new Line() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p2.X, Y2 = p2.Y, Stroke = correctionLineColor, StrokeThickness = correctionLineThickness }; Point p3; ArrowLine directionLine = new ArrowLine(); if (centerHip.Position.Z > hipsRange.maximum) { p3 = new Point(centerShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), centerShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio - correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p2.X, Y1 = p2.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } else if (centerHip.Position.Z < hipsRange.minimum) { p3 = new Point(centerShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), centerShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio + correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p2.X, Y1 = p2.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } }
public void shoulderAlignmentZAxis() { Joint leftShoulder = skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft]; Joint rightShoulder = skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderRight]; Range range = new Range(leftShoulder.Position.Z, Range.shoulderIntermediateRange); Point p1 = new Point(leftShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), leftShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Point p2 = new Point(rightShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), rightShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio)); Line line = new Line() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p2.X, Y2 = p2.Y, Stroke = correctionLineColor, StrokeThickness = correctionLineThickness }; Point p3; ArrowLine directionLine = new ArrowLine(); if (rightShoulder.Position.Z > range.maximum) { p3 = new Point(leftShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), leftShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio - correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p1.X, Y1 = p1.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } else if (rightShoulder.Position.Z < range.minimum) { p3 = new Point(rightShoulder.Position.X * (windowWidth / 2) + (windowWidth / 2), rightShoulder.Position.Y * -(windowHeight / 2) + (windowHeight / MainWindow.windowHeightRatio + correctionArrowLength)); directionLine = new ArrowLine() { X1 = p2.X, Y1 = p2.Y, X2 = p3.X, Y2 = p3.Y, Stroke = frontBackColor, StrokeThickness = correctionArrowThickness }; canvas.Children.Add(line); canvas.Children.Add(directionLine); } }
private void initLine(Color c, LinkHeadType headType) { line = new ArrowLine(); line.ArrowAngle = 40; line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(c); switch (headType) { case LinkHeadType.DoubleHeaded: line.ArrowEnds = ArrowEnds.Both; break; case LinkHeadType.SingleHeaded: line.ArrowEnds = ArrowEnds.End; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } line.StrokeThickness = ShapeUtils.LINE_WIDTH; line.Effect = ShapeUtils.ShadowProvider(); line.Tag = this; selMarker1 = ShapeUtils.MakeLinkEnd(); selMarker1.Tag = this; selMarker2 = ShapeUtils.MakeLinkEnd(); selMarker2.Tag = this; line.MouseWheel += MouseWheel; }