public LayoutImage(LayoutObject lObject)
            m_object = lObject;

            this.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill;

            RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(this, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);
Exemple #2
        public bool Render(DisplayInformation dpInfo, LayoutManager lm, bool isDesktopMode)
            if( m_outputPath == string.Empty)
                return false;

            Rectangle wallRect;

            if (isDesktopMode)
                wallRect = dpInfo.DesktopBounds;
                wallRect = dpInfo.Primary.Bounds;
                wallRect.X = 0;
                wallRect.Y = 0;

            //  Create the bitmap representing the wallpaper
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(wallRect.Width, wallRect.Height);

            Graphics e = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            e.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, wallRect.Width, wallRect.Height);

            foreach(KeyValuePair<int, LayoutCanvas> kvp in lm)
                LayoutCanvas canvas = kvp.Value;
                Screen screen = dpInfo.Screens[kvp.Key];

                //  Get X and Y coordinates of screen in IMAGE coordinates (taking into account
                //  the shifts required to display the image properly)
                int x = (screen.X < 0) ? wallRect.Width + screen.X : screen.X;
                int y = (screen.Y < 0) ? -screen.Y : screen.Y;

                Rectangle scrBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, screen.Width, screen.Height);

                //  Fill screen background
                if (screen.Y >= 0)
                    e.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(canvas.BackgroundColour), scrBounds);
                    Rectangle scrTop = new Rectangle(x, wallRect.Height - y, scrBounds.Width, -wallRect.Y);
                    Rectangle scrBtm = new Rectangle(x, -wallRect.Y - y, scrBounds.Width, scrBounds.Height + wallRect.Y);

                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(canvas.BackgroundColour);

                    e.FillRectangle(brush, scrTop);
                    e.FillRectangle(brush, scrBtm);

                //  Sort based on ZIndex
                LayoutObject[] clone = new LayoutObject[canvas.Count];

                for( int i = 0; i < clone.Length; i++)
                    LayoutObject lo = clone[i];

                    string trueSource = string.Empty;

                    if (canvas.IsShuffleEnabled)
                        trueSource = FileRandomizer.GetRandomFile(
                        trueSource = lo.Source;

                    Rectangle loBounds = new Rectangle(lo.X + x, lo.Y + y, lo.ActualWidth, lo.ActualHeight);

                    if (scrBounds.IntersectsWith(loBounds))
                        //  Get intersecting region
                        Rectangle intRect = Rectangle.Intersect(scrBounds, loBounds);

                        //  Resized image
                        Bitmap bmpImage;

                        if (lo.IsFlippedX || lo.IsFlippedY)
                            bmpImage = new Bitmap(loBounds.Width, loBounds.Height);
                            Graphics gb = Graphics.FromImage(bmpImage);

                            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix m = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix();

                            m.Scale((lo.IsFlippedX) ? -1 : 1, (lo.IsFlippedY) ? -1 : 1);

                                m.Translate((float)-loBounds.Width + 1, 0);

                            if (lo.IsFlippedY)
                                m.Translate(0, (float)-loBounds.Height + 1);

                            gb.Transform = m;
                            gb.DrawImage(Image.FromFile(trueSource), new Rectangle(0, 0, loBounds.Width, loBounds.Height));
                            gb = null;
                            bmpImage= new Bitmap(Image.FromFile(trueSource), loBounds.Size);

                        //  The destination rectangle has the same width and height as the intersection rect
                        //  but we must update the coordinates
                        Rectangle destRect = intRect;

                        //  Get the image's x and y coordinates relative to the screen position
                        int ix = loBounds.X - x;
                        int iy = loBounds.Y - y;

                        //  Offset the in image coords with the image coords
                        destRect.X = (ix < 0) ? x : (x + ix);
                        destRect.Y = (iy < 0) ? y : (y + iy);

                        //  Calculate the source rectangle
                        Rectangle srcRect = intRect;

                        srcRect.X = 0;
                        srcRect.Y = 0;

