Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the current set of Battle Events.
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateBattleEvents()
            //There are no more BattleEvents to update
            if (HasBattleEvents == false)

            //Update all Battle Events
            for (int i = 0; i < BattleEvents[CurHighestPriority].Count; i++)
                BattleEvent battleEvent = BattleEvents[CurHighestPriority][i];

                //Start the Battle Event if it hasn't started already
                if (battleEvent.HasStarted == false)

                if (battleEvent.IsDone == true)
                    //Remove the BattleEvent if it's finished

            //If we're done with all Battle Events with this priority, remove the priority and find the next highest priority to update
            if (BattleEvents[CurHighestPriority].Count == 0)
                CurHighestPriority = FindNextHighestBattleEventPriority();
Exemple #2
        public override void Combine(BattleEvent other)
            HealHPBattleEvent hpEvent = other as HealHPBattleEvent;

            if (hpEvent != null)
                //Add the hp heal amount onto this one
                HPHeal += hpEvent.HPHeal;
Exemple #3
        public override void Combine(BattleEvent other)
            HealFPBattleEvent fpEvent = other as HealFPBattleEvent;

            if (fpEvent != null)
                //Add the fp heal amount onto this one
                FPHeal += fpEvent.FPHeal;
        public override bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
            if (base.AreContentsEqual(other) == true)

            DeathBattleEvent deathEvent = other as DeathBattleEvent;

            return(deathEvent != null && deathEvent.Entity == Entity);
Exemple #5
        public override bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
            if (base.AreContentsEqual(other) == true)

            RevivedBattleEvent revivedEvent = other as RevivedBattleEvent;

            return(revivedEvent != null && revivedEvent.RevivedEntity == RevivedEntity);
        public override bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
            if (base.AreContentsEqual(other) == true)

            MessageBattleEvent messageEvent = other as MessageBattleEvent;

            return(messageEvent != null && messageEvent.BattleMessage == BattleMessage);
        public override bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
            if (base.AreContentsEqual(other) == true)

            WaitForAnimBattleEvent waitForAnimEvent = other as WaitForAnimBattleEvent;

            //Don't compare the animation. In cases where two or more of this event have the same priority and same entity,
            //we don't want a latter animation to override this one
            return(waitForAnimEvent != null && waitForAnimEvent.Entity == Entity);
Exemple #8
        public override bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
            if (base.AreContentsEqual(other) == true)

            //Compare the Duplighost references
            RemoveDisguiseBattleEvent disguiseEvent = other as RemoveDisguiseBattleEvent;

            if (disguiseEvent == null || disguiseEvent.DuplighostRef != DuplighostRef)

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a Battle Event to occur.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority">The priority the Battle Event has. Must be greater than or equal to 0.</param>
        /// <param name="battleEvent">The Battle Event to add.</param>
        private void AddBattleEvent(int priority, BattleEvent battleEvent)
            if (priority < 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Not adding BattleEvent because the priority's value is {priority} which is less than 0!");

            if (battleEvent == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Trying to add null BattleEvent with priority of {priority}! Not adding BattleEvent");

            //If the battle event is unique, check if one with the same contents exist
            if (battleEvent.IsUnique == true)
                if (BattleEvents.ContainsKey(priority) == true)
                    bool sameContents = BattleEvents[priority].Exists((evt) => (evt.AreContentsEqual(battleEvent) == true));
                    if (sameContents == true)
                        Debug.Log($"Not adding BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} as it has the same contents as another and is a unique event.");

            //Set the current highest priority to the priority if there are no Battle Events
            if (HasBattleEvents == false)
                CurHighestPriority = priority;

            if (BattleEvents.ContainsKey(priority) == false)
                BattleEvents.Add(priority, new List <BattleEvent>());


