public static void SaveToFile(Path3D points, string filePath) { using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@filePath)) { file.Write(points.path3DString); } }
public void AddListOfPoints(List <Point3D> points) { string newPoints = Path3D.ListToString(points); this.path3DString += newPoints; this.list3DPoints = Path3D.StringToList(this.path3DString); }
public static List<Path3D> LoadPaths() { List<Path3D> paths = new List<Path3D>(); try { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("paths.txt"); using (reader) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { Path3D path = new Path3D(); string[] pointsArr = line.Split(' '); foreach (var point in pointsArr) { if (point != string.Empty) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(point[0] - 48); int y = Convert.ToInt32(point[2] - 48); int z = Convert.ToInt32(point[4] - 48); path.AddPath(new Point3D(x, y, z)); } } paths.Add(path); line = reader.ReadLine(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ioe.Message); } return paths; }
static void Main() { Path3D pathOne = new Path3D(); pathOne.Add(new Point3D(3, 3, 0)); pathOne.Add(new Point3D(-7, 2, 21)); pathOne.Add(Point3D.StartingPoint3D); Path3D pathTwo = new Path3D(); pathTwo.Add(new Point3D(-1, -2, -5)); pathTwo.Add(new Point3D(8, 5, 23)); Path3D pathThree = new Path3D(); pathThree.Add(Point3D.StartingPoint3D); pathThree.Add(new Point3D(-7, 2, 21)); pathThree.Add(new Point3D(3, 3, 0)); List <Path3D> paths = new List <Path3D>() { pathOne, pathTwo, pathThree, }; Storage.SavePaths(paths); Storage.LoadPaths("savedPaths.txt"); }
public static Path3D GetPath3D(GameObject g, out Type pathType) { pathType = GetPathType(g); Path3D path = null; if (pathType == null) { return(path); } // Based on the path type, use the appropriate logic to get the path. if (pathType.Equals(typeof(QuadraticBezierPathComponent))) { path = g.GetComponent <QuadraticBezierPathComponent>().Path; } else if (pathType.Equals(typeof(CubicBezierPathComponent))) { path = g.GetComponent <CubicBezierPathComponent>().Path; } else if (pathType.Equals(typeof(DynamicBezierPathComponent))) { path = g.GetComponent <DynamicBezierPathComponent>().Path; } else if (pathType.Equals(typeof(CirclePathComponent))) { path = g.GetComponent <CirclePathComponent>().Path; } else if (pathType.Equals(typeof(LinePathComponent))) { path = g.GetComponent <LinePathComponent>().Path; } return(path); }
public static void Write() { StreamWriter sw = null; try { string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Storage.fileName);; sw = new StreamWriter(filePath); Path3D points = new Path3D(); foreach (string x in points.Points) { sw.WriteLine(x); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } finally { if (sw != null) { sw.Close(); } } }
public Path3D(Point3D point) { this.list3DPoints = new List <Point3D>(); this.list3DPoints.Add(point); this.path3DString = Path3D.ListToString(this.list3DPoints); }
public static Path3D LoadPathFromFile(string filePath) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { Path3D path = new Path3D(); string line = reader.ReadLine(); const string PointPattern = @"[xyz=:\-\s](\d+(?:(?:\.|,)\d+)*)"; while (line != null) { MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(line, PointPattern); if (match.Count == 3) { double x = double.Parse(match[0].Groups[1].Value); double y = double.Parse(match[1].Groups[1].Value); double z = double.Parse(match[2].Groups[1].Value); Point3D point = new Point3D(x, y, z); path.AddPoints(point); } line = reader.ReadLine(); } return path; } }
