Exemple #1
        public static void Register(Engine engine)
            //@ class List<T>
            TypeDef_Class ourType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Class("List", new ArgList {
            }, false);
            ClassDef classDef = engine.defaultContext.CreateClass("List", ourType, null, new List <string> {

            classDef.childAllocator = () => {
                return(new PebbleList());

            //@ List<T> Add(T newValue, ...) or List<T> Push(T newValue, ...)
            //   Adds one or more elements to the end of the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    PebbleList scope = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (scope.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Add: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var list        = scope.list;
                    var listType    = (TypeDef_Class)scope.classDef.typeDef;
                    var elementType = listType.genericTypes[0];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < args.Count; ++ii)
                        object ret = args[ii];
                        list.Add(new Variable(null, elementType, ret));


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, true, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Add", newValue.valType, newValue);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Push", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Clear()
            //   Removes all elements from the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Clear: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var list = pebList.list;

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Clear", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ num Count()
            //   Returns the number of elements in the list.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Count", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ T Get(num index)
            //   Returns the value of the element of the list at the given index.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    double dix = (double)args[0];
                    int    ix  = (int)dix;

                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                    // Bounds checking.
                    if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Get: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + ".");


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Get", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Insert(num index, T item)
            //   Inserts a new element into the list at the given index. Existing elements at and after the given index are pushed further down the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    PebbleList scope = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (scope.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Insert: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var list        = scope.list;
                    var listType    = (TypeDef_Class)scope.classDef.typeDef;
                    var elementType = listType.genericTypes[0];
                    var indexDouble = (double)args[0];
                    var item        = args[1];
                    var index       = Convert.ToInt32(indexDouble);
                    if (index < 0 || index > list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Insert: array index out of bounds.");

                    list.Insert(index, new Variable(null, elementType, item));


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Insert", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ T Pop()
            //   Returns the value of the last element of the list and removes it from the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Pop: Attempt to remove an element from a list that is being enumerated in a foreach loop.");

                    var list = pebList.list;
                    int ix   = list.Count - 1;
                    if (ix < 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Pop: List is empty.");

                    var result = list[ix].value;

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Pop", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> RemoveAt(num index)
            //   Removes element at the given index, and returns the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    double dix = (double)args[0];
                    int    ix  = (int)dix;

                    PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "RemoveAt: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var list = pebList.list;
                    if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveAt: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + ".");


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("RemoveAt", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> RemoveRange(num start, num count)
            //   Removes elements in the given range of indices, and returns the list.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    double dstart = (double)args[0];
                    int    start  = (int)dstart;
                    double dcount = (double)args[1];
                    int    count  = (int)dcount;

                    PebbleList pebList = thisScope as PebbleList;
                    if (pebList.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "RemoveRange: Attempt to modify a list that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var list = pebList.list;
                    if (start < 0 || start >= list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Start " + start + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + ".");
                    if (count < 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Count (" + count + ") cannot be negative.");
                    if ((start + count) >= list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "RemoveRange: Count " + count + " exceeds array length (" + list.Count + ").");

                    list.RemoveRange(start, count);

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("RemoveRange", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Reverse()
            //   Reverses the list and returns it.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Reverse", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Set(num index, T newValue)
            //   Changes the value of the element at the given index, and returns the list.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    double dix = (double)args[0];
                    int    ix  = (int)dix;

                    object value = args[1];

                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                    // Bounds checking.
                    if (ix < 0 || ix >= list.Count)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, "Set: Index " + ix + " out of bounds of array of length " + list.Count + ".");

                    list[ix].value = value;


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Set", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Shuffle()
            //   Shuffles the list, putting the elements in random order.
            //	 Returns the list.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                    Random rng = new Random();

                    int n = list.Count;
                    while (n > 1)
                        int      k     = rng.Next(n + 1);
                        Variable value = list[k];
                        list[k] = list[n];
                        list[n] = value;


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Shuffle", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ List<T> Sort(functype<num(T, T>)> comparator)
            //   Sorts the list using the given comparator function.
            //   The comparator should behave the same as a C# Comparer. The first argument should be earlier in the
            //   list than the second, return a number < 0. If It should be later, return a number > 0. If their order
            //   is irrelevant, return 0.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;

                    if (null == args[0])
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ArgumentInvalid, "Sort: comparator may not be null.");

                    FunctionValue comparator = (FunctionValue)args[0];

                    List <object> argvals = new List <object>();

                    Comparison <Variable> hostComparator = new Comparison <Variable>(
                        (a, b) => {
                        argvals[0] = a.value;
                        argvals[1] = b.value;

                        // Note we use null instead of thisScope here. There is no way the sort function could be a
                        // class member because Sort's signature only takes function's whose type has no class.
                        double result = (double)comparator.Evaluate(context, argvals, null);


                TypeDef_Function comparatorType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Function(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0
                }, -1, false, null, false, false);

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Sort", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ string ThisToScript(string prefix)
            //   ThisToScript is used by Serialize. A classes' ThisToScript function should return code which can rebuild the class.
            //   Note that it's only the content of the class, not the "new A" part. ie., it's the code that goes in the defstructor.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    string result = "";
                    string prefix = (string)args[0] + "\t";

                    var list = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < list.Count; ++ii)
                        result += prefix + "Add(" + CoreLib.ValueToScript(context, list[ii].value, prefix + "\t", false) + ");\n";


