Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper en Category, Choice og/eller Detail til et kald sammen med Patients CPR-nr og en Status kode på kaldet(Afventende, Udført, Fortrudt)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cprnr">CPR-nr for Patient</param>
        /// <param name="status">Status kode(Active, Completed, Canceled) på kaldet</param>
        /// <param name="categoryEntity">Kategorien</param>
        /// <param name="choiceEntity">Valget</param>
        /// <param name="detailEntity">Tilebør</param>
        /// <returns>Returner et objekt der anses som et kald, klar til at blive sendt afsted til Web API</returns>
        public static CallEntity WrapCall(String cprnr, CallUtil.StatusCode status, CategoryEntity categoryEntity, ChoiceEntity choiceEntity=null, DetailEntity detailEntity=null)
            var callEntity = new CallEntity();

            /* Non-nullable values */
            //callEntity._id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            callEntity.PatientCPR = cprnr;
            callEntity.Status = (int)status;
            callEntity.Category = categoryEntity.Name;

            /* Nullable values*/
            if (categoryEntity.Picture != null)
                callEntity.Picture = categoryEntity.Picture;

            if (choiceEntity != null)
                callEntity.Choice = choiceEntity.Name;

            /* Nullable values*/
            if (detailEntity != null)
                callEntity.Detail = detailEntity.Name;

            return callEntity;

Exemple #2
        public void UpdateRow(CategoryEntity category, Single fontSize, SizeF imageViewSize)
            LabelView.Text = category.Name;
            if (category.Picture != null && category.Picture != "BsonNull")
                    var webClient = new WebClient();
                    webClient.DownloadDataCompleted += (s, e) =>
                        var bytes = e.Result; // get the downloaded data
                            ImageView.Image = ImageHandler.BytesToImage(bytes); // convert the data to an actual image
                    webClient.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(category.Picture));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong loading image for cell..." + ex.Message);
            LabelView.Font = UIFont.FromName("HelveticaNeue-Bold", fontSize);

            ImageView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, imageViewSize.Width, imageViewSize.Height);
            // Position category label below image
            LabelView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, (float) ImageView.Frame.Bottom+60, imageViewSize.Width, (float) (ContentView.Frame.Height - ImageView.Frame.Bottom));
Exemple #3
        public void SendingCallJSONCategory_JSONConverted()
                // Arrange
                var testString = "Test";
                CategoryEntity categoryEntity = new CategoryEntity
                    CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    Name = "TestTestTest"
                CallEntity callEntity = CallWrapper.WrapCall(CPRNUMMER, CallUtil.StatusCode.Active, categoryEntity, null,

                PatientCall call = new PatientCall();

                var callId = call.MakeCall(callEntity);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Status Code not OK " + ex.Message);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gemmer alle Categories, tilknyttet Choices og Details til PatientApp'ens egen lokale SQL database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">Den delte database PCL</param>
        /// <param name="categories">Et array med Categories, tilknyttet Choices og Details som skal gemmes</param>
        public static void SaveCategoriesToLocalDatabase(SharedLocalDB db, CategoryEntity[] categories)

            if (categories != null)

Exemple #5
        public List<CategoryEntity> GetCategoriesTESTDATA()
            // TEST DATA 

           var categoryEntities = new List<CategoryEntity>();

            // CATEGORY -> CHOICES -> DETAILS
           var d1 = new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Mælk",

           var d2 = new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Sukker"

           var d3 = new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Sort kaffe"

           var d4 = new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Sukkerfri"

           var d5 = new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Tun og æg"

           var d6= new DetailEntity()
               DetailId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Skinke og ost"

           var ch1 = new ChoiceEntity()
               ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Kaffe",
               Details = new List<DetailEntity> { d1, d2, d3 } // 1-M

           var ch2 = new ChoiceEntity()
               ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Cola",
               Details = new List<DetailEntity> { d2, d4 } // 1-M

           d1.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> {ch1};
           d2.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch1, ch2 }; // M-M

           d3.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch1 };

           d4.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch2 };

           var ch3 = new ChoiceEntity()
               ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Sandwich",
               Details = new List<DetailEntity> { d5, d6 }

           d5.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch3 };
           d6.Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch3 };

           var cat1 = new CategoryEntity()
               CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Mad/Drikke",
               //Picture = "http://multimedia.pol.dk/archive/00537/ITALY_CLONED_CHAMPI_537998a.jpg",
               Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> {ch1, ch2, ch3}

           ch1.CategoryId = cat1.CategoryId;
           ch2.CategoryId = cat1.CategoryId;


           // CATEGORY -> CHOICES
           var ch4 = new ChoiceEntity()
               ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Morfin"

           var ch5 = new ChoiceEntity()
               ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Panodil"

           var cat2 = new CategoryEntity()
               CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Smertestillende",
               //Picture = "http://multimedia.pol.dk/archive/00537/ITALY_CLONED_CHAMPI_537998a.jpg",
               Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { ch4, ch5 }

           ch2.CategoryId = cat2.CategoryId;


           var cat3 = new CategoryEntity()
               CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
               Name = "Toilet",
               //Picture = "http://multimedia.pol.dk/archive/00537/ITALY_CLONED_CHAMPI_537998a.jpg",

           ch3.CategoryId = cat3.CategoryId;


           return categoryEntities;
        private void CategoryTapped(CategoryEntity category)
            // The category tapped
            Category = category;

            // Hvis der ikke er nogle typer, så start kaldet her
            if (Category.Choices == null || Category.Choices.Count == 0 || String.IsNullOrEmpty(Category.Choices[0].Name)) // Dummy, hvis der er en tom Choice liste uden et navn
                CallEntity callEntity = CallWrapper.WrapCall(UserData.CPRNR, CallUtil.StatusCode.Active, Category);
                AppDelegate.MakeCall(callEntity, this);

            // Ellers gå videre til næste view.
                PerformSegue("CategorySegue", this);

Exemple #7
        public void SendingCallJSONCategoryChoice_JSONConverted()
            // Arrange
            var testString = "Test";

            var choice = new ChoiceEntity()
                ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = "Morfin"

            var category = new CategoryEntity()
                CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = "Smertestillende",
                //Picture = "http://multimedia.pol.dk/archive/00537/ITALY_CLONED_CHAMPI_537998a.jpg",
                Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { choice }

            CallEntity callEntity = CallWrapper.WrapCall(CPRNUMMER, CallUtil.StatusCode.Active, category, choice, null);

                PatientCall call = new PatientCall();
                var callId = call.MakeCall(callEntity);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // Assert
                Assert.Fail("Status Code not OK " + ex.Message);
Exemple #8
        public void UpdatingCallJSON_CalledUpdated()
            // Arrange
            var testString = "Test";

            var choice = new ChoiceEntity()
                ChoiceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = "Morfin"

            var category = new CategoryEntity()
                CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = "Smertestillende",
                //Picture = "http://multimedia.pol.dk/archive/00537/ITALY_CLONED_CHAMPI_537998a.jpg",
                Choices = new List<ChoiceEntity> { choice }

            CallEntity callEntity = CallWrapper.WrapCall(CPRNUMMER, CallUtil.StatusCode.Active, category, choice, null);

            PatientCall call = new PatientCall();

                callEntity._id = "5641c5dd02a93d27a8910f9c";
                callEntity.Status = (int) CallUtil.StatusCode.Canceled;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Assert
                Assert.Fail("No calls has been updated");
Exemple #9
 // Constructor
 public CategoryAdapter(Context c, CategoryEntity[] categories)
     mContext = c;
     Categories = categories;