public static void SavePath(string destiation, Path3D path) { foreach (var point in path.Points) { File.AppendAllText(destiation, point.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Point3D one = new Point3D(1, 2, 3); Point3D two = new Point3D(4, 5, 6); Console.WriteLine(DistanceCalculator.CalculateDistance(one, two)); Path3D path1 = new Path3D(); Path3D path2 = new Path3D(); path2.AddPath(two); path2.AddPath(one); path1.AddPath(one); path1.AddPath(two); Storage.SavePaths(path1); Storage.SavePaths(path2); for (int i = 0; i < Storage.LoadPaths().Count; i++) { Console.Write("Path{0}: ", i + 1); for (int j = 0; j < Storage.LoadPaths()[i].Points.Count; j++) { Console.Write(Storage.LoadPaths()[i].Points[j].ToString()); if (j < Storage.LoadPaths()[i].Points.Count - 1) { Console.Write(" - "); } } Console.WriteLine(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var point3DFirst = new Point3D(0, 5, 9); var point3DSecond = new Point3D(4, 7, 2); var point3DThird = new Point3D(96, 46, 7); var point3DForth = new Point3D(1, 16, 27); var point3DFifth = new Point3D(15, 1, 127); var point3DSixth = new Point3D(71, 16, 217); var point3DSeventh = new Point3D(16, 164, 57); var pathFirst = new Path3D(new Point3D[] { point3DFirst, point3DSecond, point3DThird, point3DForth, point3DFifth, point3DSixth, point3DSeventh }); var pathSecond = new Path3D(new Point3D[] { point3DFirst, point3DThird, point3DFifth, point3DSeventh }); var pathThird = new Path3D(new Point3D[] { point3DSecond, point3DForth, point3DSixth }); var paths = new Path3D[] { pathFirst, pathSecond, pathThird }; var content = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var path in paths) { content.AppendLine(path.ToString()); } string contentString = content.ToString(); Storage.SaveToFile(FileName, contentString); Storage.LoadFromFile(FileName); Storage.SaveToFile(FileName, contentString); Storage.LoadFromFile(FileName); Storage.ReplaceFileContent(FileName, contentString); Storage.LoadFromFile(FileName); Storage.DeleteFile(FileName); Storage.LoadFromFile(FileName); }
public static void AddPathToFile(string filePath, Path3D newPath) { Path3D input = Storage.LoadPaths(filePath); input.AddListOfPoints(newPath.list3DPoints); Storage.SaveToFile(input, filePath); }
public static void AddListOfPointsToFile(string filePath, List <Point3D> points) { Path3D input = Storage.LoadPaths(filePath); input.AddListOfPoints(points); Storage.SaveToFile(input, filePath); }
public static void AddPointToFile(string filePath, Point3D point) { Path3D input = Storage.LoadPaths(filePath); input.AddPoint(point); Storage.SaveToFile(input, filePath); }
static void Main() { //Euclidean3D.Point3D pointOne = new Euclidean3D.Point3D(0, 0, 0); //Euclidean3D.Point3D pointTwo = new Euclidean3D.Point3D(1, 2, 3); //Euclidean3D.Point3D pointTwo = new Euclidean3D.Point3D(0, 0, 0); Path3D path = new Path3D(Storage.PointExtraction(loadPath)); Storage.SavePath(savePath, path); Console.WriteLine(path); }
public static Path3D ToPath3D(string text) //The user uses the ReadPath result to create Point3D objects and with them, create Path3D obj { Path3D path = new Path3D(); Regex rgx = new Regex(@"Point \[X:(.*?),\sY:(.*?),\sZ:(.*?)]"); foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(text, @"Point \[X:(.*?),\sY:(.*?),\sZ:(.*?)]")) { path.addPoint(new Point3D(Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value), Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value), Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value))); } return(path); }
public static void SavePath(string fileName, Path3D path) // Write the Path3D object to a text file { try { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8"))) { sw.WriteLine(path.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("Error white writing to file."); } }
public static void Main() { try { Point3D point1 = new Point3D(1, 10, 1); Point3D point2 = new Point3D(-3, 33333, 3); Path3D path = new Path3D(point1, point2); // Storage.SavePathToFile("text.txt", path.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Load from file:\n" + Storage.LoadPathFromFile("text.txt")); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main() { Path3D path = new Path3D(new List <Point3D> { new Point3D(45, 7, 3), new Point3D(-1, -3, 7), new Point3D(6, 1, 0), new Point3D(-5, -2, 6) }); // Create a Path3D object //Console.WriteLine(path.ToString()); // Print it to the console Storage.SavePath("myPath.txt", path); // Save it in a file Path3D newPath = Storage.ToPath3D(Storage.ReadPath("myPath.txt")); // Set newPath object with the Path3D objects created from the // contents of the text file Console.WriteLine(newPath.ToString()); // Print the newPath to the console }
