  * Requests resolution of a host name. If the call completes successfully, the
  * results can be retrieved by <code>GetCanonicalName()</code>,
  * <code>GetNetAddressCount()</code> and <code>GetNetAddress()</code>.
  * @param[in] host_resolver A <code>PP_Resource</code> corresponding to a host
  * resolver.
  * @param[in] host The host name (or IP address literal) to resolve.
  * @param[in] port The port number to be set in the resulting network
  * addresses.
  * @param[in] hint A <code>PP_HostResolver_Hint</code> structure providing
  * hints for host resolution.
  * @param[in] callback A <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
  * completion.
  * @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
  * <code>PP_ERROR_NOACCESS</code> will be returned if the caller doesn't have
  * required permissions. <code>PP_ERROR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED</code> will be
  * returned if the host name couldn't be resolved.
 public static int Resolve(PPResource host_resolver,
                           string host,
                           ushort port,
                           PPHostResolverHint hint,
                           PPCompletionCallback callback)
     return(Resolve(host_resolver, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(host), port, hint, callback));
Exemple #2
         * Requests resolution of a host name. If the call completes successfully, the
         * results can be retrieved by <code>GetCanonicalName()</code>,
         * <code>GetNetAddressCount()</code> and <code>GetNetAddress()</code>.
         * @param[in] host_resolver A <code>PP_Resource</code> corresponding to a host
         * resolver.
         * @param[in] host The host name (or IP address literal) to resolve.
         * @param[in] port The port number to be set in the resulting network
         * addresses.
         * @param[in] hint A <code>PP_HostResolver_Hint</code> structure providing
         * hints for host resolution.
         * @param[in] callback A <code>PP_CompletionCallback</code> to be called upon
         * completion.
         * @return An int32_t containing an error code from <code>pp_errors.h</code>.
         * <code>PP_ERROR_NOACCESS</code> will be returned if the caller doesn't have
         * required permissions. <code>PP_ERROR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED</code> will be
         * returned if the host name couldn't be resolved.
        public static int Resolve(PPResource host_resolver,
                                  byte[] host,
                                  ushort port,
                                  PPHostResolverHint hint,
                                  PPCompletionCallback callback)
            if (host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("host");

                fixed(byte *host_ = &host[0])
                    return(_Resolve(host_resolver, (IntPtr)host_, port, hint, callback));
Exemple #3
 extern static int _Resolve(PPResource host_resolver,
                            IntPtr host,
                            ushort port,
                            PPHostResolverHint hint,
                            PPCompletionCallback callback);