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToScript", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ string ToString()
            //   Returns a string representation of at least the first few elements of the list.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var    list   = (thisScope as PebbleList).list;
                    string result = "List(" + list.Count + ")[";
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < Math.Min(4, list.Count); ++ii)
                        if (ii > 0)
                            result += ", ";
                        result += CoreLib.ValueToString(context, list[ii].value, true);
                    if (list.Count > 4)
                        result += ", ...";
                    return(result + "]");

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToString", newValue.valType, newValue);


            UnitTests.testFuncDelegates.Add("CoreList", RunTests);
Exemple #2
        public static void Register(Engine engine)
            //@ class Dictionary<K, V>
            TypeDef_Class ourType = TypeFactory.GetTypeDef_Class("Dictionary", new ArgList {
                IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_1
            }, false);

            ClassDef classDef = engine.defaultContext.CreateClass("Dictionary", ourType, null, new List <string> {
                "K", "V"

            classDef.childAllocator = () => {
                return(new PebbleDictionary());

            //@ Dictionary<K, V> Add(K key, V value)
            //  Adds a new element to the dictionary.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    object key   = args[0];
                    object value = args[1];

                    PebbleDictionary scope = thisScope as PebbleDictionary;
                    if (scope.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Add: Attempt to modify a dictionary that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    var dictionary     = scope.dictionary;
                    var dictionaryType = (TypeDef_Class)scope.classDef.typeDef;
                    var valueType      = dictionaryType.genericTypes[1];
                    if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.KeyAlreadyExists, "Dictionary already contains key '" + key + "'.");

                    dictionary.Add(key, new Variable(null, valueType, value));


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_1
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Add", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ Dictionary<K, V> Clear()
            //  Removes all elements from the dictionary.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    PebbleDictionary pebDict = thisScope as PebbleDictionary;
                    var dictionary           = pebDict.dictionary;
                    if (pebDict.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Clear: Attempt to modify a dictionary that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Clear", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ bool ContainsKey(K)
            //  Returns true iff the dictionary contains an element with the given key.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    object key = args[0];

                    PebbleDictionary pebDict = thisScope as PebbleDictionary;
                    var dictionary           = pebDict.dictionary;


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.BOOL, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ContainsKey", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ num Count()
            //  Returns number of elements in the dictionary.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var dictionary = (thisScope as PebbleDictionary).dictionary;

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.NUMBER, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Count", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ V Get(K)
            //  Returns the value of the element with the given key.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    object key = args[0];

                    PebbleDictionary pebDict = thisScope as PebbleDictionary;

                    // Bounds checking.
                    var dictionary = pebDict.dictionary;
                    if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.KeyNotFound, "Get: Key '" + key + "' not in dictionary.");


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_1, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Get", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ Dictionary<K, V> Remove(K key)
            //   Removes element with given key.
            //   Cannot be used in a foreach loop.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    object key = args[0];

                    PebbleDictionary pebDict = thisScope as PebbleDictionary;
                    var dictionary           = pebDict.dictionary;
                    if (pebDict.enumeratingCount > 0)
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.ForeachModifyingContainer, "Remove: Attempt to modify a dictionary that is being enumerated by a foreach loop.");

                    if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.KeyNotFound, "Remove: Key '" + key + "' not in dictionary.");


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Remove", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ Dictionary<K, V> Set(K key, V newValue)
            //   Replaces value of existing element with the given key.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    object key   = args[0];
                    object value = args[1];

                    var dictionary = (thisScope as PebbleDictionary).dictionary;

                    // Bounds checking.
                    if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                        context.SetRuntimeError(RuntimeErrorType.KeyNotFound, "Get: Key '" + key + "' not in dictionary.");

                    dictionary[key].value = value;


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(ourType, new ArgList {
                    IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_0, IntrinsicTypeDefs.TEMPLATE_1
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("Set", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ string ThisToScript(string prefix)
            //   ThisToScript is used by Serialize. A classes' ThisToScript function should return code which can rebuild the class.
            //   Note that it's only the content of the class, not the "new A" part. ie., it's the code that goes in the defstructor.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    string result = "";
                    string prefix = (string)args[0] + "\t";

                    var dictionary = (thisScope as PebbleDictionary).dictionary;
                    //bool first = true;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <object, Variable> kvp in dictionary)
                        result += prefix + "Add(" + CoreLib.ValueToScript(context, kvp.Key, prefix + "\t", false) + ", " + CoreLib.ValueToScript(context, kvp.Value.value, prefix + "\t", false) + ");\n";


                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToScript", newValue.valType, newValue);

            //@ string ToString()
            //   Returns a human readable version of at least the first few elements of the dictionary.
                FunctionValue_Host.EvaluateDelegate eval = (context, args, thisScope) => {
                    var dictionary = (thisScope as PebbleDictionary).dictionary;

                    string result = "Dictionary(" + dictionary.Count + ")[";
                    int    count  = 0;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <object, Variable> kvp in dictionary)
                        if (count != 0)
                            result += ", ";
                        result += "(" + CoreLib.ValueToString(context, kvp.Key, true) + ", " + CoreLib.ValueToString(context, kvp.Value.value, true) + ")";

                        if (++count >= 4)
                    if (dictionary.Count > 4)
                        result += ", ...";
                    return(result + "]");

                FunctionValue_Host newValue = new FunctionValue_Host(IntrinsicTypeDefs.STRING, new ArgList {
                }, eval, false, ourType);
                classDef.AddMemberLiteral("ThisToString", newValue.valType, newValue);

            bool error = false;


            UnitTests.testFuncDelegates.Add("CoreDictionary", RunTests);