static void Main() { List<Path3D> sequenceOfPoints = new List<Path3D>(); Path3D pointOne = new Path3D(1.123f, 2.234f, 3.456f); Path3D pointTwo = new Path3D(5.678f, 6.789f, 7.890f); Path3D pointThree = new Path3D(0.1264f, 13.665f, 19.789f); sequenceOfPoints.Add(pointOne); sequenceOfPoints.Add(pointTwo); sequenceOfPoints.Add(pointThree); //You can delete the text file in the Debug folder and comment //the LoadPoints() method to check, that the program works :) Storage.SavePoints(sequenceOfPoints); Storage.LoadPoints(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Storage.Save("7 0 13|2 17 88", "text"); var points = new List <Point> { new Point(1, 3, 5), new Point(2, 3, 5), new Point(5, 13, 51), new Point(1, 3, 25), new Point(1, 3, 5), new Point(4, 3, 6), }; Storage.Save(points, "text2"); var loadedPoints = Storage.Load("text2"); var path = new Path3D(loadedPoints); Console.WriteLine(path); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string filePath = "../../3Dpaths.txt"; Point3D pointA = new Point3D(1, 1, 1); Path3D newPath = new Path3D(pointA); Storage.AddPathToFile(filePath, newPath); Point3D pointB = new Point3D(2, 2, 2); Storage.AddPointToFile(filePath, pointB); List <Point3D> points = new List <Point3D>() { new Point3D(3, 3, 3), new Point3D(4, 4, 4), new Point3D(5, 5, 5) }; Storage.AddListOfPointsToFile(filePath, points); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Storage.Save("1 2 3|12 34 4", "saved"); var points = new List <Point> { new Point(1, 3, 5), new Point(2, 3, 5), new Point(5, 13, 51), new Point(1, 3, 25), new Point(1, 3, 5), new Point(4, 3, 6), }; Storage.Save(points, "saved1"); var loadedPoints = Storage.Load("saved1"); var path = new Path3D(loadedPoints); Console.WriteLine(path); }
public static void SavePaths(Path3D path) { try { string point = ""; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("paths.txt"); using (writer) { for (int i = 0; i < path.Points.Count; i++) { point += path.Points[i] + " "; } writer.WriteLine(point); point += Environment.NewLine; } } catch (IOException ioe) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ioe.Message); } }
internal static void Main() { // Generating inputs Point3D pointZero = Point3D.StartingPoint3D; Point3D pointOne = new Point3D(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Point3D pointTwo = new Point3D(2.0, 2.0, 2.0); List<Point3D> inputList = new List<Point3D> { pointZero, pointOne, pointTwo }; // Save to file Path3D pathsToSave = new Path3D(inputList); Storage.SavePathsToFile(pathsToSave.Paths); // Load from file Path3D pathsToLoad = new Path3D(Storage.LoadPathsFromFile()); // Print the list Console.WriteLine("Your paths are:"); foreach (Point3D point in pathsToLoad.Paths) { Console.WriteLine(point.ToString()); } }
public static List <Path3D> LoadPaths() { List <Path3D> paths = new List <Path3D>(); try { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("paths.txt"); using (reader) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { Path3D path = new Path3D(); string[] pointsArr = line.Split(' '); foreach (var point in pointsArr) { if (point != string.Empty) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(point[0] - 48); int y = Convert.ToInt32(point[2] - 48); int z = Convert.ToInt32(point[4] - 48); path.AddPath(new Point3D(x, y, z)); } } paths.Add(path); line = reader.ReadLine(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ioe.Message); } return(paths); }
public Path3D(string pointSequence) { this.path3DString = pointSequence; this.list3DPoints = Path3D.StringToList(pointSequence); }
public Path3D(List <Point3D> points) { this.list3DPoints = points; this.path3DString = Path3D.ListToString(points); }