/// <summary>
        /// Outputs the given results to a text file.
        /// </summary>
        private void OutputResults(TestResultCollection results, TestConfig config)
            StreamWriter sw;

            IEnumerable<string> dirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            if(!dirs.Contains<string>("Test Results"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Test Results/");

            try {

                sw = new StreamWriter(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Test Results/" + config.OutputFile + ".txt");
            } catch(Exception e) {
                Console.Write("Failed to open stream for test output file.\nException: " + e.Message + "\n");

            sw.Write("Test Run On: " + config.StartTime.ToLongDateString() + " at " + config.EndTime.ToLongTimeString() + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Map: " + config.MapName + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Number of Obstacles on Map: " + config.NumberOfObstacles + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Average path length: " + results.AverageLength + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Average ticks taken: " + results.AverageTicksForPath + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Test Finished On: " + config.EndTime.ToLongDateString() + " at " + config.StartTime.ToLongTimeString() + sw.NewLine);

        /// <summary>
        /// Run button click event function. This function initializes the tests, and shows the testing window dialog.
        /// </summary>
        private void buttonRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ValidateInput())
                // Check algorithm
                PathfinderAlgorithm algo = PathfinderAlgorithm.AStar;
                if (comboBoxAlgorithm.Text == "A*")
                    algo = PathfinderAlgorithm.AStar;
                else if (comboBoxAlgorithm.Text == "Dijkstra")
                    algo = PathfinderAlgorithm.Dijkstra;
                else if (comboBoxAlgorithm.Text == "Scent Map")
                    algo = PathfinderAlgorithm.ScentMap;

                // Set up the test configuration
                TestConfig config = new TestConfig(Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDownDist.Value),
                                                textBoxOutputFilename.Text, algo,

                // Run Tests...
                TestRun test = new TestRun(config);
        TestResultCollection results; // The list of results

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public TestWorker(TestConfig config)
            this.config = config;
            cancel = false;
            rand = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            results = new TestResultCollection();
            WorkerReportsProgress = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test and shows the progress window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The testing configuration to use.</param>
        public void Run(TestConfig config)
            // Show as a dialog

            // Initialize progress bar
            progressBarTests.Maximum = 100;
            progressBarTests.Minimum = 0;
            progressBarTests.Value = 0;

            // Initialize percentage label
            percLabel.Text = "0";

            // Initialize background worker
            worker = new TestWorker(config);
            worker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(workerReport);
            worker.OnComplete += new TestCompletedEventHandler(workerComplete);

            // Run background worker thread
        TestWorker worker; // The background worker, testing runs on it's own background thread

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public TestRun(TestConfig config)
            this.config = config;
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs the given results to a text file.
        /// </summary>
        private void OutputResults(TestResultCollection results, TestConfig config)
            StreamWriter sw;

            IEnumerable<string> dirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            if(!dirs.Contains<string>("Test Results"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Test Results/");

            try {
                sw = new StreamWriter(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/Test Results/" + config.OutputFile + ".txt");
            } catch(Exception e) {
                Console.Write("Failed to open stream for test output file.\nException: " + e.Message + "\n");

            sw.Write("Test Run On: " + config.StartTime.ToLongDateString() + " at " + config.EndTime.ToLongTimeString() + sw.NewLine + sw.NewLine);

            sw.Write("----- Configuration -----" + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Algorithm: " + config.Algorithm.ToString() + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Map: " + config.MapName + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Number of Obstacles on Map: " + config.NumberOfObstacles + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Manhattan distance between start and target: " + config.PathDistance + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Number of tests: " + config.NumberOfTestRuns + sw.NewLine + sw.NewLine);

            sw.Write("----- Results ----" + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Average path length: \t\t" + results.AverageLength + " (STDEV: " + results.STDEVLength + ")" + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Average nodes searched: \t" + results.AveragedNodesSearched + " (STDEV: " + results.STDEVNodesSearched + ")" + sw.NewLine);
            sw.Write("Average ms taken: \t\t" + ((double)results.AverageTicksForPath * TestResult.MS_PER_TICK) + " (STDEV: " + results.STDEVMillisecondsTaken + ")" + sw.NewLine);

 public TestCompletedArgs(TestResultCollection results, TestConfig config, bool cancelled)
     this.cancelled = cancelled;
     this.results = results;
     this.config = config;