Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// The method implements <c>...</c> unpack operator.
 /// Unpacks <paramref name="array"/> into <paramref name="stack"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stack">The list with unpacked arguments.</param>
 /// <param name="array">Value to be unpacked.</param>
 /// <param name="byrefs">Bit mask of parameters that are passed by reference. Arguments corresponding to <c>1</c>-bit are aliased.</param>
 static void Unpack(List <PhpValue> stack, Array array, ulong byrefs)
     for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
Exemple #2
                protected override void FetchCurrent(ref PhpValue key, ref PhpValue value)
                    var entry = _enumerator.Entry;

                    key   = PhpValue.FromClr(entry.Key);
                    value = PhpValue.FromClr(entry.Value);
Exemple #3
                protected override void FetchCurrent(ref PhpValue key, ref PhpValue value)
                    var entry = _enumerator.Current;

                    key   = PhpValue.FromClr(entry.Item1);
                    value = PhpValue.FromClr(entry.Item2);
Exemple #4
            static void AddScriptReference(Assembly assembly)
                if (assembly == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));

                // remember the assembly for class map:

                // reflect the module for imported symbols:

                var module = assembly.ManifestModule;

                // PhpPackageReferenceAttribute
                foreach (var r in module.GetCustomAttributes <PhpPackageReferenceAttribute>())

                // ImportPhpTypeAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpTypeAttribute>())

                // ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute>())
                    // TODO: remember the container, do not reflect repetitiously

                    foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMethods())
                        if (m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && !m.IsPhpHidden())
                            RoutinesTable.DeclareAppRoutine(m.Name, m);

                // ImportPhpConstantsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpConstantsAttribute>())
                    // TODO: remember the container, do not reflect repetitiously

                    foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
                        if (m is FieldInfo fi && !fi.IsPhpHidden())
                            Debug.Assert(fi.IsStatic && fi.IsPublic);

                            if (fi.IsInitOnly || fi.IsLiteral)
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null)));
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, new Func <PhpValue>(() => PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null))));
Exemple #5
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PhpArray"/> class filled by values from specified array.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="values">An array of values to be added to the table.</param>
        ///// <param name="start">An index of the first item from <paramref name="values"/> to add.</param>
        ///// <param name="length">A number of items to add.</param>
        ///// <param name="value">A value to be filtered.</param>
        ///// <param name="doFilter">Wheter to add all items but <paramref name="value"/> (<b>true</b>) or
        ///// all items with the value <paramref name="value"/> (<b>false</b>).</param>
        //public PhpArray(int[] values, int start, int length, int value, bool doFilter)
        //    : base(values, start, length, value, doFilter) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="PhpArray"/> filled by data from an enumerator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The enumerator containing values added to the new instance.</param>
        public PhpArray(IEnumerable data)
            : base((data is ICollection) ? ((ICollection)data).Count : 0)
            if (data != null)
                foreach (object value in data)
Exemple #6
 public PhpValue GetItemValue(IntStringKey key)
     if (key.IsInteger)
         throw new ArgumentException(nameof(key));
            public override PhpValue GetArrayItem(ref PhpValue me, PhpValue index, bool quiet)
                // IPhpArray.GetItemValue
                if (me.Object is IPhpArray arr)
                    return(arr.GetItemValue(index)); // , quiet);

                // ArrayAccess.offsetGet()
                if (me.Object is ArrayAccess arracces)

                // IList[]
                if (me.Object is System.Collections.IList list)
                    var key = index.ToIntStringKey();
                    if (key.IsInteger)
                        if (key.Integer >= 0 && key.Integer < list.Count)
                        else if (!quiet)
                            PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Error, Resources.ErrResources.undefined_offset, key.Integer.ToString());
                    else if (!quiet)
                        PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Warning, Resources.ErrResources.illegal_offset_type);


                if (!quiet)
                    PhpException.Throw(PhpError.Error, Resources.ErrResources.object_used_as_array, me.Object.GetPhpTypeInfo().Name);

Exemple #8
            /// <summary>
            /// Reflects given assembly for PeachPie compiler specifics - compiled scripts, references to other assemblies, declared functions and classes.
            /// Scripts and declarations are loaded into application context (static).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="assembly">PeachPie compiler generated assembly.</param>
            /// <remarks>Not thread safe.</remarks>
            public static void AddScriptReference(Assembly assembly)
                if (assembly == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));

                if (assembly.GetType(ScriptInfo.ScriptTypeName) == null || !TryAddAssembly(assembly))
                    // nothing to reflect

