Exemple #1
 internal WinTextMetric
     FontApi DC
     tmHeight           = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmAscent           = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmDescent          = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmInternalLeading  = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmExternalLeading  = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmAveCharWidth     = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmMaxCharWidth     = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmWeight           = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmOverhang         = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmDigitizedAspectX = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmDigitizedAspectY = DC.ReadInt32();
     tmFirstChar        = DC.ReadUInt16();
     tmLastChar         = DC.ReadUInt16();
     tmDefaultChar      = DC.ReadUInt16();
     tmBreakChar        = DC.ReadUInt16();
     tmItalic           = DC.ReadByte();
     tmUnderlined       = DC.ReadByte();
     tmStruckOut        = DC.ReadByte();
     tmPitchAndFamily   = DC.ReadByte();
     tmCharSet          = DC.ReadByte();
Exemple #2
        internal BoundingBox
            FontApi DC
            // empty box
            Rect = new PdfRectangle();

            // save width in right
            Rect.Right = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt32());

            // save height
            Double Height = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt32());

            // left
            Rect.Left = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt32());

            // top
            Rect.Top = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt32());

            // adjust right = left + width
            Rect.Right += Rect.Left;

            // adjust bottom = top - height
            Rect.Bottom = Rect.Top - Height;

            // get advanced width
            Width = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt16());
Exemple #3
        // constructor

        internal CharInfo
            Int32 CharCode,
            Int32 GlyphIndex,
            FontApi DC
            // save char code and glyph index
            this.CharCode      = CharCode;
            this.GlyphIndex    = GlyphIndex;
            this.NewGlyphIndex = -1;
            Type0Font          = CharCode >= 256 || GlyphIndex == 0;

            // Bounding Box
            Int32 BBoxWidth  = DC.ReadInt32();
            Int32 BBoxHeight = DC.ReadInt32();

            DesignBBoxLeft   = DC.ReadInt32();
            DesignBBoxTop    = DC.ReadInt32();
            DesignBBoxRight  = DesignBBoxLeft + BBoxWidth;
            DesignBBoxBottom = DesignBBoxTop - BBoxHeight;

            // glyph advance horizontal and vertical
            DesignWidth = DC.ReadInt16();
            //DesignHeight = DC.ReadInt16();
Exemple #4
 internal WinKerningPair
     FontApi DC
     First      = DC.ReadChar();
     Second     = DC.ReadChar();
     KernAmount = DC.ReadInt32();
Exemple #5
 internal WinKerningPair
     FontApi DC
     First      = DC.ReadChar();
     Second     = DC.ReadChar();
     KernAmount = DC.WindowsToPdf(DC.ReadInt32());
Exemple #6
 internal FontBox
     FontApi DC
     Left   = DC.ReadInt32();
     Top    = DC.ReadInt32();
     Right  = DC.ReadInt32();
     Bottom = DC.ReadInt32();
Exemple #7
 public FontBox
     FontApi DC
     Left   = DC.ReadInt32();
     Top    = DC.ReadInt32();
     Right  = DC.ReadInt32();
     Bottom = DC.ReadInt32();
Exemple #8
 internal WinPanose
     FontApi DC
     bFamilyType      = DC.ReadByte();
     bSerifStyle      = DC.ReadByte();
     bWeight          = DC.ReadByte();
     bProportion      = DC.ReadByte();
     bContrast        = DC.ReadByte();
     bStrokeVariation = DC.ReadByte();
     bArmStyle        = DC.ReadByte();
     bLetterform      = DC.ReadByte();
     bMidline         = DC.ReadByte();
     bXHeight         = DC.ReadByte();
Exemple #9
 internal WinOutlineTextMetric
     FontApi DC
     otmSize       = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmTextMetric = new WinTextMetric(DC);
     otmPanoseNumber = new WinPanose(DC);
     otmfsSelection         = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmfsType              = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmsCharSlopeRise      = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmsCharSlopeRun       = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmItalicAngle         = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmEMSquare            = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmAscent              = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmDescent             = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmLineGap             = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmsCapEmHeight        = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmsXHeight            = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmrcFontBox           = new FontBox(DC);
     otmMacAscent           = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmMacDescent          = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmMacLineGap          = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmusMinimumPPEM       = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmptSubscriptSize     = DC.ReadWinPoint();
     otmptSubscriptOffset   = DC.ReadWinPoint();
     otmptSuperscriptSize   = DC.ReadWinPoint();
     otmptSuperscriptOffset = DC.ReadWinPoint();
     otmsStrikeoutSize      = DC.ReadUInt32();
     otmsStrikeoutPosition  = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmsUnderscoreSize     = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmsUnderscorePosition = DC.ReadInt32();
     otmpFamilyName         = DC.ReadString();
     otmpFaceName           = DC.ReadString();
     otmpStyleName          = DC.ReadString();
     otmpFullName           = DC.ReadString();
        // Constructor

