Exemple #1
        public void PayPointPayPal(PayPointAccount account, string notificationUrl, string returnUrl, string cancelUrl, decimal amount, string currency = "GBP", bool isTest = false)
            try {
                string transactionId = "TRAN" + Guid.NewGuid();
                string options       = string.Format("notificationurl={0},returnurl={1},cancelurl={2}", notificationUrl, returnUrl, cancelUrl);
                if (isTest)
                    options += ",test_status=true";
                this._service.Url = account.ServiceUrl;

                var str = this._service.
                          performTransactionViaAlternatePaymentMethod(account.Mid, account.VpnPassword, "PayPal",
                                                                      "ExpressCheckout", "Initialise", "Transaction",
                                                                      currency, options);
                var ret = new PayPointReturnData(str);

                if (!ret.HasError)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemple #2
        public PayPointReturnData RefundCard(PayPointAccount account, string cardHolder, string cardNumber, decimal amount, DateTime expiryDate, string issueNumber, DateTime startDate, string order, string cv2, bool isTest)
            Log.InfoFormat("RefundCard: cardHolder={0}, cardNumber={1}, amount = {2}, expiryDate = {3}, issueNumber={4}, startDate={5}, order={6}, cv2={7}, isTest = {8}", cardHolder, cardNumber, amount, expiryDate, issueNumber, startDate, order, cv2, isTest);
            this._service.Url = account.ServiceUrl;
            try {
                string transactionId    = "TRAN" + Guid.NewGuid();
                string transactionIdNew = transactionId + "_refund";
                string options          = String.Format("dups=false,card_type=Visa,cv2={0}", cv2);
                if (isTest)
                    options += ",test_status=true";
                string startDateStr  = startDate.ToString("MMyy");
                string expiryDateStr = expiryDate.ToString("MMyy");

                var str = this._service.validateCardFull(account.Mid, account.VpnPassword, transactionId,
                                                         "", cardHolder, cardNumber,
                                                         expiryDateStr, issueNumber, startDateStr, order,
                                                         String.Empty, String.Empty, options);
                Log.Debug("validateCardFull result: " + str);
                var ret = new PayPointReturnData(str);

                if (!ret.HasError)
                    str = this._service.refundCardFull(account.Mid, account.VpnPassword, transactionId, amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), account.RemotePassword, transactionIdNew);
                    ret = new PayPointReturnData(str);
                    Log.Debug("refundCardFull result: " + str);
                    Log.InfoFormat("RefundCard completed successfully");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return(new PayPointReturnData {
                    Error = ex.Message
Exemple #3
 public PayPointException(string message, PayPointReturnData paypointData) : base(message)
     _paypointData = paypointData;
Exemple #4
        // step 2 - actual paypoint transaction (proceedeed according to "old" amount)
        // no NL here for phase 1
        public PayPointReturnData RepeatTransactionEx(PayPointAccount account, string transactionId, decimal amount)
            var                newTransactionId = transactionId + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hh:mm:ss");
            string             str;
            PayPointReturnData ret;

            Log.InfoFormat("RepeatTransaction: for transactionId='{0}', amount='{1}', newTransactionId='{2}'", transactionId, amount, newTransactionId);

            if (account.DebugModeEnabled)
                Log.InfoFormat("Paypoint RepeatTransactionEx Debug Mode - not invoking the service call");
                var code     = "A";
                var isValid  = true;
                var message  = "debug mode";
                var respCode = 0;

                if (!account.DebugModeIsValidCard)
                    message = "Card is not valid debug mode";
                    code    = "B";
                    isValid = false;
                    if (account.EnableCardLimit && amount > account.CardLimitAmount)
                        message = "Amount more than card amount debug mode";
                        code    = "P:A";
                        isValid = false;

                Random r    = new Random();
                var    rand = r.Next(10);
                if (account.DebugModeErrorCodeNEnabled && rand > 6)
                    isValid  = false;
                    code     = "N";
                    message  = "INSUFF FUNDS";
                    respCode = 5;

                str = string.Format("?valid={0}&trans_id={1}&code={2}&auth_code=9999&message={3}&resp_code={4}", isValid, transactionId, code, message, respCode);
                ret = new PayPointReturnData(str);
                str = _service.repeatCardFullAddr(account.Mid, account.VpnPassword, transactionId,
                                                  amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), account.RemotePassword,
                                                  newTransactionId, null, null, null, null, "repeat=true");

