public void Awake() { = this; }
public static void DrawCubes (Vector3[] topVerts, Vector3[] bottomVerts, Color[] vertexColors, float width) { if (active == null) { active = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(DebugUtility)) as DebugUtility; } if (active == null) throw new System.NullReferenceException (); if (topVerts.Length != bottomVerts.Length || topVerts.Length != vertexColors.Length) { Debug.LogError ("Array Lengths are not the same"); return; } //65000 limit divided by 4*6 = 24 if (topVerts.Length > 2708) { Vector3[] topVerts2 = new Vector3[topVerts.Length-2708]; Vector3[] bottomVerts2 = new Vector3[topVerts.Length-2708]; Color[] vertexColors2 = new Color[topVerts.Length-2708]; for (int i=2708;i<topVerts.Length;i++) { topVerts2[i-2708] = topVerts[i]; bottomVerts2[i-2708] = bottomVerts[i]; vertexColors2[i-2708] = vertexColors[i]; } Vector3[] topVerts3 = new Vector3[2708]; Vector3[] bottomVerts3 = new Vector3[2708]; Color[] vertexColors3 = new Color[2708]; for (int i=0;i<2708;i++) { topVerts3[i] = topVerts[i]; bottomVerts3[i] = bottomVerts[i]; vertexColors3[i] = vertexColors[i]; } DrawCubes (topVerts2,bottomVerts2,vertexColors2, width); topVerts = topVerts3; bottomVerts = bottomVerts3; vertexColors = vertexColors3; } width /= 2F; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[topVerts.Length*4*6]; int[] tris = new int[topVerts.Length*6*6]; Color[] colors = new Color[topVerts.Length*4*6]; for (int i=0;i<topVerts.Length;i++) { Vector3 top = topVerts[i] + new Vector3 (0,active.offset,0); Vector3 bottom = bottomVerts[i] - new Vector3 (0,active.offset,0);; Vector3 top1 = top + new Vector3 (-width,0,-width); Vector3 top2 = top + new Vector3 (width,0,-width); Vector3 top3 = top + new Vector3 (width,0,width); Vector3 top4 = top + new Vector3 (-width,0,width); Vector3 bottom1 = bottom + new Vector3 (-width,0,-width); Vector3 bottom2 = bottom + new Vector3 (width,0,-width); Vector3 bottom3 = bottom + new Vector3 (width,0,width); Vector3 bottom4 = bottom + new Vector3 (-width,0,width); int vIndex = i*4*6; Color col = vertexColors[i]; //Color.Lerp (,,topVerts[i].y*0.06F); // for (int c=vIndex;c<vIndex+24;c++) { colors[c] = col; } //Top vertices[vIndex] = top1; vertices[vIndex+1] = top4; vertices[vIndex+2] = top3; vertices[vIndex+3] = top2; int tIndex = i*6*6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; //Bottom vIndex += 4; vertices[vIndex+3] = bottom1; vertices[vIndex+2] = bottom4; vertices[vIndex+1] = bottom3; vertices[vIndex] = bottom2; tIndex += 6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; //Right vIndex += 4; vertices[vIndex] = bottom2; vertices[vIndex+1] = top2; vertices[vIndex+2] = top3; vertices[vIndex+3] = bottom3; tIndex += 6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; //Left vIndex += 4; vertices[vIndex+3] = bottom1; vertices[vIndex+2] = top1; vertices[vIndex+1] = top4; vertices[vIndex] = bottom4; tIndex += 6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; //Forward vIndex += 4; vertices[vIndex+3] = bottom3; vertices[vIndex+2] = bottom4; vertices[vIndex+1] = top4; vertices[vIndex] = top3; tIndex += 6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; //Back vIndex += 4; vertices[vIndex] = bottom2; vertices[vIndex+1] = bottom1; vertices[vIndex+2] = top1; vertices[vIndex+3] = top2; tIndex += 6; tris[tIndex] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+1] = vIndex+1; tris[tIndex+2] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+3] = vIndex; tris[tIndex+4] = vIndex+2; tris[tIndex+5] = vIndex+3; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh (); mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = tris; mesh.colors = colors; = "VoxelMesh"; mesh.RecalculateNormals (); mesh.RecalculateBounds (); if (active.optimizeMeshes) { mesh.Optimize (); } GameObject go = new GameObject ("DebugMesh"); MeshRenderer rend = go.AddComponent (typeof(MeshRenderer)) as MeshRenderer; rend.material = active.defaultMaterial; (go.AddComponent (typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter).mesh = mesh; }
