Exemple #1
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gridGraph = GridNode.GetGridGraph(base.GraphIndex);
            ushort    pathID    = handler.PathID;

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gridGraph.neighbourOffsets;
            uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gridGraph.neighbourCosts;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gridGraph.nodes;
            int        nodeInGridIndex  = base.NodeInGridIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (this.HasConnectionInDirection(i))
                    GridNode gridNode = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                    if (path.CanTraverse(gridNode))
                        PathNode pathNode2 = handler.GetPathNode(gridNode);
                        uint     num       = neighbourCosts[i];
                        if (pathNode2.pathID != pathID)
                            pathNode2.parent = pathNode;
                            pathNode2.pathID = pathID;
                            pathNode2.cost   = num;
                            pathNode2.H      = path.CalculateHScore(gridNode);
                            gridNode.UpdateG(path, pathNode2);
                        else if (pathNode.G + num + path.GetTraversalCost(gridNode) < pathNode2.G)
                            pathNode2.cost   = num;
                            pathNode2.parent = pathNode;
                            gridNode.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode2, handler);
                        else if (pathNode2.G + num + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                            pathNode.parent = pathNode2;
                            pathNode.cost   = num;
                            this.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
            base.Open(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemple #2
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gridGraph = GetGridGraph(base.GraphIndex);
            ushort    pathID    = handler.PathID;

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gridGraph.neighbourOffsets;
            uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gridGraph.neighbourCosts;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gridGraph.nodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (this.GetConnectionInternal(i))
                    GridNode node = nodes[base.nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                    if (path.CanTraverse(node))
                        PathNode node2 = handler.GetPathNode(node);
                        uint     num3  = neighbourCosts[i];
                        if (node2.pathID != pathID)
                            node2.parent = pathNode;
                            node2.pathID = pathID;
                            node2.cost   = num3;
                            node2.H      = path.CalculateHScore(node);
                            node.UpdateG(path, node2);
                        else if (((pathNode.G + num3) + path.GetTraversalCost(node)) < node2.G)
                            node2.cost   = num3;
                            node2.parent = pathNode;
                            node.UpdateRecursiveG(path, node2, handler);
                        else if (((node2.G + num3) + path.GetTraversalCost(this)) < pathNode.G)
                            pathNode.parent = node2;
                            pathNode.cost   = num3;
                            this.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemple #3
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            ushort pid = handler.PathID;

                int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
                uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gg.neighbourCosts;
                GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (GetConnectionInternal(i))
                        GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                        if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                        PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                        // Multiply the connection cost with 1 + the average of the traversal costs for the two nodes
                        uint tmpCost = (neighbourCosts[i] * (256 + path.GetTraversalCost(this) + path.GetTraversalCost(other))) / 128;

                        if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                            otherPN.pathID = pid;

                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                            other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                            //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                            //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                            // Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

                            //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

                            if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < otherPN.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                                otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                                otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                                other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                                //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                            else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost < pathNode.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                                pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                                pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                                UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

            if (connections != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                    GraphNode other = connections[i];
                    if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                    PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                    uint tmpCost = (connectionCosts[i] * (256 + path.GetTraversalCost(this) + path.GetTraversalCost(other))) / 128;

                    if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                        otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                        otherPN.pathID = pid;

                        otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                        otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                        other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                        //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                        // Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < otherPN.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                            other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                            //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection(this))
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                            pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                            pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                            UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemple #4
        /** Opens a node using Jump Point Search.
         * \see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_point_search
        public void JPSOpen(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;
            ushort     pid = handler.PathID;

            int noncyclic = gridFlags & 0xFF;
            int cyclic    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                cyclic |= ((noncyclic >> i) & 0x1) << JPSCyclic[i];

            var parent    = pathNode.parent != null ? pathNode.parent.node as GridNode : null;
            int parentDir = -1;

            if (parent != null)
                int diff = parent != null ? parent.nodeInGridIndex - nodeInGridIndex : 0;

                int x2 = nodeInGridIndex % gg.width;
                int x1 = parent.nodeInGridIndex % gg.width;
                if (diff < 0)
                    if (x1 == x2)
                        parentDir = 0;
                    else if (x1 < x2)
                        parentDir = 7;
                        parentDir = 4;
                    if (x1 == x2)
                        parentDir = 1;
                    else if (x1 < x2)
                        parentDir = 6;
                        parentDir = 5;
            int cyclicParentDir = 0;
            // Check for -1

