public bool EqualsIgnoreClass(object obj) { TypeDef_Function other = obj as TypeDef_Function; if (null == other) { return(false); } if (minArgs != other.minArgs) { return(false); } if (argTypes.Count == other.argTypes.Count) { for (int ii = 0; ii < argTypes.Count; ++ii) { if (argTypes[ii] != other.argTypes[ii]) { return(false); } } } else { return(false); } return((retType == other.retType) && (varargs == other.varargs)); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { TypeDef_Function other = obj as TypeDef_Function; if (!EqualsIgnoreClass(obj)) { return(false); } if (null != classType) { if (null == other.classType) { return(false); } if (classType != other.classType) { return(false); } } else if (null != other.classType) { return(false); } return(true); }
public virtual bool CanStoreValue(ExecContext context, ITypeDef valueType) { //if (valueType is TypeDef) { // return null == (valueType as TypeDef).IsNull(); //} if (valueType.IsNull()) { return(true); } TypeDef_Function funcValueType = valueType as TypeDef_Function; if (null == funcValueType) { return(false); } if (!retType.Equals(IntrinsicTypeDefs.VOID) && !retType.CanStoreValue(context, funcValueType.retType)) { return(false); } if (null != classType) { if (null == funcValueType.classType || !classType.CanStoreValue(context, funcValueType.classType)) { return(false); } // This is the point of isStatic in this class. This is saying, "I can save a reference to a class member function only if it is static." } else if (null != funcValueType.classType && !funcValueType.isStaticMember) { return(false); } // Mismatch if other's max args exceeds our max args. if (argTypes.Count > funcValueType.argTypes.Count) { return(false); } // Mismatch if we have fewer min args than they do. // (Meaning we could be called with fewer arguments than they have default values for.) if (minArgs < funcValueType.minArgs) { return(false); } // Make sure that for every argument WE have, THEIR argument's type matches. for (int ii = 0; ii < argTypes.Count; ++ii) { if (!funcValueType.argTypes[ii].CanStoreValue(context, argTypes[ii])) { return(false); } } return(true); }
// This is for non-terminal blocks: for, if, and expr-lists. NOT fuction calls. public void Set(int depth, string name = "<scope>") { _varStackStart = depth; _name = name; _terminal = false; _hardTerminal = false; _classInstance = null; _classDef = null; _funcType = null; _isStatic = false; }
// ATM, this is only used by Exec. public void SetHardTerminal(int depth, string name = "<hardTerminal>") { _varStackStart = depth; _name = "hardTerminal"; _terminal = true; _hardTerminal = true; _classInstance = null; _classDef = null; _funcType = null; _isStatic = false; }
// This is for function calls, both regular calls and class member calls. public void Set(int depth, string name, TypeDef_Function funcType, ClassValue classInstance, bool isStaticIn) { _varStackStart = depth; _name = "function call (" + name + ")"; _terminal = true; _hardTerminal = false; _classInstance = classInstance; _classDef = null; _funcType = funcType; _isStatic = isStaticIn; }
// This is for static function calls, or for class member function calls during typecheck // when we don't have or need an instance. public void Set(int depth, TypeDef_Function funcType, ClassDef classDef, bool isStaticIn) { _varStackStart = depth; _name = "class (" + + ")"; _terminal = true; _hardTerminal = false; _classInstance = null; _classDef = classDef; _funcType = funcType; _isStatic = isStaticIn; }
// Terminal should be true in the "usual" case, which seems to be class member // functions. Should be false in the case of defstructors, because those aren't // real functions and thus not closures: they're just little blocks of code // inside the surrounding code that have access to class members. public void Set(int depth, ClassValue classInstance, bool terminalIn = true) { _varStackStart = depth; _name = "class (" + + ")"; _terminal = terminalIn; _hardTerminal = false; _classInstance = classInstance; _classDef = null; _funcType = null; _isStatic = false; }
public static TypeDef_Function GetTypeDef_Function(ITypeDef retType, List <ITypeDef> argTypes, int minArgs, bool _varargs, TypeDef_Class classType, bool isConst, bool isStatic) { if (minArgs < 0) { minArgs = argTypes.Count; } string args = ""; for (int ii = 0; ii < argTypes.Count; ++ii) { string defaultValueString = ""; if (ii >= minArgs) { defaultValueString = " ?"; } args += (ii == 0 ? "" : ", ") + argTypes[ii] + defaultValueString; } string classPart = ""; if (null != classType) { classPart = ":" + classType.className; } string name = "function" + classPart + "<" + retType + "(" + args + ")>"; if (_varargs) { name = name + " varargs"; } if (isStatic) { name = name + " static"; } if (isConst) { name = name + " const"; } if (_typeRegistry.ContainsKey(name)) { return(_typeRegistry[name] as TypeDef_Function); } TypeDef_Function newDef = new TypeDef_Function(retType, argTypes, minArgs, _varargs, classType, isConst, isStatic); #if PEBBLE_TRACETYPES Console.WriteLine("Registering new function type: " + name); #endif _typeRegistry.Add(name, newDef); return(newDef); }
public bool PushClassCall_StaticOrTypeCheck(TypeDef_Function funcType, ClassDef classDef, bool isStatic, ExecContext context) { if (CALLSTACKMAXDEPTH == _callCount) { return(false); } _callStack[_callCount].Set(_varCount, funcType, classDef, isStatic); ++_callCount; #if PEBBLE_TRACESTACK TraceScope("PushClassCall_StaticOrTypeCheck(" + + ", " + (isStatic ? "static)" : "type check)")); #endif return(true); }
