public ActionResult Delete(PluginDropDown pluginToDelete )
            //TODO: Fix...
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Entities db = new Entities();
                Plugin databasePlugin;


                    databasePlugin = db.Plugins.Where(p => p.PluginGenerated == pluginToDelete.PluginGenerated).First();
                    return RedirectToAction("Delete", "Plugin", new { Message = DeleteMessageId.PluginErrorMessage });
                //retrieve string to delete file off server

                //update database first

                //if (System.IO.File.Exists(databasePluginFilePath))
                //    try
                //    {
                //        System.IO.File.Delete(databasePluginFilePath);

                //        return RedirectToAction("Delete", "Plugin", new { Message = DeleteMessageId.RemovePluginSuccess });
                //    }
                //    catch
                //    {
                //        return RedirectToAction("Delete", "Plugin", new { Message = DeleteMessageId.RemovePluginFailure });
                //    }


            //Default return. Once functionality is complete, this return should only be reached if something goes wrong
            return View("Delete");
        //copied directly from ReportController with changes to work with plugin. Same functionality
        public ActionResult Delete(DeleteMessageId? message)
            //Cookie cutter from Controllers/AccountControlller.cs, just changed to work with plugins.
            //Question mark is to allow for null values.
            //Good description here
            ViewBag.StatusMessage =
            message == DeleteMessageId.RemovePluginSuccess ? "Your Plugin was successfully removed."
            : message == DeleteMessageId.RemovePluginFailure ? "Your Plugin was not successfully removed."
            : "";

            ViewBag.StatusFailure =
                message == DeleteMessageId.PluginErrorMessage ? "There was an error deleting your plugin, please try again."
                : "";

            Entities db = new Entities();

            var pluginIdConverter = db.Plugins.Local;

            //string pluginIdToString = pluginIdConverter.Select(c => c.PluginID).ToString();

            var query = db.Plugins.Select(c => new SelectListItem
                Value = c.PluginGenerated,
                Text = c.PluginName

            var model = new PluginDropDown
                deleteList = query.ToList()
            return View(model);