            int forced = 0;

            if (parentDir != -1)
                cyclicParentDir = JPSCyclic[parentDir];
                // Loop around to be able to assume -X is where we came from
                cyclic = ((cyclic >> cyclicParentDir) | ((cyclic << 8) >> cyclicParentDir)) & 0xFF;
                forced = 0xFF;
                //parentDir = 0;

            bool diagonal = parentDir >= 4;
            int  natural;

            if (diagonal)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (((cyclic >> i) & 1) == 0)
                        forced |= JPSForcedDiagonal[i];

                natural = JPSNaturalDiagonalNeighbours;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (((cyclic >> i) & 1) == 0)
                        forced |= JPSForced[i];

                natural = JPSNaturalStraightNeighbours;

            // Don't force nodes we cannot reach anyway
            forced  &= cyclic;
            natural &= cyclic;

            int nb = forced | natural;

            /*if ( ((Vector3)position - new Vector3(0.5f,0,3.5f)).magnitude < 0.5f ) {
             * EB.Debug.Log (noncyclic + " " + parentDir + " " + cyclicParentDir);
             * EB.Debug.Log (System.Convert.ToString (cyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (noncyclic, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (natural, 2)+"\n"+System.Convert.ToString (forced, 2));
             * }*/

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (((nb >> i) & 1) != 0)
                    int      oi    = JPSInverseCyclic[(i + cyclicParentDir) % 8];
                    GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];

                    if (((forced >> i) & 1) != 0)
                        Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)position, Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f), Color.red);
                    if (((natural >> i) & 1) != 0)
                        Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)position + Vector3.up * 0.2f, Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f) + Vector3.up * 0.2f, Color.green);

                    if (oi < 4)
                        other = JPSJumpStraight(other, path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(i + 4 + cyclicParentDir) % 8]);
                        other = other.JPSJumpDiagonal(path, handler, JPSInverseCyclic[(i + 4 + cyclicParentDir) % 8]);

                    if (other != null)
                        //Debug.DrawLine ( (Vector3)position + Vector3.up*0.0f, (Vector3)other.position + Vector3.up*0.3f, Color.cyan);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ( (Vector3)other.position, Vector3.up, Color.cyan);
                        //GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                        //if (!path.CanTraverse (other)) continue;

                        PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                        if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                            otherPN.pathID = pid;

                            otherPN.cost = (uint)(other.position - position).costMagnitude;                            //neighbourCosts[i];

                            otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                            other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                            //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                            //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                            //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                            uint tmpCost = (uint)(other.position - position).costMagnitude;                            //neighbourCosts[i];

                            if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                                otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                                otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                                other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                                //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                            else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                                pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                                pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                                UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

                if (i == 0 && parentDir != -1 && this.nodeInGridIndex > 10)
                    int oi = JPSInverseCyclic[(i + cyclicParentDir) % 8];

                    if (nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi] < 0 || nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi] >= nodes.Length)
                        //Debug.LogError ("ERR: " + (nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]) + " " + cyclicParentDir + " " + parentDir + " Reverted " + oi);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)position, Vector3.up, Color.red);
                        GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[oi]];
                        Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)position - Vector3.up * 0.2f, Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)other.position, (Vector3)position, 0.6f) - Vector3.up * 0.2f, Color.blue);
Exemple #5
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            ushort pid = handler.PathID;

            if (gg.useJumpPointSearch && !path.FloodingPath)
                JPSOpen(path, pathNode, handler);
                int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
                uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gg.neighbourCosts;
                GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    if (GetConnectionInternal(i))
                        GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                        if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                        PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                        uint tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];

                        if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                            otherPN.pathID = pid;

                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                            other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                            //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                            //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                            // Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

                            //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

                            if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < otherPN.G)
                            if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                                otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                                otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                                other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                                //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                            else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost < pathNode.G)
                            else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                                //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                                pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                                pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                                UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);

            if (connections != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                    GraphNode other = connections[i];
                    if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                    PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                    uint tmpCost = connectionCosts[i];

                    if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                        otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                        otherPN.pathID = pid;