                // input for step 3 (NL)
                ret = new PayPointReturnData(str);

            if (ret.HasError)
                if (ret.Code == "N")
                    Log.WarnFormat("RepeatTransaction error: {0} error {1} message {2} respCode {3}", str, ret.Error, ret.Message, (ResponseCode)ret.RespCode);
                    Log.ErrorFormat("RepeatTransaction error: {0} error {1} message {2} respCode {3}", str, ret.Error, ret.Message, (ResponseCode)ret.RespCode);

                throw new PayPointException(str, ret);

            Log.DebugFormat("RepeatTransaction successful: " + str);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Make automatic payment for given installment
        /// Called from PaypointCharger job
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customerId"></param>
        /// <param name="loanId"></param>
        /// <param name="loanScheduleId">Installment Id</param>
        /// <param name="amount">Amount to pay</param>
        /// <returns>PayPointReturnData as a result of call to paypoint API</returns>
        public PayPointReturnData MakeAutomaticPayment(
            int customerId,
            int loanId,
            int loanScheduleId,
            decimal amount
            LoanScheduleRepository installments = (LoanScheduleRepository)ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ILoanScheduleRepository>();
            var loanPaymentFacade = new LoanPaymentFacade();

            PayPointReturnData payPointReturnData = null;


            try {
                var installment = installments.Get(loanScheduleId);
                var loan        = installment.Loan;
                var customer    = loan.Customer;
                var now         = DateTime.UtcNow;

                NL_Payments nlPayment = new NL_Payments()
                    Amount            = amount,
                    PaymentMethodID   = (int)NLLoanTransactionMethods.Auto,
                    PaymentStatusID   = (int)NLPaymentStatuses.Active,
                    PaymentSystemType = NLPaymentSystemTypes.Paypoint,
                    CreationTime      = now,
                    CreatedByUserID   = 1,
                    Notes             = "autocharger"

                Log.InfoFormat("Making automatic repayment for customer {0}(#{1}) for amount {2} for loan# {3}({4})", customer.PersonalInfo.Fullname, customer.RefNumber, amount, loan.RefNumber, loan.Id);

                PayPointCard defaultCard = customer.PayPointCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsDefaultCard);
                if (defaultCard == null && customer.PayPointCards.Any())
                    defaultCard = customer.PayPointCards.First();
                if (defaultCard == null)
                    // ReSharper disable once ThrowingSystemException
                    throw new Exception("Debit card not found");

                var payPointTransactionId = defaultCard.TransactionId;

                try {
                    payPointReturnData = RepeatTransactionEx(defaultCard.PayPointAccount, payPointTransactionId, amount);

                    // set real charged amount
                    nlPayment.Amount = amount;
                } catch (PayPointException ex) {
                    loan.Transactions.Add(new PaypointTransaction {
                        Amount                = amount,
                        Description           = ex.PaypointData.Message ?? "Exception:" + ex.Message,
                        PostDate              = now,
                        Status                = LoanTransactionStatus.Error,
                        PaypointId            = payPointTransactionId,
                        IP                    = "",
                        Balance               = loan.Balance,
                        Principal             = loan.Principal,
                        Loan                  = loan,
                        LoanTransactionMethod = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <DatabaseDataHelper>().LoanTransactionMethodRepository.FindOrDefault("Auto")


                    // save failed NL payment + PP transaction
                    long nlLoanId = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEzServiceAccessor>().GetLoanByOldID(loanId, customerId);

                    if (nlLoanId > 0)
                        nlPayment.Amount          = 0;
                        nlPayment.PaymentStatusID = (int)NLPaymentStatuses.Error;
                        nlPayment.PaypointTransactions.Add(new NL_PaypointTransactions()
                            TransactionTime             = now,
                            Amount                      = amount,        // in the case of Exception amount should be 0 ????
                            Notes                       = ex.PaypointData.Message ?? "Exception:" + ex.Message,
                            PaypointTransactionStatusID = (int)NLPaypointTransactionStatuses.Error,
                            IP = string.Empty,
                            PaypointUniqueID = payPointTransactionId,
                            PaypointCardID   = defaultCard.Id

                        Log.InfoFormat("Failed Paypoint transaction: customerId={0} loanID = {1}, loanScheduleId={2} amount={3}; nlPayment={4}", customerId, loanId, loanScheduleId, amount, nlPayment);

                        ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IEzServiceAccessor>().AddPayment(loan.Customer.Id, nlPayment);


                loanPaymentFacade.PayLoan(loan, payPointReturnData.NewTransId, amount, null, now, "auto-charge", false, null, nlPayment);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (!(e is PayPointException))
                if (payPointReturnData == null)
                    payPointReturnData = new PayPointReturnData {
                        Error = e.Message
