public int GetTotalRounds(Tournament tournament)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            return RoundManager.GetMaxRoundsForTournament(tournament);
        public int? GetCurrentRoundNumber(Tournament tournament)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            var roundStatus = Enumerable
                .Range(1, GetTotalRounds(tournament))
                .Select(roundNumber => new
                    Number = roundNumber,
                    State = RoundManager.GetRoundState(tournament, roundNumber)

                return null;

            var currentRound = roundStatus
                .SkipWhile(o => o.State >= RoundState.Final)

            if(currentRound == null || currentRound.State == RoundState.Invalid)
                return null;

            return currentRound.Number;
        public StandingsResponse Create(Tournament tournament, int? roundNumber)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            var playerStandings = tournament
                .Select(player => new
                    name = player.Name,
                    matchPoints = StatsProvider.GetMatchPoints(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                    matchWinPercentage = StatsProvider.GetMatchWinPercentage(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                    opponentsMatchWinPercentage = StatsProvider.GetOpponentsMatchWinPercentage(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                    gamePoints = StatsProvider.GetGamePoints(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                    gameWinPercentage = StatsProvider.GetGameWinPercentage(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                    opponentsGameWinPercentage = StatsProvider.GetOpponentsGameWinPercentage(tournament, player, roundNumber),
                .OrderByDescending(o => o.matchPoints)
                .ThenByDescending(o => o.opponentsMatchWinPercentage)
                .ThenByDescending(o => o.gameWinPercentage)
                .ThenByDescending(o => o.opponentsGameWinPercentage)
                .Select((o, rank) => new PlayerStandingResponse(
                    rank: rank + 1,
                    matchPoints: o.matchPoints,
                    matchWinPercentage: o.matchWinPercentage,
                    opponentsMatchWinPercentage: o.opponentsMatchWinPercentage,
                    gamePoints: o.gamePoints,
                    gameWinPercentage: o.gameWinPercentage,
                    opponentsGameWinPercentage: o.opponentsGameWinPercentage

            return new StandingsResponse(playerStandings);
Exemple #4
        public decimal GetOpponentsGameWinPercentage(Tournament tournament, Player player, int? roundNumber = null)
            var opponents = tournament.GetPlayerOpponents(player, roundNumber);

            return opponents
                .Select(opponent => GetGameWinPercentage(tournament, opponent, roundNumber))
Exemple #5
 public int GetGamePoints(Tournament tournament, Player player, int? roundNumber = null)
     return tournament
         .GetPlayerGames(player, roundNumber)
         .Select(game => new PlayerStats(
             wins: game.Winner == player ? 1 : 0,
             losses: game.Winner != player && game.Winner != null ? 1 : 0,
             draws: game.Winner == null ? 1 : 0
         .Aggregate(0, (sum, stats) => sum + (stats.Wins * GameWin + stats.Draws * GameDraw + stats.Losses * GameLoss));
Exemple #6
        public decimal GetMatchWinPercentage(Tournament tournament, Player player, int? roundNumber = null)
            var achieved = GetMatchPoints(tournament, player, roundNumber);

            var maximum = tournament
                .GetPlayerMatches(player, roundNumber)
                .Count() * MatchWin;

            if(maximum == 0)
                return 0.33m;

            var rawPercentage = achieved / (decimal)maximum;

            // Match win percentage is capped at 0.33 on the low end
            return Math.Max(0.33m, rawPercentage);
Exemple #7
 public int GetMatchPoints(Tournament tournament, Player player, int? roundNumber = null)
     return tournament
         .GetPlayerMatches(player, roundNumber)
         .Select(match => new PlayerStats(
             wins: match.Games.Where(game => game.Winner == player).Count(),
             losses: match.Games.Where(game => game.Winner != player && game.Winner != null).Count(),
             draws: match.Games.Where(game => game.Winner == player).Count()
         .Select(stats => stats.Wins > stats.Losses
             ? MatchWin
             : stats.Wins == stats.Losses
                 ? MatchDraw
                 : MatchLoss)
        public TournamentResponse Create(Tournament tournament)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            var tournamentState = TournamentManager.GetTournamentState(tournament);

            return new TournamentResponse(
                key: tournament.Key,
                name: tournament.Name,
                started: tournamentState >= TournamentState.Started,
                finished: tournamentState >= TournamentState.Finished,
                totalRounds: TournamentManager.GetTotalRounds(tournament),
                activeRoundNumber: tournament.ActiveRoundNumber
        public TournamentState GetTournamentState(Tournament tournament)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            var firstRoundState = RoundManager.GetRoundState(tournament, 1);

            if(firstRoundState < RoundState.Committed)
                return TournamentState.None;

            var lastRound = RoundManager.GetMaxRoundsForTournament(tournament);
            var lastRoundState = RoundManager.GetRoundState(tournament, lastRound);

            if(lastRoundState < RoundState.Completed)
                return TournamentState.Started;

            return TournamentState.Finished;
        public RoundResponse Create(Tournament tournament, Round round)
            if(round == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("round");

            var roundState = RoundManager.GetRoundState(tournament, round.Number);

            return new RoundResponse(
                number: round.Number,
                started: roundState >= RoundState.Committed,
                completed: roundState >= RoundState.Completed,
                final: roundState >= RoundState.Final,
                matches: round
                    .OrderBy(match => match.Number)
                    .Select(match => MatchResponseProvider.Create(match))
Exemple #11
        public ICollection<Match> CreateMatches(Tournament tournament, int roundNumber)
            var seed = tournament.Seed ^ roundNumber;
            var rng = new Random(seed);

            var tournamentRounds = tournament
                .SelectMany(round => round.Matches)

