public static void Init(ReportingSettings settings, string domain, string googleAnalyticsAccountCode)
			Init(settings,domain,googleAnalyticsAccountCode, true);
			Init(settings,domain,googleAnalyticsAccountCode, false);
Exemple #2
        public static void Init(ReportingSettings settings, string domain, string googleAnalyticsAccountCode)
            Init(settings, domain, googleAnalyticsAccountCode, true);
            Init(settings, domain, googleAnalyticsAccountCode, false);
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <example>
		/// UsageReporter.Init(Settings.Default.Reporting, "", "UA-11111111-2",
		///#if DEBUG
		///                true
		///                false
		///                );
		/// </example>
		/// <param name="settings"></param>
		/// <param name="domain"></param>
		/// <param name="googleAnalyticsAccountCode"></param>
		/// <param name="reportAsDeveloper">Normally this is true for DEBUG builds. It is separated out here because sometimes a developer
		/// uses a Release build of Palaso.dll, but would still want his/her activities logged as a developer.</param>
		public static void Init(ReportingSettings settings, string domain, string googleAnalyticsAccountCode, bool reportAsDeveloper)
			s_singleton = new UsageReporter();
			s_singleton._settings = settings;
			s_singleton._realPreviousVersion = settings.PreviousVersion;
			s_singleton.BeginGoogleAnalytics(domain, googleAnalyticsAccountCode, reportAsDeveloper);
			settings.PreviousVersion = ErrorReport.VersionNumberString;
			settings.PreviousLaunchDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
			s_singleton._mostRecentArea = "Initializing"; // Seems more useful to put in something in case an error occurs before app gets this set.
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <example>
 /// UsageReporter.Init(Settings.Default.Reporting, "", "UA-11111111-2",
 ///#if DEBUG
 ///                true
 ///                false
 ///                );
 /// </example>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 /// <param name="domain"></param>
 /// <param name="googleAnalyticsAccountCode"></param>
 /// <param name="reportAsDeveloper">Normally this is true for DEBUG builds. It is separated out here because sometimes a developer
 /// uses a Release build of Palaso.dll, but would still want his/her activities logged as a developer.</param>
 public static void Init(ReportingSettings settings, string domain, string googleAnalyticsAccountCode, bool reportAsDeveloper)
     s_singleton                      = new UsageReporter();
     s_singleton._settings            = settings;
     s_singleton._realPreviousVersion = settings.PreviousVersion;
     s_singleton.BeginGoogleAnalytics(domain, googleAnalyticsAccountCode, reportAsDeveloper);
     settings.PreviousVersion    = ErrorReport.VersionNumberString;
     settings.PreviousLaunchDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
     s_singleton._mostRecentArea = "Initializing";                     // Seems more useful to put in something in case an error occurs before app gets this set.
Exemple #5
		static int Main(string[] rgArgs)
			Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main thread";
			FdoCache.NewerWritingSystemFound += ComplainToUserAboutNewWs;
			// Note to developers: Uncomment this line to be able to attach the debugger to a process for a project
			// other than the initial one that gets started up in VS:
			//MessageBox.Show("Attach debugger now");
#region Initialize XULRunner - required to use the geckofx WebBrowser Control (GeckoWebBrowser).

#if __MonoCS__
				var xulRunnerLocation = XULRunnerLocator.GetXULRunnerLocation();
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xulRunnerLocation))
					throw new ApplicationException("The XULRunner library is missing or has the wrong version");
				var librarySearchPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LD_LIBRARY_PATH") ?? String.Empty;
				if (!librarySearchPath.Contains(xulRunnerLocation))
					throw new ApplicationException("LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain " + xulRunnerLocation);
				// LT-16559: Specifying a hint path is necessary on Windows, but causes a crash in Xpcom.Initialize on Linux. Go figure.
				var xulRunnerLocation = XULRunnerLocator.GetXULRunnerLocation("xulrunner");
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xulRunnerLocation))
					throw new ApplicationException("The XULRunner library is missing or has the wrong version");
				GeckoPreferences.User["gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled"] = true;
#endregion Initialize XULRunner

				Logger.WriteEvent("Starting app");
				// We need FieldWorks here to get the correct registry key HKLM\Software\SIL\FieldWorks.
				// The default without this would be HKLM\Software\SIL\SIL FieldWorks (wrong).
				RegistryHelper.ProductName = "FieldWorks";

				// Invoke does nothing directly, but causes BroadcastEventWindow to be initialized
				// on this thread to prevent race conditions on shutdown.See TE-975
				// See
#if !__MonoCS__
				SystemEvents.InvokeOnEventsThread(new Action(DoNothing));
				// TODO-Linux: uses mono feature that is not implemented. What are the implications of this? Review.
				s_threadHelper = new ThreadHelper();

				// ENHANCE (TimS): Another idea for ensuring that we have only one process started for
				// this project is to use a Mutex. They can be used for cross-process resource access
				// and would probably be less error-prone then our current implementation since it
				// doesn't use TCP connections which can get hampered by firewalls. We would probably still
				// need our current listener functionality for communicating with the other FW process,
				// so it may not buy us much.
				// See

				// Make sure we do this ASAP. If another FieldWorks.exe is started we need
				// to make sure it can find this one to ask about its project. (FWR-595)


				if (IsInSingleFWProccessMode())
					Logger.WriteEvent("Exiting: Detected single process mode");
					return 0;

				if (MigrateProjectsTo70())
					Logger.WriteEvent("Migration to Version 7 was still needed.");

				// Enable visual styles. Ignored on Windows 2000. Needs to be called before
				// we create any controls! Unfortunately, this alone is not good enough. We
				// also need to use a manifest, because some ListView and TreeView controls
				// in native code do not have icons if we just use this method. This is caused
				// by a bug in XP.

