// Token: 0x060026BB RID: 9915 RVA: 0x001AC704 File Offset: 0x001AA904
 protected bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     if (this.useRaycasting)
         if (this.use2DPhysics)
             if (this.thickRaycast && this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f && Physics2D.CircleCast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, this.thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, (v2 - v1).magnitude, this.mask))
             if (Physics2D.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, this.mask))
             if (this.thickRaycast && this.thickRaycastRadius > 0f && Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 - v1), this.thickRaycastRadius, (v2 - v1).magnitude, this.mask))
             if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + this.raycastOffset, v2 + this.raycastOffset, this.mask))
     if (this.useGraphRaycasting)
         bool flag = n1 != null && n2 != null;
         if (n1 == null)
             n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
         if (n2 == null)
             n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;
         if (n1 != null && n2 != null)
             NavGraph graph  = n1.Graph;
             NavGraph graph2 = n2.Graph;
             if (graph != graph2)
             IRaycastableGraph raycastableGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
             GridGraph         gridGraph        = graph as GridGraph;
             if (flag && gridGraph != null)
                 return(!gridGraph.Linecast(n1 as GridNodeBase, n2 as GridNodeBase));
             if (raycastableGraph != null)
                 return(!raycastableGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid.
        /// If both n1 and n2 are supplied it is assumed that the line goes from the center of n1 to the center of n2 and a more optimized graph linecast may be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
            if (useRaycasting)
                // Use raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                if (use2DPhysics)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0 && Physics2D.CircleCast(v1 + raycastOffset, thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

                    if (Physics2D.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))
                    // Perform a thick raycast (if enabled)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0 && Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 - v1), thickRaycastRadius, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

                    // Perform a normal raycast
                    // This is done even if a thick raycast is also done because thick raycasts do not report collisions for
                    // colliders that overlapped the (imaginary) sphere at the origin of the thick raycast.
                    // If this raycast was not done then some obstacles could be missed.
                    if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))

            if (useGraphRaycasting)
                bool betweenNodeCenters = n1 != null && n2 != null;
                if (n1 == null)
                    n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1).node;
                if (n2 == null)
                    n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2).node;

                if (n1 != null && n2 != null)
                    // Use graph raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                    NavGraph graph  = n1.Graph;
                    NavGraph graph2 = n2.Graph;

                    if (graph != graph2)

                    var       rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
                    GridGraph gg       = graph as GridGraph;
                    if (betweenNodeCenters && gg != null)
                        // If the linecast is exactly between the centers of two nodes on a grid graph then a more optimized linecast can be used.
                        // This method is also more stable when raycasting along a diagonal when the line just touches an obstacle.
                        // The normal linecast method may or may not detect that as a hit depending on floating point errors
                        // however this method never detect it as an obstacle (and that is very good for this component as it improves the simplification).
                        return(!gg.Linecast(n1 as GridNodeBase, n2 as GridNodeBase));
                    if (rayGraph != null)
                        return(!rayGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, n1));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid.
        /// If both n1 and n2 are supplied it is assumed that the line goes from the center of n1 to the center of n2 and a more optimized graph linecast may be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool ValidateLine(GraphNode n1, GraphNode n2, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, System.Func <GraphNode, bool> filter, NNConstraint nnConstraint)
            if (useRaycasting)
                // Use raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                if (use2DPhysics)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0 && Physics2D.CircleCast(v1 + raycastOffset, thickRaycastRadius, v2 - v1, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

                    if (Physics2D.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))
                    // Perform a normal raycast
                    // This is done even if a thick raycast is also done because thick raycasts do not report collisions for
                    // colliders that overlapped the (imaginary) sphere at the origin of the thick raycast.
                    // If this raycast was not done then some obstacles could be missed.
                    // This is done before the normal raycast for performance.
                    // Normal raycasts are cheaper, so if it can be used to rule out a line earlier that's good.
                    if (Physics.Linecast(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 + raycastOffset, mask))

                    // Perform a thick raycast (if enabled)
                    if (thickRaycast && thickRaycastRadius > 0)
                        // Sphere cast doesn't detect collisions which are inside the start position of the sphere.
                        // That's why we do an additional check sphere which is slightly ahead of the start and which will catch most
                        // of these omissions. It's slightly ahead to avoid false positives that are actuall behind the agent.
                        if (Physics.CheckSphere(v1 + raycastOffset + (v2 - v1).normalized * thickRaycastRadius, thickRaycastRadius, mask))
                        if (Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(v1 + raycastOffset, v2 - v1), thickRaycastRadius, (v2 - v1).magnitude, mask))

            if (useGraphRaycasting)
                bool betweenNodeCenters = n1 != null && n2 != null;
                if (n1 == null)
                    n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v1, nnConstraint).node;
                if (n2 == null)
                    n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(v2, nnConstraint).node;

                if (n1 != null && n2 != null)
                    // Use graph raycasting to check if a straight path between v1 and v2 is valid
                    NavGraph graph  = n1.Graph;
                    NavGraph graph2 = n2.Graph;

                    if (graph != graph2)

                    var rayGraph = graph as IRaycastableGraph;
                    GridGraph gg = graph as GridGraph;
                    if (betweenNodeCenters && gg != null)
                        // If the linecast is exactly between the centers of two nodes on a grid graph then a more optimized linecast can be used.
                        // This method is also more stable when raycasting along a diagonal when the line just touches an obstacle.
                        // The normal linecast method may or may not detect that as a hit depending on floating point errors
                        // however this method never detect it as an obstacle (and that is very good for this component as it improves the simplification).
                        return(!gg.Linecast(n1 as GridNodeBase, n2 as GridNodeBase, filter));
                    if (rayGraph != null)
                        return(!rayGraph.Linecast(v1, v2, out GraphHitInfo _, null, filter));