            // Group players by match points.
            // Randomize within each group.
            var playerPool = tournament
                .Where(player => !player.Dropped)
                .Select(player => new
                        Player = player,
                        Randomizer = rng.Next(),
                        MatchPoints = StatsProvider.GetMatchPoints(tournament, player),
                        HadBye = tournamentRounds
                            .Where(match => match.Players.Contains(player))
                            .Where(match => match.Players.Count == 1)
                        Opponents = tournamentRounds
                            .Where(match => match.Players.Contains(player))
                            .SelectMany(match => match.Players.Except(new[] { player }))
                .OrderBy(o => o.MatchPoints)
                .ThenBy(o => o.Randomizer)

            var matches = Enumerable.Empty<Match>();

            // If there is an odd number of players, from the bottom up, take the first player
            // that hasn't had a bye and remove them from the pool.
            if(playerPool.Count() % 2 == 1)
                var byePlayer = playerPool
                    .Where(o => !o.HadBye)

                matches = matches
                        .Select(o => new Match
                            Number = 1 + (playerPool.Count() / 2),
                            // A bye gives two game wins
                            Games = new[]
                                    new Game
                                        Winner = o.Player,
                                    new Game
                                        Winner = o.Player,
                            Players = new[]

                playerPool = playerPool.Except(byePlayer);

            // Start at the top and take the next player in order. If they've never had a match,
            // place both in a pairing and remove them from the pool. If they have had a match,
            // take the next lowest player. Repeat until an unplayed opponent is found.
            var matchNumber = 1;
                var left = playerPool

                var right = playerPool
                    .SkipWhile(o => left
                    ?? playerPool

                matches = matches
                            new Match
                                Number = matchNumber,
                                Games = new List<Game>(),
                                Players = new[]
                                    .OrderBy(player => player.Name)

                playerPool = playerPool
                    .Except(new[] { left, right });


            return matches.ToArray();
Exemple #12
        // Rounds have five states: projected, committed, and completed, finalized, and invalid
        // - A round is finalized when it's been completed and a result entered for the next round
        // - A round is completed when all matches have the minimum number of results
        // - A round is committed when the first result is submitted. A result can't be submitted until the previous round is completed.
        // - A round is projected when the previous round is completed by no results have been submitted.
        // - A round is invalid if it's more than one greater than the last completed round number
        // When a round becomes committed, it's written to the database and can't be changed. All matches must have a result submitted to move forward.
        public RoundState GetRoundState(Tournament tournament, int roundNumber)
            if(roundNumber < 0)
                return RoundState.Invalid;

            if(roundNumber == 0)
                return RoundState.Completed;

            if(tournament.Players.Count < 2)
                return RoundState.Invalid;

            var previousRoundState = GetRoundState(tournament, roundNumber - 1);

            if(previousRoundState < RoundState.Completed)
                return RoundState.Invalid;

            var requestedRound = tournament
                .Where(round => round.Number == roundNumber)

            if(requestedRound == null)
                return RoundState.Projected;

            // A round is completed when all matches have at least two wins or are called because of time.
            // Since we don't track called games, we just check for at least one completed game in each match.
            var requestedRoundIsCompleted = requestedRound
                .All(match => match
                    .Count() >= 1

            var nextRoundHasResults = tournament
                .Where(round => round.Number == roundNumber + 1)
                .Where(round => round.Matches.Any())

                    return RoundState.Final;
                    return RoundState.Completed;

            return RoundState.Committed;
Exemple #13
        public Round GetRound(Tournament tournament, int roundNumber)
            if(tournament == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tournament");

            if(roundNumber > GetMaxRoundsForTournament(tournament))
                return null;

            var roundState = GetRoundState(tournament, roundNumber);

            if(roundState == RoundState.Invalid)
                return null;

            if(roundState == RoundState.Projected)
                return new Round
                    Number = roundNumber,
                    Matches = CreateMatches(tournament, roundNumber),
                return tournament
                    .Where(r => r.Number == roundNumber)
Exemple #14
        public int GetMaxRoundsForTournament(Tournament tournament)
            var playerCount = tournament.Players.Count();
            var roundCount = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(playerCount, 2));

            // No less than one round
            return (int)Math.Max(1, roundCount);
 public ActiveRoundResponse Create(Tournament tournament, int? currentRoundNumber)
     return new ActiveRoundResponse(tournament.Key, currentRoundNumber);