public static PerfomanceInfoData GetPerformanceInfo()
            PerfomanceInfoData          data     = new PerfomanceInfoData();
            PsApiPerformanceInformation perfInfo = new PsApiPerformanceInformation();

            if (GetPerformanceInfo(out perfInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(perfInfo)))
                /// data in pages
                data.CommitTotalPages = perfInfo.CommitTotal.ToInt64();
                data.CommitLimitPages = perfInfo.CommitLimit.ToInt64();
                data.CommitPeakPages  = perfInfo.CommitPeak.ToInt64();

                /// data in bytes
                Int64 pageSize = perfInfo.PageSize.ToInt64();
                data.PhysicalTotalBytes     = perfInfo.PhysicalTotal.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.PhysicalAvailableBytes = perfInfo.PhysicalAvailable.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.SystemCacheBytes       = perfInfo.SystemCache.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.KernelTotalBytes       = perfInfo.KernelTotal.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.KernelPagedBytes       = perfInfo.KernelPaged.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.KernelNonPagedBytes    = perfInfo.KernelNonPaged.ToInt64() * pageSize;
                data.PageSizeBytes          = pageSize;

                /// counters
                data.HandlesCount = perfInfo.HandlesCount;
                data.ProcessCount = perfInfo.ProcessCount;
                data.ThreadCount  = perfInfo.ThreadCount;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update performance stats on timer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void meterTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string cpuPerc = Math.Round(cpuCounter.NextValue(), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();

                perfData = PsApiWrapper.GetPerformanceInfo();
                string memPerc = Math.Round(100 - (((decimal)perfData.PhysicalAvailableBytes / (decimal)perfData.PhysicalTotalBytes) * 100), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString();

                cpuTextBox.Text = cpuPerc;
                memTextBox.Text = memPerc;

                if (connectButton.Text == "Dis&connect")
                    string portData = "C" + cpuPerc + "\rM" + memPerc + "\r";
            catch (IOException)
                //Serial failed, maybe device was unplugged?  Disable serial and resume.
                //Disable timer (so we only see error once)
                meterTimer.Enabled = false;
                //Dispose serial
                //Change form back
                connectButton.Text    = "&Connect";
                comPortUpDown.Enabled = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Communication with the device has been lost.  Has it been unplugged?", "Serial I/O Error",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                //Now that serial is disconnected, it's safe to reenable timer.
                meterTimer.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception caught)
                //Disable timer (so we only see error once)
                meterTimer.Enabled = false;
                WinFormHelper.DisplayErrorMessage("Update meters", caught);
                //Now that the timer is disabled, the program isn't very useful.  Close.
                exitApp = true;