Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据PagingInfo信息,返回分页后的实体集合
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">实体类型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="pageInfo">分页信息</param>
        /// <returns>实体集合</returns>
        public List <T> ToPageList <T>(PagingInfo pageInfo) where T : class, new()
            //select row_number() over (order by UpCount asc) as RowIndex,
            //    Title, Tag, [Description], Creator, CreateTime, UpCount, ReadCount, ReplyCount
            //from   CaoItem
            //where CreateTime < @CreateTime


            //select * from (
            //select row_number() over (order by UpCount asc) as RowIndex,
            //    Title, Tag, [Description], Creator, CreateTime, UpCount, ReadCount, ReplyCount
            //from   CaoItem
            //where CreateTime < @CreateTime
            //) as t1
            //where  RowIndex > (@PageSize * @PageIndex) and RowIndex <= (@PageSize * (@PageIndex+1))

            //select  count(*) from   ( select
            //-- 去掉 select row_number() over (order by UpCount asc) as RowIndex,
            //    Title, Tag, [Description], Creator, CreateTime, UpCount, ReadCount, ReplyCount
            //from   CaoItem as p
            //where CreateTime < @CreateTime
            //) as t1

            // 为了方便得到 count 的语句,先直接定位 ") as RowIndex,"
            // 然后删除这之前的部分,将 select  count(*) from   (select 加到SQL语句的前面。
            // 所以,这里就检查SQL语句是否符合要求。

            //string flag = ") as RowIndex,";
            //int p = xmlCommandText.IndexOf(flag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            //if( p <= 0 )
            //    throw new InvalidOperationException("XML中配置的SQL语句不符合分页语句的要求。");

            string xmlCommandText = _query.ToString();

            Match match = _pagingRegex.Match(xmlCommandText);

            if (match.Success == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("XML中配置的SQL语句不符合分页语句的要求。");
            int p = match.Index;

            // 获取命令参数数组
            SqlParameter[] parameters1 = _query.Command.Parameters.Cast <SqlParameter>().ToArray();
            _query.Command.Parameters.Clear();                  // 断开参数对象与原命令的关联。

            // 克隆参数数组,因为参数对象只能属于一个命令对象。
            SqlParameter[] parameters2 = (from pp in parameters1
                                          select new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = pp.ParameterName,
                SqlDbType = pp.SqlDbType,
                Size = pp.Size,
                Scale = pp.Scale,
                Value = pp.Value,
                Direction = pp.Direction

            // 生成 SELECT 命令
            string selectCommandText = string.Format(@"select * from ( {0} ) as t1 
where  RowIndex > (@PageSize * @PageIndex) and RowIndex <= (@PageSize * (@PageIndex+1))", xmlCommandText);

            CPQuery query1 = CPQuery.From(selectCommandText, parameters1);

            query1.Command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@PageIndex",
                SqlDbType     = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int,
                Value         = pageInfo.PageIndex
            query1.Command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@PageSize",
                SqlDbType     = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int,
                Value         = pageInfo.PageSize

            // 生成 COUNT 命令
            string getCountText = string.Format("select  count(*) from   (select {0}  ) as t1",
                                                xmlCommandText.Substring(p + match.Length));

            CPQuery query2 = CPQuery.From(getCountText, parameters2);

            // 执行二次数据库操作(在一个连接中)
            using (ConnectionScope scope = new ConnectionScope()) {
                List <T> list = query1.ToList <T>();
                pageInfo.TotalRecords = query2.ExecuteScalar <int>();
