/* * finds the path between start office and end office specified * @param end_office end office */ private Path findPath(int end_office) { CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse( CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("StorageConnectionString")); CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(container_name); Node start_node = my_graph.findNodeByOfficeNumber(start_office); Node end_node = my_graph.findNodeByOfficeNumber(end_office); MinCostPathFinder pathfinder = new MinCostPathFinder(); Path shortest_path = pathfinder.findPath(start_node, end_node); return(shortest_path); }
public void MinCostPathFinderTest() { MinCostPathFinder pathFinder = new MinCostPathFinder(); Node one = new Node(1, 0, 0); Path path1 = new Path(one); Path testPath = pathFinder.findPath(one, one); Assert.AreEqual(path1, pathFinder.findPath(one, one)); Node two = new Node(2, 0, 0); Edge onetwo = new Edge(one, two, 5.0); Path path12 = new Path(one); path12.addEdgeToPath(onetwo); Assert.AreEqual(path12, pathFinder.findPath(one, two)); Node three = new Node(3, 0, 0); Edge twothree = new Edge(two, three, 5.0); Path path123 = new Path(path12); path123.addEdgeToPath(twothree); Assert.AreEqual(path12, pathFinder.findPath(one, two)); Assert.AreEqual(path123, pathFinder.findPath(one, three)); Node four = new Node(4, 0, 0); Edge twofour = new Edge(two, four, 1.0); Assert.AreEqual(path123, pathFinder.findPath(one, three)); Edge threefour = new Edge(three, four, 1.0); Path path1243 = new Path(path12); path1243.addEdgeToPath(twofour); path1243.addEdgeToPath(threefour); Assert.AreEqual(path1243, pathFinder.findPath(one, three)); Path path3421 = new Path(three); path3421.addEdgeToPath(threefour); path3421.addEdgeToPath(twofour); path3421.addEdgeToPath(onetwo); Assert.AreEqual(path3421, pathFinder.findPath(three, one)); }