        public PdfFont
            PdfDocument Document,                                       // PDF document main object
            String FontFamilyName,                                      // font family name
            FontStyle FontStyle,                                        // font style (Regular, Bold, Italic or Bold | Italic
            Boolean EmbeddedFont                                        // embed font in PDF document file
        ) : base(Document, false, "/Font")
            // save embedded font flag
            this.EmbeddedFont = EmbeddedFont;

            // font style cannot be underline or strikeout
            if ((FontStyle & (FontStyle.Underline | FontStyle.Strikeout)) != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Font resource cannot have underline or strikeout");

            // create resource code
            ResourceCode = Document.GenerateResourceNumber('F');

            // get font family structure
            FontFamily = new FontFamily(FontFamilyName);

            // test font style availability
            if (!FontFamily.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle))
                throw new ApplicationException("Font style not available for font family");

            // design height
            DesignHeight = FontFamily.GetEmHeight(FontStyle);

            // Ascent, descent and line spacing for a one point font
            PdfAscent      = WindowsToPdf(FontFamily.GetCellAscent(FontStyle));
            PdfDescent     = WindowsToPdf(FontFamily.GetCellDescent(FontStyle)); // positive number
            PdfLineSpacing = WindowsToPdf(FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(FontStyle));

            // create design font
            DesignFont = new Font(FontFamily, DesignHeight, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            // create windows sdk font info object
            FontInfo = new FontApi(DesignFont, DesignHeight);

            // get character width array
            CharWidthArray = FontInfo.GetCharWidthApi(0, 255);

            // get array of glyph bounding box and width
            GlyphArray = FontInfo.GetGlyphMetricsApi(0, 255);

            // reset active (used) characters to not used
            ActiveChar = new Boolean[256];

            // get outline text metrics structure
            WinOutlineTextMetric OTM = FontInfo.GetOutlineTextMetricsApi();

            // license
            if ((OTM.otmfsType & 2) != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Font " + FontFamilyName + " is not licensed for embedding");

            // make sure we have true type font and not device font
            if ((OTM.otmTextMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & 0xe) != 6)
                throw new ApplicationException("Font must be True Type and vector");

            // PDF font flags
            FontFlags = 0;
            if ((OTM.otmfsSelection & 1) != 0)
                FontFlags |= PdfFontFlags.Italic;
            // roman font is a serif font
            if ((OTM.otmTextMetric.tmPitchAndFamily >> 4) == 1)
                FontFlags |= PdfFontFlags.Serif;
            if ((OTM.otmTextMetric.tmPitchAndFamily >> 4) == 4)
                FontFlags |= PdfFontFlags.Script;
            // #define SYMBOL_CHARSET 2
            if (OTM.otmTextMetric.tmCharSet == 2)
                FontFlags   |= PdfFontFlags.Symbolic;
                SymbolicFont = true;
                FontFlags   |= PdfFontFlags.Nonsymbolic;
                SymbolicFont = false;

            // #define TMPF_FIXED_PITCH 0x01 (Note very carefully that those meanings are the opposite of what the constant name implies.)
            if ((OTM.otmTextMetric.tmPitchAndFamily & 1) == 0)
                FontFlags |= PdfFontFlags.FixedPitch;

            // strikeout
            PdfStrikeoutPosition = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmsStrikeoutPosition);
            PdfStrikeoutWidth    = WindowsToPdf((Int32)OTM.otmsStrikeoutSize);

            // underline
            PdfUnderlinePosition = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmsUnderscorePosition);
            PdfUnderlineWidth    = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmsUnderscoreSize);

            // subscript
            PdfSubscriptSize     = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmptSubscriptSize.Y);
            PdfSubscriptPosition = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmptSubscriptOffset.Y);

            // superscript
            PdfSuperscriptSize     = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmptSuperscriptSize.Y);
            PdfSuperscriptPosition = WindowsToPdf(OTM.otmptSuperscriptOffset.Y);

            PdfItalicAngle = (Double)OTM.otmItalicAngle / 10.0;
            PdfFontWeight  = OTM.otmTextMetric.tmWeight;

            // exit