//Feeds the pet a Foodtype public void FeedPet(Pet pet, FoodType foodToEat) { //feed the pet food int gainedNuts = pet.food.Eat(foodToEat); string text = ""; if (gainedNuts > 0) { text = String.Format("{0} just ate {1}, ", pet.name, foodToEat.ToString().ToLower()); } //print the text = text + "{0} satiation level is: {1}\n"; string formatted = String.Format(text, pet.pronoun, pet.food.satiation); Tools.Print(newFG: Program.defaultFG, text: formatted, newBG: ConsoleColor.DarkGreen); //vals: new object[] {pet.name, foodToEat, pet.food.satiation}); }
public int Eat(FoodType toBeEaten) { int gainedNutrients= toBeEaten.EatThis(); this.satiation += gainedNutrients; if (satiation >= 150) { Tools.Print(newBG: ConsoleColor.Red, text: "Mother f****r is full yo, stop feeding it.\n"); } return gainedNutrients; }