                        otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                        otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                        other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                        //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                        // Sorry for the huge number of #ifs

                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used

                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost < otherPN.G)
                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                            other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                            //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection(this))
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G && other.ContainsConnection(this))
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                            pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                            pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                            UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemple #6
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gridGraph = GridNode.GetGridGraph(base.GraphIndex);
            ushort    pathID    = handler.PathID;

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gridGraph.neighbourOffsets;
            uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gridGraph.neighbourCosts;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gridGraph.nodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (this.GetConnectionInternal(i))
                    GridNode gridNode = nodes[this.nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                    if (path.CanTraverse(gridNode))
                        PathNode pathNode2 = handler.GetPathNode(gridNode);
                        uint     num       = neighbourCosts[i];
                        if (pathNode2.pathID != pathID)
                            pathNode2.parent = pathNode;
                            pathNode2.pathID = pathID;
                            pathNode2.cost   = num;
                            pathNode2.H      = path.CalculateHScore(gridNode);
                            gridNode.UpdateG(path, pathNode2);
                        else if (pathNode.G + num + path.GetTraversalCost(gridNode) < pathNode2.G)
                            pathNode2.cost   = num;
                            pathNode2.parent = pathNode;
                            gridNode.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode2, handler);
                        else if (pathNode2.G + num + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                            pathNode.parent = pathNode2;
                            pathNode.cost   = num;
                            this.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
            if (this.connections != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.connections.Length; j++)
                    GraphNode graphNode = this.connections[j];
                    if (path.CanTraverse(graphNode))
                        PathNode pathNode3 = handler.GetPathNode(graphNode);
                        uint     num2      = this.connectionCosts[j];
                        if (pathNode3.pathID != pathID)
                            pathNode3.parent = pathNode;
                            pathNode3.pathID = pathID;
                            pathNode3.cost   = num2;
                            pathNode3.H      = path.CalculateHScore(graphNode);
                            graphNode.UpdateG(path, pathNode3);
                        else if (pathNode.G + num2 + path.GetTraversalCost(graphNode) < pathNode3.G)
                            pathNode3.cost   = num2;
                            pathNode3.parent = pathNode;
                            graphNode.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode3, handler);
                        else if (pathNode3.G + num2 + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G && graphNode.ContainsConnection(this))
                            pathNode.parent = pathNode3;
                            pathNode.cost   = num2;
                            this.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);
Exemple #7
        public override void Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler)
            GridGraph gg = GetGridGraph(GraphIndex);

            int[]      neighbourOffsets = gg.neighbourOffsets;
            uint[]     neighbourCosts   = gg.neighbourCosts;
            GridNode[] nodes            = gg.nodes;
            ushort     pid = handler.PathID;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (GetConnectionInternal(i))
                    GridNode other = nodes[nodeInGridIndex + neighbourOffsets[i]];
                    if (!path.CanTraverse(other))

                    PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other);

                    if (otherPN.pathID != pid)
                        otherPN.parent = pathNode;
                        otherPN.pathID = pid;

                        otherPN.cost = neighbourCosts[i];

                        otherPN.H = path.CalculateHScore(other);
                        other.UpdateG(path, otherPN);

                        //Debug.Log ("G " + otherPN.G + " F " + otherPN.F);
                        //Debug.DrawRay ((Vector3)otherPN.node.Position, Vector3.up,Color.blue);
                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                        uint tmpCost = neighbourCosts[i];

                        if (pathNode.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < otherPN.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + NodeIndex + " to " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " " + (pathNode.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost(other)) + " < " + otherPN.G);
                            otherPN.cost = tmpCost;

                            otherPN.parent = pathNode;

                            other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler);

                            //Or if the path from this node ("other") to the current ("current") is better
                        else if (otherPN.G + tmpCost + path.GetTraversalCost(this) < pathNode.G)
                            //Debug.Log ("Path better from " + otherPN.node.NodeIndex + " to " + NodeIndex + " " + (otherPN.G+tmpCost+path.GetTraversalCost (this)) + " < " + pathNode.G);
                            pathNode.parent = otherPN;
                            pathNode.cost   = tmpCost;

                            UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathNode, handler);