public bool PushCall(TypeDef_Function funcType, string funcName, ClassValue instance, bool isStatic, ExecContext context) { if (CALLSTACKMAXDEPTH == _callCount) { return(false); } _callStack[_callCount].Set(_varCount, funcName, funcType, instance, isStatic); ++_callCount; #if PEBBLE_TRACESTACK TraceScope("PushCall"); #endif return(true); }
public virtual string ToString(ExecContext context) { Variable var = GetByName("ThisToString"); if (null != var && var.type is TypeDef_Function) { TypeDef_Function tdf = (TypeDef_Function)var.type; if (null != var.value && tdf.retType.Equals(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING) && tdf.argTypes.Count == 0) { FunctionValue funcVal = (FunctionValue)var.value; return((string)funcVal.Evaluate(context, new List <object>(), this)); } } return("[" + + " instance]"); }
public static void Register(Engine engine) { //@ class List<T> TypeDef_Class ourType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Class("List", new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0 }, false); ClassDef classDef = engine.defaultContext.CreateClass("List", ourType, null, new List <string> { "T" }); classDef.childAllocator = () => { return(new PebbleList()); }; classDef.Initialize(); //@ List<T> Add(T newValue, ...) or List<T> Push(T newValue, ...) // Adds one or more elements to the end of the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { PebbleList scope = thisScope as PebbleList; if (scope.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Add: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = scope.list; var listType = (TypeDef_Class)scope.classDef.typeDef; var elementType = listType.genericTypes[0]; for (int ii = 0; ii < args.Count; ++ii) { object ret = args[ii]; list.Add(new Variable(null, elementType, ret)); } return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0 }, eval, true, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Add", newValue.valType, newValue); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Push", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Clear() // Removes all elements from the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList; if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Clear: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = pebList.list; list.Clear(); return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Clear", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ num Count() // Returns the number of elements in the list. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; return(System.Convert.ToDouble(list.Count)); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Count", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ T Get(num index) // Returns the value of the element of the list at the given index. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { double dix = (double)args[0]; int ix = (int)dix; var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; // Bounds checking. if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Get: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + "."); return(null); } return(list[ix].value); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Get", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Insert(num index, T item) // Inserts a new element into the list at the given index. Existing elements at and after the given index are pushed further down the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { PebbleList scope = thisScope as PebbleList; if (scope.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Insert: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = scope.list; var listType = (TypeDef_Class)scope.classDef.typeDef; var elementType = listType.genericTypes[0]; var indexDouble = (double)args[0]; var item = args[1]; var index = Convert.ToInt32(indexDouble); if (index < 0 || index > list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Insert: array index out of bounds."); return(null); } list.Insert(index, new Variable(null, elementType, item)); return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0 }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Insert", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ T Pop() // Returns the value of the last element of the list and removes it from the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList; if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Pop: Attempt to remove an element from a list that is being enumerated in a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = pebList.list; int ix = list.Count - 1; if (ix < 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Pop: List is empty."); return(null); } var result = list[ix].value; list.RemoveAt(ix); return(result); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Pop", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> RemoveAt(num index) // Removes element at the given index, and returns the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { double dix = (double)args[0]; int ix = (int)dix; PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList; if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "RemoveAt: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = pebList.list; if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveAt: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + "."); return(null); } list.RemoveAt(ix); return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("RemoveAt", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> RemoveRange(num start, num count) // Removes elements in the given range of indices, and returns the list. // Cannot be used in a foreach loop. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { double dstart = (double)args[0]; int start = (int)dstart; double dcount = (double)args[1]; int count = (int)dcount; PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList; if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "RemoveRange: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop."); return(null); } var list = pebList.list; if (start < 0 || start >= list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Start " + start + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + "."); return(null); } if (count < 0) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Count (" + count + ") cannot be negative."); return(null); } if ((start + count) >= list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Count " + count + " exceeds array length (" + list.Count + ")."); return(null); } list.RemoveRange(start, count); return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("RemoveRange", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Reverse() // Reverses the list and returns it. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; list.Reverse(); return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Reverse", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Set(num index, T newValue) // Changes the value of the element at the given index, and returns the list. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { double dix = (double)args[0]; int ix = (int)dix; object value = args[1]; var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; // Bounds checking. if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Set: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + "."); return(null); } list[ix].value = value; return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0 }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Set", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Shuffle() // Shuffles the list, putting the elements in random order. // Returns the list. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; Random rng = new Random(); int n = list.Count; while (n > 1) { --n; int k = rng.Next(n + 1); Variable value = list[k]; list[k] = list[n]; list[n] = value; } return(thisScope); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Shuffle", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ List<T> Sort(functype<num(T, T>)> comparator) // Sorts the list using the given comparator function. // The comparator should behave the same as a C# Comparer. The first argument should be earlier in the // list than the second, return a number < 0. If It should be later, return a number > 0. If their order // is irrelevant, return 0. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; if (null == args[0]) { context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArgumentInvalid, "Sort: comparator may not be null."); return(null); } FunctionValue comparator = (FunctionValue)args[0]; List <object> argvals = new List <object>(); argvals.Add(0); argvals.Add(0); Comparison <Variable> hostComparator = new Comparison <Variable>( (a, b) => { argvals[0] = a.value; argvals[1] = b.value; // Note we use null instead of thisScope here. There is no way the sort function could be a // class member because Sort's signature only takes function's whose type has no class. double result = (double)comparator.Evaluate(context, argvals, null); return(Convert.ToInt32(result)); } ); list.Sort(hostComparator); return(thisScope); }; TypeDef_Function comparatorType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Function(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0 }, -1, false, null, false, false); FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList { comparatorType }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Sort", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ string ThisToScript(string prefix) // ThisToScript is used by Serialize. A classes' ThisToScript function should return code which can rebuild the class. // Note that it's only the content of the class, not the "new A" part. ie., it's the code that goes in the defstructor. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { string result = ""; string prefix = (string)args[0] + "\t"; var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; for (int ii = 0; ii < list.Count; ++ii) { result += prefix + "Add(" + CoreLib.ValueToScript(context, list[ii].value, prefix + "\t", false) + ");\n"; } return(result); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToScript", newValue.valType, newValue); } //@ string ToString() // Returns a string representation of at least the first few elements of the list. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list; string result = "List(" + list.Count + ")["; for (int ii = 0; ii < Math.Min(4, list.Count); ++ii) { if (ii > 0) { result += ", "; } result += CoreLib.ValueToString(context, list[ii].value, true); } if (list.Count > 4) { result += ", ..."; } return(result + "]"); }; FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList { }, eval, false, ourType); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToString", newValue.valType, newValue); } classDef.FinalizeClass(engine.defaultContext); UnitTests.testFuncDelegates.Add("CoreList", RunTests); }