				// initialize ICU

				// initialize Palaso keyboarding

				FwAppArgs appArgs = new FwAppArgs(rgArgs);
				s_noUserInterface = appArgs.NoUserInterface;
				s_appServerMode = appArgs.AppServerMode;

				s_ui = new FwFdoUI(GetHelpTopicProvider(appArgs.AppAbbrev), s_threadHelper);

				if (Settings.Default.CallUpgrade)
					Settings.Default.CallUpgrade = false;
				var reportingSettings = Settings.Default.Reporting;
				if (reportingSettings == null)
					// Note: to simulate this, currently it works to delete all subfolders of
					// (e.g.) C:\Users\thomson\AppData\Local\SIL\FieldWorks.exe_Url_tdkbegygwiuamaf3mokxurci022yv1kn
					// That guid may depend on version or something similar; it's some artifact of how the Settings persists.
					s_noPreviousReportingSettings = true;
					reportingSettings = new ReportingSettings();
					Settings.Default.Reporting = reportingSettings; // to avoid a defect in Settings, rely on the Save in the code below

				// Allow develpers and testers to avoid cluttering our analytics by setting an environment variable (FEEDBACK = false)
				var feedbackEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FEEDBACK");
				if (feedbackEnvVar != null)
					reportingSettings.OkToPingBasicUsageData = feedbackEnvVar.ToLower().Equals("true") || feedbackEnvVar.ToLower().Equals("yes");

				// Note that in FLEx we are using this flag to indicate whether we can send usage data at all.
				// Despite its name, Cambell says this is the original intent (I think there may have been
				// some thought of adding flags one day to control sending more detailed info, but if 'basic
				// navigation' is suppressed nothing is sent). May want to consider renaming to something like
				// OkToPingAtAll, but that affects other Palaso clients.
				// The usage reporter does not currently send anything at all if the flag is false, but to make
				// sure, we don't even initialize reporting if it is false.
				// (Note however that it starts out true. Thus, typically a few pings will be sent
				// on the very first startup, before the user gets a chance to disable it.)
				if (reportingSettings.OkToPingBasicUsageData)
					UsageReporter.Init(reportingSettings, "", "UA-39238981-3",
					// Init updates various things in the ReportingSettings, such as the number of times
					// the application has been launched and the 'previous' version.

				// e.g. the first time the user runs FW8, we need to copy a bunch of registry keys
				// from HKCU/Software/SIL/FieldWorks/7.0 -> FieldWorks/8.

				// initialize client-server services to use Db4O backend
				ClientServerServices.SetCurrentToDb4OBackend(s_ui, FwDirectoryFinder.FdoDirectories);

				// initialize the TE styles path so that ScrMappingList can load default styles
				ScrMappingList.TeStylesPath = FwDirectoryFinder.TeStylesPath;

				if (appArgs.ShowHelp)
					return 0;
				else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appArgs.ChooseProjectFile))
					ProjectId projId = ChooseLangProject(null, GetHelpTopicProvider(FwUtils.ksFlexAbbrev));
					if (projId == null)
						return 1; // User probably canceled
						// Use PipeHandle because this will probably be used to locate a named pipe using
						// PipeHandle as the identifier.
						File.WriteAllText(appArgs.ChooseProjectFile, projId.Handle, Encoding.UTF8);
					catch (Exception e)
						return 2;
					return 0;

				if (!SetUICulture(appArgs))
					return 0; // Error occurred and user chose not to continue.

				if (FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKeyLocalMachine == null && FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey == null)
					// See LT-14461. Some users have managed to get their computers into a state where
					// neither HKML nor HKCU registry entries can be read. We don't know how this is possible.
					// This is so far the best we can do.
					var expected = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/SIL/FieldWorks/" + FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKeyName;
					MessageBoxUtils.Show(string.Format(Properties.Resources.ksHklmProblem, expected), Properties.Resources.ksHklmCaption);
					return 0;

				s_fwManager = new FieldWorksManager();

				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appArgs.BackupFile))
					if (s_teApp == null && s_flexApp == null)
						return 0; // Restore was cancelled or failed, or another process took care of it.
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s_LinkDirChangedTo))
							() => s_cache.LangProject.LinkedFilesRootDir = s_LinkDirChangedTo);
				else if (!LaunchApplicationFromCommandLine(appArgs))
					return 0; // Didn't launch, but probably not a serious error

				// Create a listener for this project for applications using FLEx as a LexicalProvider.
				LexicalProviderManager.StartLexicalServiceProvider(s_projectId, s_cache);

#if __MonoCS__

				// Application was started successfully, so start the message loop
			catch (ApplicationException ex)
				MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, FwUtils.ksSuiteName);
				return 2;
			catch (Exception ex)
				SafelyReportException(ex, s_activeMainWnd, true);
				return 2;
				if (Xpcom.IsInitialized)
					// The following line appears to be necessary to keep Xpcom.Shutdown()
					// from triggering a scary looking "double free or corruption" message most
					// of the time.  But the Xpcom.Shutdown() appears to be needed to keep the
					// program from hanging around sometimes after it supposedly exits.
					// Doing the shutdown here seems cleaner than using an ApplicationExit
					// delegate.
					var foo = new GeckoWebBrowser();
			return 0;