                // reflect the module for imported symbols:

                var module = assembly.ManifestModule;

                // PhpPackageReferenceAttribute
                foreach (var r in module.GetCustomAttributes <PhpPackageReferenceAttribute>())

                // ImportPhpTypeAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpTypeAttribute>())

                // ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute>())
                    if (ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.VisitFunctionsContainer(t.ContainerType, out var attr))
                        foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMethods())
                            if (m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && !m.IsSpecialName && !m.IsPhpHidden())
                                ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.AddRoutine(attr, RoutinesTable.DeclareAppRoutine(m.Name, m));

                // ImportPhpConstantsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpConstantsAttribute>())
                    if (!s_processedConstantsContainers.Add(t.ContainerType))
                        // already visited before

                    var extensionName = t.ContainerType.GetCustomAttribute <PhpExtensionAttribute>(false)?.FirstExtensionOrDefault;

                    // reflect constants defined in the container
                    foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
                        if (m is FieldInfo fi && !fi.IsPhpHidden())
                            Debug.Assert(fi.IsStatic && fi.IsPublic);

                            if (fi.IsInitOnly || fi.IsLiteral)
                                // constant
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null)), false, extensionName);
                                // static field
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, new Func <PhpValue>(() => PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null))), false, extensionName);
Exemple #9
            /// <summary>
            /// Reflects given assembly for PeachPie compiler specifics - compiled scripts, references to other assemblies, declared functions and classes.
            /// Scripts and declarations are loaded into application context (static).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="assembly">PeachPie compiler generated assembly.</param>
            /// <remarks>Not thread safe.</remarks>
            public static void AddScriptReference(Assembly assembly)
                if (assembly == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assembly));

                if (assembly.GetType(ScriptInfo.ScriptTypeName) == null || !s_processedAssemblies.Add(assembly))
                    // nothing to reflect

                s_processedAssembliesArr = ArrayUtils.AppendRange(assembly, s_processedAssembliesArr);    // TODO: ImmutableArray<T>

                // remember the assembly for class map:

                // reflect the module for imported symbols:

                var module = assembly.ManifestModule;

                // PhpPackageReferenceAttribute
                foreach (var r in module.GetCustomAttributes <PhpPackageReferenceAttribute>())
                    if (r.ScriptType != null) // always true

                // ImportPhpTypeAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpTypeAttribute>())

                // ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpFunctionsAttribute>())
                    if (ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.VisitFunctionsContainer(t.ContainerType, out var attr))
                        foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMethods())
                            if (m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic && !m.IsPhpHidden())
                                ExtensionsAppContext.ExtensionsTable.AddRoutine(attr, RoutinesTable.DeclareAppRoutine(m.Name, m));

                // ImportPhpConstantsAttribute
                foreach (var t in module.GetCustomAttributes <ImportPhpConstantsAttribute>())
                    if (!s_processedConstantsContainers.Add(t.ContainerType))
                        // already visited before

                    // reflect constants defined in the container
                    foreach (var m in t.ContainerType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
                        if (m is FieldInfo fi && !fi.IsPhpHidden())
                            Debug.Assert(fi.IsStatic && fi.IsPublic);

                            if (fi.IsInitOnly || fi.IsLiteral)
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null)));
                                ConstsMap.DefineAppConstant(fi.Name, new Func <PhpValue>(() => PhpValue.FromClr(fi.GetValue(null))));
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of a type dynamically with constructor overload resolution.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="classname">Full name of the class to instantiate. The name uses PHP syntax of name separators (<c>\</c>) and is case insensitive.</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">Arguments to be passed to the constructor.</param>
 /// <returns>Object instance or <c>null</c> if class is not declared.</returns>
 public object Create(string classname, params object[] arguments) => Create(classname, PhpValue.FromClr(arguments));
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Call a function by its name dynamically.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="function">Function name valid within current runtime context.</param>
 /// <param name="arguments">Arguments to be passed to the function call.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns value given from the function call.</returns>
 public PhpValue Call(string function, params object[] arguments) => PhpCallback.Create(function, default(RuntimeTypeHandle)).Invoke(this, PhpValue.FromClr(arguments));
Exemple #12
 public PhpValue Call(string function, params object[] arguments) => PhpCallback.Create(function).Invoke(this, PhpValue.FromClr(arguments));
Exemple #13
 protected override void FetchCurrent(ref PhpValue key, ref PhpValue value)
     key   = (PhpValue)(key.IsSet ? key.ToLong() + 1L : 0L);
     value = PhpValue.FromClr(_enumerator.Current);