Exemple #1
        bool FindNextCorners(Vector3 origin, int startIndex, List <Vector3> funnelPath, int numCorners, out bool lastCorner)
            lastCorner = false;

            if (left == null)
                throw new System.Exception("left list is null");
            if (right == null)
                throw new System.Exception("right list is null");
            if (funnelPath == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("funnelPath");

            if (left.Count != right.Count)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("left and right lists must have equal length");

            int diagonalCount = left.Count;

            if (diagonalCount == 0)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("no diagonals");

            if (diagonalCount - startIndex < 3)
                //Direct path
                funnelPath.Add(left[diagonalCount - 1]);
                lastCorner = true;

                        #if ASTARDEBUG
            for (int i = startIndex; i < left.Count - 1; i++)
                Debug.DrawLine(left[i], left[i + 1], Color.red);
                Debug.DrawLine(right[i], right[i + 1], Color.magenta);
                Debug.DrawRay(right[i], Vector3.up, Color.magenta);
            for (int i = 0; i < left.Count; i++)
                Debug.DrawLine(right[i], left[i], Color.cyan);

            //Remove identical vertices
            while (left[startIndex + 1] == left[startIndex + 2] && right[startIndex + 1] == right[startIndex + 2])
                //System.Console.WriteLine ("Removing identical left and right");
                //left.RemoveAt (1);
                //right.RemoveAt (1);

                if (diagonalCount - startIndex <= 3)

            Vector3 swPoint = left[startIndex + 2];
            if (swPoint == left[startIndex + 1])
                swPoint = right[startIndex + 2];

            while (VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(origin, left[startIndex + 1], right[startIndex + 1]) || VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(left[startIndex + 1], right[startIndex + 1], swPoint) == VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(left[startIndex + 1], right[startIndex + 1], origin))
        #if ASTARDEBUG
                Debug.DrawLine(left[startIndex + 1], right[startIndex + 1], new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5F));
                Debug.DrawLine(origin, swPoint, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5F));
                //left.RemoveAt (1);
                //right.RemoveAt (1);

                if (diagonalCount - startIndex < 3)
                    //Debug.Log ("#2 " + left.Count + " - " + startIndex + " = " + (left.Count-startIndex));
                    //Direct path
                    funnelPath.Add(left[diagonalCount - 1]);
                    lastCorner = true;

                swPoint = left[startIndex + 2];
                if (swPoint == left[startIndex + 1])
                    swPoint = right[startIndex + 2];

            //funnelPath.Add (origin);

            Vector3 portalApex  = origin;
            Vector3 portalLeft  = left[startIndex + 1];
            Vector3 portalRight = right[startIndex + 1];

            int apexIndex  = startIndex + 0;
            int rightIndex = startIndex + 1;
            int leftIndex  = startIndex + 1;

            for (int i = startIndex + 2; i < diagonalCount; i++)
                if (funnelPath.Count >= numCorners)

                if (funnelPath.Count > 2000)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Avoiding infinite loop. Remove this check if you have this long paths.");

                Vector3 pLeft  = left[i];
                Vector3 pRight = right[i];

                /*Debug.DrawLine (portalApex,portalLeft,Color.red);
                 * Debug.DrawLine (portalApex,portalRight,Color.yellow);
                 * Debug.DrawLine (portalApex,left,Color.cyan);
                 * Debug.DrawLine (portalApex,right,Color.cyan);*/

                if (VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(portalApex, portalRight, pRight) >= 0)
                    if (portalApex == portalRight || VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(portalApex, portalLeft, pRight) <= 0)
                        portalRight = pRight;
                        rightIndex  = i;
                        portalApex = portalLeft;
                        apexIndex  = leftIndex;

                        portalLeft  = portalApex;
                        portalRight = portalApex;

                        leftIndex  = apexIndex;
                        rightIndex = apexIndex;

                        i = apexIndex;


                if (VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(portalApex, portalLeft, pLeft) <= 0)
                    if (portalApex == portalLeft || VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(portalApex, portalRight, pLeft) >= 0)
                        portalLeft = pLeft;
                        leftIndex  = i;
                        portalApex = portalRight;
                        apexIndex  = rightIndex;

                        portalLeft  = portalApex;
                        portalRight = portalApex;

                        leftIndex  = apexIndex;
                        rightIndex = apexIndex;

                        i = apexIndex;


            lastCorner = true;
            funnelPath.Add(left[diagonalCount - 1]);