public static void DrawCubes(Vector3[] topVerts, Vector3[] bottomVerts, Color[] vertexColors, float width) { if ( == null) { = (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(DebugUtility)) as DebugUtility); } if ( == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } if (topVerts.Length != bottomVerts.Length || topVerts.Length != vertexColors.Length) { Debug.LogError("Array Lengths are not the same"); return; } if (topVerts.Length > 2708) { Vector3[] array = new Vector3[topVerts.Length - 2708]; Vector3[] array2 = new Vector3[topVerts.Length - 2708]; Color[] array3 = new Color[topVerts.Length - 2708]; for (int i = 2708; i < topVerts.Length; i++) { array[i - 2708] = topVerts[i]; array2[i - 2708] = bottomVerts[i]; array3[i - 2708] = vertexColors[i]; } Vector3[] array4 = new Vector3[2708]; Vector3[] array5 = new Vector3[2708]; Color[] array6 = new Color[2708]; for (int j = 0; j < 2708; j++) { array4[j] = topVerts[j]; array5[j] = bottomVerts[j]; array6[j] = vertexColors[j]; } DebugUtility.DrawCubes(array, array2, array3, width); topVerts = array4; bottomVerts = array5; vertexColors = array6; } width /= 2f; Vector3[] array7 = new Vector3[topVerts.Length * 4 * 6]; int[] array8 = new int[topVerts.Length * 6 * 6]; Color[] array9 = new Color[topVerts.Length * 4 * 6]; for (int k = 0; k < topVerts.Length; k++) { Vector3 a = topVerts[k] + new Vector3(0f,, 0f); Vector3 a2 = bottomVerts[k] - new Vector3(0f,, 0f); Vector3 vector = a + new Vector3(-width, 0f, -width); Vector3 vector2 = a + new Vector3(width, 0f, -width); Vector3 vector3 = a + new Vector3(width, 0f, width); Vector3 vector4 = a + new Vector3(-width, 0f, width); Vector3 vector5 = a2 + new Vector3(-width, 0f, -width); Vector3 vector6 = a2 + new Vector3(width, 0f, -width); Vector3 vector7 = a2 + new Vector3(width, 0f, width); Vector3 vector8 = a2 + new Vector3(-width, 0f, width); int num = k * 4 * 6; Color color = vertexColors[k]; for (int l = num; l < num + 24; l++) { array9[l] = color; } array7[num] = vector; array7[num + 1] = vector4; array7[num + 2] = vector3; array7[num + 3] = vector2; int num2 = k * 6 * 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; num += 4; array7[num + 3] = vector5; array7[num + 2] = vector8; array7[num + 1] = vector7; array7[num] = vector6; num2 += 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; num += 4; array7[num] = vector6; array7[num + 1] = vector2; array7[num + 2] = vector3; array7[num + 3] = vector7; num2 += 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; num += 4; array7[num + 3] = vector5; array7[num + 2] = vector; array7[num + 1] = vector4; array7[num] = vector8; num2 += 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; num += 4; array7[num + 3] = vector7; array7[num + 2] = vector8; array7[num + 1] = vector4; array7[num] = vector3; num2 += 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; num += 4; array7[num] = vector6; array7[num + 1] = vector5; array7[num + 2] = vector; array7[num + 3] = vector2; num2 += 6; array8[num2] = num; array8[num2 + 1] = num + 1; array8[num2 + 2] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 3] = num; array8[num2 + 4] = num + 2; array8[num2 + 5] = num + 3; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = array7; mesh.triangles = array8; mesh.colors = array9; = "VoxelMesh"; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); if ( { mesh.Optimize(); } GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("DebugMesh"); MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)) as MeshRenderer; meshRenderer.material =; (gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter).mesh = mesh; }
public void Awake () { active = this; }