public static void Register(Engine engine) { TypeDef_Class ourType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Class("Debug", null, false); ClassDef classDef = engine.defaultContext.CreateClass("Debug", ourType, null, null, true); classDef.Initialize(); // string DumpClass(string className = "") // Returns a string dump of the fields of a class with the given name. // If no argument is given (or string is empty), instead returns a list of all classes. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { string className = (string)args[0]; if ("" == className) { return(context.GetDebugTypeString(true, false, false)); } else { ClassDef def = context.GetClass(className); if (null == def) { return("Class '" + className + "' not found."); } return(def.GetDebugString()); } }; // Note: Here is an example of how you provide default argument values for a host function. List <Expr_Literal> defaultArgVals = new List <Expr_Literal>(); defaultArgVals.Add(new Expr_Literal(null, "", IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING)); FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING }, eval, false, null, false, defaultArgVals); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("DumpClass", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // string DumpStack() // Returns a string printout of the stack at the point the function is called. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { return(context.ToString()); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList { }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("DumpStack", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // string DumpTypes() // Returns a string printout of the registered types. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { return(context.GetDebugTypeString()); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList { }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("DumpTypes", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // string GetTotalMemory() // Wraps GC.GetTotalMemory, which returns the number of bytes estimated to be allocated by C#. // Note that this is NOT just memory allocated by Pebble. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { bool forceFullCorrection = (bool)args[0]; return(Convert.ToDouble(GC.GetTotalMemory(forceFullCorrection))); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.BOOL }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("GetTotalMemory", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // functype<bool(bool, string)> SetAssertCallback(functype<bool(bool, string)>) // Sets callback for assert results, returns previous callback. // Callback gets success as first variable, message as second. If returns false, system throws an Assert runtime exception. { TypeRef_Function handlerTypeRef = new TypeRef_Function(new TypeRef("bool"), new List <ITypeRef>() { new TypeRef("bool"), new TypeRef("string") }); bool error = false; TypeDef_Function handlerTypeDef = (TypeDef_Function)handlerTypeRef.Resolve(engine.defaultContext, ref error); Pb.Assert(!error, "Internal error: SetAssertHandler initialization."); FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { FunctionValue newHandler = (FunctionValue)args[0]; FunctionValue oldHandler = Expr_Assert.handler; Expr_Assert.handler = newHandler; return(oldHandler); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(handlerTypeDef, new ArgList { handlerTypeDef }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("SetAssertCallback", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } //@ bool SetLogCompileErrors(bool log) // Sets whether or not compile errors should be logged to the Engine's log function. // Returns the previous value. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { bool oldValue = context.engine.logCompileErrors; bool newVal = (bool)args[0]; context.engine.logCompileErrors = newVal; return(oldValue); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.BOOL, new ArgList { IntrinsicTypeDefs.BOOL }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("SetLogCompileErrors", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // void TimerStart() // Starts a debug timer. If one is already running it will be set to this new start time. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); return(null); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.VOID, new ArgList { }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("TimerStart", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } // num TimerGet() // Returns elapsed ms since TimerStart called, or -1 if TimerStart wasn't previously called. { FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => { if (null == timer) { return(-1.0); } return(Convert.ToDouble(timer.ElapsedMilliseconds)); }; FunctionValue newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList { }, eval, false); classDef.AddMemberLiteral("TimerGet", newValue.valType, newValue, true); } classDef.FinalizeClass(engine.defaultContext); }
public FunctionValue_Host(TypeDef_Function _valType, EvaluateDelegate eval) { valType = _valType; Evaluate = eval; }
public static TypeDef_Function GetClassVersion(TypeDef_Function original, TypeDef_Class classType, bool isStatic) { return(GetTypeDef_Function(original.retType, original.argTypes, original.minArgs, original.varargs, classType, original.isConst, isStatic)); }