                        //  If the image has negative coordinates, ie, it starts off the screen, we must
                        //  set the x to equal the portion into the image thats on the screen
                        if (ix < 0) srcRect.X = (-1 * ix);
                        if (iy < 0) srcRect.Y = (-1 * iy);

                        if (screen.Y >= 0)
                            e.DrawImage(bmpImage, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                            |                +----------------+
                            |                |                |
                            +----------------+                |
                                             |                |

                            destRect.Offset(0, screen.Y);

                            Rectangle scrTop = new Rectangle(x, y + wallRect.Y, scrBounds.Width, -wallRect.Y);
                            Rectangle scrBtm = new Rectangle(x, y, scrBounds.Width, scrBounds.Height + wallRect.Y);

                            Rectangle destRectTop = Rectangle.Intersect(scrTop, destRect);
                            Rectangle destRectBtm = Rectangle.Intersect(scrBtm, destRect);

                            //  destRectBtm -> Paints ontop
                            //  destRectTop -> Paints on bottom

                            destRectTop.Y = destRect.Y + (wallRect.Height - y);
                            destRectBtm.Y = -wallRect.Y - y;

                            Rectangle srcRectTop = new Rectangle(srcRect.X, srcRect.Y, destRectTop.Width, destRectTop.Height);
                            Rectangle srcRectBtm = new Rectangle(srcRect.X, srcRect.Y + srcRectTop.Height, destRectBtm.Width, destRectBtm.Height);

                            e.DrawImage(bmpImage, destRectTop, srcRectTop, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                            e.DrawImage(bmpImage, destRectBtm, srcRectBtm, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                        bmpImage = null;


                bmp.Save(m_outputPath, m_format);
                e = null;
                bmp = null;

                return false;

            e = null;
            bmp = null;

            return true;
Exemple #3
        private void BubbleSort(LayoutObject[] array)
            int len = array.Length;

                int newn = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++ )
                    if (array[i].Z > array[i + 1].Z)
                        LayoutObject temp = array[i];
                        array[i] = array[i + 1];
                        array[i + 1] = temp;
                        newn = i + 1;

                len = newn;

            } while ( len > 1);
        private void FitObjectWidth(LayoutObject obj, Layout.Rectangle bounds)
            int newWidth = bounds.Width;
            int newHeight = (int)((double)newWidth * obj.Aspect);

            obj.ActualWidth = newWidth;
            obj.ActualHeight = newHeight;

            int y = (int)(((double)bounds.Height / 2) - ((double)newHeight / 2));

            obj.X = 0;
            obj.Y = y;
        private void FitObjectHeight(LayoutObject obj, Layout.Rectangle bounds)
            int newHeight = bounds.Height;
            int newWidth = (int)((double)newHeight / obj.Aspect);

            obj.ActualWidth = newWidth;
            obj.ActualHeight = newHeight;

            int x = (int)(((double)bounds.Width / 2) - ((double)newWidth / 2));

            obj.X = x;
            obj.Y = 0;
 private void CentreObject(LayoutObject obj, Layout.Rectangle bounds)
     obj.ActualWidth = obj.SourceWidth;
     obj.ActualHeight = obj.SourceHeight;
     obj.X = (bounds.Width / 2) - (obj.SourceWidth / 2);
     obj.Y = (bounds.Height / 2) - (obj.SourceHeight / 2);
 private void ApplyQuickLayout(LayoutObject obj, PlacementStyle style)
     switch (style)
         case PlacementStyle.Centered:
                 //  Centered
                 CentreObject(obj, m_screen.Bounds);
         case PlacementStyle.Stretched:
                 //  Stretch
                 StretchObject(obj, m_screen.Bounds);
         case PlacementStyle.FitWidth:
                 //  Fit Width
                 FitObjectWidth(obj, m_screen.Bounds);
         case PlacementStyle.FitHeight:
                 // Fit Height
                 FitObjectHeight(obj, m_screen.Bounds);
 private void StretchObject(LayoutObject obj, Layout.Rectangle bounds)
     obj.X = 0;
     obj.Y = 0;
     obj.ActualWidth = bounds.Width;
     obj.ActualHeight = bounds.Height;