            Debug.Log($"Added BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} to take effect");
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Places a Battle Event on the pending list.
        /// <para>If the current BattleState matches a BattleState the Battle Event takes effect in, it will take effect immediately.
        /// Otherwise, it will wait and take effect once the current BattleState matches.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority">The priority the Battle Event has. Must be greater than or equal to 0.</param>
        /// <param name="battleStates">The BattleStates the Battle Event takes effect in. If none are specified, the event isn't added.</param>
        /// <param name="battleEvent">The Battle Event to add.</param>
        public void QueueBattleEvent(int priority, BattleGlobals.BattleState[] battleStates, BattleEvent battleEvent)
            if (priority < 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Not queueing BattleEvent because the priority's value is {priority} which is less than 0!");

            if (battleEvent == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Trying to queue null BattleEvent with priority of {priority}! Not queueing BattleEvent");

            if (battleStates == null || battleStates.Length == 0)
                Debug.LogError($"BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} was queued, but no BattleStates were specified. Not queueing.");

            //Add the Battle Event directly if the current state is the state to add it in
            if (battleStates.Contains(BManager.State) == true)
                AddBattleEvent(priority, battleEvent);
            //Otherwise put it in the pending list
                PendingBattleEvents.Add(new PendingBattleEventHolder(priority, battleStates, battleEvent));

                Debug.Log($"Queued BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority}");
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a Battle Event to occur.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority">The priority the Battle Event has. Must be greater than or equal to 0.</param>
        /// <param name="battleEvent">The Battle Event to add.</param>
        private void AddBattleEvent(int priority, BattleEvent battleEvent)
            if (priority < 0)
                Debug.LogError($"Not adding BattleEvent because the priority's value is {priority} which is less than 0!");

            if (battleEvent == null)
                Debug.LogError($"Trying to add null BattleEvent with priority of {priority}! Not adding BattleEvent");

            List <BattleEvent> bEventList = null;

            //If the battle event is combineable, find one of the same type
            if (battleEvent.IsCombineable == true)
                if (BattleEvents.TryGetValue(priority, out bEventList) == true)
                    //NOTE: Checking for same type isn't ideal; find a better way to do this sort of thing
                    //and allow possibilities of combining values with other types of Battle Events as well
                    BattleEvent combinedEvent = bEventList.Find((evt) => (evt.GetType() == battleEvent.GetType()));

                    //If we found it, combine the newly added event's contents into the existing one
                    if (combinedEvent != null)
                        Debug.Log($"Combined BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} as one it can combine with was found in the queue!");


                        //Return since we already combined the data from the battle event
            //If the battle event is unique, check if one with the same contents exist
            else if (battleEvent.IsUnique == true)
                if (BattleEvents.TryGetValue(priority, out bEventList) == true)
                    bool sameContents = bEventList.Exists((evt) => (evt.AreContentsEqual(battleEvent) == true));
                    if (sameContents == true)
                        Debug.Log($"Not adding BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} as it has the same contents as another and is a unique event.");

            //Set the current highest priority to the priority if there are no Battle Events
            if (HasBattleEvents == false)
                CurHighestPriority = priority;

            //If null, check if an entry exists exists
            if (bEventList == null)
                //If the entry doesn't exist, add a new list
                if (BattleEvents.TryGetValue(priority, out bEventList) == false)
                    bEventList = new List <BattleEvent>();
                    BattleEvents.Add(priority, bEventList);

            //Add the Battle Event

            Debug.Log($"Added BattleEvent {battleEvent} with Priority {priority} to take effect");
 /// <summary>
 /// Combines the contents of this Battle Event with the contents of another Battle Event instance of the same type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The Battle Event to combine into this one.</param>
 public virtual void Combine(BattleEvent other)
 /// <summary>
 /// Tells if this Battle Event's contents are equal to another Battle Event's contents.
 /// <para>The base behavior is to compare this Battle Event to the Battle Event passed in.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The Battle Event to compare this one to.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the contents are equal, otherwise false.</returns>
 public virtual bool AreContentsEqual(BattleEvent other)
     return(this == other);
Exemple #14
 public PendingBattleEventHolder(int priority, BattleGlobals.BattleState[] battleStates, BattleEvent battleEvent)
     Priority           = priority;
     States             = battleStates;
     PendingBattleEvent = battleEvent;
 public WaitForBattleEventSeqAction(BattleEvent battleEvent)
     BEvent = battleEvent;