Exemple #1
        /* This method is to extract all the precursors' mz values.
         *  [M+H]+; [M+Na]+; [M+K]+; [M+NH4]+
         * //*/
        public static void FindPrecursorMZ(List <SpectrumData> allSpectraList, string outputFilePath)
            List <double> mzList = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allSpectraList.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < allSpectraList[i].peakList.Count; j++)
                    string iso = allSpectraList[i].peakList[j].isotopes;
                    if (!IdMSMS_Deconvolution.IsIsotope(iso))
                        //if (true) {
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outputFilePath)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mzList.Count; i++)
                    if (i == mzList.Count - 1)
                        sw.Write(mzList[i] + ",");
                        //if (i%300==0&&i!=0) {
                        //    sw.WriteLine();
        private static SpectrumData GenerateMergedSpectrum(SpectrumData allPeakDataInEachGroup)
            // adMSMS data(20ev-50ev-MS) of each group is treated by first calculating relative intensities among group,
            // then calculating the average intensities in each CID, next taking the max of the value among CIDs
            SpectrumData mergedSpectrum = new SpectrumData();

            mergedSpectrum = CalMaxAverageIntensity(IdMSMS_Deconvolution.CalRelativeIntensity(allPeakDataInEachGroup));
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            string rootPath = @"E:\Different tissues\idMSMS different tissue\MIX Results\";

             * Fill 0 values in XCMS peaktable
            //string fillpeaksPath = rootPath + "NormPeakArea.csv";
            //string nonefillpeaksPath = rootPath + "data_minfrac0.1_sn3_nonfill.csv";
            //string outPath = rootPath + "NormPeakArea_fill0.csv";
            //Data_Operation.Fill0Peaks(fillpeaksPath, nonefillpeaksPath, outPath);

             * export precursors (change parapeters to export all/without isotope/only adducts)
            //string CSVFilePath = rootPath + "NormPeakArea.csv";
            //List<SpectrumData> allSpectraList = IdMSMS_Deconvolution.ProcessPeaktableToSpectralist(CSVFilePath);
            //Data_Operation.FindPrecursorMZ(allSpectraList, outPrecursorPath);

             * Assemble idMS/MS with multi-eV
            string CSVFilePath                = rootPath + "AllDeconvolutedSpectra_MS_pvals_9s.csv";
            string outputFilePath             = rootPath + "idmsms_3_6_0.9_minCor_rmv50_50ev.csv";
            string NLOutputFilePath           = rootPath + "NL_motif.csv";
            string NDPmatrixPath              = rootPath + "NDPmatrix.csv";
            List <SpectrumData> allMergedList = IdMSMS_Deconvolution.MergeIdMSMSOfDiffCIDs(CSVFilePath);

            FileProcess.WriteSpectrumList(allMergedList, outputFilePath);   //output idMSMS spectra
            FileProcess.OutputNeutralLoss(allMergedList, NLOutputFilePath); //output NL_motif
            string commonNLPath = rootPath + "Common NL table.csv";
            string outNLHitPath = rootPath + "NLmatrix.csv";

            FileProcess.OutputSelectedNLto360Spec(allMergedList, commonNLPath, outNLHitPath); //output binary NL hit table
            //List<SpectrumData> allSpectraList = FileProcess.ReadSpectralCSVFile(CSVFilePath); // use if there is spectra list to read
            //List<SpectrumData> allKnownSpectraList = FileProcess.ReadKnownMSMSSpectraList(knownMSMSPath); // use if there is known spectra list
            List <SpectrumData> allKnownSpectraList = allMergedList;
            List <double[]>     NDPResultList       = new List <double[]>();

            string[] queryTitleLine = new string[allMergedList.Count]; // add QueryTitle line to result
            for (int i = 0; i < allMergedList.Count; i++)
                queryTitleLine[i] = allMergedList[i].group.ToString();
            string[] libraryTitleLine = new string[allKnownSpectraList.Count]; // add Library title to result
            for (int i = 0; i < allKnownSpectraList.Count; i++)
                libraryTitleLine[i] = allKnownSpectraList[i].peakList[0].sampleName;
            for (int i = 0; i < allMergedList.Count; i++)
                double[] line = new double[allMergedList.Count];                                       //
                for (int j = 0; j < allMergedList.Count; j++)                                          //
                    line[j] = Cal_Cosine_Product.CalCosineProduct(allMergedList[i], allMergedList[j]); //
            FileProcess.WriteNDPListToFile(NDPResultList, queryTitleLine, queryTitleLine, NDPmatrixPath); // output NDPmatrix

            Console.WriteLine("weight: " + IdMSMS_Deconvolution.weight + " minSamp:" + IdMSMS_Deconvolution.minSampleNrForCor + " ndpThreh:" + IdMSMS_Deconvolution.ndpThreshold);
            Console.WriteLine("Deconvoluted spectra number: " + allMergedList.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("calculation time: " + watch.Elapsed);
Exemple #4
        /* This method is to calculate all the neutral loss in each spectrum.
         *  cross over all peaks!
         * //*/
        public static List <double> FindNeutralLoss(SpectrumData spectrum)
            List <double>   neutralLossList = new List <double>();
            List <PeakData> sortedPeakList  = spectrum.peakList.OrderByDescending(x => x.mz).Where(x => !IdMSMS_Deconvolution.IsIsotope(x.isotopes)).ToList(); //并计算和isotope的NL
            double          mzPrecursor     = double.Parse(spectrum.group.Split('_')[0]);

            for (int i = 0; i < sortedPeakList.Count; i++)   // add precursor neutral loss
                double neutralLoss = mzPrecursor - sortedPeakList[i].mz;
                if (neutralLoss > 14)
            for (int i = 0; i < sortedPeakList.Count; i++)   // add peaks neutral loss
                for (int j = i + 1; j < sortedPeakList.Count; j++)
                    double neutralLoss = sortedPeakList[i].mz - sortedPeakList[j].mz;
                    if (neutralLoss > 14)
            neutralLossList = neutralLossList.Distinct().ToList();