		// Token: 0x0600265D RID: 9821 RVA: 0x001A9B00 File Offset: 0x001A7D00
		public void RecalculateCosts()
			if (this.pivots == null)
			if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None)
			this.pivotCount = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++)
				if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable))
					throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)");
			if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut)
				for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++)
					if (this.pivots[j] == null)
						throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)");
			Debug.Log("Recalculating costs...");
			this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length;
			Action<int> startCostCalculation = null;
			int numComplete = 0;
			OnPathDelegate onComplete = delegate(Path path)
				int numComplete = numComplete;
				if (numComplete == this.pivotCount)
			startCostCalculation = delegate(int pivotIndex)
				GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[pivotIndex];
				FloodPath floodPath = null;
				floodPath = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, onComplete);
				floodPath.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p)
					MeshNode meshNode = pivot as MeshNode;
					uint costOffset = 0U;
					if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connections != null)
						for (int l = 0; l < meshNode.connections.Length; l++)
							costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connections[l].cost);
					NavGraph[] graphs = AstarPath.active.graphs;
					Action<GraphNode> <>9__3;
					for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
						NavGraph navGraph = graphs[m];
						Action<GraphNode> action;
						if ((action = <>9__3) == null)
							action = (<>9__3 = delegate(GraphNode node)
								int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + pivotIndex;
								PathNode pathNode = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(node);
								if (costOffset > 0U)
									this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID == floodPath.pathID && pathNode.parent != null) ? Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0U) : 0U);
								this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID == floodPath.pathID) ? pathNode.G : 0U);
					if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && pivotIndex < this.pivots.Length - 1)
						if (this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] == null)
							int num = -1;
							uint num2 = 0U;
							int num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount;
							for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++)
								uint num4 = 1073741824U;
								for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= pivotIndex; num5++)
									num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]);
								GraphNode node2 = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node;
								if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable)
									num = n;
									num2 = num4;
							if (num == -1)
								Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations");
							this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node;
						startCostCalculation(pivotIndex + 1);
					_p.Release(this, false);
				AstarPath.StartPath(floodPath, true);
			if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut)
				for (int k = 0; k < this.pivots.Length; k++)
			this.dirty = false;
Exemple #3
        /** Simplifies a funnel path using linecasting.
         * Running time is roughly O(n^2 log n) in the worst case (where n = end-start)
         * Actually it depends on how the graph looks, so in theory the actual upper limit on the worst case running time is O(n*m log n) (where n = end-start and m = nodes in the graph)
         * but O(n^2 log n) is a much more realistic worst case limit.
         * Requires #graph to implement IRaycastableGraph
        void SimplifyPath(IRaycastableGraph graph, List <GraphNode> nodes, int start, int end, List <GraphNode> result, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint)
            if (graph == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("graph");

            if (start > end)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("start >= end");

            int ostart = start;

            int count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (count++ > 1000)
                    Debug.LogError("Was the path really long or have we got cought in an infinite loop?");

                if (start == end)

                int resCount = result.Count;

                int  mx          = end + 1;
                int  mn          = start + 1;
                bool anySucceded = false;
                while (mx > mn + 1)
                    int mid = (mx + mn) / 2;

                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mid == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mid].position;

                    if (graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit))
                        mx = mid;
                        anySucceded = true;
                        mn          = mid;

                if (!anySucceded)

                    //It is guaranteed that mn = start+1
                    start = mn;
                    //Need to redo the linecast to get the trace
                    GraphHitInfo hit;
                    Vector3      sp = start == ostart ? startPoint : (Vector3)nodes[start].position;
                    Vector3      ep = mn == end ? endPoint : (Vector3)nodes[mn].position;
                    graph.Linecast(sp, ep, nodes[start], out hit, result);

                    long penaltySum  = 0;
                    long penaltySum2 = 0;
                    for (int i = start; i <= mn; i++)
                        penaltySum += nodes[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[nodes[i].Tag] : 0);

                    for (int i = resCount; i < result.Count; i++)
                        penaltySum2 += result[i].Penalty + (path.seeker != null ? path.seeker.tagPenalties[result[i].Tag] : 0);

                    // Allow 40% more penalty on average per node
                    if ((penaltySum * 1.4 * (mn - start + 1)) < (penaltySum2 * (result.Count - resCount)) || result[result.Count - 1] != nodes[mn])
                        //Debug.Log ((penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.red);
                        //Linecast hit the wrong node
                        result.RemoveRange(resCount, result.Count - resCount);

                        start = start + 1;
                        //Debug.Log ("!! " + (penaltySum*1.4*(mn-start+1)) + " < "+ (penaltySum2*(result.Count-resCount)));
                        //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)nodes[start].Position, (Vector3)nodes[mn].Position, Color.green);
                        //Debug.Break ();
                        //Remove nodes[end]
                        result.RemoveAt(result.Count - 1);
                        start = mn;